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1、人力资源控制程序Human Resource Control ProcedureHR-P001共8页1目的 Purpose :规定了人力资源管理计划的制定、实施、和管理的步骤和要求。确保公司的人力资源管理工作保持针对性和有效性。This procedure regulates the establishment, implement, management steps and requirement for human resource management plan, to make sure the effectiveness and pertinence for HR managemen

2、t.适用范围2Scope:本程序适用于在公司范围内所有员工的管理。This procedure is applicable for the management of all staff.职责3Responsibility3.1人力资源部负责人力资源的获取,包括招聘、选拔、录用等环节。各相关部门协助实施。HR department takes charge of human resource obtainment, including recruitment, selection and employment etc. The related departments should give s

3、upport to HR.3.2人力资源部负责为员工办理国家规定的各项福利。HR department takes charge of employee social welfare.3.3人力资源部负责培训计划制定、实施、调整、纪录和有效性评估。各相关部门协助实施。HR department takes charge of the trainings set up, implement, adjustment, record and evaluation. The related departments should give support to HR.3.4人力资源部负责员工外出培训的管

4、理工作。HR department takes charge of employee external training management.4术语 Terms :无权责单位Responsibil ity部门经理Depart. Manager工作流程Process:流程图Process招聘流程图流程内容Process招聘需求RequisitionRequest内容相关文件 /记录DescriptionRemarks提出招聘需求人员需求申请单Recruitment RequsitionPut forward personnel requisitionForm第1页REV02人

5、力资源控制程序Human Resource Control Procedure管理层批准需求Requisition批准招聘需求RelatedApproveApprove personnel requistionManager招聘开展Recruiting人力资源部组织招聘工作的开展HRRecruiting implementation背景调查体检Refer. &人力资源部新员工入职重新招聘办理入职、录用和各项福利Transact on duty, employment and otherHREmploymentRestartbenefit5.1.2培训流程图 Trainging char

6、t权责单位流程内容内容ResponsibilProcessDescriptionity部门经理培训需求提出培训需求Depart.Training RequestPut forward training requestManager人力资源部培训计划建立年度培训计划Training PlanHRSet up training plan管理层批准需求批准培训需求RelatedRequest ApproveApprove personnel requistionManagerHR-P001共8页简历 Resume职位申请表 Employment Application聘用信Offer Letter相

7、关文件 /记录Remarks培训申请表Training Application Form员工工作业绩评定表Employee's Evaluation培训计划Training Plan第2页REV02人力资源控制程序Human Resource Control ProcedureHR-P001共8页人力资源部培训开展和记录组织培训的开展内部培训TrainingHRTraining implementation and recordInternal Training培训评估培训反馈表人力资源部Training进行培训评估Training EvaluationHREvaluationTrai

8、ning EvaluationForm5.2组织公司招聘5.2.1工作的开展/营运经理,亚洲区副总裁,批准。部门经理须在年度预测中提出招聘需求,先后经商务Department manager should bring forward recruitment needs in yearly forecast, which will beauthorized by CBM/Operation Manager , Vice President BU Asia in order.5.2.2需求部门提交人员需求申请,先后经部门经理、财务控制、人力资源、商务/营运经理、亚洲区副总裁批准。Departmen

9、t manager submits Recruitment requisition, which should be authorized by department manager, Controller, HR, CBM/Operation Manager, Vice President BU Asia.5.2.3HR 在收到已获批准的招聘申请后,实施招聘广告的投放和简历的收集及筛选。HR release the recruitment information & collect and select resume after she/he receives the approve

10、d application from Recruitment Reguisition Form.5.2.4人力资源部初步筛选简历后由相关部门经理再次筛选简历,确定面试人员名单。The resume will be filtered by HR department, and then by related department manager. Make sure the name list for interview.5.2.5招聘面试工作由人力资源部组织开展,面试工作应坚持合理、公正、有效等原则。The interview will be organized by HR departmen

11、t, which should be in the principle of reasonable, fairand effectiveness.5.2.6面试合格后准予录用,对于面试不合格者,人力资源部应对其资料整理备案(职位申请表,简历等 ),存入公司人才资料库。The applicant who passed the interview will be employed, for those who failed, whose informationshould be filed by HR department (including“ employee application” , ”

