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1、 教 案 编号 4 教师张春征课程名称大学英语班别营销G131营销G132电子G131造价G136数控G131日期课题Unit 4 Sportsmanship教材教材名称?前景实用英语综合教程? 第 四 章一 节出版社: 复旦大学出版社 教学目标 In this unit, students are supposed to§ master the words and expressions often used to talk about Sportsmanship;§ learn how to express hopes and desires;§ unders

2、tand the listening information about Sportsmanship;§ understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions;§ master phonetic skill: liaison;§ do some grammar practice Attributive Clause;§ know about some writing strategies and lea

3、rn how to write an Outline and fill out a form;重点§ to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;§ to know how to write an outline and fill out a form;难点§ to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the

4、 text;§ to use the expressions learnt to talk about lifelong learning freely;§ to know how to express hopes and desires;教法Communicative approachComputer-Assisted Instruction教具a multi-media computer system(PPT/CDs)时间安排Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) Text A & text-related exer

5、cises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period)课程作业Exercises in the workbook. Write an outline for an essay entitled “Youre Never Too Old to Learn. Fill the Personal Information Form on the text book.板书摘要Unit 4 SportsmanshipCollege Education;Lifelong Learning;Job, skill, new experience; 教学过程及内容课后总结与评

6、议纪录自我分析同事意见领导意见改良措施Unit 4Sportsmanshipl Teaching MaterialForward English for Practical Purposes, Book 2, Unit 4l Teaching Aims:In this unit, students are supposed to1. master the words and expressions often used to talk about education and Sportsmanship;2. learn how to express hopes and desires;3. u

7、nderstand the listening information about Sportsmanship4. understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions;5. master phonetic skill: liaison;6. do some grammar practice attributive clause;7. know about some writing strategies and learn how to wr

8、ite an Outline and fill out a form.l Teaching Emphasis 1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;2. to know how to write an outline and fill out a form.l Teaching Difficulties1. to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical st

9、ructures in the text.2. to use the expressions learnt to talk about lifelong learning freely.3. to express ones hopes and desires.l Teaching ApproachesCommunicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instructionl Teaching Aidsa projector a multi-media computer systeml Teaching Procedures and contents (8

10、 periods)Part ALead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary 1. Do you like doing sports in a gymnasium ?2. In the second picture, what might the people be? What are they doing at the moment ?3In the third picture, do you kno

11、w who the woman is? Why is she lying on the floor ?Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Task 3 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage.Task 4 Discuss the following questions with your partner about your understanding of lifelong learning.1. Currently, its not easy fo

12、r graduates with higher education degrees to find an ideal job, so some people argue that education is of little use. Whats your view on this?2. How do you understand the saying “Its never too old to learn?Text A Why We Need New SkillsLanguage and Cultural Points in the TextPara. 1prestigious a. res

13、pected and admired as very important or of very high qualitye.g. He got a teaching position at a prestigious university after graduation. 毕业后他在一所极有声望的大学谋得了一份教职。 The citys most prestigious and exclusive hotel is located in the center of the town. 市里最有名、最豪华的酒店位于这个镇的中心Para. 2claim v. to state or declar

14、e (sth.) as a fact (without being able to prove it)e.g. After the battle both sides claimed victory. 战斗结束后, 双方均宣称获胜。 She claims (that) she is related to the Queen. 她声称和女王有亲属关系。be stuck with to be fixed ate.g. He has been stuck with the position of manager for 5 years. 他在经理这个位置上一干就是5年。 The movie star

15、 was stuck with the reporters at the airport. 那位电影明星在机场被记者缠住了otherwise ad. in another way; differentlye.g. He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy. 他爱吵闹,但在其他方面是好孩子。 He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 他提醒了我,要不然我就会把这件事给忘了Para. 3chase v. to try to win (sth.); to run after in order

16、to capturee.g. Liverpool are chasing their third league title in four years. 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年后第三次赢得联赛冠军。 He chased (after) the burglar but couldnt catch him. 他追赶窃贼却未捉住他。tribal a. of a tribe or tribese.g. Visitors are invited to watch the tribal dances. 游客受邀观看部落舞蹈。 The tribal wars caused many deaths and

17、 injuries. 部落之间的战争造成了很多伤亡 instinctn. natural inborn tendency to behave in a certain way without reasoning or traininge.g. Birds learn to fly by instinct. 飞翔是鸟类的本能。 Trust your instincts and marry him! 要相信你的直觉,就嫁给他吧! Metaphorn. a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unli

