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1、外贸英语函电学什么?外贸英语函电学什么? 本课程是国际贸易专业高年级的核心业务课程之本课程是国际贸易专业高年级的核心业务课程之一,是一门将英语与外贸业务相结合的课程。一,是一门将英语与外贸业务相结合的课程。 通过介绍外贸实务中各种英文业务函件,电传和通过介绍外贸实务中各种英文业务函件,电传和传真以及其它方式的写作格式,商业术语和各种传真以及其它方式的写作格式,商业术语和各种不同的表达方法不同的表达方法; 通过介绍对外贸易各环节的具体做法,使学生在通过介绍对外贸易各环节的具体做法,使学生在提高英语水平的同时,熟练掌握对外贸易业务中提高英语水平的同时,熟练掌握对外贸易业务中常用的基本术语及表达技能

2、,培养和提高他们的常用的基本术语及表达技能,培养和提高他们的外贸业务工作能力外贸业务工作能力 本课程的本课程的目的目的是是: 学习外贸业务书信的标准格式学习外贸业务书信的标准格式; 了解通过哪些途径来发展新客户,开拓新市场了解通过哪些途径来发展新客户,开拓新市场; 如何进行询购某商品,怎样报盘和还盘如何进行询购某商品,怎样报盘和还盘; 怎样灵活运用付款方式怎样灵活运用付款方式; 如何做到重合同守信用如何做到重合同守信用; 怎样去审查信用证,做到不出差错怎样去审查信用证,做到不出差错; 在理赔和索赔中做到有理有理有节;在理赔和索赔中做到有理有理有节; 学会拟写信函和电传传真的写作技巧。学会拟写信

3、函和电传传真的写作技巧。 学习内容:学习内容: 本课程主要学习信例,大量学习外贸实务基本本课程主要学习信例,大量学习外贸实务基本环节中有代表性的信例。外贸实务基本环节有:环节中有代表性的信例。外贸实务基本环节有:建立业务关系和资信调查、询盘、报盘和报价、建立业务关系和资信调查、询盘、报盘和报价、还盘、订单,履行订单、支付、包装和运输、还盘、订单,履行订单、支付、包装和运输、信用证的修改和展期、索赔和解决索赔等。信用证的修改和展期、索赔和解决索赔等。 学习方法学习方法: 外贸函电是一门实践操作性很强的课程。外贸函电是一门实践操作性很强的课程。也就是说,要达到正确拟写外贸业务信函的目的,也就是说,

4、要达到正确拟写外贸业务信函的目的,仅有理论是远远不够的,学员必须学习大量外贸仅有理论是远远不够的,学员必须学习大量外贸实务中有一定代表性的信函,深入体会何为七个实务中有一定代表性的信函,深入体会何为七个“C CS S”写作的基础理论知识,更重要的是通过学写作的基础理论知识,更重要的是通过学习信例,熟悉大量外贸业务中各个环节中常用语,习信例,熟悉大量外贸业务中各个环节中常用语,包括词汇、短语、句型以及习惯表达方式等等,包括词汇、短语、句型以及习惯表达方式等等,再通过一定量的练习,对常用语进行操练运用,再通过一定量的练习,对常用语进行操练运用,从而达到掌握并熟练使用的目的。从而达到掌握并熟练使用的

5、目的。 OBJECTIVE Analyze and plan for a business writing taskChoose precise words to convey the correct meaningWrite clear and concise sentences and paragraphsIdentify and correct common errors found in sentence structuresMaster the natural written EnglishThe most important objective of taking this cou

6、rse is *To cultivate the sense of doing business learning the tone of writing learning the format (letter, memo, e- mail), strategy, and word choice learning the principles of writing learning the skills of negotiationIn most cases, the business letter will be the first impression that you make on s

7、omeone. For this reason it is important that you are diligent in your task of writing an effective business document. Even though business writing is possibly less formal than it once was. * In a nutshell, business letter should communicate your ideas effectively, concisely and professionally.Most b

8、usiness letters and proposals are opportunities to influence decisions. Usually its a one-time opportunity. Thats why you should accept professional training!Learning objectives:To enable students to master the principles of business letter writing;To become acquainted with the general layout of mos

