1、新标准大学英语视听说答案Unit 1 College cultureIn side viewConv ersati on1Janet : So this is the Cherwell Boathouse it ' s lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy.Mark : I ' m not so sure about that! Jan et, there' s someth ing Kate and I wan ted to discusswith you. Some people
2、in college are organizing charity events this term. We' ve decidedto get invo Ived.Janet : Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity butstudents don ' t usually do that.Mark : Stude nts ofte n do that here. Any way, we' re thi nking of doing spon sored pu
3、nting.Janet : Sponsored punting! What ' s that?Kate : Spon sori ng is whe n people pay you to do someth ing- like run a long dista nee. Sopeople would be spon sori ng stude nts to punt.Janet : What a great idea! I ' d love to join you!Mark : That' s why we' re tellingyou about it. So
4、 that ' s decided then. Let' s make a listof things we n eed to do.Kate : I ' ll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity.Mark : Yes. And choose a day for the eve nt. And we n eed to desig n the spon sorship form. I ' ve got one here.Kate : That looks fine,
5、 but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that?Mark : I ' ll do that. What have we got so far?Kate : Choose a charity. Also a day for the eve nt. Change the word ing on the spon sorship formUm We have to decide where the punt will start from.Mark : Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It'
6、s a very beautiful route from here, apparently. Kate : I ' m with you on that.Janet : Me too Conv ersati on2Janet : I ' m not used to boats - Woah!Mark : Whoops!Kate : Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing!Mark : Sorry! I didn ' t mean to. OK, we ' re off!Kate : Maybe I should
7、 do the punting.Mark : It ' s fine. I ' ve got the hang of it now give me a chanee.Kate : Well, I ' d like to have a go.Mark : Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if you want to.Kate : Yes, great.Janet : You' re really good at it, Mark! This is fantasti
8、c! It' s exactly how I imaginedlifehere! Look over there - isn ' t it lovely!Kate : Yes, it is.Janet : Kate, everything ' s organized, isn ' t it, for collecting the sponsorship money?Kate : Yes, I ' ve arranged for people to get the moneyto meby next Friday - if they haven'
9、t paid online. I ' II count it all up.Janet : Good. We' d better have a meeting soon after that, don' t you think? How much have weraised?Kate : About 600.Janet : Fantastic! I ' m so enjoying this!Mark : Hey guys, I ' ve got a suggestion - how about moving over to the bank and we
10、 can haveourpic nic! Hey, look, there Mark : Whoo Girls Mark!Janet : Are you all right? Mark : Er Of course Is Louise and Sophie!m all right. Kate, I think its your turn to punt!Outside viewV/OHarvard University in Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. We spoke toAlex Jude, the uni
11、versity' s Head of Communications. He explained that Harvard looks forthe best and most tale nted stude nts from around the world.AlexHarvard actually seeks stude nts from around the world, the best stude nts that we can find, to study chemistry, or study literature, or study gover nment, or bus
12、 in ess. Our bus in ess school is particularly well-known around the world, as is the medical school and law school, so, um, and, and the KennedySchool of government, for the John F. KennedySchool of Government, so, er, we do seek very, very tale nted stude nts and we have ope n doors for them.V/OWe
13、 asked five stude nts at Harvard to tell us what kind of social life they have.AshleyUm, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I,I live n earby any way, so I see a lot of my frie nds, andUm, there ' s a good social lifehere if you look for it. I go to
14、the gym, run. So that' s what I do.AdamIt is whatever you wan t it to be. It ' s good. If you wanna go out party, do anything you can. If you wanna sit in your room and study all ni ght like my frie nd over here, you can also do that.Bria nSocially, like you said, it ' s, it ' s a lo
15、t of what you make it. Um, we don' t have fraternities here, and so, you know, that' s, it ' s obviously not as social. There ' s notas many parties as there would be on ano ther campus. Um, but on a Friday or Saturday ni ght, there, there, there will be a party. Usually we end up st
