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1、本科生毕业设计(论文)任务书学号学生姓名专业毕业设计(论文)题目On Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un der the In flue nee of Their En glish Lear ning Psychology研 究 主 要 内 容 及 基 本 要 求一、主要内容:1、基于当前农村初中学生的教育和学习现状,厚重的资料分析,本文首先对研究的背景和意义进行了概述,后对学习心理和自主性学习及其相关理论,并具体延伸到农村初中生学习心理特征进行相关介绍;2、根据实证研究,

2、着重分析学习心理的不冋方面(情感、动机、意愿和归因等) 对自主学习的积极和消极方面的影响;3、基于上述理论总结提出促进学习者自主性的方法:提高学生自主意识、相关教 学策略及重视合作学习等。二、基本要求:1概念准确,层次清楚,内容正确,格式规范。2字迹工整,字迹清楚,行文流畅,无错别字。3参阅一定数量的论著和期刊等文献资料。4、参考文献在文中一定要引注,参考文献格式按照中国学术期刊(光盘版)(CAJ-CD )检索与评价数据规范(1999)标准执行。主要参考资料1 An Yongfang. A Studyon Lear ner Aut onom ous in Rural Senior High S

3、chool D.Hebei Normal Un iversity, 20072 Bai Chunyan. Investigating and Analyzing the Autonomous English Learning of the Stude nts in Junior High School D. He nan Normal Uni versity, 20123 Benson,P&P.Voller. Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning M. London:Lon gma n Publish ing Group,1997

4、4 耿改智,冯延波.关于农村初中生学习心理的调查报告J.延安教育学院学报,2003, (3): 18-195 乔华林.农村初中学生英语学习心理分析J.平顶山师专学报,2002, ( 6):75-76Schedule of writingResearch proposal: Nov. 10,£12012Dec.15 ,2012进£1First draft: Dec.16 , 2012-Janu.14h, 2013thSecond draft: Feb.17,2013th-Mar. 28 , 2013程Third draft: Mar.29th, 2013Apr.24th, 2

5、013计Forth draft: Apr.25th, 2013-May 2nd, 2013划毕业设计(论文)工作指导小组(或教研室)毕业设计(论文)工作指导小审核意见组组长(或教研室主任)签名:年月日签学生签名:年月日名指导教师签名:年月日本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告学号学生姓名学院专业选题编号届别指导教师 姓名及职称指导教师 姓名及职称中文题目农村初中生英语学习心理影响下的自主学习研究外文题目On Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un der theIn flue nee

6、 of Their En glish Lear ning PsychologyLiterature reviewIn China, the number of rural middle school students is much more than that of urba n stude nts. However, there exist more obstacles and hin dra nces among rural middle school students such as the vile Ianguage learning environments, shortage o

7、f English teachers and the scarcity of Ianguage facilities. Those hindrances will affect the rural middle school stude nts 'ear ning con ducts especially their lear ning psychology.According to the Oxford Advanc ed Learner ' s EngCChnese Dictionary (The 7 Editi on), psychology is the kind of

8、 mind that sb has that makes them think or behave in a particular way or how the mind in flue nces behavior in a particular area of life. I ndeed, lear ning psychology, particularly En glish lear ning psychology has a powerful impact on rural middle school students autonomous English learning.Nowada

9、ys, people have to lear n through their own life un der the fast developme nt of the society. It is necessary for people to accept life-long education in the modern society, in light of what the stude nts have lear ned at school is not eno ugh to meet their n eeds of survival and developme nt in the

10、 later life (Bai Chunyan, 2012). Con seque ntly, aut onom ous lear ning (AL) is a new dema nd on En glish teach ing.The term autonomy has acquired many different shades of meaning. Littlewood defines autonomy in educational terms as “hvolving students' capacity to use their learning independent

11、of teachers ”(1999:73). Nevertheless, it is obvious that no students will be accompa nied by their teachers throughout life and aut onomy is an irrefutable goal for lear ners everywhere.Ryan makes a similar point thatautonomy is a process of elf-determination ' orself-regulatio n '"(Lu