9、t business letters;To skillfully write structural parts of business English letters with proper styles;To be familiar with the procedures of foreign trade, parties and documents involved.Unit 1 Business Letter Writing 1)信头信头(letterhead)1 Structure 2)编号,日期)编号,日期(reference and date) 3)封内名称和地址)封内名称和地址

10、(inside address) 4)经办人经办人(attention) 5)称呼)称呼(salutation) 6)事由(标题)事由(标题)(subject/caption) 7)正文)正文(body) 8)结尾敬词)结尾敬词(complimentary close) 9)签名)签名(signature) 10)附件)附件 (enclosure) 11)抄送)抄送(cc to XX) 12)附言)附言(postscript)The component part of a letterA letter consists of a number of parts, each of which i

11、s essential to the letter, or contributes in some way to its impact on the recipient. We may list them as follows :the letterhead/headingthe references the date the inside name and address the salutation the subject heading/caption the opening paragraph the body of the letter the closing paragraph t

12、he complimentary close the signature the enclosures and copiesthe postscriptParts of a Business Letter 信件组成部分信件组成部分Essential Parts 必要部分必要部分1. The letterhead 信头信头2. The date line 日期日期3. The inside name and address 收信人名称地址收信人名称地址/封内地封内地址址4. The salutation 称呼称呼5. The body of the letter 信文信文6. The compl

13、imentary close 结尾敬语结尾敬语7. The signature 落款落款Optional Parts 附加部分8. The attention line 具体收信人具体收信人9. The subject line 事由事由10. The reference notation 案号案号11. The enclosure 附件附件12. The carbon copy notation 抄送抄送13. The postscript 附言附言1)Letterhead Letterhead includes senders name, postal address, telephone

14、 number, telex number, fax number, and cable address, etc. Usually letterhead is printed in the up-center or at the left margin of a letter writing paper. 外贸外贸商号的信笺,一般都印有信头,包括发信人商号的信笺,一般都印有信头,包括发信人的姓名、地址、电话号码、传真号、及的姓名、地址、电话号码、传真号、及E-mailE-mail等,等,有些会将经营项目有些会将经营项目 ,注册商标和公司董事、经理,注册商标和公司董事、经理等姓名一并印在信头上

15、。如需打印,则信头位于等姓名一并印在信头上。如需打印,则信头位于信笺上中央或右上方。信笺上中央或右上方。名称、地址A UK address: Air Environmental MechanicalEquipment Limited2076 West Main StreetDevon, EX14 0RAU.K. 公司名称公司名称街道街道邮编邮编(在国家在国家之前之前)国家国家城市城市门牌号门牌号中文名称、地址举例山东外贸职业学院中国山东省青岛市江西路62号地址地址:由大到小由大到小单位名称单位名称中国地址名称用英文写Sinochem Jiangsu Import and Export Corp

16、orationJiangsu International Business Mansion,50 Zhonghua Road, Nanjing210001, P.R. China 单位名称单位名称街道街道大楼名称大楼名称城市城市国家国家邮编邮编(在国家在国家之前之前)门牌号门牌号中国地名的翻译规范 用汉语拼音直译; 一个地名只大写第一个字母 例如:“山东青岛”Qingdao, Shandong Qing Dao, Shan Dong 可用缩写:Rd. = Road, Fl. = Floor, Ave = Avenue2)Reference and Date Reference may incl

17、ude a file name, departmental code or the initials of the signer followed by that of the typist of the letter. 参考号:为便于存档与查阅,可以为信编写参考号,为避免混淆,最参考号:为便于存档与查阅,可以为信编写参考号,为避免混淆,最好标明好标明Your ref: Our ref:Your ref: Our ref: The format of the date line differs from country to country. The common ones are M/D/Y

18、(typical American), D/M/Y(typical British) 打印日期注意事项:打印日期注意事项:A.A. 年份应完全写出,不能用年份应完全写出,不能用(94)(94)代替代替(1994)(1994)B.B. 月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来代替,但可以用缩写。月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来代替,但可以用缩写。C.C. 日期最好用基数字(日期最好用基数字(1 1,2 2,33)。)。日期位置:美式:在信头和收信人名称地址之间英式:通常在收信人名称地址之下 均可以齐头,也可以靠右写法:美式:月-日-年英式:日-月-年The dateThe recommended order

