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1、 unit3识记词汇识记词汇 outgoing, better, athletic hard-working, weak serious funny fantastic wild calm loudly, quietly, clearly, win, though competition, which, What does he/she look like ?longhairShort hairtallshortathleticathleticweakweakfunny seriousWhat is he like ?Outgoing funnyserioustallshort long ha

2、irshort hairthinheavycalmwildfunny/outgoingseriousweakathleticloudlyquietlyTape scriptA: Is that Sam playing the guitar?B: No, thats Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.C: Both Tom and Sam can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.Conversation 1A: Thats Tara, isnt it?B: No, it isnt. Its T

3、ina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. Conversation 2A: Is that Paul?B: No, thats Peter. Peters heavier than Paul. And Pauls shorter than Peter.Conversation 3123Yao Ming is taller than Jordan.Jordan is tall.Yao Ming is taller.Gigi has shorter hair than Jolin .Jolin

4、has longer hair than Gigi.longer hairshorter hairLiu Huan is short.Zeng Zhiwei is shorter.Zeng Zhiwei is shorter than Liu Huan.wildMichael Jackson is wilder than Tyson . Tyson is wild .wilderMichael Jackson is wilder.calm wildLuo Jing is calmer than Tyson . Tyson is wilder than Luo Jing .-wilder-cal

5、merLiu Yifei is thin.Zhang Shaohan is thinner.Liu Yifei is thinner than Zhang Shaohan.48kg35kgZhao Weis eyes are bigger than Sun Yanzis .Sun Yanzis eyes are smaller than Zhao Weis .biggersmallerSun Yanzi is thinner than Han Hong .Han Hong is heavier than Sun Yanzi .thinnerheavierLiu Huan is heavy.Fe

6、i Mao is heavier.Fei Mao is heavier than Liu Huan .athleticLiu Xiang is athletic. Cheng Long is more athletic than Liu Xiang.more athleticLi Yong is more outgoing than Cheng Long.Liu Xiang is tall. Pan Changjiang is short. Liu Xiang is taller than Pan Changjiang.Pan Changjiang is shorter than Liu Xi

7、ang than 比比 (conj .连词连词).表示两者表示两者 (人或事物人或事物) 的比较的比较。a. 一般在词尾加一般在词尾加“er”longlonger shortshorter talltallerb.以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的重读闭音双以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的重读闭音双写该辅音加写该辅音加“er”(大(大big、红、红red、瘦、瘦thin、热热hot、胖、胖fat、湿、湿wet、悲哀、悲哀sad)fatfatter thinthinner bigbiggerc.以辅音加以辅音加“y”结尾的双音节词,改结尾的双音节词,改“y”为为“i”加加“er” heavyheavier e

8、asy-easier earlyearlier happy happier d.以以“e”结尾的加结尾的加“r” finefiner latelater nicenicere.多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加“more”loudlymore loudly beautifulmore beautiful比较级规则变化口诀比较级规则变化口诀:比较级,要变化,一般词尾加比较级,要变化,一般词尾加erer。(long-long(long-longerer) )词尾若有哑音词尾若有哑音e, e, 直接加直接加r r就可以。就可以。(nice-nice(nice-nicer r

9、) )重读闭音节,重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写。单辅音字母要双写。(hot-hot(hot-hotterter) )辅音字母若加辅音字母若加y, y, 记得把记得把y y变为变为i i。(happy-happ(happy-happierier) ) athleticoutgoingseriousdeliciousmore athleticmore outgoing more seriousmore delicious多音节词、部分双音节词词前加 more原级原级比较级比较级Have a contest in groups.分小组竞赛分小组竞赛Comparative formsnewbigth

10、in largeniceeasy heavy goodbad smartfunnywildtallmanymuchwelllong shortsmallRead in pairsnewnewerbigbiggerthinthinner largelargernicenicer easyeasier heavyheavier goodbetterbadworse smartsmarterfunnyfunnierwildwildertalltallermanymoremuchmorewellbetterlonglonger shortshortersmallsmallercalmermore di