12、Xiaoli, 2002). Accordi ng to Dicki nson ' (1987) defi nition of aut onom y, it is a situati on in which the lear ner is totally resp on sible for all of the decisi on concerned with his or her lear ning and the impleme ntati on of those decisi ons.The term Autonomous learning ” was put forward b

13、y Holec at the earliest (Bai Chu nya n, 2012). Holec (1981:3) defi nes it as the ability to take charge of one 'learni ng, namely make decisions on issues related to his or her own learning ".Yu Wensen (1999) thinks autonomous learning is being active to learn. Some researchers even conside

14、r promoting AL as the ultimate goal of education. In the process of learning, AL presents as "Ineed to learn”. And that is based on an internal need which contains learning interests and learning responsibility of the students' study. Furthermore, learning independently is an effective way

15、for students to learn.In 1980s, the concept of " learneautonomy ” was put forward and AL has been prevailing in the Ianguage field. What ' more AL has been a buzzword since 1990s, anddomestic and foreig n scholars have done a great deal of studies on it.There are some differe nces in descri

16、b ing the characteristics of AL. Some one holds his opinions that aut onom ous lear ners should be able to find the reas on of their studies and be resp on sible for them and have strong con fide nee and believe that work ing hard will make con sta nt success. In his view, lear ners can set an effec

17、tive lear ning goal, pla n their future, have eno ugh strategies to mon itor their studies and con trol their lear ning process and so forth.Dicki nso n(1993:330-331) ide ntified five characteristics of in depe nde nt(aut onom ous) lear ner:1) They un dersta nd what is being taught.2) They are able

18、to formulate their lear ning objectives.3) They are able to select and make use of appropriate lear ning strategies.4) They are able to mon itor their use of these strategies.5) They are able to self-access, or mon itor their own lear ning.开题 报 告内容It is apparent to all that rural middle school stude

19、nts learning psychology has obvious features of the age. From previous studies, there are several factors acco unting for their lear ning psychology features. They are educati onal value, attitude to lear ning, learning needs and learning goals. In a recent survey, rural middle school students learn

20、ing psychology is quite disti net from the past (Ge ng Gaizhi, Feng Yan bo, 2003). The education value tends to be varied, pragmatic and utilitarian. However, learning needs present vertical multilevel and horizontal objectives. Although learning objectives are clear, they reflect the subjectivity a

21、nd in coord in ati on.Different from earlier in vestigati on which focused on expla ining curre nt situati ons and features of middle school students psychology, this thesis will analyze the rural middle school students' English learning psychology which includes emotion, motivation, will, attri

22、bution, ect. Apart from drawing conclusions from the analysis and study of its in flue nee on the aut onom ous En glish lear ning, it will put forward some suggesti ons about how to improve the rural junior middle school stude nts' aut onom ousEn glish lear ning abilities.Thus, for the purpose o

23、f knowing about the English learning psychology of the rural junior middle school stude nts, as well as the in flue nee on their aut onom ous En glish, the study aims to an swer the follow ing research questi ons:1) What is the curre nt En glish lear ning psychology situati on of the rural junior mi

24、ddle school stude nts?2) What are the factors of the English learning psychology affecting rural junior middle school students ' autonomy?In the pursuit of a suitable methodology, qualitative research and qua ntitative research was discovered to be the most appropriate approach for inquiring the

25、 method of tran slat ing En glish idioms. In additi on to this, this thesis also comb ines both qua ntitative and qualitative research methods. With data collect ion and data an alysis, this article is arran ged in seque nee.皿 Key pointsThe core of this treatise is to dissert on the research backgro

26、und, students' En glish lear ning psychology, theories on AL un der the in flue nee of lear ning psychology and method of this study. First of all, this thesis will make a brief in troduct ion of this study 's backgro und and sig ni fica nee. Next, theories on lear ning psychology and autono

