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1、中华人民共和国海事局2009年第1期海船船员适任统考试题(总第47期)科目:航海英语 试卷代码:903适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶二、三副(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70,考试时间为100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,第1题至第88题,每题1分,第89题至第96题,每题1.5分。单项选择题you will find information about the duration of slack water in the_.A.Tidal Current Tables B.Tidal TablesC.Publications

2、from CCS D.Sailing Directions2. When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year,where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found?A.Light List B.Notice to Mariners C.On the chart D.Coast Pilot3. A line of position from a celestial observation is a segmeng of a_.A.circle o

3、f equal altitude B.parallel of declinationC.parallel of altitude D.vertical circle4. In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the_.A.Mercator B.gnomonic C.azimuthal D.Lambert conformal5. Place names used should be those_.A.specified by international authorities B.specified by na

4、tional authoritiesC.on the standard map D.on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use6. Charted depth is the_.A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideB.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean C.average height of water over a

5、 specified period of timeD.average height of all low waters at a place7. The changes in the channels sounds and buoys on this coast are_this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.A.frequent B.so frequent C.frequent that D.so frequent that8. Defense plans may cause the operation

6、of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with_A.no notice B.one days notice C.a weeks notice D.thiety(30) days notice9. Owing to old date of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be_A.considered B.insured C.relied D.suspected of10. All entries in L

7、ogbook, _made,must not be erasedor amended.A.once B.whether C.while D.just11.The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log_.A.the names of all persons on board B.only the names of the crew number on board C.only the names of passengers on board C.information on emergency training drill

8、s12.The vessal was drifted off from her_due to strong wind.A.course B.track C.direction D.trend13.If you do not wear goggles and helmet,your chances of being_will be greater.A.beaten B.damaged C.hurt D.stricken14.With regard to the opening and closing of watertight integrity appliances not fitted wi

9、th a remote operating control or alarm systerm,what must the Master or person in chanrge of a ship enter in the logbook?A.The time required to cloes the appliancesB.The reason for opening or closing each applianceC.The name of the person performing the opening and closing of such appliancesD.The fac

10、t that the hull indicator functioned or not 15.The fire-protected lifeboats are found_.A.being satisfied B.satisfying C.satisfactory D.satisfied16.You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn. The Master has temporarily gone below. The Pilot orders a course change, which you are certain, will put the

11、 vessal into imminent danger. You first action should be to_.A.countermand the order and immediately notify the MasterB.make an appropriate entry in the deck log concerning the Pilots orderC.immediately call the Master and await further orders from himD.immediately sound a short ring on the general

12、alarm17.How many operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the Interntional Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974?A.4 operators B.3 operstors C.2 operstors D.1 operators 18.In_convention, a vessal which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenge

13、r ship.A.COSCO B.STCW C.SOLAS D.MARPOL19.During fueling, all doors, hatches, and ports_.A.to windward should be opened and the ones to leeward should be closed B.to leeward should be opened and the ones to leeward should be closedC.should be openedD.should be closed20.The person on a ship who is res

14、ponsible for maintaining the engine spaces in a clean and sanitary condition is the_.A.Master, or person in chargeB.Chief Engineer, or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is requiredC.senior meachanic, or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designated D. senior electrician, or electrician on

15、duty if no senior electrician designated 21.LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called_.A.broaching the anchor B.shifting the anchorC.walking the anchor D.weighing the anchor22.If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchorss holding power_.A.decreases B.increasesC.remains the same D.has no

16、 relation to the scope23.A “spring line” is_.A.any wire rope used for mooring B.a fire-warpC.a mooring line running diagonally to the keel D.a mooring line perpendicular to the keel24.Vessal towing with the current shall_tow more than tow boats and they must be towed alongside.A.at times B.at any ti

17、me C.at no time D.at moment25.If a vessal under tow starts jumping on Its tow line, the most appropriate action to alleviate the conditions is to_.A.charge course B.slow dowm C.have to D.adjust tow line length26.You are heading in a northerly driection when you come aross an easterly current. Your v

18、essal will_.A.be pushed to starboard B.be pushed to portC.decrease in engine speed D.remain on course27.Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one _from the other.A.can be observed visually B.can be observed by radarC.can be locateed on the radar D.can be heard28.Which vessa

