20182019深圳市福田区初中英语九年级上Unit 2单元测试题_第1页
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1、九年级上Unit 2能力测试题笔试局部(85分第一卷选择题(60分I.词汇测试(15分i.从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。共8小题 ,每题1分()1. You have to consider what to do next.OK, I see.A.think aboutB. look atC. agree with()2. It is a pleasure to take a trip with you. I really enjoy it very much.A. sad thingB. boring thingC. happy thing()3. Leo

2、 is one of my best friends. I trust him. Me too. He never tells a lie.A. care forB. look forward toC. believe in()4. Students should obey their school rules so that they can form good habits.A. shareB. followC. bring()5. He is studying very hard because he doesnt want to let his parents down.He is r

3、eally a good boy.A.make. excitedB.make. disappointedC.make. proud()6. Lisa is so smart. She can solve all the problems in the Maths test without difficulty.Wow! She is a genius.A. easily B. badly C. angrily ()7. I have nothing to do this weekend. Do you have any good plans?Why not join in our volunt

4、ary activity? A. take in B. arrive at C. take part in ()8. We shouldnt play a joke on the disabled people. I agree with you. We should help them.A.make fun ofB. play withC. make friends withii.拫据句子意思 ,从下面每题的A、B、C三 个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。共7 小题 ,每题1分()9. A(n) _ is a scientist who studies the stars, planets,

5、and other natural objects in space.A.astronomerB. engineerC. musician()10. You had better tell me the data (数据) _ because I dont want to make any mistakes.Dont worry. The date is quite right.A.slowly B. quickly C. exactly ()11. Everyone likes Jimmy because he has a great sense of _.Yes ,he is a funn

6、y guy and always brings joy to us.A. sadness B. humour C. achievement ()12. Her face looks so _.I think we should take her to hospital right now. She must be sick.A.paleB. redC. real()13. Giving up smoking can _ the risk of heart disease.Yes, smoking is a bad habit.A.addB. reduceC. take()14. _, Lily

7、. And help yourself to some fruit. Thank you, Mrs Chen. I am so glad to be invited.A. Take a seat B. Stand up C. Set off()15. When Im _, Sara often helps me.Oh ,she is really a good friend.A. in troubleB. in surpriseC. in public II.完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文 ,众短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最正确选项。共10小题 ,每题1.5分)Ne

8、arly all living things on Earth need other living things to live with. Nothing lives alone. Sometimes one living thing kills another. Almost every kind of life eats another kind of life to live, and together they 16 a food chain (食物链). Some food chains are 17 while others are difficult. But most foo

9、d chains begin with the sun, and become 18 if one of the links (环节disappears.All life needs sunlight to live on. But only plants can use sunlight directly (直接地). Plants are “factories. They 19 food from sunlight, water, air and so on. Animals can only use the suns energy after it has been changed in

10、to food by plants. Some animals feed directly on 20. Others eat smaller animals.What about human beings? We are 21 of many food chains. We eat wheat, rice, vegetables, fruit and so on. We also eat meat and drink milk. But people often break the food chains. They kill wild animals. They also make riv

11、ers, lakes and seas 22 . When those rivers, lakes and seas are 23, the fish in them cant be eaten. 24 people eat the fish, they will get diseases.Each form of life is linked to all the others. Breaking the links puts all life in 25. So we should try our best to protect the environment and keep the b

12、alance of nature.()16. A. findB.formC. improve()17. A. simpleB.differentC. boring()18. A. betterB.strongerC. broken()19. A. makeB.catchC. waste()20. A. animalsB.airC. plants()21. A. inventorsB.membersC. guests()22. A. dirtyB.cleanC. deep()23. A. protectedB.pollutedC. shared()24. A. IfB.AlthoughC. Un

13、til() 25. A. needB.questionC. dangerIII.阅读理解(30分)阅读以下短文 ,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最正确选项。共20小题 ,每小 题1.5分AMy parents hope I can be a good girl. Im never allowed to hang out with my friends at night. And I cant wear short skirts. On the Internet, Tm not allowed to talk to anyone strange. Are they really co

14、rrect? I have no idea, but I only know Im always sad! JudyCompared with Judys parents, my parents seem a bit better. Im not allowed to go online on weekdays, but I may do it on weekends. They never allow me to wear any strange clothes, but they often buy me new clothes. Sometimes on Saturdays or Sun

15、days, they even take me to certain parties! PaulHow lucky Paul is! I admire (羨慕)him a lot. Like Judy, my parents have made many rules for me. For exempt, I wont be allowed to watch TV until I finish my homework. And I cant keep my hair too long or make it curly. Besides, Tm never allowed to talk wit

