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1、Solaris10下安装Oracle11g(官方文档系统要求配置和信息查询启用图形化界面:$xhost fully_qualified_remote_host_name例如:$xhost 如果没安装软件,可以用SSH/rlogin/telnet等连接:$telnet fully_qualified_remote_host_name如果不是root帐号,可以用以下命令切换到root用户:$su-rootpassword:#内存要求:最少1GB,建议2GB;用以下命令查看内存大小:#/usr/sbin/prtconf|grepMemory size用以下命令查看配置的SWAP大小:#/usr/sb

2、in/swap-lSwap大小要符合以下要求:RAM Swap SpaceBetween1GB and2GB 1.5times the size of the RAM Between2GB and16GB Equal to the size of the RAMMore than16GB16GB用以下命令查看可用的内存和SWAP大小:#sar-r-i n#n是下次重复的延迟秒数;i是重复的次数;查看系统架构是否可以运行软件:#/bin/isainfo-kv/tmp目录至少要1GB空间,查看/tmp目录大小命令:#df-k/tmp 安装版本需要磁盘空间(GB Standard Edition O

3、ne 4.6Custom(Enterprise Edition+custom install options 4.7查看系统版本:#uname-r查看升级信息:$cat/etc/release要求以下系统软件包:SUNWarcSUNWbtoolSUNWheaSUNWlibCSUNWlibmSUNWlibmsSUNWsprotSUNWtooSUNWi1ofSUNWi1cs(ISO8859-1SUNWi15cs(ISO8859-15SUNWxwfntSUNWcsl查看方法:#pkginfo-i SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibC SUNWlibms SUNWspr

4、ot SUNWtoo SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt安装软件包方法:#pkgadd-R SUNWxwfnt all编译器要求:Oracle Solaris Studio12(C and C+5.9is supported with Pro*C/C+,Oracle Call Interface,Oracle C+Call Interface,and Oracle XML Developers Kit(XDK for Oracle Database11g Release2.系统补丁要求:Installation Type or Product Requi

5、rementAll installations Patches for Oracle Solaris10:120754-06:SunOS5.10_x86libmtsk119961-05:SunOS5.10_x86:Assembler119964-14:SunOS5.10_x86Shared library patch for C+_x86137104-02139575-03139556-08141445-09(Installation Type or Product Requirement141415-04Database Smart Flash Cache(An Enterp

6、rise Edition only feature.The following patches are required for Oracle Solaris on x86-64(64-bitif you are using the flash cache fea ture:140797-01140900-01141017-01141415-10141737-05 #/usr/sbin/patchadd-p|grep119963创建用户和用户组以下用户组是要求创建的:The Oracle Inventory group(typically,oinstallThe OSDBA group(typ

7、ically,dbaThe Oracle software owner(typically,oracleThe OSOPER group(Optional.Typically,oper查看oinstall用户组是否存在的命令:#more/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc如果存在,会输出类似以下内容:inventory_loc=/u01/app/oracle/oraInventoryinst_group=oinstall查看dba组是否存在:#grep dba/etc/group用以下命令创建用户组oinstall和dba:#/usr/sbin/groupadd oinsta

8、ll#/usr/sbin/groupadd dba查看oracle用户是否存在:#id-a oracle如果存在Oracle帐号但它不属于oinstall和dba组,则用以下命令修改它:#/usr/sbin/usermod-g oinstall-G dba oracle如果不存在oracle帐号,用以下命令创建:#/usr/sbin/useradd-d/export/home/oracle-m-s/bin/bash-g oinstall-G dba oracle用以下命令修改oracle用户密码:#passwd-r files oracle在Solaris10上设置内核参数Resource C

9、ontrol Recommended Valueproject.max-sem-ids100Resource Control Recommended Value process.max-sem-nsems256project.max-shm-memory4294967295project.max-shm-ids100查看resource control值:$id-puid=100(oraclegid=100(dbaprojid=1(group.dba$prctl-n project.max-shm-memory-i project group.dba$prctl-n project.max-s

10、em-ids-i project group.dbaFor Solaris10and later,you need to create the resource called“project”and associate it with the user account“oracle:oinstall”.Below please find the example for your information.%projadd-p100-cOracle11gR2-U oracle-G oinstall-Kproject.max-shm-memory=(privileged,16G,denyuser.o

11、racle%usermod-K oracleIve modified the project name called“”and assigned16.0GB into it.You should be able to create database via DBCA without getting“out of memory”now.Please check.如果要修改resource control值,用以下命令:a.To modify the value of max-shm-memory to6GB:b.#prctl-n pr

