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1、非谓语动词二:分词及独立主格结构一、分词:现在分词doing及过去分词done (一) 作状语(表示伴随、原因、条件、让步等):doing / having done (表示主动);done / having been done (表示被动) (否定结构:not doing , not having done / not done, not having been done)A: 根椐例句把下面从句改为分词结构:Model: When he was crossing the street, he met a classmate of his.=Crossing the street, he m

2、et a classmate of his.As he was criticized by the teacher, he felt sad.=Criticized by the teacher, he felt sad.1. While I was trying to open the door, I had my finger hurt._.2. As she didnt have a car, she found it difficult to get around._.3. If its taken on time, the medicine will work._.4. Althou

3、gh I had seen the film twice, I went to the cinema again._.5. After he took a key out of his pocket, he opened the door._.6. As she was anxious to please him, she bought him a nice present._.7. As the boy was ill, he had to stay in bed._.8. Although he hadnt been invited to the party, he still went

4、there._.9. As I wasnt able to work out the problem, I asked the teacher for help._.10. After he was encouraged by the teacher, he decided to work harder._.11. He became nervous when he was questioned about the murder by the police._.12. As he hadnt received her reply, he decided to e-mail her again.

5、_.13. We didnt bake any cakes, so we had nothing to eat later._.14. We were disturbed by the noise, so we had to finish the meeting early._.15. Because I was interested in the Kooris for many years, I decided to learn their language._.B: 写出适当的分词短语形式1. _(be) a student, he was interested in reading .2

6、. _(live) in the city for many years, he knows it well.3. _(tell) several times, he still couldnt answer the question.4. _( not teach) before, he couldnt work out the problem.5. _(ask) in English, , he didnt know how to answer.6. _(see) from the hill, the view is beautiful.7. _(cross) the street, he

7、 was hit by a car.8. _(not receive) his letter, she decided to make a call.9. _(stand) on top of the hill, youll find the city is beautiful.10. _(give) enough time, he can do it better.C: 连词+分词/形容词/名词/介词短语作状语(句子主语须同分词逻辑主语保持一致)(when, while, until; unless, if; as though, as if; although, though; even

8、if, even though; than; as(像;按照);once)When he was crossing the street, he was hit by a car.=When crossing the street, he was hit by a car.=Crossing the street, he was hit by a car.练一练: 用连词+分词/形容词/名词/介词短语改写句子(把从句改成短语)Dont speak unless you are spoken to.He didnt feel nervous at all when he was intervie

9、wed.While he was watching TV, he heard the doorbell ring.Mike used to look hurt and surprised when he was scolded.If he is given more time, he will surely do better.He couldnt read these new words even if he had been taught many times.Once you understand these rules, youll feel the game easy to play

10、.He stood there still as if he were made of stone.请看下面句子,哪一句正确:Seeing a goat on the road, the car stopped.Seeing a goat on the road, the driver stopped the car.D: 形容词作状语如表示伴随,则前面不加being, 如表示原因,则加beingHe got home, tired and hungry.He sat by the window, lost in thought.Being blind, he couldnt go home

11、alone.注意:分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果与句子的主语不一致,那么分词短语就需要有自己的逻辑主语,且要用独立主格结构的形式来表达。(二)分词作定语1. 现在分词(短语)作定语:表示经常性的动作或现在(或当时)的状态且表示主动:a sleeping child, a barking dog, the man standing there, the book lying on the table现在分短语作定语可改为定语从句:They stayed at a hotel standing by the lake.=They stayed at a hotel which

12、 stood by the lake.The American president visiting China now will return on Saturday.=The American president who is visiting China now will return on Saturday.注意:现在分词作定语,它表示的动作是正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生,如果两个动作有先有后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而要用定语从句:The teacher criticized the student who had broken the window.Can you