27、mous learning will be expounded. Importanee will be attached to the in flue nee of En glish lear ning psychology on En glish aut onom ous learning. Furthermore, this thesis will analyze approaches to promote learner aut onomy from their aware ness, teachi ng strategies and group work.IV OutlineIn tr

28、oduct ion1. In troduction to this Study1.1 Backgrou nd of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 The Overall Structure of the Thesis2. Theories on Lear ning Psychology2.1 The Characteristics of Middle School Students ' Learning Psychology2.2 The Characteristics of English Learning Psychology

29、among Rural Middle School Stude nts3. Theories on Aut onom ous Lear ning3.1 The Defin iti on of Aut onom ous Lear ning3.2 The Characteristics of Aut onom ous Lear ning4. The In flue nee of En glish Lear ning Psychology on En glish Aut onom ous Lear ning in Rural Junior Middle School4.1 Survey among

30、Stude nts4.2 PositiveIn flue nee ofEn glishLear ningPsychology onEn glishAut onom ous Lear ning4.3 NegativeIn flue nee ofEn glishLear ningPsychology onEn glishAut onom ous Lear ning5 Approaches to Promote Lear ner Aut onomy5.1 Rais ing Stude nts' Aware ness of Aut onom ous Lear ning5.2 Teachi ng

31、 Strategies for Promoti ng Aut onom ous Lear ning Ability5.3 Putt ing Strong Emphasis on Group Work Con clusi onV Bibliography1 An Yongfang. A Study on Learner Autonomous in Rural Senior High School D. Hebei Normal University, 2007开题 报 告内容2 Bai Chunyan. In vestigati ng and An alyz ing the Aut onom o

32、us En glish Lear ning of the Stude nts in Junior High School D. He nan Normal Uni versity, 20123 Benson,P&P.Voller. Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning M. London:Lon gma n Publish ing Group,19974 Dicks on, L. Lear ner Autonomy: Lear ner Training for Lan guage Lear ning M. Dublin: Auth

33、entik.1992.5 Ding Feng. What is learner aut on omy, why and how to promote it?J. 1994-2012. .6 Gardner, R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning M. London: Edward Arnold,19867 He Ling. A Study of English Learning Strategies Employed by the Rural Junior School Stude nts in An hui Provi nee

34、 J.Overseas En glish, 2011. (11):18-218 Holec,H. Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning M. Oxford:Pergamon. 1981:5.9 Jia ng Xia. Lear ner Aut onomy in Middle School En glish Study D. Lia oning Normal Un iversity, 200410 Jon ath on E. Lars on. Educati onal Psychology: Cogn iti on and Lear ning, In di

35、vidual Differences and Motivation M.New York: Nova Scienee Publishers, Inc, 200911 Lu Hongye. An Empirical Study of High School Students' Psychological Status inEn glish Learni ng D. Hunan Normal Uni versity, 200712 Lu Xiaoli. Develop ing the Aut onom ous Lear ning of the Stude nts in Middle Sch

36、ool En glish Study D. Sha nxi Normal Un iversity, 200213 Rod Ellis. The Study of Seco nd Lan guage Acquisiti on M.Sha nghai: Sha nghai Foreig n Lan guage Educatio n Press,199914 Sun Yun. A Study of Stude nts ' Auto no mous En glish Learni ng in Middle School D. Zhenjiang University, 200515 Wen H

37、ong. A Empirical Research on Teaching Strategies for Students' Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning in rural Junior D. Hunan Normal Uni versity, 201016 Wu Jidong. An Investigation of ELSs Employed by JMSSs in Chinese Rural Sett in gs J.CELEA Journal (Bimo nthly), 2009. (2):53-6517 Xia ng Yun. A Revie

