1、SCI-EI收录农业工程期刊(2010年整理)农业应用工程“1"Tra nsactio ns of the ASABE美国农业工程学报 “ 2"App lied engin eeri ng in agriculture3"Biosystems engineering生物系统工程"4"Co mp uters and electr onics in agriculture计算机电子技术在农业中的应用"5"Aquacultural engineering水产养殖工程"灌排工程“6"Drying technolo
2、gy干燥技术"7"Jour nal of irrigati on and dra in age engin eeri ng8"Ca nadian biosystems engin eeri ng加拿大生物系统工程"9"Irrigatio n and drai nage农田水利"10"Bioresource Tech no logy生物资源技术"11"Irrigation Scienee灌溉科学“12"I ndustrial Cropsand P roducts工业原料作物与制品"亚洲农
3、业机械化"13"Biomass & Bioe nergy生物质与生物能源 " 14"Ama-agricultural Mecha ni zati on In Asia Africa And Lat in America15"African jour nal of biotech nology非洲生物技术杂志 "16“ Soil and Tillage ResearchTran sactio ns of the ASABEISSN: 0001-2351 ? 收录:Ei C0RE(2008 年);SCIE(2009 版) 主题分类
4、: Agriculture Scien ces: Agricultural Engin eeri ngEngin eeri ng: Agricultural Engin eeri ng?Impact Factor(2003)Issues/Year: 6Journal Cou ntry: UNITED STATES ?Language: ENGLISH ?Publisher: AMER SOC AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS ?Publisher Address: 2950 NILES RD, ST JOSE PH, MI 49085-9659An intern ati on al
5、 jo urnal p ublished by the America n Society of Agricultural and BiologicalEngin eers, contains p eer-reviewed tech nical articles on the curre nt research being con ducted to help solve p roblems in agriculture, food and other biological systems. Every tech no logical adva nceme nt n ecessarily be
6、gi ns with research, and Tran sact ions of theASABE p rese nts cutt in g-edge research on a broad range of top ics in clud ing agricultural mach in ery, drain age, irrigati on, electr oni cs, biological engin eeri ng, forestry, food engin eeri ng, agricultural structures, crop p roduct ion, n atural
7、 resources, soils, and more. To qualify for p ublicati on, the material must rep rese nt origi nal, i mportant con tributi ons to the research or desig n literature and meet other rigorous criteria duri ng the p eer-review p rocess. The jour nal also serves as an in formati on n etwork, p rovid ing
8、n ames and addresses of the people and orga ni zati ons con duct ing research in these and related areas of in terest.App lied Engin eeri ng in Agriculture ?ISSN: 0883-8542 ?收录:Ei CORE(2008 年);SCIE(2009 版)主题分类: Engin eeri ng: Agricultural Engin eeri ng?Impact Factor : ( 2003 )Issues/Year: 6 ?Journal
9、 Cou ntry: UNITED STATES ?Language: ENGLISH ?Publisher: AMER SOC AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS ?Publisher Address: 2950 NILES RD, ST JOSE PH, MI 49085-9659An Intern atio nal Jo urnal of the America n Society of Agricultural Engin eersApp lied Engin eeri ng in Agriculture emp hasizes the p ractical app lica
10、ti ons of leadi ng-edge research in every area of engin eeri ng for agriculture, food, and other biological systems.Authors from around the world rep rese nting in dustry, educati on and gover nment share p ractical exp erie nee, studies of unique in stallati ons or app licati ons, successful method
11、s of tech no logy tran sfer , and critical reviews of new tech no logy. The latest tech niq ues and app roaches for field equipment, food p rocess ing, farmstead systems, en ergy, irrigati on, drain age, farm structures, storage and han dli ng, electr onics, n atural resources, and other related top
12、ics p rovide readers tools n eeded to solve challe nges in a wide range of areas. In additi on to tech ni cal accuracy, the articles in this p eer-reviewed journal must rep rese nt origi nal, useful con tributi ons to engin eeri ng for agriculture, food, and other biological systems.Biosystems engin
13、 eeri ngISSN: 1537-5110 ?收录:Ei CORE(2008 年);SCIE(2009 版)主题分类: Agriculture Scien ces: Agricultural Engin eeri ngImp act Factor:(2008)5-Year Impact Factor: ?Issues per year: 12?Journal Cou ntry: ENGLAND ?Language: ENGLISH ?Publisher: ACADEMIC P RESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE ?Publisher Address: 525 B ST ,
14、STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495?Cop yright 2009 The In stitutio n of Agricultural En gi neers (lAgrE).Formerly known as Jour nal of Agricultural Engin eeri ng Research(2001) 继承了 : Journal of Agricultural Engineering research 0021-8634The journal p ublishes origi nal pap ers, review articles, case
