1、新课标人教版课件系列高中英语必修必修5 5 GrammarCCTV China Center TelevisionVOA Voice of AmericaID Card Identification CardBBC British Broadcast CorporationCNN Cable News NetFIFA Federation of International Football AssociationIOC International Olympic CommitteeCIA Central Intelligence Agency构词法构词法 通过加前缀构通过加前缀构成另一个词成另
2、一个词转化转化合成合成规则规则例证例证 由一个词类转由一个词类转化为另一个词类化为另一个词类通过加后缀构成通过加后缀构成另一个词另一个词通过加前后缀通过加前后缀构成另一个词构成另一个词派生派生由两个或更多的由两个或更多的词合成另一个词词合成另一个词shopn.shopvhappyunhappyhappyadj.happinessn.happyn.unhappilyadv.in+ comeincomehappy+ go+ luckyhappy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的构词法构词法规则规则例例证证截短截短法法混合混合缩写缩写把一个词前部分把一个词前部分截去截去把一个词后部分把一个词后部分截去截
3、去把一个词前后各把一个词前后各截去一部分截去一部分把两个词各取一部把两个词各取一部分合成另一个词分合成另一个词按字母读音按字母读音像单词一样读像单词一样读aeroplane planeadvertisement adinfluenza flubreakfast and lunch brunchFBI 联邦调查局NATO 北约(1)转化:同一个单词由一个词类转化为另一种词类 water 水(名)-water浇水(动)()派生:通过给一个单词加前缀或后缀构成另一个单词前缀: happy-unhappy 后缀: happy-happinessDerivative 派生词派生词incurablepre
4、fixstemsuffixTo change the meaning of the wordTo change the speech(词性词性) of the wordteletele远,远距离远,远距离 telephone, telegraph, televisiontelephone, telegraph, television co co共同,合作共同,合作coworker, cooperatecoworker, cooperatetrans跨越,移 transfusion, transplant, transport bio生命,生物 biology, bioengineering,
5、biophysics e电子的 e-mail, e-school (3)合成与缩写 high+ technology-hi-tech broad+ band-broadband break+ through-breakthrough Chinese Space Agency-CSA(中国航天局) information +technology-IT(信息技术)Do some exercisessubstandard intermarry transplant interconnect international misapply disability biochemistry 低于标准的低于标
6、准的通婚通婚 移植移植 相互联系,相互连接相互联系,相互连接 国际间的国际间的误用,滥用误用,滥用 无能力无能力生物化学生物化学Guess the meaning of the wordsTransform the following words.polite (n) free (n)safe (n) act (n)beautiful (n)useful (v)advice (v) politenessfreedomsafetyactionbeautyuseadvisesun (adj)Russia (adj)health (adj)recent (adv)slow (adv)early (a
7、dv)wound (adj)sunnyRussianhealthyrecentlyslowlyearlywoundedUse the proper forms of the words to fill in the blanks.1.He lost his keys, because he is _.Im sure he will be _ with everything from now on. (care)2. At the beginning the Blacks in the US had no right to vote. It was _. (fair)carelesscarefu
8、lunfair3.That plan was a waste of money. We _ with it. (agree)4. These gold rings are _ while those glass ones are _. (value)disagreedvaluablevalueless 1.That man was_enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.A.care B.carefulC.carelessD.carelessness 2.The soldier died for saving th
9、e child,so his_ is heavier than Mount Tai.A.dieB.deadC.diedD.death 3.He is an expert at chemistry.We all call him a _.A.chemistryB.chemicalC.chemistD.physician 4.The three- _chair isnt suitable for a young child.He may fall off.A.leggingB.legged C.legsD.leged legged adj 有腿的有腿的 5.Stephenson became th
10、e_railway engineer in the world.A.leadB.leader C.leadingD.leadership 6.To everyones _,the girl finished the job quite well.A.satisfiedB.satisfactory(adj)C.satisfyingD.satisfaction 7. What are you doing here?Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about _in English.You can write_passage in English?
11、 A.600 wordss 600-words B.600-word;a 600-words C.600 words;a 600-word D.600 words;a 600-words 8.No one should enter the spot without the_of the police. A.permit B.permission C.permitting D.permittence 9.You must come with us to the police _.Our head is waiting for you. A.headquarters B.headlineC.hea
12、dmaster D.headache 10.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it _.A.intend B.intentionC.intentionally D.intentional 11.The_ordered him to pay a $100 fine. A.judgerB.judgmentC.judge D.judgement 12.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the_news about Iraq War? A.lately B.latest C.later D.latter.后面的后面的 13.Canada is mainly an_country. A.English-speakingB. speak-English C.spoken-English D. English-spoken14.How_ he is! He is always acting_.He is really
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