1、 图书馆网络化对管理员素质的提升Library network administrators qualities of ascension 摘要:网络化环境下,图书馆的发展和工作要求发生了很大变化,分析了网络化图书馆发生转变的特征,总结出网络化图书管理人员应该具有的必备素质,然后从实际出发,提出了网络化图书文献管理中管理员素质提升的实施途径和方法。Abstract: under the network environment, the development of the library and the job requires great changes have taken place,
2、analyzed the characteristics of the networked library change, summed up the network library management staff should have the qualities required of, and then from the reality, proposed the network literature management administrator in the quality promotion of the implementation of the way and method
3、. 关键词:网络化;图书馆管理;管理员素质Key words: network; Library management; Manager quality 现阶段,我国大多数图书馆正处于传统馆藏与现代网络、信息技术相结合使用的阶段,图书馆网络大多数是局域网或广域网,馆藏信息资源仍以纸质印刷文献为主,馆藏数量与图书馆面积仍是衡量图书馆规模与实力的重要指标,而电子文献主要是馆藏书目信息数据库、读者信息数据库、流通数据库。网络信息化功能主要有馆藏图书查询借阅管理、图书预约、个人账户查询、超期罚金管理、读者建议与反馈、网络资源整合与更新、数据库试用、数据库维护、电子阅览维护等。Most librarie
4、s at present, our country is in the combination of traditional library and modern network and information technology use phase, the library network most is a LAN or wan, dominated by print literature information resources of library, collection quantity and the area is still is an important indicato
5、r of evaluating library size and strength, and electronic literature mainly library bibliographic information database, readers information database, distribution database. Network information technology functions mainly include query collection books lending management, book an appointment, individ
6、ual account query, are the fine management, Suggestions and feedback of readers, and network resources integration and update, the database, database maintenance, electronic reading room maintenance trial, etc. 而今,电脑技术、网络技术、信息通讯技术及多媒体技术的快速发展与结合,极大的推进与支撑了现代图书馆的建设与发展,有效地构建起图书馆运转的网络化、数字化平台,打破了图书馆服务受地域、
7、馆舍、时间、载体、传播方式等方面的限制,使图书馆运转从传统馆藏借阅环境进入一个开放的社会化的网络环境,根本上改变了传统的信息传递和信息处理方式,并促使图书馆建设与服务最终向基于因特网信息支持的数字化图书馆方向发展。Today, computer technology, network technology, information and communication technology and the rapid development of multimedia technology and the combination of great advance and support the
8、construction and development of modern library, effectively build up the library operation platform for the network, digital, broke the library services by region, library collection, time, carrier, mode of transmission constraints, the operation from the traditional library borrowing environment in
9、to an open social network environment, and fundamentally changed the traditional way of information transmission and information processing, and promote library construction and service in the end to develop in the direction of digital library based on Internet information support. 在网络化、信息化条件下,图书馆工作
10、与建设要紧跟时代发展步伐,与先进支撑技术相适应,逐步向馆藏数字化、管理自动化、服务信息化和信息资源共享网络化方向发展,这就需要努力探索、大胆进行改革和创新,内容包括网络化图书馆软硬件建设、管理体制与理念改革与转变、图书馆管理人员素质与水平的提升建设以及图书馆学科化、专业化和个性化等方向特色建设等。下面就现今网络化图书馆特征下,图书馆管理中管理员必备素质及素质提升的途径与方法进行探讨和分析。Under the condition of network and information, library work and the construction should follow the pace
11、 of development, and advanced technology support, step by step to the library management automation, digital and service develop in the direction of informatization and networking of information resources sharing, which requires efforts to explore, bold reform and innovation, the content including s
12、oftware and hardware construction, the management system of the networked library and concept reform and transition, the library management quality and level of construction and disciplinization, specialization and individuation and so on library characteristic construction, etc. Here are today'
13、s networked library features, library administrators qualities required in the management and quality promotion ways and methods were discussed and analyzed. 一、网络化图书馆的转变特征the characteristic of the transition of the networked library网络化环境下,图书馆所处的信息环境与特征发生了巨大的变化,主要表达在以下几个方面。Under network environment,