19、 for dates is day, month, year, with open punctuation. Thus 20 November 2004 is perfectly clear and punctuation would not add any-thing.Am.E Month Date, Year November 20, 2004Br.E Date Month, Year 20 November,2004美式日期举例Interstate Products, Inc. 511 Interstate C ourt Sarasota, FL 34240 U SA D ate: A

20、pril 4, 20- Shandong Foreign T rade (H oldings) C orporation Lim ited 51,T A IPIN G R O A D Q IN G D A O , 266001 C H IN A 日期日期信头收信人名称地址英式日期举例OFFICE SYSTEM S PTY . L TD. 124 Oak Street Tel (61-2)419 3209 Chatswood Fax (61-2)419 4011 England E-mail info .uk Aqueous Technologies 291 Caxton Street Sant

21、e Fe U.S.A 18 November, 20- Dear Sir or M adam, 信头收信人名称地址日期日期称呼日期写法注意事项月份最好用文字,如: 1.2nd May, 20- 2.2 May, 20- 3.September 21st, 20- 4.September 21, 20- 5.25 Aug. 20- 6.Oct. 10, 20- 避免月份用数字,如 11/12/20Notes:Date line is the date you send the letter, not the date when you type or write it. 主意标点符号!主意标点符

22、号!3)Inside name and Address The inside address is the recipients address, which should be identical to the delivery address邮寄地址邮寄地址 on the envelope. The inside address serves as the delivery address. It is typed at the left-hand margin two lines below the date. The information should be given in a w

23、ay like this: Receivers name or his official title头衔头衔/官衔官衔; Companys name; Number of t he house and name of the street; District, name of the town or city; State or province, ZIP code; Name of country; 受信人的姓名和地址一般是列在信笺的左上方,沿左页边受信人的姓名和地址一般是列在信笺的左上方,沿左页边线写起。封内地址与信封地址写法相同。信内把收信人名线写起。封内地址与信封地址写法相同。信内把收

24、信人名称地址写明对工作有便利。对发信人而言,便利有二:称地址写明对工作有便利。对发信人而言,便利有二:一是发信时可与信封地址相互对照,避免放入信封时发生差误;一是发信时可与信封地址相互对照,避免放入信封时发生差误;二是发信后便于准确归档,便于以后查找。二是发信后便于准确归档,便于以后查找。 对收信人而言,便利也有二:对收信人而言,便利也有二:一是收信人读信时,如发现信封名称地址与封内名称地址不符,一是收信人读信时,如发现信封名称地址与封内名称地址不符,可以知道是放入信封时发生错误,将信返回;可以知道是放入信封时发生错误,将信返回;二是收信后如信封与信函分离原信仍能保持完整,便于查阅。二是收信后

25、如信封与信函分离原信仍能保持完整,便于查阅。4) Attention Line指定收信人指定收信人 If you want your letter attended by or directed to a specific person or department, add an attention line. This will speed up the sorting process within a company. 如需注明对方经办人,希望收信商号将信迅速交经办人如需注明对方经办人,希望收信商号将信迅速交经办人办理,可以在封内地址下面加办理,可以在封内地址下面加Attention At

26、tention 或或Attention Attention ofof例例1 Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd., 151 Gower Street London,SC7 6DY,England Attention Mr.Cave or Attention of Purchasing Manager 具体收信人 位置: 1. 收信人名称地址之下 2. 齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3. 要加下划线 表示的是承办本信件的具体个人或部门 1. Attention: Mr. H. A. Donnan, Export Manager 2. Attention of Mr. Cave

27、3. To the attention of Mr. Liu Ming 4. ATTN: Mr. Iverson5)The Salutation Salutation is the complimentary greeting with which the writer opens his letter. The customary formal greeting in a business letter is : 这是写信人对受信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空这是写信人对受信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行,目前外贸书信中一般通用的称呼语有:两行,目前外贸书信中一般通用