15、 studies and other material for the pro fessi onal in the fun dame ntals, app licati ons and man ageme nt of bioresource tech no logy. The journ al's aim is to adva nee and dissem in ate kno wledge in all related areas such as biomass, biological waste treatme nt, bioe nergy, biotra nsformati on
16、s and bioresource systems an alysis, and tech no logies associated with conversion or p roduct ion.Both high -ech no logy and low -ech no logy methods, pro cesses and systems are covered.Topics in clude:Biopro cesses: Bioleach ing, biose parati on, biotra nsformatio n, other microbial ferme ntati on
17、s, etc.Biomass & Feedstocks utilizati on: agro-i ndustrial residues, compo st ing, en zymatic pulping, etc.Environmen tal p rotect ion: biological waste treatme nt.Thermochemical con vers ion tech no logies: combusti on, py rolysis, gasificati on, catalysis, etc.Biochemical con vers ion tech no
18、logies: aerobic and an aerobic pro cesses, microbial and en zymatic pro cesses and p roducts.Products: Microbial-based p roducts such as biofuels, biofertilisers, biopoly mers and other in dustrial p roducts.Man ageme nt: modell ing, systems an alysis, etc. ?The journal also in cludes rep orts of co
19、nferen ces, book reviews, n ews items, details of forthco ming meeti ngs and con tributi ons describ ing in dustrial app licati ons.Bioresource Tech no logy is affiliated with Biomass En ergy Research Associati on, USABERA and Biomass and Biofuels Association UK BABA.Comp uters and Electro nics in A
20、griculture?ISSN: 0168-1699收录:Ei CORE(2008 年);SCIE(2009 版)主题分类: Agriculture Scien ces: Agricultural Engin eeri ngEngin eeri ng: Agricultural Engin eeri ngImpact Factor:(2008)Issues per year: 10Compu ters and Electro nics in Agriculture p rovides intern ati onal coverage of adva nces in the deve lopme
21、nt and app licati on of compu ter hardware, software and electr onic in strume ntatio n and con trol systems for solvi ng p roblems in agriculture and related in dustries. These in clude agronomy, horticulture (in both its food and ame nity asp ects), forestry, aquaculture, ani mal/livestock scie ne
22、e, veteri nary medici ne, and food pro cess ing.The journal p ublishes origi nal pap ers, reviews, app licati ons no tes and book reviews on topics in cludi ng compu terized decisi on-support aids ., expert systems and simulati on models) p erta ining to any aspect of the aforeme ntio ned in dustrie
23、s; electro nic mon itori ng,en vir onment, growth,or con trol of any aspect of livestock/cr op p roduct ion . soil and water health, waste p roducts) and po st-harvest op erati ons (such as drying, storage, p roduct ion assessme nt, trim ming and dissect ion of plant and ani mal material). Releva nt
24、 areas of tech no logy in clude artificial in tellige nee, sen sors, mach ine visi on, robotics and simulati on modelli ng.Aquacultural Engineering ?ISSN: 0144-8609 ?收录:Ei CORE(2008 年);SCIE(2009 版)主题分类: Agriculture Scien ces: Agricultural Engin eeri ngEngin eeri ng: Agricultural Engin eeri ngImpact
25、Factor:(2009)Issues/Year: 8 ?Journal Cou ntry: ENGLAND ?Language: ENGLISH ?Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD ?Publisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD 0X5 1GB,OXON, ENGLANDOfficial journal of the Aquacultural Engin eeri ng Society (AES)Aquacultural Engin eeri ng is concerned wit
26、h the desig n and deve lopment of effective aquacultural systems for mari ne and freshwater facilities. The journal aims to apply the kno wledge gained from basic research which poten tially can be tran slated into commercial op erati ons.P roblems of scale-up and app licati on of research data in v
27、olve many p arameters, both p hysical and biological, making it difficult to an tici pate the in teracti on betwee n the un it p rocesses and the cultured ani mals. Aquacultural Engin eeri ng aims to deve lop this bioe ngin eeri ng in terface for aquaculture and welcomes con tributi ons in the follo
28、w ing areas: -engin eeri ng and desig n of aquaculture facilities -engin eeri ng-based research studies -con struct ion exp erie nee and tech niq ues -in-service exp erie nee, commissi oning, op erati on -materials selecti on and their uses -qua ntificatio n of biological data and con stra intsStyle of p rese ntati on is flexibl
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