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1、专八改错练习第一篇:More people die of tuberculosis tha n of any other disease caused by a sin gle age nt. This has probably bee n the case in quite a while. Dur ing the _1_ early stages of the in dustrial revoluti on, perhaps one in every seve nth _2_ deaths in Europe ' s crowded cities were caused by th

2、e disease. From _3_ now on, though, western eyes, miss ing the global picture, saw the trouble _4_ going into decli ne. With occasi onal breaks for war, the rates of death and in fecti on in the Europe and America dropped steadily through the 19th and _5_ 20th cen turies. In the 1950s, the in troduc

3、tio n of an tibiotics stre ngthe ned the trend in rich coun tries, and the an tibiotics were allowed to be imported to _6_ poor coun tries. Medical researchers declared victory and withdrew.They are wrong. In the mid1980s the freque ncy of in fecti ons and deaths _7_ started to pick up aga in aro un

4、d the world. Where tuberculosis vani shed, it came_8_ back; in many places where it had n ever bee n away, it grew better. The World_9_ Health Organization estimates that 1.7 billion people (a third of the earth' spopulati on )suffer from tuberculosis. Eve n whe n the in fecti on rate was falli

5、ng, populatio n growth kept the nu mber of cli ni cal cases more or less con sta ntly at 8 _10_ millio n a year. Around 3 millio n of those people died, n early all of them in poor coun tries.参考答案(反白可见):1将in改为for; for quite a while 作 相当长时间”讲.2 将 seventh 改为 seven3将were改为was这个谓语动词的主语是单数短语one in every

6、seven deaths,因此要使用单数.4将now改为then5将Europe前的the去掉6 将 imported 改为 exported根据上下文,应该是向穷国出口抗生素,而不是从这些国家进口抗生素.7将are改为were8 在 vanished 前力口 had这里要表达的是 结核病原来消失的地方,又爆发了结核病”所以要使用过去完成时9 将 better 改为 worse在结合病没有消失的地方,这种病更加严重了,因此要用worse.10 将 constantly 改为 constant在“ keep sb/ sth adj结构中的形容词作补语.专八改错练习第二篇:One of Ameri

7、c a' s most important export is her modern music. _1_ America n popular music is play ing all over the world. It is enjoyed _2_ by people of all ages in all coun tries. Because the lyrics are En glish, _3_ n evertheless people not speak ing En glish enjoy it. The reas ons for its popularity are

8、its fast pace and rhythmic beat.The music has many orig ins in the Un ited States. Country music, coming from the suburba n areas in the souther n Un ited States, is one _4_ source. Country music features simple themes and melodies describ ing day-to-day situati ons and the feeli ngs of country peop

9、le. Many people appreciate this music because the emoti ons expressed by country _5_ music son gs.A sec ond orig in of America n popular music is the blues. It depicted _6_ mostly sad feeli ngs reflect ing the difficult lives of America n blacks. It is usually played and sung by black musicia ns, bu

10、t it is not popular with _7_ all America ns.Rock music is a n ewer form of music. This music style, featuri ng fast and repetitious rhythms, was in flue need by the blues and country music. It is first known as rock-and- roll in the 1950' s. Since then there _8_have bee n many forms of rock musi

11、c, hard rock, soft rock, punk rock, disco music and others. Many performers of popular rock music are young musicia ns.America n popular music is marketed to a dema nding audie nee.Now popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. Some songs become popular all over the world. People hear

12、 these songs sing _9_ in their orig inal En glish or sometimes tran slated into other Ian guages.The words may coin cide but the enjoyme nt of the music is uni versal. _10_参考答案(反白可见):1 改 export 为 exportsexport作可数名词时指出口商品,同时根据one of结构也可以知道这里 export要用复数结构2 改 playing 为 played动词play和句子主语American popular

13、 music是逻辑动宾关系,必须用被动语态.3 改 Because 为 Though 或者 Although此句为让步状语从句4 改 suburban 为 rural这里属于词义用错,suburban为城市郊区,乡村音乐显然来自乡村地区.5 改为 because of6 改 depicted 为 depicts本句错在时态句意为“ blue大多抒发哀伤情感,反映美国黑人的艰难生活为与全文主导时态一致不能用过去时此外,blues现在的风格依旧,故用现在时7将not去掉8改is为was此句有过去时间状语in the 1950 陈述过去的一个事实,故用一般过去时态9 改 sing 为 sungsun

