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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前2020-2021学年Join in 剑桥英语六年级上册Unit 4单元测试卷题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、听力题1.选出你所听到的单词。_ 1. A. safe B. stitch C. stay D. star_ 2. A. under B. unhappy C. understand D. UK_ 3. A. keep B. kite C. kind D. knock_ 4. A. cat B. campsite C. cut D

2、. can_ 5. A. ring B. river C. rule D. right2.判断下列句子与所听句子是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“×”。_ 1. I broke my leg and my right arm._ 2. They put the ladder away._ 3. Don't forget to put on your pads._ 4. This is a lovely campsite._ 5. Heres your key.3.根据所听内容,给下列图片排序。 _ _ _ _ _4.听短文,补全空缺。Tom went to a _ by _

3、last Saturday. He listened to music _ he was riding. Suddenly a _ ran across the street. He couldnt _ and hit it. He fell _ and broke his _ arm _ and leg. A police _ him. He was taken to a _.评卷人得分二、选择题5.well ( )A哪里B乡村C唔,噢6.safe ( )A停留B安全的C奇怪的7.kind ( )A体贴的B保持C深的8.matter ( )A许多B男人C问题9.right ( )A规定B右边

4、的C写字10.I had _ accident _ my bike. ( )Aan; andBa; andCan; withDa; with11.I broke my leg. I was _ for four weeks. ( )Ain the hospitalBin hospitalCon hospitalDon the hospital12.Tom _ on holiday with his parents last week. ( )AisBareCwereDwas13._ he _ his left arm? ( )ADo; breakBDid; breakCDo; brokeDDi

5、d; broke14.Tony couldnt _ snorkelling. ( )AgoBto goCwentDto went评卷人得分三、单词拼写15.swim (动名词) _16.have (过去式) _17.happy (反义词) _18.go (过去式) _19.he (形容词性物主代词) _评卷人得分四、填空题cut found stay put looks20.Lets _ here for a while.21.The beach _ great for snorkelling.22.I _ my foot on a broken bottle.23.Please rememb

6、er to _ on your belt.24.They _ a ladder in his garden.评卷人得分五、其它A. Im going down to the beach.B. He fell from the window.C. Heres your key.D. See you again next year.E. Dont forget to write.25.你告诉妈妈John从窗户上摔下来了,你说:_26.告诉对方不要忘了写字,应说:_27.递给对方钥匙时,说:_28.希望明年再见到对方时,说:_29.你告诉朋友,你将要去海滩,应说:_评卷人得分六、阅读理解Patien

7、t: Im in a hospital! Why do I stay here?Doctor: You were in a train accident.Patient: What happened?Doctor: Well, Ive got a piece of bad news and a piece of good news. Which would you like to hear first?Patient: Wellthe bad news first.Doctor: Your legs were so badly hurt that we had to cut off both

8、of your legs.Patient: Thats so bad. What is the good news?Doctor: Theres a guy in the next room who gave a good price for your shoes.30.The patient crashed into a car and was carried to a hospital. _31.The patient clearly remembered what happened. _32.The doctor told him two pieces of news. _33.The

9、patient chose to hear the good news first. _34.The patient was very happy to hear the good news. _评卷人得分七、书面表达35.请你以“An accident”为题写一篇不少于50个单词的短文。_参考答案1.     C     B     A     C     D【解析】1. stay 2. unh

10、appy 3. keep 4. cut 5. right2.     ×          ×          ×【解析】1. I cut my foot on a broken bottle.2. They put the ladder away.3. Dont forget to write.4. This is a lovely campsite.5. Her

11、e's a bandage.3.     4     1     5     3     2【解析】1. When I was eight, I had an accident with my bike.2. Whats the matter with you?My leg hurts.3. One day I went swimming.4. Excuse me, is there a

12、doctor in the village?No, there isnt.5. Wear your helmet so that youre safe.4.     zoo     bike     when     dog     stop     down     left   

13、60; right     helped     hospital【解析】Tom went to a zoo by bike last Saturday. He listened to music when he was riding. Suddenly a dog ran across the street. He couldnt stop and hit it. He fell down and broke his left arm and right leg. A police helped him. He

14、was taken to a hospital.5.C6.B7.A8.C9.B【解析】(1)well唔,噢,故选C。(2)safe安全的,故选B。(3)kind体贴的,故选A。(4)matter问题,故选C。(5)right右边的,故选B。10.C【解析】句意:我的自行车出了事故。事故accident,是以元音音素开始的单词,前面加系词an,with对于,故选C。11.B【解析】句意:我弄伤了我的腿。我在医院住了4周。在医院in hospital固定搭配,故选B。12.D【解析】句意:汤姆上周在和他的父母亲度假。根据时间last week可知该句用一般过去时态,主语是第三人称单数,故系动词用w


16、是不规则变化,went,故答案为went。he他,形容词性物主代词是his,故答案为his。20.stay21.looks22.cut23.put24.found【解析】(1)句意:我们在这儿呆一会儿吧。呆stay,let后面加动词原形,故答案为stay。(2)句意:海滩看起来很适合浮潜。The beach是第三人称单数,动词也用第三人称单数形式,故答案为looks。(3)句意:我的脚被一个破瓶子划破了。划破cut,时态是一般过去时,故答案为cut。(4)句意:请记住系好腰带。Please+动词原形,put on,系上,故答案为put。(5)句意:他们在他的花园里发现了一个梯子。句子时态为一般

17、过去时,发现find,其过去式为found,故答案为found。25.B26.E27.C28.D29.A【解析】(1)你告诉妈妈John从窗户上摔下来了,你说选项B他从窗户摔了下来。符合题意,故选B。(2)告诉对方不要忘了写字,应说选项E别忘了写信。符合题意,故选E。(3)递给对方钥匙时,说选项C这是你的钥匙。符合题意,故选C。(4)希望明年再见到对方时,说选项D明年再见。符合题意,故选D。(5)你告诉朋友,你将要去海滩,应说选项A我要去海滩。符合题意,故选A。30.F31.F32.T33.F34.F【解析】(1)句意:那个病人被车撞了然后被送往医院了。由句子You were in a tra

18、in accident.可知是火车发生了事故。故答案为F。(2)句意:那个病人能清晰地记得发生的事情。由文章可知他不记得,故答案为F。(3)句意:医生告诉他两条消息。由文章可知一个是好消息,一个是坏消息。故答案为T。(4)句意:病人选择先听好消息。由句子Wellthe bad news first.可知先听坏消息。故答案为F。(5)句意:病人听到好消息是非常开心的。由句子Theres a guy in the next room who gave a good price for your shoes.可知他不开心,故答案为F。35.例文:An accidentA car accident happened on Xinhua Road yesterday afternoon. The driver was making a phone call and drove the car to the a pavement, so it caused this accident.


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