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1、Unit 3 Language in use.Revision of grammar:1. List the Vs followed by “to do” :A. A memory game first. agree / decide/learn /need/want/would like / 2. List the Vs followed by “-ing” : keep /enjoy / practice / finish/how about/be good at/ 3. List the Vs followed by “to do” or “-ing”: a) remember /for

2、get /stop /hate /like /love /b) start/ begin /continue /B. Please choose one verb to make up some sentences one by one. C. Group work: Choose some of these words to talk with. Eg:Student A: I enjoy playing chess. Tom, do you want to play chess? Tom: Oh, I dont want to play chess. I decide to go shop

3、ping. Peter, do you agree to go shopping with me? Peter: OK, I agree to go with you. How about asking Rose to go with us? D. Find out and tell the differences between the same Vs followed by “to do” or “-ing”: 2. Dont worry! Tina remembers to buy a gift. She will go this evening. Tina remembers buyi

4、ng the gift. But she forgets how much it was. 1. Angel likes to go shopping this Sunday with me. Angel likes going shopping with me.3. They start to visit Radio Beijing. They start visiting Radio Beijing.Revision of the text: I liked listening to the radio, and I enjoyed listening to the voices of a

5、s well.Peters living roomIt seemed that my favorite presenter was speaking to me in person.All of my friends decided to help me to prepare the radio programmes. How wonderful!At junior high schoolsat down in the radio studioin front of a microphonedid a sound check by asking a questionZhou Tao is a

6、famous and popular TV-hostess. She has got lots of prizes.Imagination:She learned to sing and reportShe is from a poor mountain-village in Hunan province. When she was young, she was very interested in singing, and always practiced singing songs She is one of my favorite singers. She can sing very w

7、ell and is one of the best singers in China. Guess who she is?The cat enjoys sleeping.The girl loves reading.enjoylovedecideThey decided to study hard.tryIt tries to get out.Can you say more?want keepneed startremember learnLanguage PracticeWed like to thank you.Remember to look out for the red ligh

8、t.I remember listening to the radio.Everyone needs to be clever, and to speak English well.I enjoy showing visitors aroundnStop talking.nKeep studying.nI hate losing.nItll start raining in the afternoon.nJust tell me what you had for breakfast.1.want to do sth.2.would like to do sth.3.hope to do sth

9、. 希望自己做某事4.wish to do sth.5.plan to do sth.6.need to do sth.7.decide to do sth.8.forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(尚未做)9.remember to do sth. 记着去做某事(尚未做)10.try to do sth.11.agree to do sth. .同意做某事 必须跟v.-ing形式作宾语做宾语的情况:1.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 例如: He enjoys watching TV.2. finish doing sth. 完成做某事 例如:He finished

10、cleaning the floor.3. practise doing sth. 练习做某事 例如:He practise singing the song.4. keep doing sth. 一直做某事 例如:He keeps writing the story . 5. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 例如:He gave up smoking.6.stop doing停止做某事 例如:He stopped watching TV. 既可以跟动词不定式又可以跟v.-ing形式做宾语的词, 有时候要注意它的意义的区别:1.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事n

11、stop doing sth.停下来不做某事 例如:nI suggest we stop working and have a rest. nThey stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 2.see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事全过程nsee doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 例如:nI saw the leaves falling.nI saw the boy fall off the tree.3.hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事全过程 例如:nhear doing sth.听见某人正在做某事nI h

12、ear him cry in the next room.nI hear him singing in the next room.4.forget to do sth. 忘了去做某事 例如:forget doing sth.做过某事而忘了nDont forget to give my regards to them. nI forgot closing the door.5.remember to do记得去做某事 remember doing sth.记得做过某事 例如:nI remember doing this exercise before. nRemember to post th

13、e book for me. 6.like to do sth.喜欢去做某事例如:like doing sth.平时喜欢做某事nShe likes doing housework.nDo you like to eat ice-cream? 7 .try to do sth.努力做某事 例如:try doing sth.试着做某事nIll try to improve my pronunciation. nWhy not try knocking at the back door?意思区别不大的词 :n1.begin to do /doing sth.开始做某事nI began to unde

14、rstand my mothers feelings.n2.start to do/ doing sth. 开始做某事nIt started to rain.n3.continue to do / doing sth.继续做某事nHe continues to clean the floor.n4. hate to do /doing sth. 憎恨做某事 例如:n I hate watching sports.followed only by to followedonly by ingfollowed by to or -ingdecide learn need want keep hat

15、e like love remember start stop try Agree continue decide enjoy hate learn keep like love need remember start stop try want Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words:1.Tony hates _ (see) his team lose.2.Daming enjoys_( listen) to music.3.They decided _ (visit) Radio Beijing.4.They ha

16、ve to stop _ (talk) when the red light is on.5.Keep _ ( study) English if you want to work on Radio Beijing.6.You need _( speak) English to work in radio.7.He started _ (make) his own programme.8.He learnt _ (speak) on the radio.seeinglisteningto visit talkingstudyingto speakto make/makingto speak n

17、1.How do you prepare for a test?n2.What do you like doing in sunny weather?n3.How do you feel when you are waiting for your exam results?n4.How many different ways are there of finding out the latest news?Listen and say what Kates job is.a. A newspaper reporter.b. A radio presenter.c. A newsreader.L

18、isten again and answer the questions.1. How does Kate find out about the news?2. Who decides what will be on Kates show?3. How long is Kates programme?4. How does she try to give the show a personal feeling?5. Which of the following are in Kates programme?Complete the passage with the phrases in the

19、 box.closes down look out for look out of take you around the end of would like to Im going to _ the radio station. You must _ the red light. When its on, itmeans theyre on air, and you have to be quiet. I know some of you _ work in radio. Ill introduce you to the presenters and you can talk to them. This screen shows us whats happening outside. Wecant _ the window, because there arent any windows. The first show of the day starts at five am. And the station _ at midnight. Has anyone got a question? Read


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