11、fficulteasierfunnyseriousoutgoingquiet smart athletictallheavyhappythinshort beautifuldifferenthotfatbigger形容词副词的级形容词副词的级1.形容词的原形就是原级.very / so / too / quite +原级(副词修饰形容词,副词)原级(副词修饰形容词,副词) She is very beautiful. The weather is so terrible. The math problem is too difficult. The boy is quite tall He w

12、orks very hard.2.比较级,表示较或更一些的意思。本单元我们学习加er,ier和more的比较级。A +(be;实义动词)实义动词)+比较级比较级+than +B主语主语+ +谓语动词谓语动词+adj./adv. +adj./adv. 比较级比较级+ than+ + than+ 对比成分对比成分 Pay attention to1.用比较级进行比较时,前后用以用比较级进行比较时,前后用以对比的必须是同类事物。对比的必须是同类事物。e.g. My hair is longer than hers.her hair二、用法二、用法1.比较级表示两者比较级表示两者 (人或事物人或事物)

13、 的比较。的比较。eg. I am taller than Tom.My dress is more beautiful than hers.than后面接代词时后面接代词时, 一般要用主格形式一般要用主格形式,但在口但在口语中也可使用宾格形式。语中也可使用宾格形式。 如:如:My brother is taller than I / me.2) 形容词比较级后面往往用连词形容词比较级后面往往用连词than连接连接另一个比较的人或事物另一个比较的人或事物, 但在上下文明确但在上下文明确的情况下的情况下, 形容词比较级可单独形容词比较级可单独使用使用,不与不与than连用。连用。如:如:My s

14、ister is tall, but my aunt is taller.我姐姐个子高我姐姐个子高, 但我姑姑个子更高。但我姑姑个子更高。形容词的比较级句型:形容词的比较级句型:Im taller than my sister.My sister is shorter than me.Jane is funnier than Mary.Jake is thinner than Tina.Im more outgoing than my sister. A +be动词动词+ +形容词比较级形容词比较级 +than +B A 比比B 更更Summary Compare A with B: A +

15、Be + adj.比较级 + than + B. A + V. + adv.比较级 + than + B.2a. Listen. Are the words in the box used with “-er/ier” or “more”?funny (run)fastfriendly (jump)high Outgoing (work)hardhard-workingsmart (get up)earlylazy-er/-iermorefriendlyoutgoingfunnyfasthigh hard-workinghardsmartlazyearly2b. Listen again. H

16、ow are Tina and Taradifferent? Fill in the charts.Tina is more outgoing than Tara.is friendlier and funnierruns faster and jumps higheris smarter is lazierTara works as hard as Tina.gets up earlier than Tina.2b. Listen again. How are Tina and Taradifferent? Fill in the charts.Tina is more outgoing t

17、han Tara.is friendlier and funnierruns faster and jumps higheris smarter is lazierTara works as hard as Tina.gets up earlier than Tina.Tom SamTomsmarttallrun fastget up early thinFunnyhard-workingfriendly2c.Pairworkmeans Sam is taller than Tom.2d. Role-play the conversationJulie: Did you like the si

18、nging competition yesterday, Anna?Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.Anna: Oh, which one was Lisa?Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa.Julie: You can tell t

19、hat Lisa really wanted to win, though.Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.PracticeCompare with your partner and find out the differences between you and your partner.A game: actors and actresses wanted!Imagine you are a director like

20、 Zhang Yimou(张艺谋) ,you want to find actors like Zhang Fei(张飞) ,Zhu Geliang(诸葛亮). Then tell us why you choose them .You can use the sentences like :He can be Zhang Fei because he is wilder than any other boy in our class. ChantChantI am happier, I am healthier.I can be taller, I will be stronger.My h