14、g引导过去分词短语作宾语补足语,表被动意思10改coincide为differ (在may后加not也可以)此句含有连词but,整个句意含有转折语气专八改错练习第三篇:Cities can be frighte ned places. The majority of_1_ the populatio n live in no isy massive tower blocks. The sense of bel onging to a com munity tends to appear_2_ whe n you live thirty floors up in a skyscraper. St

15、range_3_ eno ugh, whereas in the past the in habita nts of one street all knew each other, no wadays people on the same floor in tower blocks eve n say hello to each _4_ other.Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existe nee in that a sense of com munity gen erally keep

16、 the in habita nts of a small village together. _5_People have the adva ntage of knowing that there is always some one to tur n to whe n they n eed help. So _6_ country life has disadva ntages too. For example, shopp ing becomes a major problem and for anything slightly out of the ordin ary you have

17、 to go for an expe- _7_ diti on to the n earest large tow n. The country has the adva ntage of peaceful and quiet, but suffers from the _8_ disadva ntages of being cut off. The city has no ise and populatio n which do harm to huma n health. But one of their main adva ntages is that you are at the ce

18、n tre of _9_ things and that life doesn' t come to dneven at tenat ni ght. Some people have found a compromise betwee n the two: they expressed their prefere nee for the quiet life by leav ing for the city and movi ng to the _10_ country with in commut ing dista nee of the large city.参考答案及解析(反白可

19、见):1. 把 frightened 改为 frighteningfrightened是受到惊吓的”,表明心理状态,而frightening表示令人害怕的”,表示事物性质。2. 把 appear 改为 disappear当你住在摩天大厦的三十层里”,可以推测这里要表达的是归属感的消失,而不是产生归属感。3. 把 Strange 改为 StrangelyStrangely enough,是固定短语,经常用作插入语,意思是说也奇怪,最奇怪的是”。4. 在say前面加上 don't此处说的是,现在住在同一层楼的人甚至见面都不打招呼。5. 把 keep 改为 keepsin that引导的句子

20、主语应该是a sense,故谓语应为单数。本句的意思是,农村生活与这种隔绝孤立的生活不同,因为一种归属感把小村里的居民联系在一起。6. 把 so 改为 but/yet上文提到了乡村生活的好处,下文是转折,要用but或者yet7. 把for改为on去远征”应该用go on a expedition,而go for的意思是 去找,努力获取,拥护 ”8. 把 peaceful 改为 peaceof后面不应该用形容词,所以应该改为peace。这里需要注意的是quiet既是名词又是形容词,不要被迷惑。9. 把 their 改为 its此处的代词应该指代上文的the city。10. 删除leaving后

21、面的for,或者把for改为fromleave表示离幵某地”而leave for表示离幵某地去另外一专八改错练习第四篇:Pla nning is a very importa nt activity in our lives. Itca n give pleasure, eve n exciteme nt, and it can cause quitesevere headaches. _1_ The most sig ni fica nt the task ahead, the more carefulthe pla nning _2_ required. Gett ing to schoo

22、l or to work on time is a taskrequiri ng few _3_ or no planning, it is almost routine. A month' s tKduuynabbod,or better still, gett ing married, is a differe nt matter altogether. If the matter in volve a church wedd ing, a recepti on, a hon eym oon in Veni ce, _4_ and returni ng a new home, th

23、is requires eve n more pla nning to make _5_ sure that it is successful. Planning is our way of try ing to en sure success and of avoid ing costly failures we can not suffer. It is equally esse ntial _6_ to in dividual n ati ons and families; the scale may be vary, but the degree _7_ of importa nee

24、does no t. I n the esse nee, a n ati on pla nning its resources _8_ and n eeds do not differ from the familiar weekly shopp ing or mon thly _9_ household budget. Both are desig ned to en sure an adequate supply of esse ntials, and if improperly carried out, will avoid shortages, wastage _10_ and ove