13、 tell me about the fire that happened last night?2. 过去分词作定语及物动词的过去分词表示动作的被动:fried fish, dried fruit, cooked food, reduced prices, a trained nurse, polluted river, finished products, required courses, hidden meaning不及物动词的过去分词表示动作的完成:boiled water ( 比较boiling water), fallen leaves(比falling leaves), the

14、 risen sun (比较 the rising sun), retired workers, returned students3. 过去分词短语作定语,根据时态有下列几种形式:done, being done, to be doneThe meeting being held now is of great importance.The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance.The meeting held yesterday was of great importance.Practise:What do you thin

15、k of the lecture_( give) by Mr. Brown this morning?I hope you can come to the party _(hold) at my home tomorrow.Im very interested in the problem _(discuss) now.4. 表示情绪的词修饰表示表情等名词表示被修饰词的状态:excited voice, puzzled look, worried expression, surprised look, a disappointed facial expression, satisfied sm

16、ile, frightened horses, pleased look5. 分词构成的合成形容词过去分词构成的合成形容词:badly-paid workers, highly-developed countries, a well-dressed woman, tree-lined streets, a well-known writer, hand-made toys, a horse-drawn cart, half-finished products, a candle-lighted room, snow-covered fields现在分词构成的合成形容词:paper-making

17、 factory, peace-loving people, a fun-loving man, fast-moving machines, a man-eating tiger, a record-breaking flight, hard-working peasants, fine-sounding words, a good-looking woman注意:being done的用法(1) 常用于放在名词后作定语,表示“正在被的”;(2) 作补语:see/watch/observe/notice/look at/hear/listen to/feel/find.being done(3

18、) 动名词doing的被动形式;The topic being talked about now is interesting.I can see the flag being raised now.(比较:I can see the flag raised.)He found himself being looked after by a strange girl.Being taken abroad is great fun for me.He is afraid of being left alone at home.(三)分词作宾补:1.see / observe/ watch / n

19、otice /look at / hear/listen to / feel / sb. do (done)/ doing(being done)的区别:2.have / set / send / get sb. (sth.) doing3.get / have .done, make.done, leave.done, find .done/being done4.leave.doing/done, keep.doing/done5.have / let / make .do比较:have.doing getdoing leave.doing make.dohave.done getdone

20、 leave.done make.donehave.do getto do leaveto do (让某人去做某事) 注:have.to do/ to be done有.要做find .doing / find . done (being done)Practise:(1)We cant get the car_(go). Please have it_(repair).(2)Your speech set me _(think).(3)His words left me_(wonder) what he was driving at.(4)I wont have you _ ( talk)

21、to your mother like that.(5)I wont have any instructions _(disobey) in this way.(6)He managed to make himself _ (understand) with his broken English.(7)I will keep you_(inform) of how our business is gong green.(8)Im pleased to see the problem_(settle) so quickly.(9)When he came to, he was very surp

22、rised to find himself _(look after) by a strange girl.(10)Last night he had the light_(burn) all night long.(11)I know this boy well. Ive seen him _(grow)from childhood.(12) Whom would you rather have _ (go) with you, Mary or Jane?(13)When he was young, he was very interested in repairing things, so

23、 he often went to watch bikes _(repair).(14) Her parents left her_(choose) her own friends.(四)过去分词作表语:He looked frightened. He seemed worried. He felt pleased.二 、独立主格结构:分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果与句子的主语不一致,那么分词短语就需要有自己的逻辑主语,且要用独立主格结构的形式来表达。独立主格结构的构成方式:名词或代词+分词/不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语/名词独立主格结构没有主语和谓语,所以在语法上不是

24、句子。此结构通常在句中起方式、时间、条件等状语的作用,也可以在这些结构前加上with;独立主格结构具体形式:(1)名词或代词(主格)+分词(doing/ having done; done/having been done)Miss Gao falling ill, Mr. Wang took her class instead.The guests having left, he began to take a short rest.Our work having been finished, we accepted his invitation to the party.Weather p