16、h any boy at any time. Are they really kind to me? I cant stand them. RosaI dont think all of what parents have done for us is wrong. In fact, they make rules to help us. We are young, but not serious enough to do everything well. My parents are also strict with me. They dont allow me to do many thi

17、ngs. However, I understand why they are like that. They are trying to lead me to a healthy and correct way to grow healthily. What do you think? Tony()26. Who thinks his or her parents really care about him or her?A.Judy. B. Paul. C. Rosa. D. Tony. ()27. Why does Paul think his parents seem a bit be

18、tter than Judys?A.Because they allow him to do whatever he likes.B.Because he is allowed to do some things he likes.C.Because he is allowed to go online every day.D. Because he is allowed to go to all parties with his parents.()28. What does Rosa think of her parents?A.Her parents are kind to her.B.

19、Her parents are strange to her.C.Her parents love her very much.D.Her parents never understand her.()29. Whats the material mainly about?A.The reasons why we should understand our parents.B.Different ideas about family rules.C.The ways to get on well with parents.D.How to deal with the problems with

20、 parents.BEinstein was a well-known scientist all over the world. In 1899, he studied at a famous university in Zurich.Once Einstein asked his professor Minkevsky, “How can a person, like me, leave his clear footprints on the road of science and make a great contribution (奉献? Minkevsky said that it

21、was such a complicated problem that he had to think about it for some time and he would give him an answer later.Three days later, Minkevsky told Einstein that the answer was coming. But he didnt say anything. Instead, they walked towards a building site. He asked Einstein to set foot on a concrete

22、(混凝土制的road that the workers had just finished. All the workers shouted at him. Einstein couldnt understand and asked, “Sir, are you leading me the wrong way?“Cant you see? Minkevsky replied. “You can only leave deep footprints on the new concrete road. The old road has been hard for a long time. Man

23、y people leave steps on the old road. You cannot find your footprints there. Hearing that, Einstein thought for a long time and nodded.After that, a very strong sense of innovation (创新began to guide Einsteins thought and action. He tried again and again to discover new theories (理论) Nobody could tel

24、l him what to do. No books could guide him. But he said, “I never memorize what dictionaries carry. My brain only remembers those things that are not included in books. It was because of this that Einstein left his shining footprints in the history of science.()30. What does the underlined word “com

25、plicated mean in Paragraph 2?A. Different.B. Simple.C. Difficult.D. Traditional.()31. To give him the answer, what did Minkevsky ask Einstein to do?A.To think about the question carefully.B.To read more books.C.To talk with the building workers.D.To walk on the new concrete road.()32. What did Einst

26、ein learn from Minkevsky according to the passage?A.He should learn nothing from others.B.He should discover new theories with the help of Minkevsky.C.Memorizing the things included in books could make him successful.D.Having a sense of innovation was the key to success.()33. What is the best title

27、of the passage?A.Setting a goal in your mind.B.Leaving your “footprints in the world.C.Setting your foot on the old road.D.Learning from others experience.CBefore the 19th century, thousands of languages have been made to achieve one dream but only one made it. People were trying to find a way to en

28、d peopled communication trouble and create peace between each other. Then one day Esperanto (世界语went into peoples eyes. It was the most widely, spoken man-made language and Ludwik Zamenhof was its creator. He spent his whole life on the amazing language.Zamenhof was born on December 15, 1859 in the

29、town of Biatystok which is now part of Poland. He considered his native language to be his fathers Russian, but also his mothers Yiddish. As he grew older, he spoke more Polish, which later became the native language of his children. His father was a teacher of German, and he also spoke that languag

30、e often. Later he learned French, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and English, and had an interest in Italian, Spanish and Lithuanian.The population of Biatystok was made up of three groins: Poles, Germans and Belarusians. There were often quarrels among these groups. Zamenhof was frustrated (沮丧的by the quarre

31、ls. He supposed that the main reason for this was the misunderstanding because there was no one common language.Then he began to create a new language, and hoped it would realize the ideal of peace and understanding.During his middle school days, after comparing with many languages he had known, he

32、created a universal (通用的language. After years of hard work, he finally created Esperanto. Ludwik Zamenhof died on April 14, 1917, and was buried in the Jewish Cemetery on Okopowa Street in Warsaw.()34. Why did Ludwik Zamenhof invent Esperanto?A.Because he could speak many kinds of languages.B.Becaus

33、e his parents spoke different languages.C.Because he was interested in learning languages.D.Because he wanted to find a way to end peoples communication trouble.()35. How old was Ludwik Zamenhof when he died?A.53. B. 54. C. 57. D. 75.()36. What can we learn from the passage?A.Ludwik Zamenhof could s

