典范英语5A-8 Viking Adventure_第1页
典范英语5A-8 Viking Adventure_第2页
典范英语5A-8 Viking Adventure_第3页




1、典范英语5A-8 Viking Adventure 海盗冒险记1 Wilf and Wilma came to the door. It was time to go to school. Kipper told everyone about his adventure at the Teddy Bears picnic. But nobody believed him.Wilf和Wilma走到门口。该去学校了。Kipper告诉大家他在泰迪熊野餐会上的冒险经历。但没人相信他。2 Biff, Chip and Wilf were in Mr Johnsons class.The children

2、 liked Mr Johnson. He made everything interesting and he told lots of good stories. Biff、Chip和Wilf都在Johnsons先生的班上。孩子们喜欢Johnsons先生。他让一切都变得有趣,他讲了很多好故事。Mr Johnson had a model ship." Can you tell me what sort of ship this is?"he asked.Wilf put up his hand. "Its a Viking ship," he sai

3、d."Well done, Wilf,"said Mr Johnson.Johnson先生有一艘轮船模型。“你能告诉我这是什么船吗?”他问道。Wilf举起手来。 “这是一艘海盗船,”他说。“说得对,Wilf,”Johnson先生说。3 Mr Johnson showed the children a picture of aViking ship."This ship was called a longship, "he said.“It had oars and a sail and it moved very fast through the wat

4、er.”Johnson先生给孩子们看了一幅海盗船的照片。“这艘船被称为龙船,”他说。“”它有桨和帆,它在水面上移动得很快。“”"The Vikings lived a long time ago, "said Mr Johnson. They crossed the sea in ships like this.Mr Johnson showed the children a Viking helmet and a Viking shield.“北欧海盗们活了很久,”Johnson先生说。“”他们这样乘船过海。Johnson先生向孩子们展示了北欧海盗和海盗的盾牌。4 Mr

5、Johnson helped the children with a Viking project. It was very interesting.They made model longships and they made Viking shields and helmets.Johnson先生帮助孩子们做了一个北欧海盗项目。这是非常有趣的。他们制造了模型船,并制造了北欧海盗盾牌和头盔。5 Mr Johnson took the children into the school hall.They made a big longship. Then they alldressed up

6、as Vikings and pretended to row it." Its hard work being a Viking,” said Biff.Johnson先生把孩子们带进了学校的礼堂。他们做了一艘大船。然后他们装扮成北欧海盗,假装在划船。6 The children came home from school. They looked at the magic key.They wanted it to glow because it had not glowed for a long time.Kipper told them about his magic adv

7、enture but still nobody believed him.孩子们放学回家了。他们看着魔法钥匙。他们想让它发光,因为它已经长时间没有发光了。 Kipper告诉他们他的魔法冒险,但仍然没有人相信他。Kipper was upset." The magic key glowed in the night, "he said.It glowed when it was dark. It did, it did, it did!Biff looked at the key." I wonder. "she said.Kipper很沮丧。“魔法钥匙在

8、夜里发光,”他说。天黑时它发出亮光。它确实做到了,它做到了!Biff 看了看钥匙。“我想”她说。7 Biff had a good idea."Maybe the key will glow in the dark,"she said.She got a torch and then she found a big thick blanket.Biff有个好主意。“也许钥匙会在黑暗中发光,”她说。她拿了手电筒,然后盖上了一条厚厚的毯子。The children sat on the floor and they pulled the blanket over themsel

9、ves. It was dark under the blanket. Suddenly, the key began to glow.The magic was working after all. " I told you so," said Kipper.孩子们坐在地板上,他们把毯子拉到自己身上。毯子下面很黑。突然,钥匙开始发光。魔法开始发挥作用。“我早就告诉过你们吧,”Kipper说。8 There was no wind. The Vikings rowed the longship across the sea. Every man pulled on theo

10、ars. It was hard work being a Viking.现在没有风。海盗们划船横渡大海。每个人都拉上桨。做一个海盗是很辛苦的工作。Suddenly, the wind began to blow."Hooray! "said the Vikings. “Now we can put up the sail.The wind can blow the ship along and we wont have to work so hard.”突然,风开始刮起来。 “万岁!”海盗说。 “现在我们可以挂帆了。风可以把船吹过来,我们就不用这么拼命工作了。”9 One

