



1、The Table of Phonetics元音长元音i: : C: U: B: 短元音i C u Q A e双元音ei ai Ci au u i Z u辅音清辅音p t k s F tF f W ts tr h浊辅音b d g z V dV v T dz dr r l m n N w jSound Rules字母和字母组合读音例词特例a/i/ei/A/C/breakfast affair Japanvillage private damage celebrate isolate appreciate namebad hat happy havewant what washwalk water

2、 /C:/e/i/i:/e/excellent awaken enable edition prettywe these he shepen yes well desk besti (y)/i/ai/sit fish office family reallyrealize organize fly whygive live / i /o/C/u/Q /u:/control positionhot mop box notphoto potato go close hopelove some none glove dovelose move do two to who shoeboth comb

3、most post bold cold /u /u/Q/ju/ju:/u:/u/suggest industrybut cut hut nut bus sun clubcommunism regularinstitute gratitude use hugeJune rule true truth blue put push pull full busy / i /aiayey/ei/wait rain train mainsay play daythey grey (gray)said /e/ar/B:/C:/car park starwar warm ward collar sugar g

4、rammar particularal/C:/C:l/B:/ball hall tall talk walkfalse salt alsohalf calm palmauaugh/C:/cause August fault launchdaughter caught taughtlaugh /B:/ass, ask, ast, ath,af(f), an, asp/B:/class glass ask fast grasp bath staff dance plant commandair/Z/chair fair hair air pair stairsare/Z/care dare sta

5、re rareare /B:/aw/C:/law saw claw awfulea/i:/e/ei/i/eat meat speak peace pleasebread ready head deadbreak great breathereal theatreee/i:/meet tree agree green steel needeer/i/pioneer engineer deer cheer beerere/i/Z/mere here there wherewere /: /ear/i/Z/:/hear near fear tearwear bear tear pearearth l

6、earn early pearlyheart /B:/year /:/eiieie/i:/ei/i:/ia/receive seizes ceilingeight weight weigh neighbor field believe piece niece science scientist friend /e /height /ai /review /ju/ew/ju:/u:/u/new few dew knewblew flew Jewsew ighig/ai/high night right fight flightsign design sighiaioieire/ai/dialog

7、ue dial violence science fire tire hire indild/ai/kind find mild childoa/u/coat boat goat soap floatoioy/Ci/voice noise oil pointboy toy joyoo/u:/u/Q./food room moon tooth schoolbook foot good stoodflood bloodooror/C:/door floornormal north order horsedoctor visitor forget effortpoor /u/word world w

8、orker /:/ore/C:/more wore sore storeure-ture/ju/u/tF/pure cure manuresurepicture culture literaturefigure injure /-sure/V/pleasure treasure measure-(t)ion/Fn/nation production station fashion-sion/Vn/vision decision occasionou/au/Q /u:/mouth about house roundtouch trouble countrygroup throughoul/u/c

9、ould would shouldough/C:/bought brought foughtthough /u/through /u:/our/C:/au/course source four pourour hour sour flourow/au/u/town now how down know snow blow flow showerirur /:/:/worker dancer singer teacherdirty third first girl birdnurse turn urgent fur hurtclerk /B:/very /e /-ed/t/d /helped wa

10、tched lookedarmed stayed listened-ted-ded/id /wanted neededc/k/s/F/company caught cough musiccity century bicyclesocial musicianchtch/tF/k/F/child China choicematch fetch school Christmas Chemistry echomachineck/k/picket check neck stick blackdge/dV/bridge judge knowledge kn/n/knife know knock phgh/

11、f/photo paragraph physical cough tough qu/kw/quite quiet question quick qualityss-s-s-es/s/z/s/z/iz/same sound small sortmusic noise desire prison seasondesks groups maps lamps lookspigs walls plays starswashes /F/ praises /z/ classes /s/ matches /tF/ boxes /s/ pages /dV/island / /sh/F/she fish sham

12、e Englishth/W/T/thing thief three breaththey with there breathets/ts/streets cats facts fits hitsds/dz/beds needs fields feeds landsng/N/sing strong long springtwwh/w/h/what why white where who whose wholeex/igz/eks/iks/exact exam exist exampleextra excellent exhibition expertexcite explain experience expressy/i/ai/j/happy physical geography try fly dying whyyes year you yourSilent Letters:1. climb comb bomb tomb doubt debt dumbfound 2. scene muscle science 3. design foreign resign sign campaign 4. hour honest exhibition exhaust5. know knock knee knowledge6. c


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