



1、Title1. Three little pigsPeriod2TeachingLanguage objectives Master the new words in the storyAimsSkills objectives Try to read and understand the whole story; try to role play thestory.Learning strategies Learn to read and understand the story by guessing andpredicting; learn to cooperate with other

2、s.Emotional attitudeLearn to be diligent and not to be lazy; learn to ready to helpothers.AnalysisKeyNew words: first, second, third, straw, stick, brick, huff, puff, blow,of teachingpointsplanmaterialsNew sentences: made his house out of./ What a fine house!/ Letme in! / I llhuff and puff and blow

3、your house down.DifficultRole play the story in groupsPointsTeachingMultimedia, masks, cardsAidsTeaching procedureStepsT s activitiesSss activitiesPurposePre-1. Greet to the studentsSs sing songsSing songs to makereading2. Sing songs: Old Macdonaldclassatmospherehad a farmeasy.3.T: There are so many

4、 animals Ss answer: cows,on the farm. What are they?chickens, dogs, pigsHave Ss answer.etc.4.T: Our story today is aboutanimal, can you guess whichSs guess:Raise Ssinterest inone? (Teacher leads Ss to askIs it about ?thestorybyas “ Is itabout dogs?”)guessing.6.TellSs: Youre so great. Ourstory is abo

5、ut three little pigs and awolf. Let s read the book together.While-1. Have Ss look at the cover of thereadingbook, and say: What can you see onthe cover?2. Ask Ss: Look, the three pigs areholdingsomething in their hands.What are they?Teach new words: straw, stick, brick.Ss look at the cover of the b

6、ook and answer: Three pigs.Ss learn new word:straw, stick, brick.Students learn new words. Then lead to todays lesson.3. Say to Ss: What are the pigsSs answer: They areDevelopstudentsgoing to do with the straw, sticks and bricks?4. T: Well, lets see how the pigs make their house. Let s read the firs

7、t part of the story.5. Read the first part of the story for Ss and then ask Ss a question to make sure Ss understand the story:How did the three pigs make the house?goingtomakeaimagination.Tohouse.stimulatestudentsinterestedinreading.Sslookatthepictures in the bookand listen to the firstpartofthesto

8、ry,then answer:Thefirst/second/thirdpig made thehouse out of straw/sticks/ bricks.6.Show a picture of a wolf and ask:Ss answer and learnWhats this?the new word: wolf.T: Whats the wolf like?Ss answer: Itsbigand its bad.GetSs topredict7.T: This is a big bad wolf.HeSsanswer:Hethe secondpartofwanted to

9、eat the pigs. What shouldshouldblowdownthe story.he do?the houses.Ss learn new words:huff, puff, blow.8.T: Can the big bad wolf really getthe three pigs? Let s read the rest ofSs: No, he cant.the story. Then answer the question.9.Game: True or False. Say someSs judgetrueorstatements about the story,

10、 have SsfalseofsomeMakesureSsgetjudge true or false to make sure theystatements.the main idea of theunderstand the story.story.Post-1.Show some pictures and keySsreviewkeyreadingsentence structures and try to retellsentencesinthethe story with the whole class.story.2.Divide Ss into groups of four.3.

11、Ask Ss to choose rolesandSs work in groups toDevelopSspractice to role play the story.role play the story.imaginationto role4.Get some groups to present theirplay the story.role play in front of the class.5: Ask Ss: What did you learn fromSs thinkit over andthe story?talkabouttheiropinion.6: T: Well

12、, we should be diligent.Enhance SsmoralDont belazy.Wealsoshouldawarenesstobecooperate withothers and trytodiligent and helpful.help others in difficult times.Homework1. Summarize the knowledge that the students learn today.2. Homework : Try to tell the story to your friends or parents.Bb. designTeac

13、hingReflectionthe first pigstrawblowthe second pigstickshousesthe wolfthe third pigbricksTitle2. BJ s Fun WeekPeriod2TeachingLanguage objectives: Master the new words and sentences of this story.AimsSkills objectives : Try to read and understand the whole story.Learning strategies: Learn to read and

14、 understand the story.Cultural awareness :Know about foreign children sgames and activities.Emotional attitude : Make a proper week plan.AnalysisKeyNewwords: Sunday,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,of teachingpointsFriday, Saturday.materialsNew sentences: Today is _. On _, I _.DifficultTalk abou

15、t daily activities of a week.PointsTeachingMultimedia, mask.AidsTeaching procedureStepsT s activitiesSss activitiesPurposePre-1. Greet to the students1. Ss sing songs.Sing songs to makereading2. Sing songs: Apple ;ABC song.2. Ss listen and doclass atmosphere3.Listen and do the actionstothe actions.e

16、asy.review some activities.playfootball,playbasketball, playping-pong,sing,dance,goStudents can reviewswimmingWhile-1. Have Ss look at the cover of thereadingbook, and say: What can you see onthe cover?Ss look at the cover of the book and answer.: BJ and his friend, a kite, a bike.the words about ac

17、tivities. Then lead to today s lesson.Developstudents2.AskSs: Can you guess whatSs guesswhat BJhappens?Ss thinkitoverandmay do.predict what BJ does and whathappens.3.T: Indifferentdays,BJdoesSs listen to the stroydifferent things. Let s read theandbookfindout: Whattogether. Read thebookpage bydoes B

18、J do?imagination. To stimulate studentsinterested in reading.page for Ss.4.Have Ss answer the question and learn some descriptions of activities:fly a kite, play the drum, build a birdhouse, ride a bike,play basketball, play in the sand, play baseball.5. Have Ss read the book again, and then match the activities with the days of the week.6.Ss learn new words about the week:Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday7.Game: Quick response. T says one activity and Ss say the corresponding day of the week. Then change the roles. After that,


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