12、 resume ” et5.2.7人力资源部负责为员工办理国家规定的各项福利。HR department will take charge of the welfare for the employees5.2.8人力资源部根据国家关于社会保险的有关规定为员工缴纳社会保险金。HR department should pay social insurance for the employee according to national regulation.5.2.9人力资源部应根据国家社会保险的政策的变化相应作出调整。HR department should make adjustment a

13、ccordingly if any change of national social insurance.第3页REV02人力资源控制程序HR-P001Human Resource Control Procedure共8页5.3确定培训需求的来源 ,可包括以下各项:Make sure the sources for training needs, including the following items :5.3.1公司年度经营方针和目标;Annual management guideline and target of the company;5.3.2职位说明书;Job descrip

14、tion;5.3.3培训需求调查的结果;The result of training needs investigation;5.3.4顾客要求;Customer requirements;5.3.5质量管理体系如五大工具的应用等;Quality management system as 5 tools using etc;5.3.6对员工进行年度业绩考核评估的结果;The results of employee annual performance evaluation;5.3.7新聘、转岗员工上岗培训;Training to the new comers and transferred s

15、taff;5.3.8新设备、新工艺、新产品的培训;Training for new equipments, new technics, new products;5.3.9有关质量技术的培训;Training about quality technics;5.3.10对从事计量、检验、铲车、焊接、电工、压力容器操作及其他特种作业人员、体系审核员,按国家相关规定,必须经培训取得上岗资格证,方可上岗。如无相关规定则由公司自行组织,至少每二年进行一次 ;For those who take the position of computation, inspection, forklift, join

16、ting, electrician, pressurevessel operation etc and system auditor, should first of all be trained and get qualification certificate.Company should provide at least one training every two years if no special regulation from theauthority.5.3.11有关环境及职业健康安全体系方面的培训。Training about environment ,safety and

17、 health system (ESH).对全体员工To all employees.1知识教育:在建立环境及职业健康安全管理体系时,对全员进行体系基础知识、环保、安全健康、消防、法律法规常识及相关的岗位职责,作用,应急准备与响应知识的教育。新招的员工,也应接受此教育。Knowledge training: To do System basis training to all employees. Environment protection, safety &health, fire fighting, law ,related job respons

18、ibility, emergency preparation and reaction training areinvolved . New comer also need to be trained..2意识教育:学习质量 & 环境 & 职业健康安全方针、公司范围内存在的环境因素和重要环境因素及其造成的环境影响、危害识别及风险评估结果、环境& 职业健康安全目标指标和部分环境 &职业健康安全管理程序书。使他意识到实施环境& 职业健康安全方针与符合环境& 职业健康安第4页REV02全管理体系的重要性,个人工作改进给公司带来的效益,如

19、果偏离运行程序所带来的后果。Consciousness training: Learn quality & ESH guide line, internal environment factor and effect, harm人力资源控制程序HR-P001Human Resource Control Procedure共8页意识教育:学习质量 & 环境 & 职业健康安全方针、公司范围内存在的环境因素和重要环境因素及其造成的环境影响、危害识别及风险评估结果、环境& 职业健康安全目标指标和部分环境 &职业健康安全管理程序书。使他意识到实施环境& 职

20、业健康安全方针与符合环境& 职业健康安全管理体系的重要性,个人工作改进给公司带来的效益,如果偏离运行程序所带来的后果。Consciousness training: Learn quality & ESH guide line, internal environment factor and effect, harm identification, risk management, ESH procedure and inform employee about the aftereffect of departure ESH system to company.5.4培训计划

21、Training Planning :5.4.1人力资源部对各部门上报的培训计划、综合其他方面的培训需求进行汇总、分析,确认需求项目,作为编制下一年度公司培训计划的依据。HR department should collect, analyse and confirm the training needs according to theapplication form” submitted by all the departments, integrate other training needs.5.4.2人力资源部在当年十二月底之前制定出公司下一年度的“培训计划 ”,“年度培训计划 ”须

22、列出培训项目、培训对象、培训形式、计划日期等。HR department should make the“ Training Plan” of next year before the end of December. Thtraining items, trainee, form and planned date etc, should be listed in the“ Tra5.4.3公司 “年度培训计划 ”经人力资源部经理审核,公司管理层批准。The “ Training Plan” should be reviewed by HR Manager and authorized by

