高考英语重点知识点复习题汇编 动词词义_第1页
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1、高考英语重点知识点复习题汇编 动词词义动词词义1. I really dont want to go to the Party, but I dont see how I can_ _ it.A. get back from B. get out of C. get away D. get offKey: B2. Being much too far, Maria was advised to reduce her food for eac h meal, yet she would_that.A. have none of B. accept C. take care of D. liste

2、n toKey: A3. Readers can_quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get throughKey: C4. The death of her dog made her sad, and it took a long time to_ _it.A. put off B. get down C. get over D. come acrossKey: C get over 克服、战胜、恢复常态5. The captain to

3、ld the sailors to_their sprits when they were on the point of giving up.A. keep up B. pick up C. take on D. go onKey: A keep up 保持、维持6. They always lay_a large supply of tinned food in winter in ca se they are snowed up.A. out B. off C. in D. withKey: C lay in àlay up 储存 lay in food /coal7. He

4、used to be very shy but he has grown_ it now.A. without B. over C. away D. out ofKey: D grow out of 年龄增长不再做 8. The doctor thinks he will pull_now. His temperature has gone down.A. together B. through C. over D. aroundKey: B pull through | round 恢复知觉或康复9:Its your turn to_the taleA. Pick up B. carry u

5、p C. Put up D. take upKey: D take up10. Sports and games can _our bodiesbring up B. set up C. put up D. build upKey: D. build up our bodies.11. As we grow older, birthdays seem to _more quickly than whe n we were children.A. come in B. come around C. come out D. come overKey: B come around 来到、发生 = c

6、ome roundChristmas seems to come around quicker every year.12. The boy was made to_the explanation(解释,说明 process of explaining .A. speak B. tell C. repeat D. sayKey: C A,D 不直接接内容, tell 告知13. Tom,_yourself. Did you forget the school rules?A. behave B. believe C. perform D. conductKey: A 举止或行为表现Behave

7、 yourself, children!14. -Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.-Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to_your weig ht?A. stand B. bear C. catch D. takeKey: B bear: (1支撑 ; (2=stand | endure 容忍The ice is too thin to bear your weight.15. - Not getting that job was a big bet d

8、own.-Dont worry. Something better will_.A. come along B. take on C. go by C. fall behindKey: A come along (1到达、出现 appear (2=come on16. -When did the concert_?-Well, two or three years ago?A. happen B. take place C. hold D. startKey: B17. He offered to_her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her

9、 to carry.A. hold B. show C. lend D. borrowKey: C lend | give sb. A hand (with 在 帮助某人18. It was so noisy outside that he couldnt_ down to read. A. settle B. put C. sit D. lieKey: A settle down vi. 舒适地坐或躺vt. settle sb. Down (使 sb 安心Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson. Uncl

10、e George didn't settle down until he was nearly fifty.19. Have a good rest, you need to _your energy for the tennis m atch this afternoon.A. have B. save C. hold D. getKey: B save20. Historical experience can_as a most important source of infor mation.A. serve B. use C. regard D. proveKey: A(1 v

11、i., vt. 为 工作 serve as a gardener(2 vi., vt. 服役、供职 serve in the army server under sb.(3 vi., vt. 供 饭茶,将 摆上桌 serve coffee(4 vi., vt. 满足(需要,达到(目的 This room can serve for/as a study.21. This is a story completely _by him, so dont rust him. A. discovered B. invented C. found D. knownKey: B invent a story

12、 编故事22. It is much easier to talk about social change than to_. A. bring it on B. bring it about C. bring it up D. bring it out Key: B 使 发生 A. 引起,有助于 C. 扶育大 D. 显示,揭露 23. The store had to_a number of clerks because sales were dow n.A. lay out B. lay off C. lay aside D. lay downKey: B lay off (暂时解雇 la