14、library information environment and the characteristics of great changes have taken place, mainly reflected in the following respects. 从服务对象来看,图书馆的社会功能和社会责任越来越引起人们的重视,其服务对象已从先前较普遍的学校师生向社会大众延伸,在现今知识爆炸的时代和终身学习的观念下,越来越多的普通大众在有意识地利用网络图书馆丰富的信息资源,不断提高和充实自己。From the point of service object, the library'
15、;s social function and social responsibility increasingly aroused people's attention, its service object is already from the previous common school teachers and students to the society, in the current era of knowledge explosion and the concept of lifelong learning, more and more ordinary people
16、consciously in the use of network library rich information resources, continuously improve and enrich myself. 从信息服务内容来看,从传统的馆藏查询、借阅已扩展到电子资源的检索服务、网上信息资源的导航服务、信息传递、电子邮件服务、专利查询、网上咨询等动态服务;信息种类不再局限于读者所需的图书、期刊、报纸,已扩展到科技报告、产品样本、专利文献等。From the point of information service content, from the traditional libra
17、ry query, borrowing has expanded to electronic resources retrieval service, online information resource navigation service, information transfer, electronic mail services, patent dynamic query, online consulting services; Required information types are no longer confined to the readers of books, per
18、iodicals, newspapers, has been extended to science and technology reports, product samples, patent documents, etc. 从信息服务的领域看,已从较单一的教学、科研所涉及的领域扩展到自然科学和社会科学的更广泛各个领域,学科范围和知识点更多更广。From the field of information service, has grown from a single teaching and scientific research areas extend to a broader fi
19、elds of natural science and social science, disciplines and knowledge points more wider range. 从信息服务的载体看,已从单一的印刷型图书、期刊发展到电子图书、电子期刊、全文数据库等数字化信息资源,呈现出多元化的特征。Look from the carrier of information service, has grown from a single printed books, journals to electronic books, electronic journal and full-te
20、xt database such as digital information resources, and shows the characteristics of diversification. 从服务模式来看,已由单向的提供转变为双向互动,从单一的借阅、导读发展到对原始文献的二次分析、研究和整理,信息需求者更多的主动参与到信息的检索与提取过程中。From the point of service mode, has been provided by the one-way into bidirectional interaction, from a single library, gu
21、ide development to the secondary analysis of the original literature, research and sorting, information demanders more actively involved in the information retrieval and extraction process. 从馆藏资源来看,已从传统意义上的实体馆藏扩大到基于因特网的虚拟馆藏,其中实体馆藏是指图书馆所拥有的以不同的实物载体形式而存在的各种印刷型文献、声像文献、缩微文献及电子文献等;虚拟馆藏是指图书馆只有使用权,本馆读者必须借助
22、电脑通信网络等才可以利用的本馆以外的数字化信息资源的总和。From the point of collection resources, has expanded from traditional entity collection to virtual collections based on the Internet, which in different collection refers to the entities have existed in the form of physical carrier and all kinds of printed literature, au
23、dio-visual, miniature literature and electronic literature, etc.; Only use virtual collection refers to the library, library reader must with the help of computer communication network, etc. Can be used outside of library digital information resources are combined. 二、网络图书馆管理员的必备素质the network library
24、 administrators qualities required. 网络信息时代,图书馆的发展很大程度上取决于是否拥有一支业务能力强、综合素质好的图书信息管理队伍。图书馆管理人员在具备传统图书管理的优良素质的同时,网络信息技术对图书管理人员的专业技能和信息数字化管理水平也提出了更高的要求。针对网络化图书馆的转变特征,为适应新时代网络化、数字化图书馆的建设和发展,一个合格的网络图书馆管理人员在管理中应具备以下综合素质。Network information age, the development of the library depends largely on whether to ha
25、ve a business ability, good comprehensive quality book information management team. Library management in the traditional books management excellent quality at the same time, network information technology to the expertise and information digitization management of librarians level are also put forw
26、ard higher request. According to the change characteristics of networked library, in order to adapt to the new era of network, the construction and development of digital library, a qualified network library management personnel should possess the following comprehensive quality in the management. 1
27、思想道德素质The ideological and moral qualities 思想道德素质是网络图书管理员做好图书管理工作的最基本要求,是图书管理工作的前提和保障,应做到以下几个方面。Ideological and moral qualities is the network the minimum requirements for the librarian to do a good job of books management, books management work is the premise and guarantee, should do the following s
