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1、采后生物学思考题1. Please brief introduction the main contents of post-harvest biology that you studied in this semester.请简要的介绍你这个学期学习采后的生物学的主要内容2. Basic characteristic of fresh plant products.新鲜的植物产品的基本的特征3. Losses and quality deterioration in fresh plant products after harvest.新鲜的植物产品采后的损失和质量恶化4. Factors

2、influence fresh plant products quality.影响新植物产品质量的因素5. Contents of post-harvest biology and post-harvest physiology.采后生物和采后生理的内容6. Importance of post-harvest physiology in maintaining quality and decreasing loss of post-harvest fresh plant products.维护采后生理质量和减少采后新鲜的植物产品损失的重要性7. Post-harvest loss and q

3、uality deterioration in relation to post-harvest respiration.采后的损失和质量的恶化和采后呼吸作用的关系。8. The relationship between respiration rate and shelf-life of fresh plant products.新鲜的植物产品呼吸率和贮藏期限之间的关系。9. According to the changes of respiration rate of fruits after harvest, the fruits can be divided into two type

4、s: climacteric fruits and non-climacteric fruits. Please compare the differences between climacteric fruits and non-climacteric fruits.根据采后果子的呼吸率的变动,果子可以被划分成二个类型: 更年期果子和非更年期果子。 请比较更年期果子和非更年期果子之间的区别。10. Factors affecting respiration. 影响呼吸作用的因素。11. The methods of respiration control for maintaining qu

5、ality and decreasing loss of post-harvest fresh plant products.维护采后生理质量和减少采后新鲜的植物产品损失的呼吸作用控制方法12. The relationship between quality deterioration and the loss of substrate of respiration.质量恶化和呼吸作用基体损失之间的关系13. Concept of respiratoy quotient (RQ).呼吸作用商数的概念14. Types of plant growth regulators and its ro

6、les in plant growth and senescence.植物生长调节器的类型和它在植物生长和衰老中的角色15. Biological attributes of ethylene, biosynthesis of ethylene.乙烯的生物属性,乙烯的生物合成1在生物温度下为无色气体2,从植物组织中产生3。由MET经ACC代谢途径产生4合成受植物生长和未成熟再生组织抑制5有效浓度低biosynthesis of ethylene:MET-SAM-ACC-ethylene MET循环形成ACC在ACC氧化酶的作用下形成乙烯,同时形成氰甲酸MET+2ATP-ADP+2PI+PPI+

7、HCOOH+CO2+HCN+C2H416. Controlling ethylene action控制乙烯行为17. Low O2 and high CO2 can inhibit synthesis and action of C2H4. Please explain the possible mechanism. 低氧和高二氧化碳可能禁止C2H4的结合和行动。 请解释可能的机制在合成乙烯过程中,由于ACC转化为C2H4过程是吸氧的步骤,适宜的高浓度CO2,减少C2H4与受体结合,从而抑制C2H4行为。18. The application of ethylene. 乙烯的应用促进果实成熟,

8、一些水果需要在成熟之前采收,销售前用乙烯处理19. Changes of color, aroma, flavor, texture and nutrition and its relation to quality of post-harvest plant products. 颜色、芳香、味道、纹理和营养的变动和采后植物产品质量的联系20. Types of pigment in plant. 植物色素的类型脂溶性色素:叶绿素,类胡萝卜素水溶性色素:花色素,黄酮类色素21. Constituents affecting flavor and its changes in post-harv

9、est plant products. 组成部分影响风味和它在采后植物产品上的变化22. Sweetness of some fresh plant products (such as banana, sweet potato and potato) at harvest was low, and sweetness increased gradually during fresh plant products storage. Whereas, sweetness decreased gradually when fresh plant products stored too long. P

10、lease explain the above post-harvest phenomenon. 一些新鲜的植物产品的甜(例如香蕉、白薯和土豆)收获时是低的,在新植物产品存贮期间,并且甜逐渐增加了。 而当新鲜植物产品长期存放,甜逐渐减少了。 请解释上面收获后的现象。23. Constituents affecting texture and its changes in post-harvest plant products. 组成部分影响纹理和它在采后植物产品上的变化。24. The compositional metabolisms involved in softening and th

11、eir relevant enzymes in post-harvest fruits and vegetables. 组成的新陈代谢包含和在采后水果和蔬菜中他们相关的酶(相当纠结,翻不来。)25. Why different kinds of agricultural product can not store at the same storage room, especially climacteric fruits and non-climacteric fruits? 为什么不同的种类农产品不可能存放在相同的贮藏室,特别是更年期果子和非更年期果子26. Types of physio

12、logical stress in post-harvest plant products. 采后植物产品的生理压力的类型27. The relationship between temperature stress and shelf-life of post-harvest plant products. 采后植物产品中温度压力和贮藏期限之间的关系28. The factors affecting chilling injury. 影响低温冷害的因素29. The possible mechanism of occurrence of chilling injury in post-har

13、vest fresh plant products. 采后新鲜的植物产品可能发生低温冷害的机制30. The methods of alleviating (减轻) chilling injury of post-harvest fresh plant products.减轻采后新鲜的植物产品低温冷害方法31. The relationship between transpiration and shelf-life of post-harvest plant products.采后植物产品中蒸腾作用和贮藏期限之间的关系32.The factors affecting transpiratio

14、n, and the methods of control transpiration for keeping quality in post-harvest plant products.影响蒸腾作用的因素和为了保持采后植物产品质量的控制蒸腾作用的方法33. The relationship between gas injury (low O2 injury, high CO2 injury, ethylene stress) and shelf-life of post-harvest plant products. 采后植物产品中气体伤害(低O2伤害、高二氧化碳伤害,乙烯压力)和贮藏期限之间的关系34. How to control gas injury for keeping quality in post-harvest plant products. 为了保持采后植物产品的质量如何控制气体伤害。35. As compared to the control agricultural products, there is a universal response of i


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