18、ke things that actually have something in common; a metaphor expresses the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar, for example: Life is a journey. Love is a rose. exceed v. to go beyond what is allowed, necessary or advisablee.g. She was exceeding the speed limit. 她驾车超速了。 His achievements have exceeded

19、 expectations. 他取得的成就已经超出了人们的预期Para. 4branch out v. to feel love and admiration for (sb./sth.)e.g. She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics. 她很崇拜他,听不进别人对他的批评。 He worships the ground she walks on. 他爱她爱得如醉如痴。Hugv. to put the arms round (sb./sth.) tightly, esp. to show lovee.g. They hugg

20、ed each other for the success. 他们为成功而互相拥抱。 The old friends hugged when they met. 老朋友们重逢时紧紧拥抱。Para. 5yellv. to utter a loud sharp cry or cries as of pain, excitement, etc.e.g. Stop yelling, cant you! 别嚷了,行吗? The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players. 人们叫喊着为选手打气。Para. 6.conquer v. to defeat

21、(an enemy, a rival, etc.)e.g. England conquered their main rivals in the first round of the competition. 英格兰队在第一轮比赛中就击败了主要对手。 You must conquer your fear of driving. 你必须克服驾驶车辆的恐惧心理。get used to having learned to accept something; accustomed to somethinge.g. It is difficult to get used to another count

22、rys customs. 要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。 In football you have to get used to hard knocks. 踢足球就要经得起剧烈碰撞。Assetn. valuable or useful quality or skille.g. Good health is a great asset. 健康就是莫大的财富。 The tennis players speed is his great asset. 那个网球运发动动作迅速,这是他的一大优势。Part BText B ( home reading)Unsung Heroes: Stories

23、of Sportsmanship and HumanityPart C Phonetics, Functions and NotionsA. Phonetics : Liaison Elision 省音是指在快速的日常谈话中消失的某个音。它分为历史的省音和语境的省音,历史的省音是指英语单词中早期存在的某个音,后来随着社会、经济与语言的变化就消失了。这里我们主要学习和熟悉语境的省音。语境的省音指在一个词或补语中,某个音因受毗邻音的影响,或位于轻读音节,因而消失的现象。这种省音大致分为元音的省略和辅音的省略。Elision 1. 元音的省略。主要是指混元音 和非重读音节i的省略,以及两词之间间的省

24、如: preferable university , 或 go a, try again . 2. 辅音的省略。辅音的省略大多出现在辅音音丛里如: mostly , exactly ,以及与相邻单词的词界上。当“辅音+t或d的音丛后面跟 的是一个以辅音开头的词时,t和d很容易被省略。如: first night helped me . 3. Contraction (缩略语)。缩略语是指语言形式缩短的过程或结果,其中也有省音 的现象。如: 代词+助动词,Ive, youd; 或助动词+not,如: wont, cant。 还有其他的如: lets, Dyou, 它们代表的是let us和Do

25、you。 Part D Grammar and WritingGrammar: 不定式的各种形式 一、不定式的根本形式 不定式是由小品词to 加上动词的原形构成的一种非谓语动词形式,不能单独担任谓语,但可以作为谓语的组成成分。不定式还可以单独担任主语、补语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语等语法角色。根据时态和语态的不同,不定式呈现出不同的形式。主动语态 被动语态to do to be doneto have done to have been doneto be doing to have been doing 二、不定式使用的常见错误Jack went to the airport in a hu

26、rry only to tell that his flight had been cancelled. (tell 应改为be told)当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的对象时,不定式需要用被动式。 She likes to watch them to play basketball in the playground. (to play 应改为play) 在感官动词see, watch, observe, hear, notice, feel, smell 和使役动词make, let, have 等后面做宾语补足语的不定式要省略to。 After work he does not

27、hing but to watch TV. (to watch 应改为watch)当except, but, besides 之前有行为动词do 时,后面的不定式可以不带to, 假设之前无行为动词do,那么其后的不定式要带to。 I want a novel to be read on the train. (be read 应改为read)当不定式与被修饰的词之间存在动宾关系,而且与句子的主语在逻辑上有主谓关系时,虽然意思是被动但却用主动形式。 He found the new subject hard to be understood. (be understood 应改为understand) 当不定式做表语形容词的状语,又与句中的主语或宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系时,虽然不定式有被动意义,但只能用主动形式。 Writing: 1. Writing for General Purposes: How to write an outlineWriting Strategy Writing for General Purposes: The Conclusion in CompositionConclusion Make your final appeal to the reader, a finishing, over-all statement that ends your pr


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