28、everal aspects. 1强烈的事业心。图书馆馆藏资源是人类社会生活和历史文化的记录和总汇,是各行各业的人们进行学习和参考的知识源泉,承担着传播人类文明和智慧结晶的使命,图书管理员要意识到自己所从事工作的重要作用和意义,充分认识到自己的工作在现代化建设中的地位和作用,因而要树立正确的人生观和价值观,热爱自己的职业,做到爱岗敬业,干好干精,更好地发挥自己在经济发展和社会进步过程中的职能作用。strong career-ambition. Library collection is the record of human social life and historical and cul
29、tural resources and club, is people from all walks of life to learn and reference the source of knowledge, taking on the mission of dissemination of human civilization and wisdom crystallization, the librarians to realize important role and significance of his work fully to realize his own work in t
30、he position and role of the modernization construction, thus to set up the correct outlook on life and values, love their career, wuxi, doing good, better play to their function in the process of economic development and social progress. 2高度的责任感。图书管理员从事的既是一项学术性、技术性、创造性都很强的工作,同时也是一项复杂、细致、繁琐而又默默无闻的工作,
31、需要管理员具备严谨细致的作风和埋头苦干的精神,具有高度的责任感和尽心、耐心、细心的工作态度。high sense of responsibility. Is a librarian in academic, technical, creative, strong work, is also a complex work, careful, complicated and obscure, require administrator have rigorous and meticulous attitude and hard work spirit, high sense of responsi
32、bility and diligent, patience and careful work attitude. 3服务第一,读者至上的信念。管理员良好的服务态度是提高服务效率的基本保证,图书文献管理工作要一切以读者为中心,读者至上,做到热情周到、积极主动,耐心细致,想读者之所想,急读者之所急,以服务读者为荣,以读者满意为准。service first, the supremacy of the reader. Administrator good service attitude is the basic guarantee, improve the service efficiency o
33、f books document management work to all readers as the center, customer-focused, enthusiasm thoughtful, proactive, patient, careful, want want to readers, readers are eager, to serve the readers, the readers satisfaction shall prevail. 2.良好的心理素质Good psychological quality 图书文献管理员的工作性质决定了要与年龄、职业、文化层次、
34、兴趣爱好等不同的读者打交道,为读者提供信息和资料,并从他们那里获得反馈信息。这需要具有良好的心理素质,要具有心理耐压、心理应急、心理平衡能力,具有较强的语言表达能力、人际交流和沟通能力,这样才能与读者和用户建立起一种互相信任、相互理解的相容愉悦关系,维护图书管理的良好形象。Books document administrator of the nature of the work and decided to age, occupation, cultural level, hobbies, etc. Different readers, for readers to provide info
35、rmation and data, and get feedback from them. It needs to have good psychological quality, have psychological pressure, psychological emergency, psychological balance ability, has the strong language expression ability, interpersonal communication and communication ability, such ability with readers
36、 and users to establish a kind of the compatible pleasure relationship of mutual trust, mutual understanding, maintain the good image of the library. 3.专业技能素质Professional skill 专业文化技能素质是图书馆管理员做好管理工作的根本要求,是胜任本职工作的必要保证,应具有以下知识技能。Professional skills quality culture is the fundamental requirement of the
37、 librarian to do a good job of management, necessary guarantee is competent for his job and should have the following knowledge and skills. 1扎实的专业基础知识。一个合格的图书管理员首先要熟练掌握图书馆基础知识和基本技能,了解图书馆的功能、构成、作用等,熟知图书、期刊等纸质文献和电子文献的分类和检索知识,掌握图书学、版本学、文献学、信息检索、分类编目等专业知识。solid professional basic knowledge. A qualified
38、librarian, first of all, to master basic knowledge and basic skills, library knowledge library of function, composition, function, etc., known as books, journals and other paper documents and electronic literature classification and retrieval of knowledge, master the book study, edition study, docum
39、ent and information retrieval, classification, cataloguing and other professional knowledge. 2电脑网络和信息通讯知识。在网络环境下,图书馆的图书管理工作是以电脑的应用为核心的,并辅以缩影、光盘、声像、通讯等新技术,针对读者需求,开展电子资源的检索服务、网上信息资源的导航、信息传递、电子邮件推送、拓展专利查询、网上咨询等服务形式,形成了高密度存贮、远程传输、快速检索的图书情报处理特点,这就要求管理员不仅有扎实和丰富的图书馆基础专业知识,还要掌握电脑使用操作技术、网络通讯技术、数据库技术、系统开发和维护、
40、信息存储技术、信息检索与处理技术、多媒体技术等,从而对管理员提出了更高的素质要求。computer networks and information and communication knowledge. Under the network environment, the management of books in the library work in the computer application as the core, supplemented by miniature, disks, audio-visual, communications and other new tec
