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1、必修 2 Unit 3 课下作业(一 三)课下作业(一)考点过关针对练I.单词拼写1. It was just her childhood experiences that affected her character (性格)and later life.2. Many people call the age we live in the age of technology (科技).3. Seeing their favourite star come in, the devoted fans arose (起身)from their seatsimmediately.4. The pol

2、iceman scolded the driver for turning without a signal ( 信号).5. Her childhood dream became a reality( 现实) when she broke the 100m race world record.6. It is well- known that overpopulation is a universal (普遍的)problem.7. When the computer is stopped in this way, it can only be restarted by the operat

3、or(操作员).8. If the naughty (淘气的)students are removed from the class then the others can learn inpeace.9. The software downloaded (下载)on the Internet must be installed properly.10.I haven t calculated (计算;估算)the cost that we will spend in travelling.n.语境语法填空1. Li Hua is the eldest son of the family an

4、d it is generous of him to share his toyswith his brothers.Besides, he often provides help ? for them.Theycommon.For example, they are all good at making ? up stories.2. I have a good robot friend ? whose name is Jack. “ He” is similar to a human being ? inmany ways. “ He” is a robot about 120 centi

5、meters tall with a lovely face and two bright eyes, ?designed (design) by my thoughts.When I put on my cap, my brain sends out ? signals (signal)to the cap on my head, which can pick up the signals and send them to a computer.In this way thecomputer reads the signals ? and then controls “ his ” move

6、s.3. With the Internet ? developing(develop)rapidly, people can apply for the job through theInternet.It is very convenient for students to solve the difficult problem ? with the help of severalclicks.? In. a way, computers have changed our life.However, many students become so crazyabout computers

7、? that they spend too much time on them.As a result, some of the students failthe exams.Anyhow, computers play ? an important part in our life.川.语境改错1.文中共有 6 处错误,每句中最多有一处,请找出并改正。have a lot ? inAs the Internet becomes more and more popular, we have fewer face- to-face talk with ourfriends.As a result

8、, the problems have been arisen for lack of communication.Last Saturday, Iturned my friend Li Hua for help.At a agreed signal I entered his office.He gave me some adviceson how to deal with the problems .I couldn t total agree with him, but what he said was partlyreasonable.答案:第一句:talkTtalks第二句:去掉 b

9、een第三句:turned 后加 to第四句:aTan第五句:advices advice第六句:totalstotally2. 文中共有 4 处错误,每句中最多有两处,请找出并改正。Faced with so many problems arising from lack of communication, I didn t know what to dealwith them independently.After all, I had never left my parents.As a result of, I couldnt adapt to mynew school life.Lu

10、cky, with the help of my teachers and classmates, I have got along well with myclassmates and made a great progress in my study.答案: 第一句: whatThow第三句:去掉 of第四句:LuckyTLuckily;去掉 aIV .根据提示补全句子1 我们的政府已承诺提高我们的水质,所以不久之后居民就可以喝到干净水了。(before引导时间状语从句)Our government has promised to improve our water quality, so

11、 it_won t_be long before theresidents can have access to clean water.2随着生活水平的提高,我们越来越有时间消遣。(as 引导时间状语从句)As our life improves, we find more and more time entertaining.3.结果,孩子们变得如此依赖(reliant)他们的父母,以至于他们没有独立的想法或创意。(so .that 引导结果状语从句)As a consequence, children become so_reliant_onheijparentshat they hav

12、e noindependent thoughts or creative ideas.4.简到家时,她的姑姑将已经动身去伦敦开会。(by the time)By_the_tim_Jan_gis_hQmfi,_her aunt will have left for London to attend a meeting.5.说实话,我对如何解决这个难题感到困惑。(solve)To be honest, Im at a loss how_to_solve_the_difficult_problem.I.根据提示填空Nowadays many online celebrities (网络红人)are

13、building up thousands of online ?communities (community) by sharing knowledge on subjects like fashion, beauty or just by ?producing_humorou_videos (制作搞笑视频 ).In the process, they make lots of money.When an online celebrity ? publishes (publish) a fashion-themed article on WeChat, readerscan reward t

14、he author with tips ? ranging (range) from 1 yuan to 256 yuan by using its digitalpayment tool.Besides, luxury brands such as Channel and Prada prefer to cooperate with onlinecelebrities.When releasing the latest products, these companies often invite these celebrities ?to_advertise_the_products (为产