28、的称呼语有:Dear sir , Dear Madam, Dear sirs, Dear Mesdamesmeid:m(Mrs的变形,已婚的变形,已婚), Gentlemen(不能用单数不能用单数),Dear Mr. xxxSalutation is usually typed three spaces below the inside address or the attention line, and followed by comma for “Dear Sir”, “Dear Sirs”, and a colon for “Gentlemen. ”称呼后面的的标点,一般使用逗号称呼后面

29、的的标点,一般使用逗号comma或分号或分号semicolon,美,美加来信中加来信中Gentlemen后用冒号后用冒号colon:称呼 位置:必须齐头 正规场合下常用:对男士:Dear Sir, 或Dear Sirs,或Gentlemen:对女士:Dear Madam, 或Dear Mesdames, 建议使用:Dear Mr. Johnson, 或 Dear Jack, 词首字母全大写,用逗号或不词首字母全大写,用逗号或不用标点符号用标点符号Gentlemen后用后用冒号冒号6)Subject Line or Caption Line Subject line is actually th

30、e general idea of a letter. It is inserted between the salutation and the body of the letter either at the left-hand margin for fully-blocked letter form or centrally over the body for other forms. It calls the receivers attention to the topic of the letter. 事由写在称呼语下面两行,一般是在信笺中间位事由写在称呼语下面两行,一般是在信笺中间

31、位置,事由要简单扼要,说明商品名称,数量,信置,事由要简单扼要,说明商品名称,数量,信用证或合同号等即可用证或合同号等即可。事由 位置: 1.称呼和正文之间 2.齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3.要加下划线 表示的是该信函的主题 1. Re: Your Order No.463 2. Subject: SHEEP WOOL 3. Contract No. 89047)Body of the Letter This is the main part of the letter. It expresses the writers idea, opinion, purpose and wishes, et

32、c., so it should be carefully planned. When writing, pay attention to the following: Write simply, clearly, courteously, grammatically, and to the point. Paragraph correctly, confining each paragraph to one topic. See that your typing is accurate and the display artistic. 这是书信的主体,表达发信人的意见。在信的开头有开头语这

33、是书信的主体,表达发信人的意见。在信的开头有开头语( (Opening Sentences),Opening Sentences),自成一节,在习惯上是用客套语先将收自成一节,在习惯上是用客套语先将收到对方的来信的日期、编号或查号、主题及简单内容加以综合到对方的来信的日期、编号或查号、主题及简单内容加以综合叙述,使对方一目了然这封信是答复哪一封去信的。如果是第叙述,使对方一目了然这封信是答复哪一封去信的。如果是第一次通信也可以利用开头语作必要的自我介绍。一次通信也可以利用开头语作必要的自我介绍。 在信的结尾一般有结尾语在信的结尾一般有结尾语(The closing Sentences), 一般

34、用来总结本文所谈的事项,提示对受信人的一般用来总结本文所谈的事项,提示对受信人的要求,如希望来函或电报订货、答复询问或作必要求,如希望来函或电报订货、答复询问或作必要的声明等。另起一段。如要的声明等。另起一段。如:We hope to receive your early reply.8)Complimentary Close Complimentary close is merely a polite way of ending a letter. It is in keeping with the salutation. 结束语是一种客套用语它应与前面的称呼相呼应,结束语是一种客套用语它应

35、与前面的称呼相呼应,后面加逗号。如:后面加逗号。如: Formal: Dear Sir(s), Yours faithfully,or Faithfully yours, Gentlemen: Truly yours,or Yours trully, Less formal: Dear Mrxx, Yours sincerely or Sincerely yours,结尾敬语 位置:齐头式靠左对齐,缩格式偏右 正规场合下常用:1.Yours faithfully,2.Yours truly,3.Faithfully yours,4.Truly yours, 建议使用:Yours sincere

36、ly, 或 Sincerely yours,第二个单词小写,结尾第二个单词小写,结尾用逗号或不用标点符号用逗号或不用标点符号 When using continuation sheets, plain paper空白纸张空白纸张 of the same quality as the letterhead must be used and typed with a heading to show: The number of the sheet (in the center of the page); The name of your correspondent客户客户 (on the left

