



1、Unit 3How do you get to school?Section A1b Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture above.Boy: How do Bob and Mary get to school?Girl: Bob takes the train and Mary takes the subway.Boy: How does John get to school?Girl: He takes the bus.Boy: How do Paul and Yang Lan g

2、et to school?Girl: They walk. Look, there they are now!Boy: Does Jim walk to school?Girl: No, he doesn t. He rides his bike.2a Listen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word.61,72,84,99,105,2002bListen and complete thechart.Conversation 1Mary: How do you get home from school, Tom?

3、Tom: I walk.Mary: How long does it take?Tom: It takes about 20 minutes.Mary: Wow! That s quick! How far is it from the school to your home?Tom: Only about two kilometers.Conversation 2Peter: How do you get home from school, Jane?Jane: I take the bus.Peter: How long does it take?Jane: Oh, about one h

4、our and 30 minutes.Peter: Wow! That s a long time!Jane: Yes, I only go home on weekends.Peter: How far is it from your home to school?Jane: Its about 60 kilometers.2cListen again. Check your answers in 2b.听录音,并在上面图片中正确的学生旁标上数字。男孩:鲍勃和玛丽怎样到学校?女孩:鲍勃乘火车,玛丽乘地铁。男孩:约翰怎样到学校?女孩:他乘公共汽车。男孩:保罗和杨兰怎样到学校?女孩:他们步行。看

5、,他们现在在那儿!男孩:吉姆步行去学校吗?女孩:不,他不步行。他骑自行车。听录音并跟读。然后在单词旁边写出正确的数字。六十一,七十二,八十四,九十九,一百零五,二百听录音,完成表格。对话 1玛丽:汤姆,你怎样从学校回家?汤姆:我步行。玛丽:花费多长时间?汤姆:大约花费20 分钟。玛丽:哇!那很快啊!你家离学校多远?汤姆:大约只有两千米。对话 2彼得:简,你怎样从学校回家?简:我乘公共汽车。彼得:花费多长时间?简:噢,大约 1 小时 30 分钟。彼得:哇!那花费很长时间啊!简:是的,我只在周末回家。彼得:你家离学校多远?简:大约60 千米。再听一遍录音,检查2b 中的答案。Conversatio

6、n 1对话 1Mary: How do you get home from school, Tom?玛丽:汤姆,你怎样从学校回家?Tom: I walk.汤姆:我步行。Mary: How long does it take?玛丽:花费多长时间?Tom: It takes about 20 minutes.汤姆:大约花费 20 分钟。Mary: Wow! That s quick! How far is it from the玛丽:哇!那很快啊!你家离学校school to your home?多远?Tom: Only about two kilometers.汤姆:大约只有两千米。Conver

7、sation 2对话 2彼得:简,你怎样从学校回家?Peter: How do you get home from school, Jane?简:我乘公共汽车。Jane: I take the bus.彼得:花费多长时间?Peter: How long does it take?简:噢,大约 1 小时 30 分钟。Jane: Oh, about one hour and 30 minutes.彼得:哇!那花费很长时间啊!简:是的,我只在周末回家。Peter: Wow! That s a long time!彼得:你家离学校多远?Jane: Yes, I only go home on week

8、ends.简:大约 60 千米。Peter: How far is it from your home to school?鲍勃:我通常乘火车。Jane: Its about 60 kilometers.玛丽:花多长时间?鲍勃:花大约六个小时。然后我从火车站乘公共汽车去他们家。玛丽:哇,那是一段很长的旅程。Section B1c Listen and check () the things that Mary wants to know.Mary: I love your home, Bob. Its so big!Bob: Thanks, Mary. My grandparents home

9、 is very big, too.Mary: Where do they live?Bob: Very far from my home.Mary: Oh, how far?Bob: It s about 500 kilometers from here.Mary: Wow! That s far.Bob: Yes, it is. So I go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year.Mary: How do you get there?Bob: I usually take the train.听录音,并在玛丽

10、想知道的事情前打 “”。玛丽:鲍勃,我喜欢你的家。它真大啊!鲍勃:谢谢,玛丽。我外祖父母家也很大。玛丽:他们住在哪儿?鲍勃:离我家很远。玛丽:哦,多远?鲍勃:离这儿大约500 千米。玛丽:哇!那很远。鲍勃:是的,所以每年我去那儿看我外祖父母仅一两次。玛丽:你怎样去那儿?Mary: How long does it take?Bob: It takes about six hours. And then I take a bus from the train station to their home.Mary: Wow. That s a long trip.1dListenagain.How

11、doesBobgettohisgrandparentshome?Check () 1 or 2.Mary: I love your home, Bob. Its so big!Bob: Thanks, Mary. My grandparents home is very big, too.Mary: Where do they live?Bob: Very far from my home.Mary: Oh, how far?Bob: It s about 500 kilometers from here.Mary: Wow! That s far.Bob: Yes, it is. So I

12、go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year.Mary: How do you get there?Bob: I usually take the train.Mary: How long does it take?Bob: It takes about six hours. And then I take a bus from the train station to their home.Mary: Wow. That s a long trip.玛丽:花多长时间?鲍勃:花大约六个小时。然后我从火车站乘公共汽车去他们家。玛丽:哇,那是一段很长的旅程。再听一遍录音。鲍勃怎样到他祖父母家?在 1 或 2


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