15、品打广告) )on Sina Weibo.Actually, ? setting (set) up a personal fashion brand is ? the most popular income source (最普遍的收入来源 )for most cyber stars.One shining example is Zhang Dayi, who has cultivated morethan 4 million flowers on Sina microblog.By ? regularly (regular) posting her stores fashion items,

16、Zhang successfully converted her online store into a must- visit destination for female onlineshoppers.Her shop, considered ? to_bring (bring) the latest fashion trends, was listed as thesecond ? best (good) store in 2018 on Taobao.n.片段选词填空as if, no more than , take pleasure in , organize, be full o

17、f, face to face, on the other hand,for the first time , participant , endChina news, Beijing, Dec.29 In Beijing, a group of old people ? take pleasure in surfing theInternet, just like young people do.Recently, these senior web surfers ? organized a party, CCTVinternational channel reported.About 40

18、 old people went to the party, which ? was_full_of joy and happiness.To many people,it might be the first time that they had met each other ? face_to_face. ?On_the_other_hand,_however, they might have become very close friends through onlinechatting.We might meet each other ? for_the_first_time at t

19、his party, yet we felt happy and excited, theparty organizer saidt was the computer and Internet that had brought them together, many ?课下作业(二)话题阅读培优练participants said.Among these people, the youngest might be in their 50s and the oldest might be over 70 yearsold now.Despite their old age, many might

20、 have just started to learn computer basic skills andonline surfing for ? nD_mDre_than. a year.When the party ? ended,_many senior people said they felt very happy to attend a party likethis: it made them feel ? as_if they were young people, too.课下作业(三)高考语篇提能练I.阅读理解Cellphones are still absent from m

21、ost U . S. schools but new data shows they are steadilygaining approval.More school administrators are bowing to parents wishes to stay in touchwith their kids.Teachers also find ways to work them into lessons.The nation s largest schoolsystem, New York City, is among those that have abandoned stric

22、t bans.Liz Kolb, an education technology professor at the University of Michigan, said, “ Weveseen a lot of schools say, Well, I m not going to fight parents that are upset that their childcan t have the cellphone in school.”“ Teachers are also taking advantage of the technology,” Kolb added.Many di

23、strictsare spending millions of dollars in giving students access to tablets or laptop computers.Thesehave countless academic apps and programs teachers can use.According to Kolb, there areteachers who have found that having the cellphone is like having a computer in your pocket, soit s a way to hav

24、e another learning tool that isn t necessarily costing the district more money.Still, some school districts are moving in the opposite direction.The school board inMansfield City, Ohio, last year tightened its rules .It now requires the devices (设备)be turnedoff and out of sight in classrooms unless

25、the teacher says otherwise.In Connecticut, Seymour High School Principal Jim Freund said teachers tried to limitcellphone use to lunch and other noninstructional ( 非教学的 )times.However, students werestill playing games or on social media when they shouldn t have been. I don t think they hadthe maturi

26、ty level to control it , ” Freund said.So the school promulgated a strict ban inDecember.Since then, students have reported getting more work done in study hall and thecafeteria has become noisy as students talk to one another more.语篇解读:本文是议论文。手机作为通信工具的便利性及作为学习工具的实用性使其“走进”美国各所学校的呼声高涨。然而,有些学校还是实行了严格的

27、手机禁令,限制学 生在学校使用手机。1. What does the author want to convey in Paragraph 1?A.Students are not allowed to use cellphones in schools.B.Teachers have found cellphones are useful for students.C.Strict bans on cellphones in schools should be abandoned.D.Cellphones are gradually gaining acceptance inside sch

28、ools.课下作业(三)高考语篇提能练解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第一段的内容可知,大多数的美国学校都禁止使用手 机,但最新数据显示,手机正在稳步获得认可。越来越多的学校管理人员对家长们希望与孩子保持联系的意愿表示顺从。老师们也发现可以把手机应用到课堂上。由此可推断出, 作者在本段主要是想表达手机正逐渐被学校认可。2.Which of the following would Kolb agree with?A.Cellphones can be used as a learning tool.B.Teachers should not rely on cellphones in teachi

29、ng.C.Tablets or computers can be replaced by cellphones.D.The district should spend more money on cellphones.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,手机作为一种学习工具,老师们也开始利用它。手机在学校的使用也可以降低购买教育技术方面的花费,故正确答案为A。3.Why does Freund disapprove of cellphone use in schools?A.Teens are lacking in self-control.B.It will prevent st

