英语七下外研版module 12:模块复习练习题【1】及答案【精品】_第1页
英语七下外研版module 12:模块复习练习题【1】及答案【精品】_第2页
英语七下外研版module 12:模块复习练习题【1】及答案【精品】_第3页
英语七下外研版module 12:模块复习练习题【1】及答案【精品】_第4页
英语七下外研版module 12:模块复习练习题【1】及答案【精品】_第5页




1、 英语七下外研版Module 12:模块复习练习题【1】及答案【精品】 一. 英汉互译1. 从前_ 2. 指向_3. 首先,起初_ 4. 骑自行车去_5. 看电视_ 6. 穿过_7. 外国工程师_ 8. 从事_9. 向挥手_ 10. 最新消息_11. 十一年之后_ 12. 在度假_13. 过的愉快_ 14. 在飞机场_15. 去游泳_ 16. look around _17. at the age of _ 18. national hero _19. go away_ 20. move to_ 答案:1. once upon a time 2. point to/at 3. at first

2、4. ride a bike to/go cycling 5. watch TV/television 6. go through7. a foreign engineer 8. work on 9. wave to10. latest news 11. eleven years later 12. on holiday13. enjoy oneself 14. at the airport 15. go swimming16. 环顾四周/向四周看 17. 在岁时 18. 民族英雄 19. 走开/离去 20. 搬到 二. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式1. live(过去式)_ 2.

3、somebody(否定词)_ 3. begin(现在分词)_ 4. closed(反义词)_5. sleep(形容词)_ 6. with(反义词)_(现在分词)_ 8. write(表示人的名词)_9. become(过去式)_ 10. success(形容词)_11. poor(反义词)_ 12. hero(复数)_13. Russia(形容词)_ 14. safe(副词)_15. three(序数词)_ 16. build(过去式)_17. flight(动词)_ 18. wife(对应词)_19. get to(同意词)_20. open(反意词)_答案:1. lived2.nobody

4、3. beginning4. open5. asleep6. without7. dying8. writer9. became10. successful11. rich12. heroes13. Russian14. safely15. third16. built 17. fly18. husband19. arrive at/in20. closed/close 三. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,完成下列句子1. Look! The sunset is so beautiful with a g_ colour.2. He walked out quietly, and n

5、o one n_ him.3. His book was in the room, so he e_ the room to get it.4. China is f_ for its food.5. China is a great country with a long h_.6. William Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays and p_.7. This is my brother. He j_ the army three years ago.8. The plane l_ safely.9. We s_ in the Pacific Ocean a

6、t Santa Monica. It was great.10. Were going to have a trip in Los Angeles on h_. 答案:1. golden2. noticed3. entered4. famous5. history6. poems7. joined8. landed9. swam10. holiday 四. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. They decided_ (go) for a ride in the forest.2. She walked in the forest and _(pike) some flowers.3

7、. She was _(lose) in the big city.4. The two big chairs were_(comfortable). She didnt like them.5. Tom played computer_(game) with his father last night.6. He _(marry) in 1582 and had three children.7. It was very difficult_(work) out that maths problem.8. When he died, the Chinese_(open) a museum a

8、bout his life in Badaling.9. Where_(be) you two days ago?10. I didnt have_ (some) good friends here. 答案:1. to go2. picked3. lost4. uncomfortable5. games6. married7. to work8. opened 9. were10. any 五. 单项选择。 1. I think she must be _ home. A. in B. at C. to D. on2. They decided _ for the lost bird

9、.A. look B. looking C. to look D. to looking3. I want Li Lei _with me today.A. stay B. staying C. stays D. to stay4. Dont point _ the others with your finger. Its impolite.A. at B. on C. for D. of5. Will you _ your hometown tomorrow?A. return B. get back C. return to D. give back to6. The little gir

10、l _ the bears house.A. rushed out B. rushed C. rush out of D. rushed out of7. There is a purse on the floor. Please _.A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up D. pick up them8. Could you _ me a story?A. ask B. speak C. say D. tell9. They went to school without _ breakfast.A. have B. has C. to hav

11、e D. having10. The children enjoy _ the interesting story_.A. listening to; again and again B. to listen to; again and again C. listening to; again after again D. to listen to ;again after again11. _ were you born, Jack? I was born in November ,1996.A. Where B. When C. When and where D. What time12.

12、 _ did he go to school? He rode a bike to school.A. When B. Why C. How D. Where13. He _ playing computer games _ this.A. like; like B. likes; likes C. likes; like D. like; likes14. Shakespeare liked _ plays at school.A. watch B. watched C. to watching D. watching 15. They started to work _ fifteen.A

13、. at age of B. in age of C. at the age of D. in the age of16. Look! That shop is _. Lets go and buy some fruit in it.A. open B. opened C. close D. closed17. Did you like to _ television?A. see B. watch C. read D. look at18. I often go swimming _ summer.A. at B. on C. in D. of19. _ the film about Zha

14、n Tianyou? Its very exciting.A. What do you think B. What do you like C. What do you think of D. How do you think of20. _? He is an engineer.A. What does he like B. What does he do C. Whats he like D. How is he21. Look! That tunnel goes _ the mountain.A. across B. through C. over D. cross22. There is a bridge _ the river.A. On B. over C. under D. in 23. He returned to the Earth after his journey_ space.A. of B. for C. into D. with24. Jay Chow(周杰伦


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