1、Unit 7 Will people have robots? Reading (2a-2b designed by陈莹Teaching materialThe passage is taken from Unit 7, Book Eight and it is focused on what robots are like today and what robots will be like in the future, which can greatly attract students i nterests.Teaching theory and methodsThis lesson i
2、s organized as a task chain which consists of several tasks. In the interactive discussion, students are required to focus on the task rather than language itself. Methods will be used : task-based approach teaching method, question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion teaching metho
3、d, group work or individual work method. Teaching objectivesThis lesson is taught in communication and for communication. It can help students to learn how to collect and handle information so that they can surely have a better comprehension of any other passage.Get them to think about the passage a
4、nd get the useful information using their own words.Cultivate the students imagination about future life and get them to know the importance of friendship.Make the students have a basic knowledge about robots today and robots in the future. Get them to know anything will be possible if we put effort
5、 into study, work or something.Get them to solve problems they neet with others help-write to a robot scientist for help.Teaching aidsMultimedia and blackboardAbout the studentsAll the phrases with their Chinese meanings have already been handed out to the students before this unit. movies about the
6、 future. be like human servants. do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. do simple jobs over and over again. make robots talk like humans. be able to think like humans. disagree with sb. in the future. (in hundreds of years. have many different shapes =be in different shapes. for example.
7、 make robots which look like snakes. fall down. seem impossibleTeaching proceduresPre-taskStep 1. Lead-in: lead in by using a picture of a game character from a popular online game.Talk about what it looks like and what it can do. Then ask students what kind of robot they want. During this, show the
8、 attributive clause without explanation on the screen, and only get the students to know the characteristics of the sentence pattern, in which some words are marked.What kind of robot do you want?I want a robot which looks like a human and can help with thehousework. While-taskStep 2. Get the stdent
9、s to turn to Page 53 and see robots today and in the futrue. Go through the passage one paragraph by one paragraph together with the students. Have the students get the useful information of each paragraph and of the whole passage. At the same time, ask them tofind what each paragraph is about so th
10、at they can get to know the structure of the whole passage.Whats the title of the passage? So whats the passage about?Whats this paragraph about?(the whole passagerobots: (paragraph 1robots in movies about the future, (paragraph 2robots in factories, (paragraph 3robots today and in the future, (para
11、graph 4robots in the future.Step 3. After getting the useful information of the whole passage, Show it on the screen without some words or phrases. Ask the students to fill in the blanks so that they can be more familiar with the information of the passage. Some of them are open. Students can use an
12、y words or phrases if they are suitable in the passage.In movies about the future, we sometimes see robots which can help with the housework and do dirty or dangerous jobs. In factories, some robots can help build cars and do simple jobs over and over again. They never feel bored.Although we can mak
13、e robots look like humans or move like humans, it will be difficult to make them talk or think like humans. In the future, robots will be in different shapes and they help people do more things. We never know what will happen in the future.Step 4. Get the students to be familiar with the information
14、 by reading it several times. Then ask them to give a shorter one.Then showthe teachers edition. Finish it the same way as the previous step. Give out some hints or explanations if needed. Some of the blanks are open.In the future, robots will be in different shapes. For example, they will look like
15、 humans or animals.We will have less work to do because robots can take our place to do dirty, dangerous or boring jobs. Maybe It will take hundreds of years to have more robots.We never know what will happen in the future.Step 5. Get the students to read through the passage and tell if the statemen
16、ts are true or false. And then give the reasons or find the original sentences. Get them to know the differences between the original sentences and the answers.True or false1. Robots today are like human servants. ( 2. Robots help people do the most pleasant jobs. ( 3. Scientists try to make robots
17、look different from people. ( 4. Some robots in Japanese companies can walk and dance. ( 5. Robots will never get bored to do simplejobs over and over again. ( 6. Rockets seemed possible a hundred years ago. ( Step 6. After that, get some students to ask any questions they like and others can answer
18、 them. And then show some unique quesitons on the screen to see which student is the smartest.1. What kind of robots are scientists making?2. How soon will there be more robots?3. Will humans have less work to do? Why?Post-taskStep 7. Write to a robot scientist to help solve your problem. Get the st
19、udents to go through the letter.Dear robot scientist,I'm very happy to write to you. My friend told me that you are always ready to help others. So could you do me a favor?I have a problem that I'm not good at doing housework. My mom is so lazy that she always asks me to clean the floor and
20、cook meals every day. So I want a robot which is human-like and can help me with the housework. It will be great if the robot can talk with me.Thanks a lot!_Ask the students what we should write about in this paragraph. Then get them to write any sentences they like according to the two questions an
21、d then students show their own articles to others.Whats your problem?What kind of robot do you want?Step 8. After that, ask students if robots are our friends and get them to give out the reasons why or why not, so that they can know what a true friendship is and cherish their friendships with other
22、s.Step 9. The students take the following as their homework.1. Check if you can master the useful information of the passage.2. Finish the letter and prepare for next quiz.On the blackboardrobots:robots in movies about the futurerobots in factories,robots today and in the futurerobots in the future.
