



1、2014学年度第一学期五年级英语期中练习卷(2014.11)听力部分:(34%)I. 听录音,选出听到的内容,将编号填入括号内:10%( )1.A. forB. fallC. full( )2.A. oclockB. clockC. cook( )3.A. bakeB. backC. cake( )4.A. bowB. bowlC. ball( )5.A. wantB. whatC. water( )6.A. driveB. driverC. dive( )7.A. monthB. mouthC. mouse( )8.A. hungryB. angryC. happy( )9.A. 5:30B

2、. 6:00C. 6:30( )10.A. foodB. footC. foldII. 听录音,根据听到的内容,选择正确的应答句:8%( )1.A. Yes, I like some water.B. I like some juice.C. No, I dont.( )2.A. Hes a doctor.B. Hes my brother.C. Hes short.( )3.A. No, they arent. B. No, there arent. C. No, they havent.( )4.A. It is Wednesday.B. It is April 6th.C. It is

3、cloudy.( )5.A. Yes, he is hungry.B. He is hungry.C. No, he is thirsty.( )6.A. Its on the first of June.B. Its on the first of May.C. Its on the first of July.( )7.A. Its a quarter to eight.B. Yes, at half past seven.C. At half past seven.( )8.A. He needs some paper.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he needs.I

4、II. 听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用“T”或“F”表示:5%( )1.I am making an invitation for Miss Fang.( )2.Alice is sick (病的) at home.( )3.Mary only needs a pair of scissors to make a card.( )4.After lunch, they like to have some sweet desserts.( )5.The traffic light is yellow.IV. 听录音,填入所缺单词:5% Alices mother teaches E

5、nglish at a primary school. She goes to school by_ and then _ a bus. She _ at school at 8:00 everyday. She has no classes on Saturday and Sunday. She to buy something to eat and drink. She is busy everyday.V. 听录音,根据听到的短文,选出正确的答案,将编号填入括号内:6%( )1.Mary is .A. a schoolgirlB. a little girlC. a tall girl(

6、 )2.Mary .A. cant read or write B. can write C. can read and write( )3.Mary is at the table, she is .A. playing with a penB. writing to her friendC. having a meal (吃饭)( )4.Marys sister can .A. readB. writeC. read and write( )5.Rose .A. can readB. can writeC. is Marys friend( )6.Which one is right?A.

7、 Marys sister cant read or write.B. Mary cant read or write.C. Rose cant write, but she can read.笔试部分:(66%)I. 按正确格式抄写下列句子,注意大、小写及标点符号:6%when is helens birthday its on the second of mayII. 词汇与语音:27%1. 判断组单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示:5%(1) cross smoke( ) (2) any many ( )(3) bread cheap( ) (4) rubbish umbre

8、lla( )(5) wear here( )2. 写出与所给例词同类的单词:5%(1) Monday Friday(2) cabbages carrots(3) first third(4) cake bread(5) October March3. 找出与所给句子划线部分意思相近的内容:5%( )(1) Its a quarter to one.A. fifteen past twelveB. one fifteenC. twelve forty-five( )(2) Its January.A. the first month of a yearB. the second month of

9、 a yearC. the third month of a year.( )(3) Its raining now.A. rainyB. warmC. dry( )(4) She goes to school on foot.A. walk to schoolB. is going to schoolC. walks to school( )(5) Are you going to the zoo, boys and girls?A. childrenB. childC. brothers and sisters4. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:12%(1) My father (go) ho

10、me at half past five every afternoon.(2) He often (do) his homework in the evening. Now, he (do) his homework.(3) This is Ben. (he) birthday is on the (nine) of January.(4) Alice (not need) a new dress. She (want) a new uniform.(5) The Whites (be) at the beach.(6) (not) climb the tree.(7) Listen! Th

11、ey (play) the violin.(8) Theyre behind rocks (岩石). So we cant see (they), they can see (we).III. 选择:12%( )1.Sam always breakfast at seven oclock.A. eatB. hasC. have( )2. bicycle do you like? The yellow one or the blue one?A. WhatB. WhichC. How( )3.Its time class. Hurry up!A. toB. atC. for( )4.The tr

12、affic light is . Wait!A. yellowB. greenC. red( )5. jam is there in the white bottle?A. How manyB. How muchC. How about( )6.Class is over. Lets a rest, children.A. haveB. hasC. had( )7.There some salt in the plate.A. areB. isC. have( )8.What do you need school?A. toB. ofC. for( )9.Kate and I doing ho

13、mework now.A. am, ourB. are, theirC. are, our( )10.This is a photo my family.A. onB. ofC. for( )11.This is my list.A. shopB. shopingC. shopping( )12. is Childrens Day? Its June the first.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhichIV. 根据实际情况回答问题:10%1.Whens your birthday?2.What are you doing now?3.What time do you go to

14、school?4.What do you need for new term (新学期)?5.What does your father do?V. 选择适当的句子,完成下列对话,将句子的编号填入括号内(其中有一句是多余的):5%A. What does your father do? B. Is he also (同样) a teacher?C. Is that man your father? D. Whos that man over there?E. Which is your father? F. Where is he now?A: B: Oh, my father.A: B: H

15、es a teacher. He teaches English. .A: The man in blue.B: A: Hes sitting by the window.B: A: No, hes a bus-driver.VI. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,用“T”或“F”表示:6%Today is December 28th. The New Years Day is coming. The Whites are at home. Mrs. White wants to go shopping. She wants to buy a new coat for Alice, a tie for Mr. White and a toy car for Ben. She needs a red bag. Mr. White is baking a cake in the kitchen. Alice is helping him. Ben doesn


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