25、r-expe nditure.参考答案及解析(反白可见):1将and改为oror表示 或者”因为前后是两种截然不同的可能性,所以应该用or o2将most改为 more3 将 few 改为 little4 将 involve 改为 involves因为主语the matter为单数,例如:Although pla nning in volves material in vestme nt, eve n more importa nt is the in vestme nt in man.虽然作机会应该包括物资投资,但最重要的是对人的投资。5 在returning 后加介词 to6 将 suff

26、er 改为 afford7去掉be。vary是动词,可与助动词或者情态动词构成谓语,也可以独立构成谓语,例如:The weather varies from hour to hour in some mou nta in districts.8去掉thein esse nee是固定习语,意为 本质上,实质的"9将do改为does主语是动名词复合结构a n ati on pla nning its resources and n eeds,应视为单数,例如:Look ing after ehildre n requires patie nee.10 将 improperly 改为 pr

27、operly.专八改错练习第五篇:Tracing miss ing pers ons can take much patie ntdetective work. But a special kind of“ privcan trace the miss ing an cestors of whole peoples bystudy ing the clues buried by words. _1_These philologists, such as the Ian guage detectives arecalled, have traced _2_the word trail back

28、from peoples in Europe, In dia,South Africa, the Americas,and the Pacific isla nds in a tiny n ameless, and forgotte n tribe that roamed central_3_ Eurasia 5000 to 6000 years ago, before the daw n of writi ng history. _4_Since a long time scholars have bee n puzzled over the strik ing _5_ differe ne

29、e of words in differe nt Ian guages. In Dutch, vader; in Lati n, pater;i n _6_ old Irish, athir; in Persia n, pidar;i n the San skrit of dista nt In dia, pitr.These words all sounded likely and meant the same thing“ father ” _7_Where did it happe n that widely separated peoples used such _8_close re

30、lated sound symbols? The problem baffled lin guists for years. The more so_9_ because “ father ” was but one of a host of such coincidences. Towards the end of the 18 cen tury it daw ned on scholars that perhaps all these words stemmed_10_ from some com mon Ianguage.参考答案及解析(反白可见):1. 将by改为in(be) buri

31、ed in 意思为 被所掩盖,掩蔽于”2. 将such去掉在这里as是连词,引导状语从句.3. 将第一个and改为to (这个句子长,小心上当呀)以便和前文的from构成搭配“ fromto表示,从到”.4. 将 writing 改为 written'有文字记载的历史”英语为“written history ”.5. 将 Si nee 改为 For因为since做介词,表示 自从起”之意时,后面一般不跟表示一段时间的名词.6. 将 differenee 改为 similarity从后面的例子我们可以看出,作者在这里讲述的是文字的惊人的相同之处,而不是不同之处.7. 将 likely 改

32、为 alikelikely意思为很可能的”不做 相同的,相似的”解.8. 将 where 改为 why这里不是问地点而是问原因,从后面的because也可以看出.9. 将close改为副词closely因为形容词close不能修饰过去分词related.10. 将 18 改为 18th.The more so because “ father ” was but one of a host of such coincidences.这句话的the more so because 是什么意思呢,以为人家出版社错了 ,不过看两本资料都这么写.有谁看得懂么?还是说真的是出错了原来 the more

33、so because 意思为: 更何况.专八改错练习第六篇:Why does the idea of progress loom so large in themoder n world? Surely because progress of particulark ind is actually tak ing place aro und us and is more and more mani festi ng. Although mankind has un derg- _1_ one no gen eral improveme nt in in tellige nee or moral

34、ity, it has made extraord inary progress in theaccumulati on of kno wledge. Kno wledge beg ins to in crease as _2_ soon as the thoughts of one in dividual could be communi cated to ano ther by mean of speech. With the in- _3_ ven tio n of writi ng, kno wledge could be com muni cated and stored. Libr

35、aries made educatio n possible, and educatio n in turn added libraries: the growth of kno wl- _4_ edge followed a kind of compo un d-in terest law, which was greatly enhan ced by the inven ti on of printing. All this was comparatively slow un til, with the coming of scie nee, the tempo was sudde nly