38、w of Lear ner Aut onomy in Lan guage Lear ning J. Overseas En glish, 2012. (13):90-9218 Yang Yicang. Analysis of the Factors Affecting English Learning among Rural School Stude nts and Suggested Cou ntermeasures J. 1994-2012. http:/www.c nki. net.19 Zhang Rui. A Correlation Study of Psychological Re

39、actanee and English Achieveme nt of Middle School Stude nts D. Hubei Un iversity of Techno logy, 201220 陈谦.影响学生学习心理的因素及对策J.泰州职业技术学院学报,2005,( 2 ):53-55-开题 报 告内 容21 邓红,高晓明农村中学生学习心理及影响因素研究J.现代中小学教育,2009,(1): 63-6622 耿改智,冯延波关于农村初中生学习心理的调查报告J.延安教育学院学报,2003,( 3): 18-1923 鲁伟明城郊初级中学学生学习心理的调查与分析J.宁波教育学院学报,20

40、05,( 1): 60-6824 乔华林侬村初中学生英语学习心理分析J.平顶山师专学报,2002,( 6):75-7625 王旭.浅谈农村中学生英语自主学习能力培养N.学知报,2010,( 2): 1-326 叶金香当代中学生的心理特征及对策J.江西教育科研,2001,( 11): 21-2227 余文森让学生发挥自学潜能,让课堂焕发生命活力J.教育研究,1999,(3):15-17学号学生姓名专业英语(师范)毕业设计 (论文)题目On Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un

41、der the In flue nee of Their En glish Lear ning Psychology时间自2012年11月10日至 2012年12月15日进自2012年9月6日被分配到江西省九江市九江县黄老门中学实习两个月左右以来,在与农村中学学生接触的过程中,逐渐发现农村中学学生在学习英语的过程展中出现了呈现了一系列不同的学习心理特点,同时影响了其学习的主动性。在实习结束后,初步确定了论文的研究方向,通过各种渠道查找资料(网络、情书籍),冋时分析所作的相关的调查问卷、成绩情况记录等,着重搜集已做的相关 农村初中学生的心理特点和初中学生学习主动性的研究。确定了论文的题目,并根况

42、据所查找的资料,对论文有了个初步的想法,就在老师的指导下撰写了开题报告。记录学生签名:年月日指论文作者在这段时间能积极主动地查找相关资料,整理读书笔记,确定了论文导的选题并提交了开题报告。根据开题报告,确定基本写作思路和可行性方案,拟写教初稿。师意见指导教师签名:年月日学号学生姓名专业英语(师范)毕业设计 (论文)题目On Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un der the In flue nee of Their En glish Lear ning Psychology

43、时间自2012年12月16日至 2013年1 月14日开题报告写出来后,论文的整体框架也就清晰了很多。经过老师对论文开题报进告的修改,发现自己在论文格式及论文设计上并不很严谨,论文内容目录设置上并没有很清晰的层次结构, 存在一定的矛盾性。 论文题目翻译成中文也出现了释义错展误,应译为自主学习。自己好好反思了相关问题的原因:其实一开始在查找文献资料的时候就发现自情己查找资料的数量有限,尽管有许多研究(农村)初中生学习心理和初中学生自主学习的文献,但具体把学习心理和自主学习联系起来的文献却是少之又少。内容表况达显得太过表面化,不够深入。在总结问题和遇到的困难后,我再次翻找更多的相关资料希望找到更多

44、的信记息,并在开题报告文献综述部分和目录部分做了适当修改以求全面,有了开题报告论文初稿完成了。作基础,论文正文写起来还算是得心应手。经过一个多月的时间,录学生签名:年月日指导在导师的指导下,元成J初稿。对初稿要特别注意乂早结构的合理性,论证仃乂教的逻辑性,严密性条理性和规范性。做到文早观点鲜明,结构合理,论证充分有力,师行文流畅。意见指导教师签名:年月日学号学生姓名专业英语(师范)毕业设计 (论文)题目On Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un der the In flue

