1、the party's fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. F
2、our to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the party's purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive
3、 function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a nu
4、mber of outstanding party members ' advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the "reform" efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the proble
5、m, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city a
6、ctually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above
7、the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, se
8、ries, address, so precision to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, an
9、d that know that modified, while focused on put "two learn a do" learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and "three strict three real" topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectif
10、ication results, strongly corrected "for officer not for", and Chi and endless corrected "four wind", and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some
11、party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated广西一建工程供方控制程序版本:B QESP07/2009A1. 目的对工程供方进行控制管理,确保分包工程能按公司质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系有关要求运行,满足工程承包合同及顾客和相关方要求。2. 范围 本程序适用于公司承包工程中的分包工程。3. 相关文件3.1 公司质量、环境和职业健康安全管理手册3.2 广西一建经营工作管理办法4. 术语4.1 引用公司质量、环境和职业健康安全管理手册有关术语。4.2 资信度:指一个组织或个人对社会的承诺及信誉和
12、合法建立的物质基础兑现的能力。4.3 分包工程:以合同形式将公司总承包工程中的部分工程分包给其它建筑施工单位,该部分工程称分包工程。5. 职责5.1 公司经营副总经理对分包工程供方实行审批管理。5.2 经营处对分包工程合格供方实行审批归口管理。负责组织对工程供方的评价、选择,报经营副总经理批准后,发布工程合格供方名录;负责工程合格供方的年度考核。5.3 项目部负责对分包工程供方实行全面的监控管理。6. 工作流程6.1 工程供方的评价与选择6.1.1 项目部应采取社会调查、洽谈、考察等方式,对供方的资质、信誉、业绩、生产工艺、技术标准、履约能力、和交付后的服务等内容进行了解评价,确定其技术能力、
13、生产能力和资信度。6.1.2 项目部对调查的供方评估结果进行比较,选择符合要求的工程供方,填写工程供方调查表呈报经营处审批。项目部在选择供方过程中应优先选择已通过质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系的单位。6.1.3 经营处根据合格供方调查情况,定期发布公司合格工程供方名录,建立合格工程供方档案。6.1.4 需分包的工程,项目部应首先在公司合格工程供方名录内选择工程供方,若不使用公司合格工程供方,则必须对分包工程供方进行评价、选择,填写分包工程供方审批表,报经营处审核、分管领导审批后,方可签订分包合同。6.2 分包工程管理6.2.1 项目部必须将公司的质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系的要求通报给分
14、包方并负责对分包工程按公司管理要求实行全过程监控。 6.2.2 项目部必须要求供方制定该分包工程的管理计划及环境和职业健康安全管理方案,经项目部技术负责人批准后实施。6.2.3 项目部定期对分包工程进行考核,以验证其能力,考核的范围包括材料采购、质量、安全、进度、文明施工等方面,通过考核对其综合能力和是否继续使用作出评价。6.2.4 项目部负责对该分包工程产品质量文明施工、安全防护等施工过程进行不定期检查,发现问题,及时督促整改。6.2.5 经营处定期对项目部使用工程供方情况进行监督检查,发现不符合要求的工程供方,要限期整改。7. 记录(保存三年)7.1 QESR07012009A工程供方调查
15、表7.2 QESR07022009A分包工程供方审批表7.3 QESR07032009A招(议)标文件评审记录表7.4 QESR07042009A 年合同评审记录表工程供方调查表 编号:QESR0701/2009A供方名称电 话地 址邮 编调查方法调查人调查内容技术能力生产能力资 信 度调查分析 调查人: 日期:项目部意见 项目经理: 日期:主管部门意见 部门负责人: 日期:分包工程供方审批表编号:QESR0702/2009A工程名称施工单位分包工程内容工程供方基本情况工程供方主要业绩承包方式项目部意见项目经理: 年 月 日质安技术处意见部门负责人: 年 月 日经营处意见部门负责人: 年 月
16、日公司分管领导意见分管领导: 年 月 日招(议)标文件评审记录表 编号:QESR0703/2009A工程名称建设单位招标代理单位工程地点工程规模结构形式工期要求质量要求主持部门主持人地点时间投标可行性分析序号分析内容招(议)标文件的情况是否达到要求注意事项备注1投标保证金、履约担保金2顾客资金情况本项目投资可靠性预付款工程款的支付3工程特点及顾客对本工程施工单位的资质要求周边环境因素4施工现场条件施工技术难易程度本单位承揽类似工程经验满足顾客工期、质量及其他要求的能力及投标优势5工程的承包方式取费标准材料供应方式结算方式顾客要求提供的优惠条件奖罚条件违约责任、风险结论: 主管领导: 日 期:
17、评审单位、人员:合同及报价负责人: 技术负责人: 年合同评审记录表 编号:QESR0704/2009A分公司或部门名称合同编号(经营处填) 合同名称合同对方工程概况合同价款: 仟万 工期: 日历天 项目经理:承包范围: 合同价款采用的方式:招标文件 有 或 议标中标通知书有 或 无 1、 合同编制人员意见: 合同编制人员签名: 编制合同日期: 2、分公司或部门领导对合同的审批意见: 分公司或部门领导签名: 审批日期: 年 月 日3、经营处经办人员意见: 经营处经办人员签名: 审批日期: 年 月 日(续上表)4、经营处负责人意见:负责人签名: 审批日期: 年 月 日5、法律事务管理部门意见:律师
18、签名: 审批日期: 年 月 日6、主管领导审批意见:领导签名: 审批日期: 年 月 日7、法定代表人或其委托代理人意见:(特殊合同需要)法定代表人或委托代理人签字: 审批日期: 年 月 日 8、合同评审最终结果附注说明:1、 凡本公司需对外签订合同,合同办理人员均应持此表办理审批手续,按表格要求填写相关内容;没有持本表格一起送审的合同,经营处均不予以办理;2、 本表与合同文稿、文本一并保存备查,做到逐层审批,分层把关,严格控制合同签订质量;3、 合同编号由经营处人员统一填写,页内空栏不够用以提出意见时,可另附书面意见粘贴在审批表后;4、 此表于2007年1月1日起统一使用,可由各分公司自行复印
19、使用或从经营处拷贝电子表格打印填写。(请打印成一页,正背面)将汽机PCA段电源进线开关241A摇至工作位,送上操作电源,把联锁开关2LK打至远方,在DCS操作汽机PCA段进线开关241A合闸,检查母线带电运行情况rectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organiza
20、tion and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the "urge" work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. "Two" education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordina
21、te, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities an
22、d powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic development new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high eco
23、logical vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out "three-three" activities as a "three-three" special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in
24、"two learn a do" learning education in the carried out "five check five promoting", the County District units to insisted put "two learn a do" learning education and "five check five promoting" organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one or
25、ganization implementation, put carried out "two learn a do" situation, and "five check five promoting" situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leadin
26、g cadres ' performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party
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