25、ermitting, well go sightseeing.All things considered, hes done a good job.He lay on his back, his teeth set and his glaring eyes looking straight upward.(2)名词或代词(主格)+不定式(to do/to be done)The exam to be held tomorrow, I couldnt go to the cinema tonight.The exam to take tomorrow, I couldnt go to the c

26、inema tonight.(3)名词或代词(主格)+形容词或副词He entered the room, his nose (being) red with cold.这里独立主格结构的逻辑主语his nose为名词,being可省略,如为人称代词,则being不省略。All the guests (being ) here, she felt very happy.Tod looked at the million-pound note, his eyes (being) wide open.Our lessons (being) over, we went to play footbal

27、l.It being Sunday, I didnt go to school.注意:there表示存在时,也可构成独立主格结构There being no buses, they walked to the theatre. (注意:这里being不省略)(4) 名词或代词(主格)+名词He fought with the robber, a stick his only weapon.He has two sisters, both of them doctors.(5)名词或代词(主格)+介词短语此结构有两种习惯用法:A:在这种结构中,有his, her, my, their, a, a

28、n, the等词分别修饰前后两个名词或名词本身为复数,有时有with引导:The master was walking up and down the classroom, (with) the iron ruler under his arm.The children came running towards us, (with) flowers in their hands.B:在这种结构中,名词或代词和介词后面的名词没有任何冠词或所有格修饰,也不用with引导:Last night I followed him here, and climbed in, knife in hand.(6

29、)with结构:with+宾语+宾补(doing/done/to do/to be done/adj./adv./n./prep.)The teacher came in, with a book in his hand.He sat quietly in the office, with his eyes closed.He sat at the table, with his head down.Many people joined the work, (with) some of them women and children.He has two brothers, both of t

30、hem doctors.填空:1. With the exam _( hold) tomorrow, youd better not watch TV.2. With the exam _(take) tomorrow, youd better not watch TV.3. With everything he needed _(buy), he went home.4. With many things _(buy), he drove to the shopping center.5. With so many things _(solve), he felt worried.6. Wi

31、th all the problems _( solve), he felt relaxed.7. With ten minutes _(go), youd better hurry.8._production up 40%, the manager felt satisfied. ( with / because / as / since / because of)练一练:把下面句子改成独立主格结构:(1)When the bell for class rang, he rushed to the classroom.=_, he rushed to the classroom.(2)It

32、was fine, so we decided to go for a picnic.=_, we decided to go for a picnic.(3)When he crossed the street, a car hit him.=_, a car hit him.(4)He lay there, and his hands was crossed under his head.=He lay there, _under his hands.(5)If weather permits, well go to play football.=_, well go to play fo

33、otball.(6)He suggested going for a picnic and Mary would provide food.=He suggested going for a picnic, _.(7)There were no buses, so we had to walk home.=_, so we had to walk home.(8)As it was fine, we decided to go out.=_, we decided to go out.(9)Class was over, so the children rushed out.=_, the c

34、hildren rushed out.(10)As the floor was wet, we had to stay outside for a while.=_, we had to stay outside for a while.三、 非谓语中一些注意点:句子结构分类:简单句,并列句,复合句1._ (use) your head and youll find a way.2. _(use) your head, youll find a way.3. If you _(use) your head, youll find a way.4. _( tell) many times, he

35、 still couldnt read the new word.5.Although he _(tell) many times, he still couldnt read the new word.6. He _(tell) many times, but he couldnt read the new word.7.(1)_ the poem a second time, the meaning will be clear to you.(2)_the poem a second time, youll know the meaning.A. Reading B. When readi

36、ng C. Your having read D. When you read8._, but he still could not understand it.A. He had been told many times B. Having been told many timesC. Told many times D. Although he had been told many times9._ a pig on the road, the bus stopped.A. The driver saw B. The driver seeing C. After seeing D. See

37、ing谓语部分的并列形式:A and B ; A, B and C; A and B, C (doing伴随或自然形成结果 /having done/done/having been done/出乎意料:to do/to be done); A, B+ing and C / A and B+ing , CHe came in and sat down.He came in and sat down, singing.He sat under the tree, and seeing his boss , stood up in no time.填空:1.The earthquake hit t

