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1、Microw ave Pow er Divider with Arbitrary Distribution R atioG U Peng 2Da 1;1J IAO Y ong 2M ei 2GE NG Zhe 2Qiao 1C UI Y an 2Y an 1I.Syratchev 31(Institute of H igh Energy Physics ,C AS ,Beijing 100049,China 2(Handan C ollege of Hebei Institute of T echnology ,Handan 056004,China 3(European Organizati

2、on for Nuclear Research ,CH 21211G eneva23,S witzerland Abstract As is well kn own ,the E M field of TE11m ode at the wall of the circular waveguide changes as sine (or cosine function azimuthally.S o when we attach tw o perpendicular waveguides to the wall of the circular waveguide and rotate them

3、around the axis of the waveguide ,we can distribute the input power between the tw o waveguides with arbitrary distribution proportion.We have designed a new power divider following this idea.T he 3D electromagnetic simulation s oftware HFSS is used in the design.And a new ty pe cir 2cular TE11m ode

4、 launcher is developed.K ey w ords microwave power divider ,circular TE11m ode launcher ,microwave com ponents design1I ntroductionThe distribution ratio of power dividers is usually fixed.I f the distribution ratio can be adjusted ,the system will be m ore flexible.W e have observed that the electr

5、ic field of TE11m ode at the wall of the circular waveguide changes as the sine (or cosine function azimuthally.This character can be used to design an adjustable power divider.W e have ex 2plored this intuitive idea using the 3D electromagnetic simula 2tion software HFSS and developed a 30GH z powe

6、r divider success fully.W e also have developed a new type circular TE11m ode launcher ,which is very useful to many m icrowave devices.2Pow er divider designThe m odel of the power divider is shown in Fig. 1.It consists of a circular TE11m ode launcher ,a straight circular waveguide ,tw o short cir

7、cuit waveguides for matching and tw o output waveguides.As the circular waveguide rotates around its axis ,the power distributions in the tw o output rectanglewaveguides change accordingly.Fig.1.T he m odel of the power divider2.1Circular TE11mode launcher 1第28卷第11期2004年11月高能物理与核物理HIG H E NERGY PHY

8、SICS AND NUC LE AR PHY SICSV ol.28,N o.11N ov.,200412191221width can be better than 20%.The new m ode launcher is very sim ple and much easier to be fabricated than the tradi 2tional one.Fig.2.Circular TE11m ode launcher2.2The Pow er DividerThe electric field at the wall of the circular waveguide 2c

9、an be written asE r =-0H 02casin .(1 4.It can be seen that the change of the electric field magnitude in the tw o output ports coincides very well with sine and cosine functions.The output powers from port 1and port 2areP 1=P input sin 2P 2= P input cos 2(2The reflection at Fig.3.E lectric field at

10、different anglescan be seen that the matching is very g ood in the full range.The bandwidth (S11under -20dB at different angles is shown in Fig.6.Fig.4.Magnitude of the electric field in the tw o outputwaveguides at different anglesFig.5.change of S11with rotationFig.6.Change of bandwidth with rotat

11、ion3ConclusionThe concept to design a power divider with arbitrary dis 2tribution ratio has been fully tested.A new 30GH z power di 2vider has been designed using HFSS.The design concept can be easily adapted to other w orking frequencies.The new circular TE11m ode launcher is also very useful in ma

12、ny m i 2crowave devices.0221高能物理与核物理(HEP &NP 第28卷R eferences1Y ANG Chun 2Hui et al.F oundations for M odern M icrowave T echnology.Harbin :The Harbin Engineering University Press ,1999.1161192C ollin R E.F oundations for M icrowave Engineering (Second Edition .New Y ork :IEEE Press ,2001.194198任意分配比的微波功率分配器顾鹏达1;1焦咏梅2耿哲峤1崔艳艳1I.Syrat


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