21、ouse is bigger, my room is cleaner.My friends are funnier, my grades are better.My school is more beautiful, my city is more comfortable (舒适的舒适的).We are happier, our life is better.Is Tom smarter than Sam?No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom.Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?No, she isnt. Tina is more

22、 outgoing than Tara.Are you as friendly as your sister?No, Im not. Im friendlier.Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes, she does.Whos more hard-working at school?Tina thinks she works harder than me.课时重点回顾课时重点回顾GrammarGrammarFocusFocusGong Hanlin is _ _ Liu Huan.Liu Huan sings _ _ Gong Hanlin.better th

23、anthinner than用用法法1.比较级表示两者比较级表示两者 (人或事物人或事物) 的的比较比较用比较级进行比较时,前后用以对比的必用比较级进行比较时,前后用以对比的必须是同类事物须是同类事物eg My hair is longer than hers. her hairI am taller than Tom.My dress is more beautiful than hers. 。2. 最高级最高级表示三者或三者以上表示三者或三者以上 (人或事物人或事物 ) 的比较的比较, 其中有一个在某一方面超过其其中有一个在某一方面超过其他几个时他几个时, 用最高级。用最高级。最高级的前面

24、一般要加定冠词最高级的前面一般要加定冠词 the, 后面后面可带可带 of ( in )短语来说明比较的范围。短语来说明比较的范围。如:如:She is the youngest in the class.Jason is the tallest of the three.Whose handwriting is the best of all?3) 形容词比较级后面往往用连形容词比较级后面往往用连词词than连接另连接另一个比较的人或事物一个比较的人或事物, 但但在上在上下下文明文明确的确的情况下情况下, 形容词比较形容词比较级可级可单单独独使用,使用,不用连词不用连词than 。如:如:M

25、y sister is tall, but my aunt is taller.我姐姐个子高我姐姐个子高, 但我姑姑个子更但我姑姑个子更高。高。1.在形容词比较级前还可用在形容词比较级前还可用much, even, still, a little来来修饰修饰, 表示表示“的多的多”, “甚至甚至”, “更更”, “稍微稍微一些一些”。但不能用但不能用very, so, too , quite 来修饰来修饰如如:This city is much more beautiful than before. Shes a little more outgoing than me. Its even c

26、older today. This book is much moreinteresting than that one.His word is much better thanmine.Physics is a little harder than Chemistry.much ,a little, far , a bit ,even, still, a lot much ,a little, far , a bit ,even, still, a lot 1.My hair is_(1.My hair is_(一点一点) shorter than yours.) shorter than

27、yours.2.Today is _(2.Today is _(得多得多) hotter than ) hotter than yesterday.yesterday.3.Its cold 3.Its cold yesterday,itsyesterday,its _( _(甚至甚至 )colder )colder today.today.4.4. He feels _ today than yesterday. He feels _ today than yesterday. A. tired B. many tired C. more A. tired B. many tired C. m

28、ore tiredertireder D. much more tired D. much more tired a littlemucheven2.“比较级比较级and比较级比较级”意为意为“越来越来越越” 。 多音节比较级用多音节比较级用“more and more形形容词原级容词原级”形式形式 Its getting worse and worse. Th e group became more and more popular. 3.asas同级比较同级比较, 两个两个“as”之间之间 必须使用必须使用形容词或副词原级。意为形容词或副词原级。意为“如同如同一一样样”, “not as

29、/so+形容词或副词原形形容词或副词原形+as” “不如不如一样一样”中间必须使用形容词或副词原级中间必须使用形容词或副词原级,如如: Lucy is as smart as Lily.It is not as/so warm today as yesterday.今天不如昨天暖和。 He did not come as /so early as Wang Lin.他不如王林来得早as . asas . asmy bikeher bike My bike is as big as her bike. My bike is as big as hers.Gao Yuanyuan is as _