38、he town, _(cause) a lot of damage.2.The storm left the town, _(cause) a lot of damage.3.The boys parents both died in the accident, _(leave) him an orphan.4.He left the meeting room, _( make) it clear that he wouldnt agree to the plan.5.He said he agreed with the plan, _ (add) that he would join us

39、if he were free.6.The reporter hurried to the airport by taxi, only_( tell) that the star had left.7. Hillary Clinton arrived in Beijing yesterday, _ (mark)the start of her short visit to China8. -Where are the passengers injured in the accident? -They are in hospital, _ (keep)for further observatio

40、n.9.He was busy writing a story, only_ (stop)once in a while to smoke a cigarette10.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _(kill) all four people on board.独立成份:不定式类:to tell the truth; to begin with; to be exact / honest / frank ; to make a long story short; to make thing

41、s worse; doing 类: generally / exactly / honestly / frankly / surprisingly / strangely speaking; judging from; considering sth. / (that).; seeing (that); given sth. / that.考虑到.; talking of, speaking of(说起)动词原形类:believe it or not注意下列结构区别:A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing 400 Cambodians, most

42、of them ( being ) women. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing 400 Cambodians, and most of them are women. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing 400 Cambodians; most of them are women. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing 400 Cambodians, most of whom are women. Practise: There are a

43、lot of stars existing in space,most of _ are unknown to us. and most of _ are unknown to us. most of _being unknown to us. A. who B. which C that D them巩固练习:1. The boy fell asleep with the light still _.A. burn B. burning C. to burn D. burned2. _on time, this medicine will be effective.A. Taking B.

44、Being taken C. Taken D. Having taking3. _the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _out of her life.A. Saw, frightened B. Seen, frightened C. Seeing, frightened D. To see, frightened4._to top of the hill, and you can see the whole of the town.A. Get B. To get C. Getting D. Having got5. _th

45、e classroom, the students went to the playground to watch the football match.A. To clean B. Having cleaned C. Cleaned D. Cleaning6. The highway_ to the city is under repair now.A. leads B. led C. to lead D. leading7. _all his friends and money gone, he felt really hopeless.A. For B. Since C. Because

46、 D. With8. The students came in, _ and _, and _down to have their lesson.A. smiled, talked, sat B. smiling, talking, sittingC. smiled, talked, sitting D. smiling, talking, sat9. _the article a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.A. When you read B. While reading C. If reading D. Your

47、 having read10. There are three reading rooms in our new library, _about four hundred students in all.A. seating B. sat C. seated D. sitting11. _from so many apples, I think , these on the table are much better than the others.A. Having chosen B. Chosen C. Being chosen D. Choose12. Most of the artis

48、ts _ to the party were from Africa.A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited13. _by the noise, we have to finish the class earlier.A. Disturbing B. To disturb C. Disturbed D. To be disturbed14.Here are all the important papers for you to read, _to us from European countries.A. del

49、iveringB. deliveredC .to deliverD. being delivered15. _into a warm room, you will find a piece of ice getting smaller and smaller.A. Taken B. Take C. When taken D. When it is taken16._with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A. FacedB. FaceC. FacingD. To face17. These _ to those

50、are twenty-five in all. Do you think thats enough?A. adding B. being added C. added D. to be added18. In the Caribean, the slaves _from Africa developed their own kind of music.A. brought B. bringing C. to be brought D. that was brought19. Though I have often heard this song _, I have never heard yo

51、u _it.A. being sung, sang B. sang, singing C. sung, sing D. to be sung, to sing20._the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given21._in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _at the party.A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing, noticingC. Dressed; noticingD. Dressing; noticed22. The professor spoke very clearly to make his speech easy _.A. to understand B. understand C. understood D. understanding23. Mr. Zhao, an English teacher, sat up far into the night, _ a paper on


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