12、oject.max-shm-memory-v6gb-r-i project group.dbac.To modify the value of max-sem-ids to256:#prctl-n project.max-sem-ids-v256-r-i project group.dba用以下命令查看为oracle用户创建的项目是否正常:#su-oracle$id-puid=100(oraclegid=100(dbaprojid=100(group.dba$exit设置最大shared memory到2GB:#projmod-sKproject.max-shm-memory=(privile

13、ged,2G,denygroup.dba查看/etc/project内容:#cat/etc/project一般输出以下类似内容:system:0:user.root:1:noproject:2:default:3:group.staff:10:group.dba:100:Oracle defaultproject:project.max-shmmemory=(privileged,2147483648,deny用以下命令检查resource control是否激活和进程所有权:#su-oracle$id-puid=100(oraclegid=100(dbaprojid=100(group.db

14、a$prctl-n project.max-shm-memory-i process$process:5754:-bashNAME PRIVILEGE VALUE FLAG ACTION RECIPIENT project.max-shm-memory privileged 2.00GB-deny设置shell limits建议设置成以下表格里对应的值:Shell Limit Recommended ValueTIME-1(UnlimitedFILE-1(UnlimitedDATA Minium value:1048576STACK Minium value:32768NOFILES Mini

15、um value:4096VMEMORY Minium value:4194304用以下命令可以查看shell limit值:ulimit-tulimit-fulimit-dulimit-sulimit-nulimit-v创建目录查看目录大小#df-k创建安装目录#mkdir-p/u01/app/oracle创建数据文件目录#mkdir/u02/oradata更改目录所有者#chown-R oracle:oinstall/u01/app/oracle#chown-R oracle:oinstall/u02/oradata更改目录权限#chmod-R775/u01/app/oracle#chmo

16、d-R775/u02/oradata修改Oracle用户环境变量用以下命令使图形界面可用:$xhost fully_qualified_remote_host_name例如$xhost 用以下命令切换到oracle帐号:$su-oracle用以下命令查看shell类型:$echo$SHELL运行shell启动脚本,用以下命令:1.Bash Shell下:$./.bash_profile2.Bourne或Korn Shell下:$./.profile3.C Shell下:%source./.login如果本地没安装软件,则用以下设置远程系统DISPLAY:Bourne,Bash or Korn

17、shell:$export DISPLAY=local_host:0.0C shell:%setenv DISPLAY local_host:0.0以下检查DISPLAY是否设置正常:Run the following command on the remote system to check if the shell and the DISPLAY environmental variable are set correctly:echo$SHELLecho$DISPLAYNow to enable X applications,run the following commands on t

18、he local computer:$xhost+fully_qualified_remote_host_nameTo verify that X applications display is set properly,run a X11based program that comes with the operating system such as xclock:$xclockIn this example,you can find xclock at/usr/X11R6/bin/xclocks.Ifthe DISPLAY variable is set properly,then yo

19、u can see xclock on your computer screen.设置/tmp目录a.To determine the free disk space on each mounted file system use thefollowing command:b.#df-h/tmpc.If necessary,enter commands similar to the following to create atemporary directory on the file system that you identified,and set theappropriate perm

20、issions on the directory:d.$sudo mkdir/mount_point/tmpe.$sudo chmod a+wr/mount_point/tmpf.#exitg.Enter commands similar to the following to setthe TMP and TMPDIR environment variables:o Bourne,Bash,or Korn shell:o$TMP=/mount_point/tmpo$TMPDIR=/mount_point/tmpo$export TMP TMPDIRo C shell:o%setenv TMP

21、/mount_point/tmp%setenv TMPDIR/mount_point/tmp设置ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_SIDBourne,Bash,or Korn shell:$ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle$ORACLE_SID=sales$export ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_SIDC shell:%setenv ORACLE_BASE/u01/app/oracle%setenv ORACLE_SID sales挂载安装光盘1.Switch user to root:2.$su-root3.If necessary,enter a co

22、mmand similar to the following to eject thecurrently mounted disc,then remove it from the drive:4.#eject5.Insert the disc into the disc drive.6.To verify that the disc mounted automatically,enter a command similar tothe following:7.#ls/dvd/dvd08.If this command fails to display the contents of the d

23、isc,then enter acommand similar to the following:9.#/usr/sbin/mount-r-F hsfs/dev/dsk/c x t y d z s2/dvdIn this example,/dvd is the disc mount point directoryand/dev/dsk/cxtydzs2is the device name for the disc device,forexample/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s2.10.If Oracle Universal Installer displays the Disk Locat

24、ion dialog box,thenenter the disc mount point directory path.For example:o Disc mounted automatically:o/dvd/dvd0o Disc mounted manually:/dvd开始安装(图形化界面1.To start Oracle Universal Installer,enter the following command:2.$/mount_point/db/runInstallerIf Oracle Universal Installer does not start,then ref