13、y out 安排、布置 lay aside 储存 lay down 放下、规定24. A dark blue design will not_on a blackboard.A. clear up B. go up C. show up D. pick upKey: C show up 颜色衬得分明、清晰25. He_20 dollars for his old bike the other day.A. paid B. took C. spent D. offeredKey: B take 接受、得到、获得 例:take the first placetake fish 抓、捕 take m

14、y pen 拿走、取走 take this cap 买下 take a cup of tea 吃、喝 take a bus 搭(车、船take us a week to finish 需要、花费 take this passage 理解、领会 26. -Are you ready to leave?-Almost, Ill be ready to go just as soon as I _putting the cle an dishes away.A. get through B. give up C. carry out D. set aboutKey: A 完成27. -Bobs _t

15、he branches from the tree. Go and_ for firewo od. Bill!-Do you think Im really_ for his kind of work?A. cut away; cut it up; cut through B. cut off; cut it down; cut out C. cut away; cut it up; cut out D. cut off; cut it down; cut out Key: C be cut out for sth. = be cut to be(1 有 的素质 He is not cut o

16、ut for teaching= is to be a teacher(2 相匹配 John and Mary are cut out for each other.28. Its quite normal to_ten percent of the cost of a building for a period of six months or so, in case faults are found in it.A. keep up B. keep away C. keep off D. keep backKey: D A vi. (天气 持续不停 vt. 维持、保持 B 不靠近C vi.

17、 未下(雨,雪 vt. 不接近 D 阻止、扣留、隐瞒29. -There is something wrong with my watch, will you_? -Let me see.A. see it to B. see to look at it C. see to it D. watch to it Key: C see to 修理、 处理、 照看 see to it that 一定注意 , 务必 =make sure that30. -How are your business goes wrong?-But I have done all that is_by law.A. re

18、quired B. judged C. requested D. desiredrequire (1需要 help (2命令或指示 (3(强制性地要求、规定 = demandrequest (口头或书面形式要求;(尤指请求 at ones request =at the request of sb. 应 sb 请求Key: A31. When cutting the cloth for my suit, leave enough at the edges to _my getting fatter.A. supply of B. provide for C. provide against D

19、. provide with Key: B 防备provide for 为某事物可能发生作准备 provide against 预防、防备发 生 32. Children who are always_by their parents soon become selfis h.A. put away B. looked after C. given into D dealt withKey: C33. -Try to remember to turn off the light when you leave the room. -Im trying to_expenses.A. keep of

20、f B. keep down C. keep out D. keep fromKey: B 镇压、控制 He couldnt keep down his anger.34. After a long discussion, they_an agreement. (协议 A. came into B. came out C. came to D. came acrossKey: C35. I feel it is you as well as your wife that_ for your sons ba d performance at school.A. are to blame B. i

21、s to be blamed C. are to be blamed D. is to be blamedKey: A be to blame for 对 负责36. The girl b ehaved in a strange way. You couldnt _her mind. A. read B. realize C. recognize D. seeKey: A read, “learn the significance of sth. ” 领会 sth. 的意义 read sb.s mind | thoughts 了解某人的想法read sbs hand | palm 看手相 re

22、ad sb.s face37. A person who likes to _others is definitely not easy to get al ong with.A. leave out B. pick on C. let off D. turn upKey: B “欺负(人),批评(人) leave out 漏写;忽视 发射 let off 38. -Did you go to see he play last night? -Unluckily, I couldnt _it, But I am going to see it soom. A. do B. manage C.

23、make D. take Key: C make it 成功地做了某件事 couldnt do | manage 没能力干 39. It took her many years to_from the fact_her son died. A. get over, which B. get away, that C. get out of, that D. get aw ay, which Key: B get away from=get out of 40. However hard I tried to explain it to her, she just couldnt unders tand. I found her impossible to_. A. get over B. get along with C. get through D. get to Key:C get through to sb. 与沟通 41. -Ill thank you_my affairs alone. -I will. Its none of my business. A. leaving B. to leave C.


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