英语九年级上牛津译林unit 2:学案(10—1)_第1页
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1、英语九上牛津译林Unit 2:学案(101)9A Unit2(Period10)学案 一备 陆建军 长江中学 预习作业一、词汇(1) The sun is shining through the rain and Millie sees a _ (彩虹)(2) Some colours can give you a happy and _ (满足的) feeling.(3) On the last day of his trip to Japan, he made a big _ (决心)。(4) Do you know that colours can affect our m_?(5) E

2、aly to bed, early to rise. You wont feel s_ in class.(6) Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red b_ the calm white.(7) There is_wrong with my watch. It doesnt work.(8) I saw_pass, but I didnt know who it was.(9) Today Ill have a test.I _ the yellow dress to the black one.(10) Most boys w

3、ould _ guns than dolls.二、词组 (1)有趣的东西 _ (2)解释给某人听某事_ (3)有利于身心健康_ (4)干某事有困难_ (5)保持自然平衡_ (6)心情不好_ 课堂练习一、Fill in the blanks with no ,none, nothing ,nobody 1. -How many eggs are there in the fridge? -_.2. -Whats in the fridge? - _.3.- Who teaches you English ? -_. I learn it by myself.4. I have _ brother

4、s or sisters .Im the only child in my family.5._ is watching TV. Turn it off ,will you ?6._ of us have been to Taiwan before .7.(2007泰州)Simon asked his workmates to wear black .But _of them followed him.8. -I hear there are _cakes in the box. Is that so ? -Yes .there are _ left . Tom ate the last on

5、eConclusionno 形容词,后面可以直接跟名词连用; none 不定代词,不能直接跟名词连用,但可以和of连用之后,再加上名词。none 指上文提到的东西一个也没有,可以和of连用;做主语时,可以当作单数,也可以当作复数。但如果是不可数名词,只能当作单数。nothing(没有东西)=not anything,nobody(无人)=no one=not anybody两者不能和of连用,做主语时,只能当做单数。二、完成下列句子(1)我们宁愿去见他, 也不愿在这儿等他。We _ _ meet him than _ _ him.(2)他宁可今天去那儿, 也不愿明天去。He would _ _

6、 _ today _ tomorrow.(3)以前孩子们喜欢步行上学而不乘车。Before the children _ _ there to _ a bus.(4)你是喜欢茶还是咖啡?Which _ _ _,coffee or tea?(5)他不喜欢和女孩们一起去野餐。He _ _ _ _ on a picnic with the girls.三、选择题1. Suddenly, Tome came in and he said he had _ to tell the class. A. anything important B. important everything C. someth

7、ing important D. important something2You look so happy. John says Im pretty._ has ever told me that before. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody3I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything4(2008 ·无锡)_ is too difficult i

8、f you put your effort into it.A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything5.The exam was very easy ,but I dont think _ could pass it.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybodyConclusion一般情况someone(somebody)/something用于肯定句, anyone(anybody)/anything用于非肯定句,no one/nobody/nothing用于否定句, everyone(e

9、verybody)/everything用于肯、疑、否定句。注Is someone coming this afternoon?是不是下午有人要来?He is cleverer than anyone else in his class.他比班上任何人都聪明。Why dont you read something easier?你为何不看容易一些的读物呢?Would you like something to drink?要来点饮料吗? 当堂检测书面表达:我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。蓝色代表和谐,它能使你感到平静安宁。蓝色使我想起晴朗的 天空,它使我感到放松。我比较喜欢蓝色而不喜欢其它颜色。我有许多

10、蓝色的衣服,我的房间也被涂成了蓝色。我希望我的蓝色卧室能对我睡眠有帮助。然而当我感到难过的时候,就不这么喜欢蓝色。蓝色也能代表悲伤。如果我感到悲伤,我则比较喜欢那些能使我高兴起来的颜色,像橙色或黄色。参考答案 陆建军 长江中学学案预习作业一、词汇 1rainbow 2.satisfied 3.decision 4.moods 5.sleepy 6.balance7.something 8.someone/somebody 9.prefer 10.rather二、词组1something interesting 2.explain sth. to sb. 3.be good for the mi

11、nd and Body 4.have difficulty (in) doing sth 5.keep a balance of nature6.in a bad mood课堂检测一、填空1None 2.Nothing 3.Nobody 4.no 5.Nobody 6.None 7.none 8.no/none二、完成下列句子1Would rather/wait for 2.rather go there/than 3.preferred walking/taking 4. do you prefer 5.would rather not go三、选择题 CDDCD当堂检测书面表达My favourite colour is blue. Blue represents harmony, and it can make you feel calm and peaceful. Blue reminds me of a sunny sky and it makes me feel relaxed. I prefer blue to any other colour. I have lots of blue clothes and my bedroom is also painted blue. I hope that my blue bedroom


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