23、Management.5.4.4制造部门内部培训计划由其自行制定并实施;制造部门外部培训计划统一由人力资源部安排。Internal training plan of manufacturing department could be set up and implemented by themselves,others need to ba arranged by HR department.5.5培训实施和记录 Training implementation and record5.5.1公司内部的培训项目,采取由外聘讲师或内部员工进行公司内部授课培训方式。培训出席者需要培训签到,培训项目完

24、成后由人力资源部汇总培训资料。The trainers for the internal training will be external or internal. Trainees should fill out trainingrecord, HR department should collect training information when the training finished.导向培训:每位新进员工必须接受导向培训。Every new employee have to receive orientation training.在职培训:采取书

25、面讲解,参观现场,操作示范相结合的方式进行,根据每年1次的绩效考核情况,针对不足处进行的强化训练;将不符合质量标准给顾客带来的后果告知对质量有影响的人员。On job training: The training will be conducted through paper explanation, site visit, demonstration and etc, according to the performance evaluation result of each year, for the weakness, special training should be strengt

26、hened. Inform the about result/affect which could be brought to customer due to quality issue to staff. 操作工人的在职操作培训由各部门组织,培训结果记录于人员素质矩阵图中,及时有效反映每位操作工掌握操作技能的情况。Operator s on-job-training could be organized by every department, training process will be recordedin ” Employee Qualification Matrix” to re

27、flect in time for each operator training status.第5页REV02人力资源控制程序Human Resource Control ProcedureHR-P001共8页发展培训:企业依据员工职业生涯发展规划,对未来的需要所作的准备训练。Development training: The company will make the preparation training to the staff, according to whose career development plan.5.5.2转岗培训:对调整工作岗位的员工提供岗位培训,

28、由部门经理制定详细的转岗培训计划并加以实施。参加完所有的课程并通过相应的考核之后才能够正式定岗。Transfer training: Provide on job training to the staff who is transferred, The department managermakes detailed training plan and implements the plan. The employee should firstly pass all the relatedtest and then to be transfered.5.5.3公司外部培训项目: Extern

29、al training员工如需公司出资培训,必须填写 “培训需求申请表 ”,并由部门经理和人力资源部经理批准后实施。If the training need to be paid by the company, the employee should fill out” TForm” , and after approve from department manager, HR manager, the training could be implemented.员工如受公司出资培训,包括国内培训(费用额度 5000元)和国外培训。根据员工手册相关规定,需与公司签订

30、 “出资培训协议 ”。The training paid by company including domestic (Training fee RMB 5000) and overseas training.According to“ Employee Handbook” , the trainee should sign” Training Agreement员工外出培训结束后,必须将 “培训合格证书 ”或 “结业证书 ”复印件交人力资源部备案。When the external training finishes, the trainee should deliver th

31、e copy of certificate to HR department.5.5.4培训记录:所有的培训项目都要由人力资源部门记录进行记录。Training record: All the training items should be recorded by HR.5.5.5培训档案:所有员工的培训记录均由人力资源部建立和维护。Training file: Training record for all of employee should be established and managed by HRdepartment.5.6培训有效性评价 Training Evaluation

32、5.6.1对有关技术性的、岗位技能类的和岗位资格类的培训项目,在培训结束后根实际情况选择开展培训有效性评价。For technical and qualification training, it should be evaluated base on actual situation.5.6.2对操作类的培训项目,在培训结束后根据人员素质矩阵图选择开展培训有效性评价。For practise training, it should be evaluated by "Employee Qualification Matrix".5.6.3对环境及职业健康安全有效性评价,应从

33、以下2个方面进行:2 items for EHS validity evaluation:员工的环境 & 职业健康安全意识:包括对公司方针,目标,环境 & 职业健康安全管理体系重要性的理解,以及遵守运行程序重要性的认识,工作中的改进所带来的社会效益和经济效益,偏离程序所带来的后果等方面的认识是否提高。The ESH consciousness of employee: Including the importance understanding of company guide line, target, ESH ,procedure and work impro

34、vement.员工的环保 & 职业健康安全知识和技能是否提高,能否了解本职工作的环境& 职业健康安全职责和作用、能否按体系文件的要求去做,并达到预定的效果。Whether can improve employee s ESH knowledge and work according to system document request.第6页REV02人力资源控制程序HR-P001Human Resource Control Procedure共8页员工的环保 & 职业健康安全知识和技能是否提高,能否了解本职工作的环境& 职业健康安全职责和作用、能否按体系文件的要求去做,并达到预定的效果。Whether can improve employee s ESH knowledge and work according to system d


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