37、-hand side) The date of the letter (on the right-hand side)9)The Signature It is common to type the name of the writers firm or company immediately below complimentary close. 结束语的下面,应将行号的名称用大写打出,必结束语的下面,应将行号的名称用大写打出,必须由负责人签名,签名的下面为使对方了解签名人的姓须由负责人签名,签名的下面为使对方了解签名人的姓名、职位,可以打字注明。名、职位,可以打字注明。 Never sign

38、 a letter with a rubber stamp.外国函件都外国函件都必须由负责亲笔签名,用橡皮戳说明该信并非本人亲自必须由负责亲笔签名,用橡皮戳说明该信并非本人亲自过目,只是通函,不为人重视。过目,只是通函,不为人重视。落款Yours faithfully, Ciba-Geigy Chemicals Co. P Pa am m L Lo ot ti is s Pam Lotis Inspection coordinator Yours faithfully, P Pa am m L Lo ot ti is s Pam Lotis Inspection coordinator For

39、 Ciba-Geigy Chemicals Co. Yours faithfully, L L. . V Va an n L Li in nd de e L. Van Linde Manager, QAD Software Co. 结尾敬语结尾敬语手写签名手写签名打印签名打印签名公司名称公司名称职务职务10)Enclosure If something is enclosed, note it below the signature.如信中有附件时,应在签名下注如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明明Encl.或或Enc.如附件不止一件应注明如附件不止一件应注明2 Encls or 3 Encls,或

40、详细列明如下:或详细列明如下: Encls: 2 Invoices Enc: 1 B/L 1 Photo 1 Certificate 附件 位置: 落款之下,左对齐 说明该信件有附件 1. Enclosure 2. Enc. 3. Encl. As Stated 4. Enclosure: Brochure11)The Carbon Copy Notation When copies of the letter are sent to others, type c.c. below the signature at the left margin. 如果函件要抄送其他有关单位,同时使对如果函件

41、要抄送其他有关单位,同时使对方也知道已抄送其他单位,可在信件最后方也知道已抄送其他单位,可在信件最后的左下角注明的左下角注明“CC to xxx” or “CC xxx”抄送 位置: 附件之下,左对齐 表示该信件同时抄送给他人 1. 明抄:cc Marketing Department 2. 暗抄:bcc Mr. Simpson Blind carbon copy,收收信人不知道被抄送,信人不知道被抄送,只出现在发给被抄送只出现在发给被抄送人的信件里人的信件里Carbon copy,收信人知收信人知道被抄送道被抄送12)Postscript If the writer wishes to ad

42、d something he forgot to mention or for emphasis, he may add his postscript two spaces below the carbon copy notation. 信写完后,如果想起还有要紧的要说,可信写完后,如果想起还有要紧的要说,可以在信末加以在信末加P.S. 引出补叙的话,然后由发信引出补叙的话,然后由发信人签署本人简笔签名人签署本人简笔签名(本人姓名的第一个字本人姓名的第一个字母母)。2.Writing Principles of the Business Letters7 “C” Courtesy 礼貌礼貌By

43、 courtesy we mean trading people with respect and friendly human concern. In order to make a business letter courteous, try to avoid irritating, offensive, or belittling statements. To answer letters promptly is also a matter of courtesy. Following rules should be followed:Change the commanding tone

44、 into requesting tone;Use mitigation平静平静 and avoid overemphasizing your own opinion or irritating your partner.Passive voice should be adopted accordingly;相应的采用被动语态相应的采用被动语态Try to avoid using the word with forcing tone or arousing unpleasantness.Use expressions about joy and willingness, thanks and

45、regret, etc.1)语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。 Comparison: Tell us more detailed information on your requirements? (poorer)告诉我们你们的具体要求。告诉我们你们的具体要求。 Will you please tell us more detailed information on your requirements?(better)请告诉我们你们的具体要求好吗?请告诉我们你们的具体要求好吗? You can make shipment a little

46、 later, that is, by June 10. 你们可以装运晚一点,即六月十号。你们可以装运晚一点,即六月十号。 You might make shipment a little later, that is, by June 10.你们可以考虑晚一点装运,即六月十号。你们可以考虑晚一点装运,即六月十号。 We cant deliver the goods all at one time.我们不可能同时交货。我们不可能同时交货。 Im afraid we cannot deliver the goods all at one time.恐怕我们无法同时交货。恐怕我们无法同时交货。Co