16、udying until about10 o ' clock.And then we, and then we' II go out and have fun maybe, or just watch a movie with friends,or, you know, whatever is going on for the night.JodieNot every one would agree with me, obviously, but it' s, I thi nk it ' s a fun place to be.Int.Have you made
17、 a lot of frien ds?JodieOh, defi nitely.Int. : Mm.JodieMany.Int.What, what do you do with your frie nds?JodieUm, well, I like to go to con certs. I ' m in three music groups, so I have lots of rehearsals duri ng the week for that. Um, just do, you know, some fun thin gs, on the weeke nd.V/OWe as
18、ked the Harvard stude nts if they use theIn ternet.AshleyUm, I, I use it a fairlygood amount. Um, our library system is online, so I use that a lot.And a lot of myclasses, you know, have to do research papers. You can find a lot of information on there, so.Int.So how ofte n do you use it, a week, a
19、day?AshleyUm, I use it probably on more of a weekly basis. Maybe three or four times a week.Bria nOhyes, defi nitely. Wdive through the In ternet actually. Well, I do a lot of research through the In ternet, follow my stocks on the Intern et. Um, well, eve n though is not officially In ternet, we, t
20、hat' s how we com muni cate a lot at college, so, through the .Joh nUm, I use the intern et mostly for, er, I ' d say, sort of leisure purposes. I mean, I play, um, I use it for a lot of, I don' t, we don ' t have TV in my room, so I use it, uh, uh, goto the CNN website, keep up on c
21、urre nt eve nts, thi ngs like that. Uh, I also, uh, you know, there ' s somelittle gamesto play over the Internet. Um, just um, I go to espn. to see what' s happe ning, follow the Bost on Red Sox, things like that. Um, I thi nk a lot of courses use it to post things, but I, I don't usual
22、ly use it that much for research, or things. I tendto use the libraries for such thin gs, so.Liste ning inPassagelV/OHi, I ' m Nick Carter, and this is SUR, your university radio station. This morning we went around campusto ask freshers - nowhalf-way through their first year - the quest ion,“Ho
23、ware you finding uni?" Here are some of the answers we got.Speaker 1It ' s cool. It ' s everything I hoped it would be. I' m very ambitious, I want to be ajournalist and I want to get to the top of the profession. I' ve started writing for theuni versity newspaper so I ' ve
24、got my foot on the ladder already.Speaker 2I ' mworking hard and the teaching is as good as I expected. And I ' ve madesomegood friends. But I ' m very homesick. I ' m Nigerian and myfamily ' s so far away. I went homeat Christmas for a mon th that really helped, but man, I miss
25、my family so much.Speaker 3“ How am I finding uni? " It ' s great. It ' s not perfect, nothing is, but, like, I' ve gota brilliant social life, just brilliant, and I' ve made lots of friends. For the first fewmon ths I just did n ' t do, really eno ugh work. But I I talked a
26、bout it with my pare ntsand I ' m working harder now and getting good grades.Speaker 4Actually, I ' ve bee n quite Ion ely to be hon est. I' m a bit shy every one else seemed tofind it so easy to makefriends straight away. But things have been better recently yeah, they have. I ' ve
27、joined a couple of clubs and like, it really helps to get to know people when you have shared interests. So, yeah- I ' m feeling a lot happier now.Speaker 5Uni' s great, I love it. My only problem and it ' s quite a big problem is money. Myparents are both unemployed so, you know, they c
28、an' t help me financially. My grant justisn ' t it ' s just not eno ugh for meto live on, so I ' ve take n a part -time job as a waitress - a lot of people I know, like a lot, have had to do the same. I don' t want to have hugedebts at the end.Speaker 6I love my subject, History,
29、 and I' m, I ' m getting fantastic teaching here. I want to bea university lecturer and that means I have to get a first. I have a good social life but work defi nitely comes first for me.Passage2Oxford and Cambridge - two universities so similar that they are often spoken of togetheras“Oxbr
30、idge " . They ' re both in the UK, fairly near London, and both regularly come top inany ranking of the world ' s best universities.The two universitiesbegan within a century of each other. Oxford University,now 900 yearsold,was foun ded towards the end of the 11th cen tury .In 1209 the