30、udents communication.C.Students use phones in noninstructional times.D . Most schools have banned the use of cellphones.解析: 选 A 细节理解题。 根据最后一段 Freund 所说的“ dont think they had the maturity levelto control it 可知,他认为青少年不够成熟,没有自控力。4 . What does the underlined word“ promulgated ” the last paragraph probab

31、lymean?A.Removed.B . Corrected.C.Announced.D . Demanded.解析:选 C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段的内容可知,西摩高中校长Freund 并不赞同学生在学校使用手机,而根据画线词后的一句可知,自此以后,学生们可以在自修时间完 成更多的学业内容,并且在餐厅的交流也更多了。由此可推断出,西摩高中在12 月份公布了一条严格的手机禁令。 promulgate 与 announce 同义。n.阅读七选五Living with a diet that doesn t include all the animals and animal byproducts

32、 ( 副产品) istermed as vegetarianism (素食主义 ).It contains different types of vegetarians.Those who dont eat meat of any kind, eggs, milk products, or even don t consumeprocessed foods containing any ingredients from animals are termed as vegans._J_Vegetarians who dont eat any type of animal meat or even

33、 eggs but consume milk are calledlacto vegetarians.Vegetarians who don t consume any kind of animal meat or milk but eat eggsare called ovo vegetarians.Vegetarianism is accepted and practiced by many people, but each one has his or herreasons.Some people do it for better health.They think vegetarian

34、ism is a healthy diet._2_They think it s cruel for human beings to kill animals for their nutrition when vegetarianoptions are available._3_ Some religions dont allow their believers to consumenon-vegetarian food._4_ For example, it can prevent several diseases like heart diseases and cancer.Eatingf

35、resh vegetables, fruit and other vegetarian foods like whole grains can help keep a healthybody weight.A vegetarian diet can help improve the process of digestion and thus help thebody get rid of poisonous waste products. 5 Many scientists have also stated thatvegetarianism contributes to reducing t

36、he effects of global warming.A.There are many vegetarians.B.Fruitarians only eat fresh fruit.C.A vegetarian diet has many health benefits.D.Many people do it because of their love for animals.E.It s good to have a vegetarian diet but eat meat at times.F.Thus, generally vegetarians live longer than n

37、on-vegetarians.G. Many people practice vegetarianism owing to their religious beliefs.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍几种素食者及素食主义的好处。1.选 B 根据第一段最后一句和本段的内容可知,本段介绍了四类素食者:vegans,fruitarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians。本空介绍了果食主义者。2.选 D 根据本段第一句的each one has his or her reasons可知,该段介绍人们素食的原因; 空后一句 They think it

38、 s cruel for human beings to kill animals for their nutrition ” 与D 项中 their love for animals相吻合,故正确答案为D。3.选 G 下一句对本空进行进一步的阐述,都是围绕religion这一原因, 故正确答案 为G。4.选 C 根据本段的内容及设空位置可知,本空为本段的中心句。本段主要讲了素食的益处,故正确答案为C。5.选 F 上文指出,素食可以预防疾病、维持健康体重、促进消化、排出身体的毒素,因此,素食主义者往往寿命更长,故正确答案为F。川.语法填空What will most help you lead

39、 a long happy and healthy life?Some cultures put more importance on work and money than others.Americans arethought to be addicted to _1_ (they) jobs and making money.They might feel the need _2 一(make) lots of money for education, medical care, houses and cars.For many of us, self-worth islinked to

40、 our _3_ (profession) success or failure.Many of us spend most of our lives working sacrificing other _4_ (activity).Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that wealth, social position and animportant job title do not _5_ (necessary) lead to health and happiness.A professor at Harvard Medical S

41、chool said, “ Thesurprising finding is that ourrelationships and how happy we are in our relationships have a powerful influence ourhealth. ” It ist just romantic relationships, but the relationships we build and care forthroughout the years with friends, family members and co- workers are important

42、 as well.He _7_ (add), “ Taking care of your body is important, but _8_ (tend) to yourrelationships is a form of self- care too. ” Close relationships are _9_ keep people happythroughout their lives not money or fame.These close relationships protect people from thedifficult times that come with growing older and give people _10_ better chanc


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