41、hnology, in view of the readers needs, electronic resources retrieval services, Internet information resource navigation, information transfer, electronic mail, extend patent query, online consulting services such as form, form the high density storage, remote transmission, rapid retrieval, and info
42、rmation processing characteristics, which requires the administrators not only have a solid foundation for professional knowledge and rich library, but also master computer operation technology, network communication technology, database technology, system development and maintenance, information st
43、orage technology, information retrieval and information processing technology, multimedia technology and so on, thus puts forward higher quality requirements to the administrator. 3丰富的外语知识。作为网络化图书馆的图书管理人员还要掌握外语知识,提高服务水平。虽然多数图书馆均有一定数量的外文文献,但这些外文文献的利用率并不高,主要原因之一是图书管理员和读者对外文文献种类、内容不太了解。因此,图书管理员只有具备了一定的
44、外语素质,才能将外文文献、外文数据库有效地处理并推介给读者,才能在互联网上搜索更多有价值的外文资源为读者服务。the knowledge of foreign languages. As a networked library books management personnel to master foreign language knowledge, improve the level of service. Although most libraries have a certain amount of foreign literature, but the utilization of
45、 foreign literature is not high, one of the main reason is the librarians and readers in foreign language literature category, content don't understand. Librarians, therefore, only have a certain quality of foreign language, to foreign language literature, foreign language database effectively d
46、ealt with and introduce to the readers, can search on the Internet more valuable resources in a foreign service for readers. 三、管理员综合素质的提升途径,administrator of comprehensive quality promotion way网络化、信息化的图书馆工作条件下,要求图书管理员必须具备上述综合素质,才能适应图书馆的建设、改革与发展步伐,才能从容应对图书馆各项管理工作,更好服务于读者。这要求网络化图书管理员通过多种途径不断提高发展自己,找出差距
47、,迎头赶上。Library work under the condition of network, informationization, demands the librarians must possess the above quality, to meet the needs of the library construction, reform and development, to calmly deal with the management of the library work and better serve the readers. This requires netw
48、orking librarians to constantly improve their development, through various channels to find out gap and catch up. 1在岗自学。大多数图书管理人员不便参加脱产学习,更好的形式是自学。图书管理人员可在各自的工作岗位上结合本人实际和具体的业务工作,充分利用图书馆资源优势学习新知识、学习新技术。把业务学习当作经常工作去抓,并不断将所学知识和技术运用到实际工作中,在工作中加深对所学知识和技术的理解和运用。 the on-the-job self-study. Most librarians
49、inconvenience to attend off-job learning, better is in the form of self-study. Books management personnel can work in their respective positions on the combination of practical and specific business work, make full use of library resources to learn new knowledge, learn new technology. Business learn
50、ing as often work to grasp, and continue to apply knowledge and technology practice, in the work to deepen the understanding of knowledge and technology and application. 2积极参加学术交流活动。在条件允许的情况下,应尽可能多地派人参加各种级别的学术交流活动,以促进管理人员整体学术水平的提高。图书馆应给管理员营造一种学术氛围,支持和鼓励有科研能力的管理人员积极开展科学研究,撰写科研论文。有目的地组织图书管理人员去其他图书馆学习,
51、参加业务培训,加强馆际交流与协作。take an active part in academic exchanges. In conditions allow, we should send someone as much as possible to participate in various levels of academic exchanges, to promote the improvement of the overall academic level in management. Library should give administrators to create an
52、academic atmosphere, support and management of scientific research ability are encouraged to actively carry out scientific research, writing a research paper. Purposefully organize books to the library to study other management personnel, to participate in business training, strengthen the interlibr
53、ary communication and collaboration. 3组织培训。组织管理员参加兄弟院校的图书管理方面的培训,或者推荐新进图书馆的高水平管理员对一些图书管理员进行定期培训。通过强制性业务培训来提升管理员的业务素质,并进行相关的绩效考核,建立催促竞争机制。the organization training. Organization administrator for book management aspects of the training of other universities, or recommend new library of high level administrator for some librarian training on a regular basis. Through mandatory business training to improve administrator's service quality, and carries on
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- 低压智能综合配电箱基础知识培训(JP柜培训)