36、 rise n. _5_ then kno wledge bega n to be accumulated accord ing to a systematic pla n. However, as soon as new kno wl- _6_ edge is acquired, it is now tur ned to practical account. What is called“ modern civilization ” is not theresult of a balaneed development of all man ' s nature, but not of

37、 accumulated kno wledge applied to practical _7_ life. The problem now faci ng huma nity is: what is going to be done with all this kno wledge? Like is ofte n _8_ poin ted out, kno wledge is a two edged weap on which could be used equally for good or evil. It is now being _9_ used in differe ntly fo

38、r both. Could any spectacle, for in sta nee, be more grimly whimsical tha n that gunn ers _10_ using scienee to shatter men ' s bodies while, close at hand, surge ons use it to restore them.参考答案及解析(反白可见):1. 扌巴 manifesting 改为 manifestmanifesting不能做形容词,而如果把它理解成现在进行词,后面又缺乏宾语,所以应该改为形容词 manifest,表示 显

39、然的,明显的”.2. 把 beg ins 改为 bega n根据下一行出现的could可以判断本句是过去时3. 把 mean 改为 means, by means of 是固定用法.4. 在added后面加上to如果add后面不加to,此句就表示把图书馆加到某个事物上去”加上to,表示给图书馆增加了内容,符合句义.5. 把 risen 改为 raisedrise是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态.6. 把 However 改为 Moreover此句的意思是:新知识一经获得,马上就得到实际应用.这是对上文的追加,不存在转折关系,因此应该用moreover.7. 删除but后面的not8. 把Like

40、改为As9. 把 could 改为 can主句为现在时,而从句也不表示虚拟,所以应该用现在时.10. 在that后面加上of.为了避免重复,这里用that指代spectacle,后面的gunner using是that的内容.因此应该用介词of引 出.专八改错练习第七篇:You will think about what kind of sav ing in stru- _1_ ment to use or what kind of in vestme nt to make. By putt ing your money in some kind of sav ings in strume n

41、t or in vestme nt, you can set aside small amount of mon- _2_ ey regularly and the money will earn in terest or divi- den ds. In terest refers to the amount what your money_3_ earns whe n it is kept in a sav ings in strume nt. Dividends are payments of part of a company' s earntogspeople hold st

42、ock in the compa ny. A sav ings in stru- _4_ ment has an“ interest rate ” associated with it; this refers to the rate which the money in the in strume nt in- _5_ creases duri ng a certa in period of time. Prin cipal re-fers to the facial value or the amount of money you _6_place in the sav ings in s

43、trume nt on which the in terest is earn ed.Every type of sav ings or in vestme nt has some riskthat the retur n will be less tha n n eeded or expected.Federally in sured sav ings acco unts are safe and guar-an teed up to $100,000 by the U.S. Governme nt.Therefore, they may have lower in terest rates

44、, maki ng _7_it hard to save large amounts of money for college. _8_Bonds and stocks ofte n have higher retur ns tha n savings acco unts or EE sav ing bonds but are more riskier. _9_You can reduce the risks of these kinds of in vestme ntsby starti ng to save early. The earlier we beg in the less _10

45、_money you will have to put aside each month and themore total sav ings you will accumulate.参考答案及解析(反白可见):1. 把 saving 改为 savingssaving表示 节约的”,和其复数形式savings意义不同。savings的意思是 存款,储蓄”。2. 在small前面加上aa small amount of表示 少量的”,冠词不可缺。3. 把what改为which或者thatamount在此是先行词,后面是一个定语从句,这个从句显然应该由关系代词that或者which引导。4. 在h

46、old前面加 who先行词people后面是一个定语从句,因此需要有引导词。5. 在which前面加上at关系代词which在此引导的同样是一个定语从句,并且在此应该用介词+关系代词”这个形式,因为前面的rate往往用于短语at a rate,此处的介词可以提前。6. 把 facial 改为 face票面价值应是:face value 。7. 把 Therefore 改为 However。此处根据上下文来看,表达的是转折的含义,而不是因果关系8. 把 hard 改为 harder这里存在一个隐含的比较,所以应该用hard的比较级形式。9. 删除 more,或者把 more 改为 muchris

