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1、1、我给了她很大的选择范围。(a range ofI offered her a wide range of options.2、幸福和财富不能混为一谈。(identifyOne can not identify happiness with wealth.3、人们总是不断地寻找更好的职业前景。(career prospectPeople are constantly looking for better careerprospect.4、教书酬劳不太高。(rewardingTeaching is not rewarding financially.5、繁忙的工作总会使人不去想家庭问题。(ta

2、ke ones mind offHard work always takes our mind off domestic problems.1、化学废料正成为一大公害。(hazardChemical waste is becoming a major public hazard.2、士兵们突袭了敌军军营。(raidThe soldiers made a raid upon the enemys camp.3、在书中彼得被描绘成一个很平凡的人。(representIn the book peter is represented as a very ordinaryperson.4、我相信正义能够

3、而且最终会战胜强权。(triumph overI believe that right can and will triumph over might.5、我不习惯这么早就起来晨练。(be accustomed to doingIm not accustomed to getting up so early todo morning exercises.6、老师要求我们每天读报来了解时事。(keep track ofThe teacher asked us to read newspapers everyday tokeep track of current affairs.1、我非常感激她的

4、好心建议。(offerIm verygrateful for her kind offer of advice.2、我得请你陪我去趟警察局。(accompanyI must ask you to accompany we to the police station.3、政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收。(optionThe government has two options, to reduce spending orto increase taxes.4、最近我得记忆不太好。(reliableMy memory is not very reliable these days.5、

5、你的选择是要么走开,要么留下,但要守规矩。(alternativeYou have the alternatives of leaving or staying andbehaving.1、人的学习能力部分是先天的,部分是后天培育的。(nurtureThe human orjanism learns partly by nature, partly bynurture.2、他说已付钱给我了,然而我却没有收到他的钱。(whereasHe said he paid me, where as I have not receive.3、我的全部衣服有一个箱子就装下了。(fit intoAll my c

6、lothes fit into one suitcase.4、每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。(uniqueEach persons fingerprints are unique.5、究竟是什么事情使你这么高兴?(What is it thatWhat is it that makes you so happy?1、连夜不眠的紧张劳累使他病倒了。(strainThe strain of sleepless nights made him ill.2、所以归纳起来,我们应该加强管理。(to sum upSo to sum up, we should strengthen tighten up th

7、emanagement.3、恰恰相反,我会喜欢它。(on the contraryOn the contrary, I will enjoy it.4、这个小男孩对电脑游戏着了迷。(become addicted toThe little boy has become addicted to computer games.5、她马上领会的他的意思。(perceiveShe perceived his meaning immediately.1、这种胶水黏合性不好。(stickThis kind of glue doesnt stickvery well.2、他们把这家人当成客人接待。(trea

8、tThey treated the family as guests.3、我尽力按时完成了这项工程。(manage to doI managed to finish the project on time.4、他可能不在家,但我还是要去碰碰运气。(off-chance, anywayHe may not be in, but I shall call on the off-chanceanyway.5、史密斯没有回复我们的邀请,显然他是改变主意了。(apparentlySmith didnt answerour invitation apparently hes changed his min

9、d.1、警方向人群呼吁不要惊慌。(appealThe police appealed to the crowd not to bepanic.2、要是还没有证实他有罪,我们就得认为他无罪。(assumeWe must assume him to be innocent until he isproved guilty.3、妻子的去世使他感到十分脆弱和消沉。(vulnerableHis wifes deathleft him feeling vulnerable and depressed.4我们的巴黎分部。(transferShes been transferredto our Paris b

10、ranch.5、至于天气,我认为无关紧要。(as far asconcernedAs far as the weather is concerned, I do notthink it matters.1、他有从政的雄心壮志。(serious aspirationHe has serious aspirations to a career inpolitics.2、他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。(not as well asHe does not play half as well as his sister.3、他以前从未做过这种工作,我不知道他是否能与其他雇员配合好。(fit in wit

11、hHes neverdone this type of work before, I am not sure how he will fit in with the otheremployees.4、小男孩在拉扯他母亲的衣袖,想引起她的注意。(get ones attentionThelittle boy was picking at his mothers sleeve,trying to get her attention.6、她阅读最优秀作家的作品来陶冶情操。(cultivateShe read the best authors in an attempt tocultivate her

12、 mind.1、老师给我们每个人都分配了假期里的任务。(assignThe teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task.2、我们力争在五月份完成这项任务,但得争分夺秒地。(a race against timeWell try to get this finished by way, but itll be a race against time.3、我的汽车要散架了。(fall apartMy car is falling apart.4、这房子看起来很旧,实际上很新。(in realityThe house looks very old,

13、but in reality its quite new.5、外国游客无一不对该市的风景留有深刻印象。(impressThe sights of this city never fail to impress theforeign tourists.1、我倒想去度假,可是抽不出时间。(affordId love to go on holiday, but I cant afford the time.2、这个事件使她心情很不好。(putin a bad moodThe incident put her in a bad mood.3、工程在创纪录的短时间内完成了。(in record time

14、The project was completed in record time.4、他们预料到会变天,带了很多厚衣服。(in anticipation ofIn anticipation of had weather they tookpienty of warm clothes.5、你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法。(hide awayWhy do you hide your thoughts away from me?1、尽管很失望,他还是强装笑脸。(manageDespite his disappointment he managed a smile.2、她这人就是爱忘事。(typical o

15、fIts typical of her to forget.3、她最初很紧张,但很快就镇静来了。(compose oneselfShe was very nevours at first, but composed herselfsoon.4、总统已在他的新年献词中表明对那些建议的态度。The president attitude toward the proposals has beenindicated in his New Years Address.5、裁判倒序念出比赛结果。(in reverse orderThe judge read out the results of compe

16、tition inreverse order.1、这个婚礼可能是最豪华壮观的。(superbThe wedding ceremony was propably the most superb.2、他大致描述了他们行动的计划方案。(roughlyHe described the planned course of their action.3、我第一次看到长城就惊叹不已。(in aweMy first view of the Great wall kept me in awe.4、客人名单中漏掉了他的名字。(miss outHis name was missed out from the list of the guests.5、游客们赞叹风景的秀丽。(marvel atThe tourists marveled beauty of the landscape.1、他从陆军调到海军。(transferHe has transferred from the army to navy.2、好老师能以有趣的方式讲授他们的教学资料。(presentGood teachers present their materials in an interestingway.3、


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