19、l is underway according to the Rules?A.A vessal made fast to a single point mooring buoyB.A pures seiner(围网渔船)hauling her netsC.A pilot vessal at anchorD.A vessal which has run aground 29.Every vessal shall proceed at a safe speed_the prevailing cricumstances and conditions.A.appropriate to B.used b

20、y C.liable to D.adaptation to30.Two vessal are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?A.The first vessal to sight the other should give way B.The vessal making the slower speed should give wayC.Both vessal should alter course to starboardD.Both vessal sho

21、uld alter course to port31.An anchored vessal on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night?A.A sternlight only B.Anchor lights onlyC.A white light over a red light only D.A white light over a red light and anchor lights32.The positions and characterisitics of lights and buoys shown within the

22、port area_.A.untrue B.impossible C.suspectful D.unimportant33.You should polt your dead reckoning position_.A.from every fix or running fix B.from every estimated positionC.every three minutes in pilotage waters D.only in pilotage waters 34.During daylight saving time the meridian used for determini

23、ng the time is located farther_.A.west in west longitude and east in east longitudeB.east in west longitude and west in east longitudeC.westD.east35.The meaning of “EBB TIDE” is that_.A.tide is falling high water to low water B.tide is rising from low water to high waterC.tide is reaching to a highe

24、st level D.tide is reaching to a lowest level36.When reversing, the tidal stream will have period with little or no effect.This is called the_.A.Rise B.Range C.Slack D.Spring37.The mean draft of a ship is the draft_.A.midway between the forward and draft marksB.at the center of flotationC.at the loa

25、d lineD.at the center of buoyancy38.A semi submersible which will not ramain upright and will assume a list either to port or starboard is likely to have_.A.a large TCG B.a negative GM C.excessive ballast D.insufficient deck load39.If the metacentric height is large, a floating vessal will_.A.be ten

26、der B.have a slow and easy motionC.be stiff D.have a tendency to yaw40.The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of_.A.working hours B.gangs C.idle time D.weight per set41.The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is detemined by_.A.experience from practice B.various ty

27、pes of cargoesC.different types of ship D.personal abilities42.The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows_.A.the name of the crane operator B.an entry each time the crane is used C.date and result of each rated load test D.the time of day of the test43.the forw

28、ard draft of you ship is 27-11 and the after draft is 29-03.The draft amidships is 28-05.Your vessel is_.A.hogged B.sagged C.listed D.trimmed by the head 44.Well adopt the mechanical tallying method_.A.sonn or late B.soon or later C.sooner or late D.soon or later45.Figure of cargo short-landed in_.A

29、.dispute B.argue C.debate D.discuss46.As a general rule , tally clerks should make sheir tallying_.A.in warehouses B.on deck C.ashore D.in the tallyroom47.Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overeast occasional rain _ slowly south moderate or good.A.spreading B.proceeding C.bounding for D.going to48

30、.LOW AT 34N 135E EASLY SLWLY INTST NC. This description is most likely to be under the heading of_A.GALE WNG B.GEN SYN C.STORM WNG D.TYPHOON WNG49.Fog is most commonly associated with a(n)_.A.warm front at night B.low pressure area C.anticyclone D.lack of frontal activity50.Cumulonimbus clouds are m

31、ost likely to accompany a(n)_A.high pressure system B.cold ftontC.warm front D.occluded front51.The fog most commonly encountered at sea is called_.A.conduction fog B. radiation fog C.frontal fog D.advection fog52.A DECK, SPACE, AREA, ETC, NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines_.A.Re

32、stricted area B.Closed area C.Prohibited place D.Forbidden place53.For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the_.A.waterline B.freeboard deck C.plimsoll mark D.amidsships section54.Frecboard is measured from the upper edge of the_.A.bulkwark B.deck line C.gunwale ba

33、r D.sheer strake 55.The required portable radio apparatus on an international voyage must be stowed in_.A.the Masters quarters B.the ships officeC.the radio room , bridge , or protected locationD.an unlocked cabinet next to the station bill56.In comparison to electrie power , hydraulic power for jac

34、king systemes has the advantage of_.A.better control capabilities B.less maintenance and repairC.fewer personnel needed during jacking D.less prelonad needed57.Limit switches are used on_?A.sheath-screw davits B .gravity davits C.radial davits D.quadrantal davits58.Which ARPA data should you use in

35、order to detemine if a close quarter situation will develop with a target wessel?A.Set and drift of the current B.Relative track informationC.Predicted time of CPA D.Initial range of acquisition 59.Which statement is TRUE conceming a vessel equipped with operational radar ?A.She must use this equipm