45、 nee of Their En glish Lear ning Psychology时间自2012年11月10日至 2013年3 月28日根据指导老师对论文初稿的仔细认真修改,冋时和冋学交流分析, 发现自己在进论文目录及具体内容设置上欠缺合理性。尤其是第四章的大小标题设置,存在一定的矛盾性。大标题写的是“农村学习自主学习的影响因素”,可小标题在分析了影展响因素之后又“南辕北辙”地分析了英语学习心理对英语自主学习的影响(结果)。情发现这个重大错误后,我及时对内容进行了整合、增减和修改,同时对个别语法错 误订正。对于老师指出的格式错误重新排版。况除此之外,按照规定的格式(内容、书名、作者、出版社

46、、出版时间、页码)记开始撰写读书笔记。在写读书笔记的过程中,自己也有了进一步的收获和认识。完 成了论文二稿。一段时间之后,老师把修改过的论文还给我,虽然论文的整体布局录和主要思想没什么问题,还是发现论文中还有些打印、格式和拼写等疏忽,以及有些内容在排序上还要进行调整。适当修改后,进行中期小结,完成了论文二稿。学生签名:年月日指导根据导师的修改意见,确定论文的修改方案。如补充材料,明确中心思想,并教深化研究主题,提升学术观点。论文作者能根据导师指出的论文存在的不足进行及师时的修改和补充,并针对性地阅读了相关的资料,取得了较好的效果。意见指导教师签名:年月日学号学生姓名专业英语(师范)毕业设计On

47、 Aut onom ous En glish Lear ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un der the(论文)题目In flue nee of Their En glish Lear ning Psychology时间自2013年1月14日至2013年4月24 日经过论文指导老师周老师的耐心地反复修改,论文终于即将“修成正果”。虽进然此次又出现了小错误,但总体来说论文是达标的。对“农村初中生英语学习心理影响下的自主学习研究”也做出了定的成果。论文总算完善和定稿了。展在分析了研究的背景及意义之后,分析了学习心理和自主学习的相

48、关理论,再情着重研究农村背景下的学习心理对自主学习的影响,提出了促进自主学习者的方法,着重强调了小组合作学习。当然论文整体来说还不是特别深入,在创新理论上况并没有很突出。针对学生心理影响自主学习的状况,作为英语教师应该适当提供教记学策略,这样才能促进英语教学与学习的发展进步。录学生签名:年月日指导本阶段为论文的完善阶段。在这一阶段,论文作者态度认真,对论文进行了反教复修改和润色,使论文格式基本规范,文中无重大语法和拼写错误,完成了一篇合师格的学士学位论文,建议认真做好答辩准备工作。意见指导教师签名:年月日学号学生姓名专业英语(师范)毕业设计On Aut onom ous En glish Le

49、ar ning of the Rural Junior Middle School Stude nts un der the(论文)题目In flue nee of Their En glish Lear ning Psychology时间自 2012年 11 月10 日至 2013 年5月 2日作为英语师范的学生,为了选择一个很好的毕业研究课题以完成毕业论文的撰写,在2012年9月初至2012年11月中旬期间实习英语教学和实习班主任的过程中,注意观察英语课堂上学生的反应和课后表现,逐步确定了相关的研究主题,即研究农村学生学习心理与其自主学习的关系。工因此进行了相关的问卷调查,抽选了初中三个年级男女不冋的一百名学生有针对性地调查冋卷。通过冋卷、访谈、适当家访、详细记录学生的课堂、作业、考试作成绩等方式深入了解了农村初中生的英语学习心理特点及其影响下的学习主动性。冋时在上网搜集相关文献资料的过程中,发现了现今农村初中学生的学习背景及状总况:受主客观因素的影响,学生学习心理特征呈现四种类型(超我、自我、消沉、结逆反),而农村初中学生像普通初中学生一样,他们的学习心理包括情感、动机、意愿和归因等。而这些学习心理因素在一定程度上影响了学生的学习主动性,无论积极或是消极方面,都很好地解释了农村学生在英语学习中的具体表现。在此


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