25、er to Oracle DatabaseInstallation Guide for information about how to troubleshoot X Windowdisplay problems.3.The following table describes the recommended action for each OracleUniversal Installer screen.Use the following guidelines to complete theinstallation:o If you need more assistance,or to cho

26、ose an option that is not a default,click Help for additional information.o If you encounter errors while installing or linking the software,then refer to Oracle Database Installation Guide for information abouttroubleshooting.Note:If you have completed the tasks listed previously,then you can compl

27、etethe installation by choosing the default values on most screens. Screen Recommended ActionConfigure Security U pdates Enter your e-mail address,preferably your My Oracle Support e-mail addres s or user name in the Email field.You can select the I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Sup

28、p ort check box to receive security updates.Enter your My Oracle Support password in the My Oracle Support Passwo rd field.Click Next.Download Software U pdates Starting with Oracle Database11g Release2(,you can use the Soft ware Updates feature to dynamically download and apply latest updat

29、es.Sel ect one of the following options and click Next:Use My Oracle Support credentials for download:Select this option t o download and apply the latest software updates.Click Proxy Settings to configure a proxy for Oracle Universal Insta ller to use to connect to the Internet.Provide the proxy se

30、rver inform ation for your site,along with a user account that has access to the lo cal area network through which the server is connecting.Starting with Oracle Database11g Release2(,you can enter the ProxyRealm information if required.The proxy realm information is case-s ensitive.Click Tes

31、t Connection to ensure that your proxy settings are correctl y entered,and the installer can download the updates.Use pre-downloaded software updates:Select this option to apply pre viously downloaded software updates.Skip Software Updates:Select this option if you do not want to apply any updates.A

32、pply Soft ware Upda tes This screen is displayed if you select to download the software updates or pr ovide the pre-downloaded software downloads location.If you selected Use My Oracle Support credentials for download in the previ ous screen,select Download and apply all updates,and then click Next.

33、If you selected Use pre-downloaded software updates in the previous screen, select Apply all updates,and then click Next.Select Inst allation Op tion Select Create and configure a database from the following list of available options,then click Next:Create and configure a databaseInstall database so

34、ftware onlyUpgrade an existing databaseSystem Cla ss Select Server Class from the following options to install the database,and cl ick Next.Desktop Class:Choose this option if you are installing on a laptop or desktop class system.Server Class:Choose this option if you are installing on a server cla

35、s s system,such as what you would use when deploying Oracle in a production data center.Grid Install ation Optio ns Select Single instance database installation for the type of database installa tion you want to perform,and click Next.Single instance database installation:This option installs the da

36、tabase and the listener.Real Application Clusters database installation:This option installs O racle Real Application Clusters.Oracle RAC One Node database installation:This option installs the Oracle RAC One Node database.Note:Oracle RAC One Node is supported only with Oracle Clusterw are.Select In

37、st all Type Select Typical Install as the installation type from the following options,an d click Next:Typical Install:This installation method is selected by default.It lets you quickly install Oracle Database using minimal input.Advanced Install:This installation method enables to perform more c o

38、mplex installations.Typical Ins tall Config uration Enter the following information according to requirements:Oracle base:The Oracle base path appears by default.You can change the pa th based on your requirement.Software location:In the Software Location section,accept the default valu e or enter t

39、he Oracle home directory path in which you want to install Oracle components.The directory path should not contain spaces.Storage Type:Select File System,or Oracle Automatic Storage Managem ent as the database storage option.Database file location:If you select File System as your storage type,then

40、cl ick Browse and specify a database file location.ASMSNMP Password:If you select Oracle Automatic Storage Management as your Storage Type,then specify the password for the ASMSNMP user.Database edition:Select the database edition to install.OSDBA Group:The OSDBA group is selected by default.You can

41、 also sele ct the OSDBA group from the list.Global database name:Specify the Global Database Name using the followi ng syntax:database_name.domainFor example,Administrative password:Enter the password for the privileged database acc ount.Confirm Password:Reenter,and confirm the password for the priv

42、ileged datScreen Recommended Action abase account. Click Next to continue. Create Inv This screen is displayed only during the first installation of Oracle products entory on a system. Specify the full path of the Oracle Inventory directory. Ensure that the operat ing system group selected is oinsta

43、ll. Click Next to continue. Perform Pr Verify that all the prerequisite checks succeed, and then click Next. erequisite Checks Oracle Universal Installer checks the system to verify that it is configured co rrectly to run Oracle software. If you have completed all the preinstallation s teps in this guide, all the checks should pass. If a check fails, then revie


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