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1、 采购与供应基础文凭Foundation Diploma in Purchasing and Supply采购与供应关系管理Managing Purchasing and Supply Relationships四级 L4-04LEVEL 4 L4-04日期:2007年5月24日,星期四DATE: Thursday 24th May 2007时间: 下午14:00 17:00TIME:14:00 PM 17:00 PM时长:三小时DURATION: 3 hours考生注意事项:Instructions for Candidates:本试卷由两部分组成。This examination is i

2、n TWO sections.A部分共2题,每道题25分,共50分。Sections A has TWO compulsory questions, worth 25 marks each.B部分包括四道问题;任选两道作答。每道题25分。Section B has FOUR questions; answer TWO. Each question is worth 25 marks.1. 在未得到监考官允许之前,请勿翻阅试卷。Do not open this question paper until instructed by the invigilator.2. 请将答案填写在答题纸上。Al

3、l answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.3. 请将草稿也写在答题纸背面,交卷前请将草稿部分作一删除记号。All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.A部分(SECTION A)请仔细阅读并分析以下案例,然后回答问题1和问题2。You are strongly advised to carefully read and analyse the information in the case study before attemp

4、ting to answer questions 1 and 2.案例:TONE TINT有限公司TONE TINT有限公司(简称TT公司)是一家卓著的油漆、溶剂、化工产品和油漆装修行业类产品的制造商和供应商。TT公司的产品在专业装饰领域颇受青睐,公司拥有相当大的市场份额。公司以前并没有考虑直接面对消费者,但是来自主要的零售商HW家居公司的询问促使TT公司对HW的顾客进行了系列样品测试供应。测试显示TT公司的产品比竞争者的产品更加得到顾客的欢迎,因而讨论的问题变成了如何能使TT公司成为HM家居固定供应商。设想的前景为TT公司批量运送产品到零售商HM家居公司的配送中心,由HM公司贴牌销售。TT公



7、忠诚感。经过头脑风暴之后,TT管理层得出了下列几种可能,但对各种可能还未做可行性或恰当性分析。未来供应备选方案1. 继续现有的和WPP公司的供应关系,洽谈一种方案来满足TT公司所需的供应增量和品类增量。2. 投资一个塑料成型设备,招募合适的专业队伍,有效整合TT公司的油漆灌装线和塑料容器生产线,使公司成为容器制造商。3. 对WPP公司说“谢谢,再见”,尽快与当地供应商谈判使之成为TT公司的供应源。4. 和WPP公司建立伙伴合作,让其设立一个油漆灌装线,TT公司整装把油漆发至WPP公司,WPP公司灌装后发往零售公司的配送中心。5. 就容器供应进行全球供应源搜寻。本案例纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合

8、。Case:TONE TINT LTDOrganisation BackgroundTone Tint Ltd(TT) is a successful established manufacturer and supplier of paints, solvents, chemicals and similar products to the painting and decorating trade.Its products are very popular with professional decorators, and the company enjoys a big share of

9、 the market. TT has not considered selling to consumers before, but enquires form Home Ware plc(HW), a major retail organization, led to a supply of samples and the testing of the TT range among the stores customers. The outcome of the trial was that users preferred TTs paints to the competing produ

10、cts, and discussions have now moved to the possibility of TT becoming a regular supplier to HW. It is envisaged that products will be shipped in large quantities to the retailers distribution centres, and branded as the retailers own product.The management team at TT is attracted to this idea. It wo

11、uld enable TT to expand its production and sales without the need for additional investment for marketing and without the need to worry about setting up a distribution system. If the product is successful, it might lead to the launch of the TT brand to the retail trade, and possibly to contracts wit

12、h other major retailes for own brand products. However this change is likely to impact upon long established supply relationships, something which historically TT Ltd has paid little attention to, as purchasing is carried out by the busy production manager. PackagingOne of TTs high-spend items is co

13、ntainers for the paint. Wrapit Packaging Products (Wrapit) has been supplying TT for many years with a quality product at a good price. No one can remember how or why TT appointed Wrapit, but it may have been due to the friendship between TTs and Wrapits previous sales directors.The containers Wrapi

14、t supplies are of five litres capacity, to a standard design, and are supplied in large quantities in plain white. TT applies labels itself for its relatively small range of trade products. Wrapit was informed of the possibility of TT expanding into the retail sector and is very excited by the possi

15、ble new business that TTs new market opportunity might bring it.Wrapit has offered to invest in the necessary design and tooling changes for free, to produce the wider variety and size of containers that TT will require, to the design specified by TT and its retail customer.logistics IssuesWrapits p

16、lant however is 300 km from TTs factory and shipping large quantities of empty plastic containers is practically the same as shipping large volumes of fresh air. The cost of packaging will be a large proportion of the final cost of producing smaller retail packs of the product.There is a local suppl

17、ier only 20 km away which can apparently supply the same quality at a lower cost. However TT has never deal with this other supplier, and in any case has a sense of loyalty to Wrapit, which has been a very reliable and responsive supplier over the years. After a brainstorming session, the management

18、 team at TT has come up with the following possibilities. It has not as yet paid any attention to the feasibility or appropriateness of any of them.Supply Options for the FutureThe five options are:1. Continue the present supply relationship with Wrapit and negotiate a deal to cover the increased vo

19、lumes and variety requires.2. Invest in plastic moulding equipment, hire the appropriate expertise and integrate plastic container production, with the TT filling line effectively becoming a container maker.3. Say thank you but goodbye to Wrapit, negotiate a deal with the local supplier and source f

20、rom it as soon as possible.4. Suggest a partnering arrangement whereby Wrapit sets up a paint filling line, and that TT will ship paint in bulk to its site for filling and onward distribution to retailer distribution centres.5. Contract for the supply of empty containers from an international source

21、.The information in this case study is purely fictitious and has been prepared for assessment purposes only.Any resemblance to any organization or person is purely coincidental.问题 QUESTIONS第1题和第2题与案例相关,应根据案例进行回答。Questions 1 and 2 relate to the case study and should be answered in context of the info

22、rmation provided.1. 考虑TT公司的五种备选方案,并对各项的恰当性逐一做出评估。 (25分)Review the FIVE options and assess the appropriateness of each for Tone Tint. 2.(a)指出TT公司采购与供应商管理的三项弱点。 (9分)Outline the THREE weaknesses of Tone Tints approach to sourcing and supplier management. (b)论述TT公司没有考虑到的其他供应选择方案。 (16分)Discuss alternativ

23、e supply options not considered by Tone Tint. B部分(SECTION B)请仔细阅读以下全部问题后,然后选择两道问题回答。You are strongly advised to carefully read all the questions in section B before selecting TWO questions to answer.3.(a)描述下列关系类型的不同之处。 (15分)l 外包l 服务合同l 转包或分包Describe the differences between the following relationship types:l outsourcingl service contractsl sub-contracting (b)描述组织从活动外包中寻求的五个好处。 (10分)Explain FIVE benefits that organizations seek when outsourcing activities. 4.(a)解释“供应商开发”,并给出恰当例子。 (10分)Explain supplier development, giving appropriate


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