47、mparison: You did not enclose the price list in your letter.你们没有在信中附价格单。你们没有在信中附价格单。 The price list was not enclosed in your letter.贵方信中没有附价格单。贵方信中没有附价格单。 We must refuse your offer.我们拒绝贵方报价。我们拒绝贵方报价。 We regret that we are unable to accept your offer.很遗憾我们不能接受贵方报价。很遗憾我们不能接受贵方报价。 We have received with

48、 many thanks your letter of 20 May, and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.(polite) You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed, which you requested in

49、your letter of 20 May. (courteous)2) Consideration 体谅:体谅: Consideration means thoughtfulness. Consideration emphasizes You-attitude rather than We-attitude. Keep the readers request, needs, desires, as well as his feelings in mind. In addition, we should try to discuss problems in a positive way rat

50、her than in a negative way. The following points are necessary for writing a letter to embody consideration: You-attitude: You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. We will send you the brochure next month. We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. We wont be able to send you the brochure t

51、his month. Focus on the positive approach: We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. (Positive) We do not believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction. (Negative) 3) Completeness 完整完整 A business letter should include all the necessary information. It is essential to check the message care

52、fully before it is sent out. As you work hard for completeness, keep the following guidelines in mind: Why do you write the letter? What are the facts supporting the reasons? Have you answered the questions asked? 一封商业信函应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信一封商业信函应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信应说明时间、地点等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信件。应说明时间、地点等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信

53、件。 4) Clarity/Clearness 清楚清楚 意思表达明确,要注意:意思表达明确,要注意: Avoid using the words which have different understanding or unclear meaning避免使用有歧义避免使用有歧义的文字的文字; Pay attention to the position of the modifiers注意修注意修饰语所放的位置:饰语所放的位置: Pay attention to the rationality in logic:注意语言的注意语言的逻辑性逻辑性Comparison: We sent you

54、5 samples yesterday of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 25 by air.(Ambiguous)我方根据你方五月二十五日来函要求,昨日航邮我方根据你方五月二十五日来函要求,昨日航邮5 5份样品给你。份样品给你。 We sent you, by air, 5 samples of the goods yesterday which you requested in your letter of May 25.(Clarity)根据你方五月二十五日来函要求,我方于昨日航根据你方五月二十五日来函要求,我方

55、于昨日航邮邮5 5份样品给你。份样品给你。 5)Conciseness 简洁简洁 Conciseness is often considered to be the most important writing principle and language feature. Conciseness also means you should clearly express what you would do in a short and pithy style 短小精悍的写作方式短小精悍的写作方式of writing as possible as you can. Avoid using wo

56、rdy expressions:避免废话连篇避免废话连篇 Avoid unnecessary repetition:避免不必要的重复避免不必要的重复 Using short sentences, simple words and clear explanations:短句、单词的运用短句、单词的运用 Avoid the out-of-date commercial jargons and try to use modern English.不要使用过时的语言,要运用现代英语。不要使用过时的语言,要运用现代英语。 Comparison: We would like to know whether

57、 you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by fax without delay.(wordy) Please reply by fax immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment until April 21.(concise) They attend the Guangzhou

58、 Trade Fair for the purpose of finding a business partner. They attend the Guangzhou Trade Fair to find a partner. Out of date commercial jargons: Due to the fact that 由于由于的事实的事实 Terminate 结束结束 Attached hereto 随函附随函附 Acknowledge receipt of 确认收到确认收到 Inst. 本月本月 Up to this writing 在写这封信的时候在写这封信的时候 Mode

59、rn English: As, because or since End Enclosed is/are Thank you forI received This month So far6)Concreteness 具体具体: Make the message specific, definite and vivid. Try to heed the following tips: Complete with the 6Ws: Who? What? Why? How? Where? When? Concreteness in action: using specific language t

60、o make our information more concrete and convincing; Using concrete words. Compare: ST858L 5-Band Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder is full functions. ST858L 5-Band Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder can delivers superb FM/MW/LW/SW1/SW2/FM Stereo band reception. Full auto-stop and automatic quick program s


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