胜任的英语短语 外教课英语_第1页
胜任的英语短语 外教课英语_第2页
胜任的英语短语 外教课英语_第3页
胜任的英语短语 外教课英语_第4页




1、胜任的英语短语 外教课英语 胜任,指足以承受或担当。下面就由为大家带来关于胜任的英语短语集锦,盼望大家能有所收获。 关于胜任的相关短语 胜任 be qualified 胜任 up to 胜任 equal to 胜任 good for 胜任感 feeling of competence 胜任度 competency level 无意识胜任 unconscious competence 胜任有余 well-qualified 难以胜任 fall down on ones job 关于胜任的相关短句 be competent at a job; prove equal to the task; 胜任

2、工作 she is quite qualified for the work. 她完全胜任这个工作。 he is not competent to the task of teaching english. 他不能胜任英语教学工作。 关于胜任的相关例句 1. the public never had faith in his ability to handle the job. 公众从来不信任他有力量胜任这一职位。 2. if they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire. 假如事实证明他们已无力胜任,应当将他

3、们降级或让他们退休。 3. in a word, this government isnt fit to rule. 简言之,这届政府无法胜任治国之责。 4. there is a debate about his fitness for the highest office. 针对他是否能胜任最高职务绽开了争辩。 5. he wasnt at all sure sarah was up to that. 他一点都拿不准萨拉能否胜任。 6. the feeling of inadequacy was overpowering. 无法胜任的感觉特别剧烈。 7. though a bit too

4、old, he is still adequate to the work. 虽然他年纪大了点, 却仍能胜任这项工作. 8. he is unable to do the job for lack of experience. 他缺少阅历不能胜任这项工作. 9. are you sure youre physically tough enough for this job? 你确信你有足够的体力胜任这份工作 吗 ? 10. her breadth of experience makes her ideal for the job. 她阅历丰富,最能胜任这项工作. 11. can you cer

5、tify for his ability as a teacher? 你可以保证他能胜任老师的工作 吗 ? 12. i dont feel up to such a long journey. 我不能胜任这样的长途旅行. 13. he is not competent to the task of teaching english. 他不能胜任英语教学工作. 14. he is a competent, but not a brilliant musician. 作为音乐家,他能胜任, 但缺乏才华. 15. he is utterly incompetent at his job. 他完全不能

6、胜任他的工作. 关于胜任的双语例句 她不能胜任这样的高级职位。 she was unfit for such a senior position. 他足以胜任那职位。 he is competent enough to fill that position. 玛丽胜任老师的工作吗? is mary competent as a teacher? 你能胜任那个职位。 you are qualified for the position. 竞赛规章只允许胜任的选手留下。 the competitive rule only allows the fittest to survive. 事实证明她能胜任此项工作。 she proved adequate to the job. 比尔很能胜任主理这个办事处的工作。 bill is quite equal to the job of running the office. 每个人都会升迁至自己不能胜任的级别。 individuals


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