31、re was a dispute betwee n theuniversity and the townspeople of Oxford. As a result, some of the Oxford teachers left and founded a university inthe town of Cambridge, some 84 miles away. Ever since then, the twoin stituti ons have bee n very competitive.Un like most moder n uni versities, both Oxfor
32、d and Cambridge con sist of a large nu mber ofcolleges. Oxford has 39 and Cambridge 31. Manyof these colleges have old and very beautiful architecture, and large nu mbers of tourists visit them.In all UK universities, you need good grades in the national exams taken at 18. But to get into Oxford and
33、 Cambridge, it ' s not eno ugh to get A grades in your exams. You also have to go for a long in terview.In these in terviews,stude nts n eed to show that they are creativeand capable of orig inal thinking.Through the centuries, both universities have made huge contributions to British cultural l
34、ife.They have produced great writers, world leaders and politicians. Cambridge, in particular, has produced scie ntists whose discoveries and inven ti ons have cha nged our lives.Among the great university institutions is the world' s most famous debating society, theOxford Union, where undergra
35、duates get a chanee to practise speaking in public.Cambridge" scomedy clubFootlights has produced many first-class comedians, while some of the UK ' s most famousactors and actresses bega n their careers at The Oxford Uni versity Dramatic Society, known as OUDS. Then there ' s the Oxfor
36、d and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place every year in March or April, and is watched on televisi on all over the UK.So with all this excellenee in so many fields, it' s not surprising that the ambition ofclever students all over the world is to attend either one of these great universities.
37、Unit 2In side viewConv ersati on1Kate : Come in. Hey, Janet.Janet : Hi Kate, are you busy?Kate : Yes, I ' m just doing an essay. But it ' s great to see you. So what ' s new?Janet : Well, nothing much.Kate : You look a bit fed up. What ' s bugging you?Janet : Well, I had a phone call
38、 from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happenseverytime they call, and it gets me down.Kate : I ' m sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, butIalways feel miserable after the call.Janet : My dad doesn' t say much, and I want to speak to him, bu
39、t I wish I knew what to say.Kate : Don t let it get to you. My dad doesn' t say much on the phone either. I call, hean swersthe phone, and says,“Hi, I ' ll pass you to your mother. " It ' s really irritating.Janet : But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hear his voice.Ka
40、te : Just tell him what you ' re up to.Janet : Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford.Sometimes I feel like a moody tee nager.Kate : Try not to worry about it, Janet. It' s normal to feel like that. I understand howyou feel, butI bet everything will be fine
41、 next term. You' ll get used to it. Hey, why don' t you do what I do?Janet : What' s that?Kate : When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I getto hear his voice!Janet : Maybe. I ' m sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye!Kate : W
42、ait a minute !Conv ersati on2Kate : I think I may have upset Janet last night.Mark : What happened?Kate : She came to see me. I was busy doing an essay but I was really pleased to see her.She' d had a call from home, and said she was feeli ng homesick.Mark : Poor kid! It must be tough on you guy
43、s, living so far away from home.Kate : I tried to make her laugh, told her not to worry about it, and that it was normalto feel miserable. Sudde nly she looked miserable, and the n she got up and said,“ I mustgo now" and left my room. It was really sudden. I felt as if I' d said something w
44、rong.Mark : Maybeshe was just being polite. It was probably because she realized you were working and didn ' t want to disturb you.Kate : I just wonder if she found it difficult to talk about her feelings with me. MaybeI shouldn ' thave tried to make her laugh? Perhaps she thought I wasn'
45、; t taking her serious ly.Mark : I wouldn' t worry about it. Put yourself in her shoes. Howwould you feel if you were a stude nt at college in China?Kate : I know. That ' s why I feel bad. If only she had stayed Ion ger! I wish I could have helped her more.Janet : Hey, every one!Mark : Hi Ja