30、(漂亮漂亮) as Sun Li.Sun Li works as _ (努力努力) as Gao Yuanyuan. hardbeautifule.g. He runs as quickly as his father. The watermelon is as big as a soccer ball. She doesnt study so / as hard as her brother.4 less / least +原级原级结构示表示降级的比较级.意为“不如”.表示一方不如不如另一方如:This room is less beautiful than that one .这个房间不如

31、那个房间漂亮。= It is less warm today than yesterday.= He came less early than Wang Lin. Use the words to write questions and answers.1.Julie/tall/you Q: _ A: No, she isnt. Shes _ than me.2,Jack/run/fast/Sam Q:_ A: No, he doesnt. He runs_ than Sam.3.Your cousin/outgoing/you Q: _ A: No, she isnt. She s _ th

32、an me.4. Paul/ funny/Carol Q:_ A: No, he isnt. Hes _ than Carol.Is Julie as tall as you? taller 3a3a Does Jack run as fast as Sam? faster Is your cousin as outgoing as you?more outgoing Is Paul as funny as Carol? funnier 5. “Which / Who is + 比较级比较级?”比较比较A、B两事物两事物, 问其中哪一个较问其中哪一个较时时用此句型。如:用此句型。如:Which

33、 T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate? Which one is more popular among students, going to concerts or going to movies?根据句意填入单词的正确形式: 1. My brother is two years _(old) than me. 2. Tom is as _(fat) as Jim. 3. Is your sister _(young) than you? Yes, she is. 4. Who is

34、_(thin), you or Helen? Helen is. 5. Whose pencil-box is _(big), yours or hers? Hers is. 6. Marys hair is as _(long) as Lucys. 7.Ben _ (jump) _ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 8._ Nancy sing _ (well) than Helen? Yes, she _. older fat younger thinner bigger long jumps higher Does better doe

35、s 9.Fangfang is not as _ (tall) as the other girls.10.My eyes are _(big) than _(she). 11.Which is _(heavy), the elephant or the pig?12.Who gets up _(early), Tim or Tom? 13._the girls get up_ (early) than the boys? No, they_.14. Jim runs _(slow). But Ben runs _ (slow).15.The child doesnt _(write) as

36、_(fast) as the students. tall bigger hers heavier earlier Do earlier dont slowly more slowly write fast 1. His computer is cheaper than I.2. Mary is very younger than her brother.3. Shanghai is bigger than any city in China.4. Tom is taller of the two brothers.烦恼一 同类事物才能比较同类事物才能比较烦恼二烦恼二 错用修饰语。错用修饰语。

37、 修饰比较级只能用修饰比较级只能用much / even / far / a little. 不能用不能用very / so / too / quite来修饰。来修饰。烦恼三烦恼三同一事物在某一范围内进行比较,常用结构同一事物在某一范围内进行比较,常用结构 比较级比较级+than any (other)+单数名词单数名词烦恼四烦恼四 表示表示“是两者中更是两者中更的一个的一个”时时, 用用 “the + 比较级比较级+ of the two”结构。结构。the 不可缺。不可缺。Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are di

38、fferent now.1.Are you taller ?_2.Are you funnier?_3.Are you more outgoing?_4.Do you study English harder?_5.Do you sing better?_3b3bYes, I am. Im taller now than I was two years agoYes, I am. Im funnier now than I was two years ago.No, I am not. Im less outgoing now than I was two years ago.Yes, I d

39、o. I study harder now than I did two years agoYes, I do. I sing better now than I did two years ago.Writing:Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now.3b3b I was shorter and more outgoing two years ago. But now, I am taller and less outgoing. I am not as funny now as I wa

40、s two tears ago. I sing better now than I did two years ago. I study English harder now than I did two years ago.short curly hairshort heavyfunny wildlong hairtallthinseriouscalmShe was short and heavier. She has short curly hair. She was wild and outgoing.But now, She is taller and thinner. She has longer hair than before. She is calmer and more easygoing.3c3cPairworkCompare your parent


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