



1、仅供个人参考 不得用于商业用途 Annex C CONTRACT AGREEMENT This Agreementmade the day of , betwee n of (here in after “ the Employer ” ), of the one part, and of (here in after “ the Con tractor ” ), of the other part: Whereas the Employer desires that the Works known as should be executed by the Con tractor, and h

2、as accepted a Bid by the Con tractor for the executio n and completi on of these Works and the remedy ing of any defects there in. The Employer and the Contractor agreeas follows: 1. In this Agreeme nt words and expressi on sshall have the same meanings as are respectively assig ned to them in the C

3、on tract docume nts referred to. 2. The follow ing docume nts shall be deemed to form and be read and con strued as part of this Agreeme nt. This Agreeme nt shall prevail over all other Con tract docume nts. (i) the Letter of Accepta nee (ii) the Letter of Bid (ii) the adde nda Nos (if any) (iv) the

4、 Particular Con diti ons - Part A (v) the Particular Co nditio ns - Part B (vi) the Gen eral Con diti ons (vii) the Specificati on (viii) the Draw in gs, and (ix) the completed Schedules, 3. I n con siderati on of the payme nts to be made by the Employer to the Con tractor as in dicated in this Agre

5、eme nt, the Con tractor hereby cove nants with the Employer to execute the 仅供个人参考 不得用于商业用途 Works and to remedy defects therein in con formity in all respects with the provisi ons of the Con tract. 4. The Employer hereby cove nants to pay the Con tractor in con siderati on of the executio n and compl

6、eti on of the Works and the remedy ing of defects there in, the Con tract Price or such other sum as may become payable un der the provisi ons of the Con tract at the times in the manner prescribed by the Con tract. In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreeme nt to be executed in

7、accorda nee with the laws of on the day, month and year in dicated above. Signed by: (for the Employer) Signed by: (for the Con tractor)仅供个人参考 不得用于商业用途 仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途 For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use. Nur f u r den pers?nlichen f u r Studien, Forschung, zu ko

8、mmerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden. Pour l e tude et la recherche uniquement a des fins personnelles; pas a des fins commerciales. TO员BKO gA.nrogeHKO TOpMenob3ygoiccH6yHeHuac egoB u HHuefigoHM ucno 员 B30BaTbCE B KOMMepqeckux qe 员 EX. For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use _ 以下无正文 _ 仅供个人参考 不得用于商业用途 仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途 For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use. Nur f u r den pers?nlichen f u r Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellenwecken verwendet werden. Pour l e tude et la recherche uniquement a des fins personnelles; p


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