Unit 1 完成句子专项练习 牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第1页
Unit 1 完成句子专项练习 牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第2页
Unit 1 完成句子专项练习 牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第3页
Unit 1 完成句子专项练习 牛津译林版英语八年级上册(含答案)_第4页




1、Unit 1根据中文意思,完成句子1. 长大后我想环游世界。I _ _ _ _ _ the world when I grow up.2. 让人们快乐起来真棒。It is great_ _ _ _.3. 跑步是一种健康的活动。_ _ a kind of _ _.4. 我相信凯特长大后将会成为一名好老师。I _ Kate _ _ a good teacher when she _ _. 5. 我喜欢和孩子们一起工作。I _ _ _ _ children.6. 那也是他们所想的。_ _ _ _ _too.7. 当我长大后我想当一个社会工作者。 I _ _ _ a_ _when I grow up.

2、8. Jim是一个慷慨大方的人, 他总是乐于助人。Jim is a_person and is always_ _help_.9. Betty长大后想当一名编辑。Betty_to_ _ _when she_ _.10. 我们应当学会倾听人们的问题,并给他们一些建议。We should learn_ _ _peoples_and give them some _.11. Betty长大后想周游世界。Betty_to_ _the world when she_ _.12. 他总是帮我学英语。 She always_me_my English.13. 当我读到那本书的时候,我想起了我最好的朋友San

3、dy。I_ _my best friend Sandy when I_that book.14. Jim慷慨大方,总是乐于助人。Jim is_and is always_to_ _.15. 他的腿太长,桌子底下搁不下。His leg are_long_ _ _under the school desks.16. 他很善良从不说任何人的坏话。He is very kind and never_a_ _about_.17. 我乐意和我的哥哥合住一间卧室。I am _ _ _ a bedroom with my_brother.18. 我认为我应该和能保守秘密的人交朋友。I think I shou

4、ld_ _ _those people who can_ _.19. Mary 的房间很整洁,而我的房间比她的房间更整洁。Marys room is very_, and _ is _ _ _.20. Kate 既是我朋友也是我邻居。Kate is_ _my best friend_ _ my neighbor.21. 当我感到无聊或不快乐时,她便和我交谈,给我讲有趣的笑话。When I feel or_, she talks me and tells me funny_.22. 比起中国,这种食物在美国更为普及。This kind of food _ _ _ in America than

5、that in China.23. Linda 是个细心的人,她比 Tom 更擅长照顾别人。Linda is very careful, she is _ _ _ after others than Tom.24. 他长大后想当一名教师。He wants to be a teacher when he_ _.25. 他不喜欢和别人交朋友。He doesnt like to_ _ _others.26. 这个男孩从不撒谎。The boy never_ _.27. 他没有时间关心他的孩子。He has no time to _ _ his children.28. 他的车撞到了墙上。His car

6、 _ _ the wall.29. 你要保守秘密,否则这会使他不高兴。You should _ _ or this will _ him _.30. 莉莉的圆脸使她看上去很可爱。Lilys _ _ makes her _ _.31.我投票支持Sarah,因为她常与别人分享她的快乐。I will_ _Sarah because she often_ _with others.32. 当我朋友不高兴时,我会尽力帮助他们。When my friends are sad, I will_ _ _ _help them.33. 滑雪和潜水一样危险。Skiing is_ _ _diving.34. 当心!

7、这条路越来越危险。Look out! The road is becoming _and_ _.35. 你会选择谁作为你的最好的朋友?Who would you_ _your best friend?36. 当某件事使我发愁时。她总能倾听我的烦恼。When something_me. She can always_ _my problems carefully.37. 他的腿在课桌下伸展不开。His legs do not_ _the desk.38. 她乐意和朋友分享东西。She is_ _ _things_her friends.39. 她经常面带微笑,而且从不说任何人一句坏话。She_

8、_ _and never_ _ _ _ _anyone.40. 他比你大四岁。He is_years_ _you.41. 她想长大当一名歌手。She_ _ _ _ _when she_ _.42. 你可以信任他们,因为他们从不说谎。You can_them because they never_ _.43. 她越努力。犯的错误就越少。The_she works. The_mistakes she makes.答案1. would like to travel around 2. to make people happy3. Running is; healthy activity 4. bel

9、ieve; will be/become; grows up 5. like to work with 6. That is what they think7. want to be, social worker 8. generous, willing to others9. wants, be an edit, grows up 10. to listen to, problems, advice11. wants, travel around, grows up 12. helps, with 13. think of, read 14. generous, willing, help

10、others 15. too, to fit well 16. says, bad word, anyone 17. willing to share, elder 18. make friends with, keep secrets19. tidy, mine, tidier than hers20. not only, but also21. unhappy, jokes22. is more popular23. good at looking24. grows up 25. make friends with 26. tells lies 27. care about 28. knocked into29. keep secrets, make; unhappy 30. round face, look cute 31. vote for, shares joy 32. try my best to 33. as dangerous as34. more, more dangerous35. choose as36. worries, listen


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