11、 of the Vikings heard a noise. He went to look. He found the children."Oh no!" said Wilf.Were on a Viking longship.I dont believe it!其中一个海盗听到了一声巨响。他去看。他发现孩子们。“哦,不!”Wilf说。“我们在海盗船上。我不敢相信!”10 The Viking jumped back. He couldn't believe it, either! He looked very fierce.Oh dear, said Kippe

12、r. He doesnt look pleased to see us.海盗跳起来。他也不敢相信!他看起来非常凶猛。哦,天哪,Kipper说。他看起来对我们不太友好。11 The Viking pushed the children to the back of the longship."Look at all these animals, "said Kipper."I don't like it here. It smells."The wind began to blow harder. The Vikings putup the sai

13、l.这个海盗把孩子们推到大船的后面。“看看这些动物,”Kipper说。“我不喜欢这里。太难闻了。”风开始刮得更猛了。海盗把帆顶起。The wind blew harder and the ship tossed upand down. The waves splashed over the children.They got cold and wet. Kipper began to feel sick." It's not much fun on a longship, "he said.风越来越大,船上下颠簸。浪花溅在孩子们身上。他们又冷又湿。Kipper开始感

14、到恶心。他说:“在一艘大船上好无聊啊。”12 At last the longship landed."Hooray! "shouted the Vikings.They jumped into the water and carried boxes and barrels to the shore.最后,龙船着陆了。“万岁!“海盗们喊道。他们跳进水里,把箱子和桶运到岸上。The children looked over the side of the longship."I hope we don't have to jump in, "sai

15、d Kipper."It looks cold and wet."孩子们望着大船的一侧。“我希望我们不用跳进去,”Kipper说。“它看起来又冷又湿。”13 "You don't have to jump in, "said the Viking.“I'll throw you in!” The children waded to the shore. The villagers were amazed. They had never seen children like these before.“你们不必跳进去,”海盗说。“我要把你们

16、扔进去!”孩子们向岸边游去。村民们很惊讶。他们以前从未见过这样的孩子。14 Kipper had some sweets. He shared them with the Viking children. They had never seen sweets before. They didnt know what to do with them.Kipper有一些糖果。他和海盗的孩子们一起分享。他们以前从未见过糖果。他们不知道怎么吃。15 The Vikings took the children into a long hall.A fire was burning in the midd

17、le of the floor. There was smoke everywhere.北欧海盗把孩子们带进了一个长长的大厅。一堆火在地板中间燃烧着。到处都是烟。It began to get dark and soon it was time tohave some food." So this is what Vikings eat, "said Wilf.天开始变黑了,很快就该吃点东西了。"这就是海盗们吃的东西,"Wilf说。16 As soon as it wasdark a longship sailed closeto the shore.

18、On the longship were some Viking raiders. They were going to attack the village.天黑了,一艘大船向岸边驶去。在龙船上有一些海盗掠夺者。 他们打算袭击那个村庄。One of the villagers saw the longship and ran into the long hall.“Help! Help! ” he called. "Raiders are landing!"其中一个村民看到了龙船,并跑进了长廊。“救命!救命!”他大叫。“掠夺者是着陆了!”17 The raiders lo

19、oked very fierce. They ran towards the village." They're going to attack!" said Wilf. "What can we do?"" I wish the magic key would glow,"said Kipper.袭击者看起来非常凶猛。他们冲进村庄。“他们准备攻击了!”Wilf说。“我们又能怎么做呢?”"我希望魔法钥匙能发光。"18 Biff had an idea. She shone her torch.The rai

20、ders and the villagers had never seen alight like this before. They were frightened and they all fell to the ground.Biff 有了一个主意。她照亮了她的手电筒。掠夺者和村民从来没有见过这样的灯光。他们吓坏了,全都倒在地上。19 The raiders ran back to their longship and sailed away.“Hooray! ”said the villagers. They wont come back here in a hurry。掠夺者跑回他们的龙船,扬帆而去。“万岁!”村民们说。“他们不会很快回来的。”"The Vikings looked at Biff's torch.“This is a magic thing," they said.It frightened us, but it frightened the raider seven more and it saved our village!海盗们看着Biff的手电筒。“这是一件神奇的事情,”他们说。


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