34、peak more than eight languages.B.Ludwik Zamenhofs father came from England.C.Ludwik Zamenhofs childrens native language was French.D.Esperanto caused quarrels among Poles, Germans and Belarusians.()37. Which can be the best title for the passage?A.A kind of language.B.The greatest invention.C. Zamen

35、hof and Esperanto.D.The dream of people.DJianbing is a popular breakfast snack in northern parts of China. It isnt often seen in other parts of the world. However, this popular Chinese street snack has taken New York City by storm.Brian Goldberg, founder of Mr Bing, and Reuben Shorser, co-founder of

36、 the Jianbing Company, both discovered jianbing when they studied Chinese in Beijing. After returning to New York, they both started their own jianbing businesses.“When I went to China, I just loved jianbing so much. It tastes so good. When I am in America, I cant find it anywhere. So if you like so

37、mething but you cant get it ,what should you do? You make it! said Goldberg.“Jianbing is so new to New Yorkers that the need for it has exceeded (超出our expectations, the director of Mr Bing said. The company sells several hundred pieces of jianbing every day.To make sure jianbing in New York tastes

38、the same as that in China, Mr Bing invited Chinese jianbing makers to train the companys workers in New York. In China, street vendors sell the snack for less than a dollar a piece. But in New York, it can go for as much as $15. American customers (消费者have thought highly of the traditional snack, an

39、d have shared pictures of it on the Internet.Traditional jianbing starts with batter (糊状物), which is placed onto a round cast-iron griddle (铁盘with a large spoon. After different ingredients are placed onto the thin pancake, it is folded up to be eaten like a sandwich.()38. From the fourth paragraph,

40、 we learn that _.A.foreign people dont like jianbing at allB.jianbing is very popular with New YorkersC.Mr Bing can't make enough jianbing every dayD.its hard for Mr Bing to find customers in New York()39. What can we learn from the passage?A.Reuben Shorser is the founder of Mr Bing.B.The Americ

41、ans like jianbing better than sandwiches now.C.Jianbing is sold more cheaply in China than in New York.D.Workers of Mr Bing have to come to China to learn to make jianbing.()40. Whats the last paragraph mainly about?A.Why people like eating jianbing.B.Who made jianbing first.C.How to make traditiona

42、l jianbing.D.Why jianbing appeared in China.()41. In which column of a newspaper can we most probably read the passage?A. Education.B. Photo.C. Health.D. Food.EStudies have shown a good nights rest helps us stay healthy. And researchers say sleep is probably the best tool we have for memory and lear

43、ning. Getting a good nights sleep is important for the learning and memory because it stores (储存) the training exercises and the learning exercises into our more lasting memory while were sleeping 7-8 hours at night. And then the next morning when we wake up, our mind is better prepared to act on th

44、at information.But what about getting rest during the middle of the day? Past studies have shown that napping (小睡can help babies and young children learn better. And napping can help brain performance in older adults.Many Americans nap. But one-third of adults are also tired for a long time. The Cen

45、ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds 50 million to 70 million Americans have long-term sleep disorders (紊乱).Sadly, someone who naps as a way of paying off a sleep debt(债务)max not experience the same improvements from napping as a healthy, well-rested person would.Many people may not w

46、ant to admit (成认that they take a nap. They may think napping shows they are short of energy. In fact, Americans sometimes do a very strange thing. Some brag (吹嘘about how few hours of sleep they need each night. Health experts suggest that adults get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. People w

47、ho say they only sleep five hours a night may think they are stronger than the common humans. However, now napping is encouraged in the US. Many offices now offer napping rooms and napping cafes are appearing in many US cities for that purpose.()42. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A.Wed better sl

48、eep 7 to 8 hours at night.B.Having a lasting memory is very important.C.People with a poor memory cant sleep well.D.A good nights sleep helps us better remember things.()43. According to the CDC, many AmericansA.like paying off a sleep debtB.dont care about sleep disordersC.pay great attention to th

49、eir sleepD.dont get good sleep for a long time()44. According to the passage, many Americans dont admit napping because they_.A.just want to make a jokeB.hardly take a nap actuallyC.dislike being considered weakD.like bragging about their energy()45. Whats the most probable purpose of writing the pa

50、ssage?A.To show the importance of napping.B.To show the harm of not taking naps.C.To show how sleep connects with memory.D.To explain why many Americans can't get enough sleep.第二卷非选择题(25分IV.语法填空10分阅读下面短文 ,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Lora is a makeup artist (化装师.One morning, she reached her shop

51、early, and no people were coming ,so she turned (46) _ the TV and watched the local news. To her (47) _ (surprised), there was some big news that day. A bad man had run away from the prison the night before and the police (48) _ (do) their best to catch him.Lora turned off the TV. Suddenly, a man ran into her shop. Looking at him (49)


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