46、net, you look cheerful!Janet : Yes, I ' ve just got my essay back. I got an alpha minus!Kate : What an amazing grade! Well done.Mark : I ' m really happy for you, Janet.Janet : I feel on top of the world!Outside viewSebastie nHi. I ' m Sebastien. I ' m from Germany. Um, the idea of I
47、Q of a measure of your brain power has been around for a while, but recently there' s been this new idea of the EQ - youremotional quotient. And by now, it' s actually almost being regarded as more important. Ifyou look at it, bus in esses willWell, they will prefer emplo ying people with gr
48、eat EQ.Well, of course, IQ cannot be disregarded, but um, EQ does have its importa nee as well. Uh, I believe that, um, I mean, people, most people will have, um, their basicmeans ofcom muni cati ng with other people. Most people are somewhatsocially adept, and just like most people have, you know,
49、a basic gen eral kno wledge. But the n, what I think really is the differe nee betwee nIQ and EQ, I mean, you can have a “ brainiac :a nd they will be great at most things they do, but if you just can ' t get along with him, if you just can' t com muni cate with him, Imean, you know, he '
50、; s not really that useful.KimHi. This is Kim. I ' m originally from Korea, and I was raised in California. And today, weare going to talk about the differe nces betwee n IQ and EQ IQ meaning your in tellige nee,EQ meaning your emotions. Now, in When I was, when I was a little, little boy in Kor
51、ea, I had to take I think I ' d taken like two or three IQ tests before the age of ten, which is when I moved to California. So, I guess we stress a lot of importance on intelligenee, on hav ing great IQ scores. But after I moved to the States, I lear nt how to associate with people, and along t
52、he lines that this word EQcame up, you know, emotional,caring about It ' s basically how you deal with people, how you make people feel, and how people make you feel.I think they ' re equally as, as important, but it seems that in the Eastern worldthey kindof stress on that a lot more back i
53、n the days. But I thi nk aga in, you know, now that withInternet and people are com muni cati ng so much faster, there' s a better mixture of the twoI think. There ' s a stress on EQ in Korea as well, and a stress on IQ in the States. Thank you.TedHello. My nameis Ted, and I ' m from the
54、 United States of America. Today, I ' m going to talk a little bit about IQ or EQ which is most importa nt, or which is more importa nt. Now,for a long time when I was growing up, people said, “ IQ. What' s your IQ? Take an IQ test." But the n EQ, your emoti ons, how you in teract with
55、people, that became very importa nt. AndI thi nk they ' re that people might be on to somethi ng with that, because your EQhowyou deal with people, how you in teractwith people is importa nt. Now, a big part of this,in my opinion, is listening. I know I' m talking a lot right now, but if you
56、 want to getalong well with people, you have to liste n to them, so just take a minu te, maybe shut your mouth for a min ute, and liste n to others, and the n you can un dersta nd and com muni cate with them in a better way. So, part of EQ, I thi nk, is liste ning liste ning to others andit can be m
57、ore importa nt tha n IQ.Liste ning inPassagelPrese nterWe re fortunate to have as our guest today Dr Jenna Hudson, who has just written a bookabout how colours affect us in our surro undin gs, especially in the world of advertis ing.It ' s called Market Colours. Dr Huds on, which are the most co
58、m mon colours in advertis ing and marketi ng?Dr Huds onWell, of course, it depends what image the marketing team wish to project with their products. So for example, we often think of blue as a cold colour, but it also makes you feel peaceful, quiet, and it does n' t suggest strong emotio ns. So
59、 it ' s a favourite for banks and in sura nee companies, who wish to suggest the image that they are trustworthy. And for selling products, it ' s often used tosuggest someth ing is pure and fresh.What about red?You can sell almost anything with red. It ' s a hot colour, which suggests a
60、 feeling of energy and even passion. It grabs your attention, and can makepeople buy almost anything. You often see red on magazine covers. But if you use it too much, it looks cheap and may make people tired. And orange has a similar effect to red, it ' s upbeat and happy, it suggests pleasant feelings and imag
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