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1、 English Expressions in School Life & Some Guidelines for CommunicationClassroom English Are you ready for class? Have you got everything ready for class? Im waiting for you to be quiet. Settle down now so we can start.Registering Ill just make the register. Is everybody here? Are you all here?Absen

2、ce Is there anyone absent? Who is missing today? He has asked for sick leave. Hes on sick leave. Hes asked for personal leave. He went home on leave.Lateness Did you oversleep, miss your bus? I overslept because I stayed up too late last night. I see. Well, sit down and lets get started. Try not to

3、be late next time. Let this be the last time. Ill have to report you if youre late again.Class begins How far did we get last time? Let me refresh your memory. Last time we talked about If I remember correctly, we were on page Last time we got to line 10. Lets revise some of the things we did last t

4、ime. Who is the next one to try? Your turn. Now you. You are next. Who hasnt had a turn? Whos left? You have already had a turn.Lesson Plan Today we shall then If time permits, we shall have a short dictation. Today the class will be conducted in this way: First well go over the text. Then well do A

5、nd finally we will I shall read the material listen to me attentively Today Ill give you a short story for silent reading. Today well have an end-of-the-unit text.About the Text I shall give you a brief account of the authors life. I think youve all previewed the text. Language points What is the th

6、eme / central idea / message of this essay? This paragraph contains a very good description. I hope you will learn it by heart. Lets look at the passage in more detail. Id like to draw your attention to the word “” in line 4. Lets read through the vocabulary first. I think we had this verb last time

7、. Whats another way of saying “” Can you put it in another way? What is a synonym for “”? requires special attention. What is your impression of the story? What strikes you most in this lesson? We have gone too far from the subject. We had better come back to the essay. I hope I can wind up the less

8、on today.Language Work Whats the Chinese word for “computer”? How would you translate this word / phrase into Chinese? How do you express it in Chinese? What is the English equivalent of the Chinese word “”? Could you put that into Chinese for us? Dont translate word for word.Reading Read the text t

9、o yourselves. Familiarize yourselves with the text. Lets take it in turns to read. Mark, go on from where Peter left off. Thats enough, thank you. All together now, please. Please dont hurry. Read carefully. You read much better now than before. Keep it up. Take it in turns, starting here. Pay atten

10、tion to the others when they read, catch their mistakes and make corrections.Understanding Can you follow me? Do you catch my meaning? Dont you get my points? Is everything clear? Are there any points you are not sure of? Dont hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you. Please do not hesitat

11、e to ask for clarification or additional information Learning Chinese Practice them over and over again until they are fixed in your mind. It is necessary to drill as much as possible and the more you apply it in real situation the more natural it will become. Drill is boring! Since Chinese is not y

12、our native tongue, you must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds. Correctness Can you say it like that? Its a trick question. Dont fall into the trap. That was almost right just one little slip. Can anyone improve on what John said? Any alternative suggestions? Try

13、to say something. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Am I right in supposing so? Does it make sense if I say? That is all right, but is there a better way of saying the same thing? Chinese people do not talk in this way. This is a common mistake made by Chinese students. Dont make the same mistake i

14、n your work again. Well, that mistake is excusable. Perhaps it is my fault; I didnt emphasize that point in the previous class. Vocabulary work Try not to mix these two words up. What is the verb that corresponds to this noun? These two words are identical in meaning and can be used interchangeably.

15、 Learn to differentiate their shades of meaning. Dont invent words or phrases. Follow the customary usage.Checking answers Mark your own tests. Give yourself one point for every correct answer. Take off one point for every one you got wrong. You got full marks. I didnt take any points off if you for

16、got to put a comma here.Dismissing Class This lesson isnt supposed to finish until ten. Back to your places! Dont go rushing off. I have something to tell you. Class control Stop doing that! No talking, please. Listen attentively, please. Stop fidgeting. Behave yourself! Dont keep turning round. Don

17、t whisper to each other. No peeping. Dont give hints. Let him go on. Hands up! Hands down! Please raise your hands. Could I have your attention, please. Dont sit there daydreaming. No cheating. Dont whisper the answer. Softer.Teachers Comments: Confirmation & Encouragement Good. Right. Fine. Yes you

18、ve got it. Thats correct. Excellent. Terrific. Well done. Fantastic. You can understand Chinese better now. You can express yourself in Chinese quite freely now. My compliments on your memory. I think you deserve the highest praise. Not up to your usual standard. Shows some improvement! Good try, bu

19、t not quite right. Could be. Sort of, yes. In a way, perhaps. Thats almost it. You are half way there. You are almost there. Youve almost got it. There is no hurry. Dont let this get you down. Cheer up! You have our backing.Grumbling & Reproaching That was rather disappointing. I wasnt very satisfie

20、d with that. You can do better than that. Theres room for improvement. This is the last time I shall tell you. Thats no excuse. You are excessively mischievous. Im not in the least satisfied. I wonder if you have been working hard enough. You must not betray the hope of your parents. You must live u

21、p to the expectation of your parents. You cant just do whatever you like in class. Cant you be serious for once? You naughty boy!Grading & Exams What did you get for ? What was your grade for the last test? He got a “90” points. What was your score? You lose a point if you answer wrong. Open-book exam Objective test Essay question True-false question Matching Grading (Whats your grading system?) Grades, marks (passing grade) 18-week grading periodSchool system & management Inauguration


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