23、the letter:Whats your problem?What kind of robot do you want?Will people have robots? 2a-2b 课堂实录Step 1.(Interact with the students.T:These days, Im playing a very interesting online game named LOL. And this is one of the most popular game characters. Its a robot. Tell me what it looks like. It looks
24、 like a human. Can it make meals for you? Can it chat with you? No. It can do nothing but fight with others. Do you want such a robot? I want a robot which is human-like and can help with the housework. As you know, Im not good at doing housework. If the robot can chat with me, it will be much bette
25、r. What kind of robot do you want? Discuss with your partners.(several minutes later. OK. What kind of robot do you want? SS:I want a robot which can.(omittedStep 2.(Interact with the students.T: Lets see robots today and in the future. Come to our text. Turn to page 43. Whats the title of this pass
26、age? Do you think you will have your own robots? Whats the passage about? Of course about robots.(write it on the balckboard. Paragraph One. Begin. (read the fist paragraph together with the students Who knows the useful information of this paragraph? SS:In movies about the future, we sometimes see
27、robots which can help with the housework and work in dirty or dangerous places.T: Whats this paragraph about? Robots in.SS:Robots in movies about the future.(write it on the blackboard. Next paragraph. Begin.(read it together with the students Useful information of this paragraph.SS: In factories, r
28、obots can help build cars and do simple jobs over and over again. They never get bored.T: Whats this paragraph about? Robots in.SS: Robots in factories.(write it on the blackboard.T: Next paragraph. Begin.(read it together with the students Whats this paragraph about? Its about robots today and.SS:R
29、obots today and in the tuture.(write it on the blackboard.T: Useful information of the paragraph.SS: Scientists are trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. But it will be difficult to make robots talk or think like humans.T: Next paragraph. Begin.(read it together wit
30、h the students So this paragraph is about robots.SS: Robots in the future.(write it on the blackboard.T: Useful information of this paragraph.SS: Robots will have many different shapes. They will look like humans or animals. They help peole do more things.Step 3.(Interact with the students.T: After
31、that, we get the useful information of the whole passage. But some words or phrases are missing. Lets do it together.(show the useful information of the passage on the screen, and ask several students to fill in the blanks according to the passage.T:(After finishing it Read it together. Begin. (read
32、 it together with the students .The second time, we should read it more quickly.Step 4.T: (After reading it Can you make it a shorter one? Here is the one.(show it on the sreen. Lets finish it together.(After finishing it Read it together.Step 5.T: (After that Now lets do some exercises. Ill give yo
33、u about two minutes to prepare. (Ask the students tell if the statements are true or false and give out the reasons. If needed, ask them to find the original sentence in the passage. Omitted.Step 6.T: Now read the passage again.You can find any questions you like in the passage. About two or three m
34、inutes. Begin.(students ask and answer. Omitted. Ok. I have some smart questions to ask you.(get the students to answer them. Explain them if necessariy. Omitted.Step 7.T: From the passage, we know robots can take our place to do a lot ofthings to solve our problems. I have a problem that I m not go
35、od at doing housework. So I m writing to a robot scientist to ask him for help. Here is the letter. Read it together. (read it together with the students.(give out my edition and ask several students to read it What should we write in this paragraph? What s.SS: What s your problem?T: What kind .SS:
36、What kind of robot do you want?T: Now, according to these two questions, you can write anything you like. I ll give you about three minutes to prepare. If you have any questions, you can ask your partners or me.(Some of the students read his or her edition to the whole class. Omitted. .T: Do you thi
37、nk robots are your friends?SS: Yes.T and SS:Because they can do the most unpleasant things for us.T: But they are not your true friends because when you are unhappy, robots can t care about you. But I can. So I m your friend.T: Ok. Homework. Master the useful information of the passage and finish th
38、e letter. Class is over. See you!教学反思 :1. This class was taught in communication and for communication, which can make the students focus on thinking about and solving problems rather than language itself. This lesson is organized as a task chain which consists of several small tasks. Some of the sm
39、all tasks are open. Students can have their own ideas.2. Textbook is just taken as a reference. It sure needs to be flexibly used. Teachers should have enough ability to handle information. Some methods were used in this class, which can make the students more familiar with the information and then
40、have a better comprehension of the passage.3. I interacted with the students when they were trying to finish some tasks. Discussions were also needed through the whole class, which increase the ability to collect, analyze, and handle information, of course including how to solve our problems. All th
41、ose were presented as a whole step by step.4.All the steps of this class were well desighed. The parts collecting information of the passage and writing a letter were the high points, which can cultivate the students ability of thinking about and solving problems. During this, students used what the
42、y learned from the previous steps. Meanwhile, different students have their own ideas so that they can exchange some of them with each other, and with me.5.At the end of this class, students were required to think about what a true friendship is, which is another high point of this class. Emotional
43、education is needed in every class.6. If I could make the students more active, it would have been better.Unit 7 Will people have robots? Reading (2a-2b说课稿,汉语版 陈莹本堂课为阅读教学, 目的有二, 一是阅读技巧和写作技巧在对话交流中进行培养, 二是 让学生养成良好有效的阅读习惯。即以课文为基础,进行更高层次的理解、 交流、 拓展与应 用。短语在单元授课前已经下发给学生,学生可以根据教学进度,适当进行浅层次的预习。 短语的总结是为了让学生形
44、成良好的造句习惯, 不是英语和汉语的单词对应翻译, 而是词组 与词组之间的对应翻译, 能更快地让学生形成语感, 不必总是去纠结个别知识点或者说单词 辨析(极特殊的才做讲解。把单词放在词组中理解,把词组放在句子中理解,把句子放在 语境中理解。在学生达到一定高度之后, 把语境放在句子中, 把句子放在词组里, 把词组放 在单词的基本含义里, (这里涉及到单词基本含义的概念,会与课本生词表有所差异。 这是 一个不断学习不断反馈再不断学习最后确认的过程。 这个过程学生可以培养初步的语感。 , 所以词组的归纳是其中最简单也是最关键的地方。所谓的任务型教学的目的, 就是让学生在表意和交流中实际去思考解决问题
45、, 这个过程 中语法已经退居其次, (在知道句子结构和词组的用法之后, 出现的错误几率已经降到最低, 偶尔的错误只需要提示一下,即是所谓的“逻辑先行,语法随后” (对于英语入门者,实 际上需要达到更高的高度,即一种语法形式对应一种意思,此点对于初中大多数学生来说, 可不做考虑。单纯的背诵和知识点讲解不能把目光从语法知识点上挪开。所以出现以下两个概念, information 信息,和 useful information有效信息,相当于汉语的转述和概述。这是信息 处理的两种典型的宏观形式。 微观上, 可以让学生在文中尽可能找出问题并且让其他同学回 答, 在这个过程中需要用到学生所掌握的语法知识
46、, 但是语法知识并不是重点, 进行信息的 收集、处理、交流才是重点。语言只要使用,就能更快的掌握并且进步。同时,因为需要思 考,因此学生才有更高的成就感。本文的重点就是“当今机器人”和“未来机器人”的状况,机器人对于学生来说是喜闻 乐见的话题,是“万能”或者“奇妙”的代名词。本文在交际中进行教与学,并且最终为了 交际和应用。以文章为基础,进行生成、信息碰撞,最终得到各自的一些想法和结论。从话 题或者信息整体上进行宏观理解,微观上紧随。细节很重要,但是只重细节则没有大格局, 这也是涉及到写作中对作文中心、 整体结构以及句子之间的逻辑关系的把握。 一方面我们要 了解文章作者的想法, 但是我们各自的
47、想法又各不相同, 在交流中进一步完善各自想法, 这 个生成的过程尤其重要。首先本节课前领同学们过一遍已经下发的词组, 为了文章阅读打下一个基础。 通过一张 来自学生熟知的网络游戏 lol 的游戏角色“机器人”导入,与生活相关,所以喜闻乐见。引 导学生一起说出对游戏角色的几点想法, 从游戏角色的外貌、 能力入手, 说出自己以及学生 喜欢的什么样的机器人并给出原因。 由此我们继续加强定语从句的用法 (定语从句虽非语法 重点, 但是课本中已经接触数次, 因为各个单元的话题讨论中经常出现, 所以已重点渗透 , 标记出定语从句中需要注意的地方, 学生就可以心领神会了解其中关键。 之后自然进入了解当今机器人和未来机器人的阶段,回归到课本,从题目入手, 总结出文章结构,即文章整体 讲述的是 robots
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