英语必修ⅲ外研版module 1导学案+练习(词汇)_第1页
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1、20122013英语必修3外研版Module 1导学案(词汇)模块 1 Europe 学案 学习目标:1.背单词表第一模块单词 2.辨析across/ through/ over ,across/ cross ,be/ lie/ be situated/ be located + in/ on/ to the+ 方位+of+地点名词,symbol/sign/mark 3.熟用短语 ever since, in terms of, on the other hand, little by little, have control of 学习指导:1.完成重点单词并注意词性变化 2.自学单词讲解,

2、词义辨析,重点短语I.重点单词:1._ adj.坐落/位于(某处的)_n.位置,场所2._adj.大陆的,大洲的_n.大陆,大洲3._adj.位于_vt.找出-的位置,探明_位置,场所4. _n. 文明_vt.开化,使文明5_n.建筑师_n.建筑物,建筑,建筑艺术6_n.产品,农产品v.生产,制造_n.产物,产品,产量7._n.协议,契约_v. 同意,赞成8._adj.地里的_n.地理9._vt.统治,治理_n.政府,内阁10._n.美术馆,画廊II.Introduction:1.【原句】France is Europes third largest country and faces the

3、 United Kingdom across the English Channel.法国是欧洲的第三大国,越过英吉利海峡与英国隔海相望。1) face: cn. 脸,面孔/貌 un. 面子,威信 save/lose ones face _ vi/vt. 面向; 正视eg. The room whose window faces (to) the south is mine._ Im faced with a new problem now. _(C级)Phrases(A级)face to face 面对面 in (the) face of 面对,不顾,在面前make a face/faces

4、 at sb. 向某人做鬼脸)be faced with 面临Practice: _ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face He completed the work on time _ _ _ _ many difficulties. They decided to _ the difficulties.2) across : prep.横过,穿过,在另一边(A级)eg. They live just across the road.

5、 _ We walked across the street and soon came to a hut. _(A级)辨析:across/ through/ over across指从物体的表面穿过。through指从物体的内部穿过over越过某物到另一边Practice: He swam _ the river. We walked _ the village. It is dangerous to clime _ the fence. The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _ deserts, _ mountains, _ val

6、leys, till at last it reaches the sea. (A级)辨析:across/ cross across 介词指从物体的表面穿过 cross 动词指穿过,越过。Practice: Be careful when you _ the road. Tom is walking _ the road.(A级)III.Vocabulary and Reading:1. 【原句】Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.One of the worlds large

7、st art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris.situate v. be situated at /in/on 坐落于,位于eg. 那幢著名的建筑位于市中心。locate v.be located in /at/ on 位于eg. 那国家位于欧洲北部。归纳:主语+ be/ lie/ be situated/ be located + in/ on/ to the+ 方位+of+地点名词 (表示方位),用in表示位于某一范围之内。用on表示与另一地方接壤,用to表示与另一地方隔开,不紧连在一起eg. China is / lies/

8、 is situated/ is located _ the east of Asia. Canada is _ the north of America. Cuba (古巴) is _ the South of the USA.( A级) Practice: 1) Liqun Department Store is _ right in the centre of the city.A. located B. locating C. locate D. be locating2. 【原句】About two-thirds of Frances artists and writers live

9、 in Paris.分数 of + 可数名词复数+复数谓语 不可数名词+单数谓语eg. 大约三分之二的学生参加了会议。_.Practice: (A级)1) Four-fifths of the money_ .A. are spent B. was spent C. were spent D. have been spent2) Three-fourths of the buildings_.A. was destroyed B. is destroyed C. were destroyed D. has been destroyed3. 【原句】The most popular place

10、for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris.symbol: n. 象征, 符号比较:sign n. 手势,动作 标志,招牌,指示牌 traffic signs _ 迹象, 征兆(与of搭配) 符号vt/vi 做手势,示意 签字,签名,签 sign a letter/ a check/ an agreement mark: n. 痕迹; 符号,记号;分数Practice: 1)The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _ of courage

11、 and power. (上海04) A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol2) Scientists have found no _ of life on Mars so far, though great efforts have been made on the research.A. symbol B. sign C. marks D. signals(B级)4. 【原句】Their work has influenced other writers ever since.ever since 自从一直, 从起(多与现在完成时连用)eg. We hav

12、e been friends ever since. He has been here ever since Monday/ then Weve been friends ever since we met at school.归纳:ever since 既可以作副词短语,用在句末作时间状语;也可作介词或连词,接名词、副词、从句等。Practice: The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _ increased enormously ever since. (上海2004)A. is B. was C. has

13、 been D. had been The country life he was used to _(change) greatly ever since 1992.(A级)Cultural corner I. Phrases:(在第9页课文中找到以下短语)1.与比较 2. 以不同的方式3另一方面 4.派送到5. 对 加以控制 6. 二十世纪五十年代 .7. 逐渐地 8. 到2000年 .9. 属于 10. 增加到 11.有人口 12. 两倍大13. 根据,依照,从方面来说II. Language points: (C级)1. in terms of eg.The house is idea

14、l _size, but its too expensive.从面积上看,这房子很理想,但价格太贵。2. on the other hand 1) 用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等,常说on (the) one hand on the other hand “一方面另一方面”2)on the other hand 一般用作插入语,可以放在句首,有时也可放句中。eg. Many people have doubt about the character in the film. _ he is very cruel; _, he will cry after he has killed a per

15、son.很多人对这个电影中的人物持怀疑态度,一方面,这个人很残忍,另一方面,当他杀死一个人后他还会哭。3. little by little eg. Little by little the snow disappeared. _.4. have control over eg.A head teacher _all his students, or some of them may break the school rules. 班主任必须对所有的学生加以控制,否则,有些学生会违反学校规则。相关短语: lose control of _ bring sth. under control _检

16、测题:一 完成课本68页词汇第8,10题(A级)二 选词填空(A级)belong to; little by little; be famous for; more than; on the other hand; in terms of1. On the one hand, you should study hard; _, you also should pay attention to your health.2. Which team does Yao Ming, the famous Chinese NBA basketball player,_?3. Shao guan_ its

17、Danxia Mountain which is also called the Red Stone Park.4. China Daily is_a newspaper.It can help us improve our English.5. She eats a lot and exercises a little. As a result, she is getting fatter_.6. The job is great_pay, but it has its disadvantages.三完成句子(C级)1.飞机因暴风雨晚点了。The plane arrived late _ _

18、 the snowstorm.2. 自从他来到这个学校就一直教数学。He has been teaching maths _ _ he came to this school.四单句改错1.India is the second large country in population in the world.2.The oil tanker sank on the coast of Mexico in the hurricane.3.The south of the mountain lies a small village where the villagers lead a peacef

19、ul and quiet life.4.Two thirds of the population in Europe is living in cities.5.There was a natural disaster in China in 1960s.6.Shanghai is famous as its advanced technology.7.You have to stay at home until your wife returns, havent you?8.Its well known that Taiwan is belonged to China.9.The Europ

20、ean are not all fond of tea.10.You should have done your homework by this way.五单项填空1.A big whale was caught _the coast by two fishermen.A.alongB.onC.acrossD.off2.In New Zealand,people lives in the houses with their doors _north.A.faceB.faced to theC.facingD.facing to3.We neednt have watered the trees.You see,it looks like _.A.rainsB.to be rainingC.rainD.rained4.We visited the Art Gallery in the morning and an exhibition later, with a hurried lunch_.A. betweenB


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