47、kier本身已经是比较形式了,再加上 more是多余的。把 more改为much,表示一种程度也可以。10. 把we改为you补充:第二题将 amount改为amounts也是正确的第四题把hold改为holding也是正确的a small amount of 和 small amounts of 用法的区另Ua large (great,good ) amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词一般用单数;但( large,great,good )amou nts of +不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。A large amount of damage v has been >

48、done by the earth quakeLarge amounts of money v were > spent on the bridge .这就是为什么第二题也可以把amount改为amounts而第八题不用改amount的原因啦.专八改错练习第八篇:One of our main argume nts is that we in Wester n coun tries actually have part to play in caus ing the_1_problems of the Third World. Ma ny Third Worldcoun tries ar

49、e saddle with imme nse debt burde ns, for _2_example. They were lent money with low in terest rates _3_in the 1970s, whe n money flooded into Wester n banksfrom the oil-produc ing coun tries and was lent out tothe Third World. The in terest rates have the n bee n rise n _4_dramatically. So you have

50、a situatio n where a countryin many cases can ' t even repay the interest, letting alone _5_the capital, on the debt. And I suppose the best examplefrom what I have come across is a country in WestAfrica where the con sumpti on, the local con sumptio nof pea nuts was bann ed, because pea nu ts,

51、if they are imported can br ing in a great deal of foreig n in come. _6_ The pea nut is a major source of prote in in this coun try.So you have people go hungry as a result of that. _7_ The pea nuts were exported to Great Brita in and theUn ited States to feed our cattle. Those cattle the n produced

52、 a surplus of milk which we do not know what to do with.We have eno ugh milk, more milk tha n we can cope with in the Wester n World. And also that milk _8_ was tra nsformed into dried milk powder and the n take n back to this country to help feed childre n who were suffering from malnutrition. So t

53、hat' s the kind of insanelyecono mic relatio nship that we have got ourselves in _10_ the Third World.参考答案及解析(反白可见):1. 在part前加上a词组 have a part to play in 的意思是 有份儿”2. saddle 改为 saddled此处为被动语态,应该把动词变为过去分词形式。3. 把with改为at此处介词与interest rates搭配。4. 删除been (这里应该是把risen改为rising,答案应该错了)rise是不及物动词,不用于被动语态。

54、5. 把 letting 改为 letlet alone意思为 更不用提”。6. 把 imported 改为 exported下文说花生可以带来外汇收益,出口才会带来外汇,所以此处应用7. 把have改为had9_exported。上文提到该国禁止本国消费花生这件事用的是过去时。8. 把also改为so。必须把与此相关的几个句子联系在一起理解,上文说:花生出口到英国和美国去喂了牛,而牛又产出 了过剩的牛奶,我们不知道怎么处理这些牛奶。在西方世界,我们的牛奶够多了,多得无法处理。本 句说:这些牛奶就被制成奶粉拿到该国去喂养那些营养不良的儿童。由此可见本句与上文是因果关系,不能用also来连接。9

55、.insanely 改为 insane此处表达荒唐的经济关系” insand修饰的是relationship,而非economic,因此要用形容词代替。10.把in改为into词组get in虽然也可以表达“进入,陷入”,但是in为副词,后面不能跟地点,所以应该改为 into 专八改错练习第九篇:One of the most importa nt non-legislative fun cti on sof the U.S Con gress is the power to in vestigate.The power is usually delegated to committeesei

56、thersta nding committees, specialcommittees set for a specific purpose, or joi ntcommittees _1_ con sisted of members of both houses. In vestigatio ns _2_ are held to gather in formatio n on the n eed for future legislatio n,to test the effective ness of laws already passed, to inquire into thequali

57、ficatio ns and performa nee of members and officials of the other bran ches, and in rare occasi ons, _3_ to lay the groun dwork for impeachme nt proceed in gs. Freque ntly, committees rely outside experts to assist in con duct ing _4_ in vestigative heari ngs and to make out detailed studies of issues. _5_ There are importa nt corollaries to the in vestigative power.One is the power to publicize in vestigati ons and its results. Most _6_ committee heari ngs are ope n to public and are reported w


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