36、ent to obtain early warning of risk of collisionB.The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-outC.The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibilityD.The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar60._ is on the panel o

37、f radar .A.KEYLOCK B.REPEATER C.STATICINVERTER D.ANTI-CLUTTER-SEA61.Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass?A.Gyrocompass does not have to regarding the use of gyrocompass?B.Gyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a berth.C.Gyrocompass needs to be checked fr

38、om time to time.D. Gyrocompass in not influenced by the latitude and ships motion 62.IF the magnetic heading is greater than the compass heading , the deviation is_.A.east B.west C.north D. south 63.Deviation is the angle between the_.A.true meridian and the axis of the compass cardB.true meridian a

39、nd the magnetic meridianC.magnetie meridian and the axis of the compass cardD.axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian64.What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?A.AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situationB.AIS is more accurate than ARPAC.AI

40、S is not as accurate as ARPAD.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance65.The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_.A.3 hours B.6 hours C. 12 hours D. 24 hours66.When the gyro-pilot is used for steering , what control is adjusted to compensate for varying sea conditions_.A.Rud

41、der control B.Sea control C.Lost motion adjustment D.Weather adjustment67.Which action shoud you take dfter sending a false distress alert on VHF?A.Send a DSC concellation message on CH-70.B.Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH-16.C.Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH-

42、13D. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH-22A68.What can be SARTs audible tone monitor be used for ? It can beused to_.A.Informs survivors that assistance may be nearby .B.Informs survivors when the batterys charge condition has weakened.C. Informs survivors when the SART switches to

43、the standby mode.D. Informs survivors that a nearby vessel is signaling on DSC.69.If you receive the signal over radiotelephone of Romeo Papa Tangowhile using the InternationalCode of Signais , you should_.A.report to the caller B. report your last transmissionC.continue since he received your last

44、transmission D.end the transmission70.My vessel maneuvering_difficulty .Please keep well clear_me. A.with , of B.in , of C.at , apart D.with , from71.If you are transmitting distress message by radiotelephong you should_.A.use English language B.always use the Intemational CodeC.preface it by the wo

45、rd SOS D.follow the transmission with the radio alarm signal72.What does the abbreviation VHF stang for?A.Vessels Hoisting Frequency B.Very High SafetyC. Vessels Homing Frequency D. Very High Frequency73.On cargo booms, preventers are_.A.auxiliary guys B.extra fair leads C.steel bands D.stops74.Nylo

46、n line is NOT suitable for_.A.toeing B.lashings C.stoppers D.mooring lines75.The term STANDING RIGGING refers to_.A.booms and kingposts B.guys and vangsC.stays and shrouds D.topping lifys and cargo runners76.A common class of wire rope used mooring is the 6×19 class.What does the”6”represent?A.

47、Factor of safety B.Number of wies per strandC. Number of strands per wire D. Number of wies in the core77.Paints and solvents on a vessel shuid be_.A.stored safely at the work site until work is completedB.retumed to the paint lockre after each useC.covered at all times to protect form igniting sour

48、cesD.stored in a suitable gear locke78.A distress signal_.A.consists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatusB. consists of the raisting ang lowering of a large white flagC.may be used separately or with other distress signalsD.is used to indicate doubt about another vessels intentions7

49、9.The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and reacue operations within a specified area is the_.A.General commander B.Commander generalC.Search commander D.On-scene commander80.After putting on a self-contained breathing apparatus, you open the air supply and hear a continuou

50、s ringing or a bell.What dose this mean?A.The unit is working properly B.The face mask is not sealed properly C.The air bottle needs to be refilled D.The air supply hose has a leak81.A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to_.A.make underwater repairs to bargesB.determine if the air in a tank

51、is safe for menC.enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen D.resuscitatc an unconscious person82.The major used of water in fighting fires is to_.A.suffocate the fire B.absorb the oxygen supporting the fireC.act as a cooling agent D.wash the fire away83.If the survival craft is not

52、 loaded to full capacity, the personnel should be_.A.loaded more on the port side forwardB.load equally on both sides with more forwardC. load equally on both sides with more aftD.allowed to sit anywhere84.After launching, an inflatable raft should be kept dry inside by_.A.opening the automatic drain plugs B.draining the water porketsC.using the electric bilge pump D.using the bailer


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