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1、新书介绍(第4期)一中文新书教育均衡论索书号:G639.2 / bnu25作者 翟博内容简介教育均衡发展是一种全新的教育理念,是一种全新的教育发展观。在我国基础教育特别是义务教育进入普及后时代,中国基础教育发展应该走什么样的路?中国基础教育发展的方向是什么、目标是什么、路径是什么?这是新时期我国教育面临的一个重大问题和战略任务。本书旨在从中国的现实国情出发,从中国全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的战略高度,从教育与经济、教育与社会的关系,教育与人的全面发展,以及教育在经济社会发展中的重要地位和作用的历史和现实视角,从全面推进素质教育的大视野,以科学发展观为指导对基础教育均衡发展进行理论研究;从多

2、角度、多层次、宽范围对基础教育均衡发展进行实证性分析、案例研究,以探索区域推进基础教育均衡发展的新途径,探索21世纪初期中国基础教育均衡发展的行动策略。本书是当前教育均衡发展理论和实践研究中的前沿最新成果,既是理论性的思考,又是实证性的探究,是各级政府和教育部门领导、各级各类学校校长和教师、各级教育研究人员,以及社会上关心教育事业发展的人们了解、学习和研究教育均衡发展理论和实践的重要读本。中国中学教育史 索书号:作者谢长法 内容简介该书是我国第一部中学教育史专著。全书以“中学教育的近代化”为主线,从中学的传入着笔,对民国时期中学教育艰难曲折的发展、嬗变,就中学教育宗旨、中学教育体制、中学教育立

3、法、中学“男女同学”,乃至中学的课程、教材、教学方法和教学管理等,作了全面的分析说明。同时,全书贯彻点面结合的原则,制度和思想兼顾,对近代中国一些著名中学教育家的教育思想和实践影响也进行了重点剖析,从而给读者呈现一幅全面的中学教育历史图景。儿童科技文化教育新概念 索书号:G61bnu143作者秦旭芳 刘乃歌内容简介:探究是科学研究工作的基本方法,也应成为儿童科技学习的主要方式。让儿童用像科学家那样的工作方式学习科学是当今科技文化教育的一个重要趋势。本书包括了儿童科技文化教育的新理念,以及科技文化教育中学生身份、教师角色等理论探讨,同时以主题形式呈现了日常生活,生物秘密,物质与文化,自然现象4大

4、类、20个主题、200个儿童科技文化教育探究活动实例,活动过程翔实、具体,便于老师和家长操作,活动设计新鲜、有趣,有助于增强孩子的探究兴趣。本书面向幼教教师和家长,同时,也为从事儿童科技教育的研究者进行儿童科技探究活动设计与指导提供研究素材。二外文新书ProspectusAn excellent book for students of comparative education to indulge in. It leaves the reader with a thorough insight into what comparative education is all about and

5、 provides the reader with a firm foundation for further absorption into the many aspects of the field. It is a pleasure also to recommend the book for comparative education courses outside the English speaking world. Professor Thyge Winther-Jesen, Department of Educational Sociology, School of Educa

6、tion, University of Aarhus, Denmark An introduction to this important field, providing a comprehensive overview of key themes, including:l defining comparative and international educationl how comparative studies in education have developedl methodological approaches to comparative and international

7、 education research l the relationship between education and national development l the power of comparative studies in investigating student achievement and school effectivenessl what comparative studies have taught us about educational issues such as policy borrowing, processes of transition, post

8、 conflict education, education in small states, and citizenship.With a foreword by Erwin H. Epstein, Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational leadership and Policy Studies at Loyola University Chicago, USA.About the AuthorDavid Phillips is Professor of Comparative Education and Fellow of

9、 St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford and Director of the Centre for Comparative studies in Education, UK.Dr Michele Schweisfurth is reader in comparative and International Education, and Director of Centre for international educational and Research, University of Birmingham, UK.G44/M368 Overcoming

10、Student Apathy“Reaching the unmotivated student has always been a challenge. Jeff C. Marshall and his associates have gone beyond the usual talk about motivation and give wonderful suggestions for engaging tougher-to-reach learners. As you read about the students with various responses to learning,

11、you will chuckle or your head at these too-familiar young people. This book offers us more strategies to reach all of our students.”-LUCINDA M. WILSON, associate dean, College of Education at Butler University, Indiana“Apathy robs our classes of the energy, passion, and enthusiasm that we aspire to

12、create with our students each fall. This statement best summarizes the work in this text by Dr. Marshall. As well as my personal philosophy of education. Apathy tears the educational system apart. This book examines eight students and the (a) situational apathy or (b) deeper issues that cause it to

13、flourish in the educational system. I plan to share the examples in this text with my high school senior in the cadet teaching class next fall. If they can learn to identify these warning signals, perhaps we as educators can get a grip on the beast in order to tame it and eliminate it from our class

14、rooms.”-MARY JANE SMITH, cadet teacher coordinator and award-winning teacher at Warren Central High school, Indiana“Jeff Marshall provides compelling evidence that teaching to a students strengths will garner success. Marshalls work reflects teaching strategies that would help any teacher in the cla

15、ssroom. He demonstrated these strategies when he motivated a group of at-risk high school students to design, build, and race a solar car, By teaching to students strengths, Marshall led students to achieve two national solar car titles. These students had previously questioned if graduation was eve

16、n possible. Marshalls mission is always to show relevance of curriculum to students and teachers. He does not just teach; he reaches people and motivates them to learn and win.”-KIMBERLY MONTROSE THOMASA, Project HOPE coordinator, Putnam city Schools, OklahomaOvercoming Student Apathy: Motivating St

17、udents for Academic Success provides a candid look into the hearts and minds of many of todays struggling students. Frustrated teachers and administrators typically stop at labeling the symptoms shown by these students: apathy, low motivation, and laziness. Overcoming Student apathy clarifies the si

18、tuation, while proposing tips to rise to the challenge. Apathy plagues many of todays middle and high school classrooms, and the problem will not spontaneously disappear. Teachers must be willing to move beyond the “they dont care” attitude to discover how we can eradicate this nemesis to learning.A

19、bout the AuthorJEFF C. MARSHALL has received National Board Teaching Certification and is assistant professor in the School of Education at Clemson University, South Carolina.G760/T33 Justice and Equality in Education Issues concerning the educational provision for students with disabilities and spe

20、cial educational needs are extremely controversial in debates in philosophy, education and public policy. What constitutes a just educational provision for these students? More specifically, what and how many educational resources should be distributed to meet an ideal of equality? Furthermore, what

21、 are learning disabilities and special educational needs? Are they naturally or socially determined?In answering these questions, Justice and Equality in education links rigorous philosophical analysis with educational theory, policy and practice. The monograph employs a version of egalitarianism, a

22、nd makes a unique contribution by presenting a philosophical analysis of disability and special educational needs, and by dealing with the question of educational equality in terms of Amartya Sens capability approach. Lorella Terzi argues that, on this vies, disability and special educational needs

23、are inherently relational, thus emerging from the interaction of personal and situational factors. Disabilities and special educational needs are limitations in functionings (peoples actual beings and doings) and capabilities (effective opportunities for functionings). Educational equality consists

24、in equal effective opportunities and access to basic functionings and capabilities. The author insists that students with disabilities are entitled to achieve basic functionings and capabilities established for all, and they should therefore receive additional resources to that end.About the AuthorD

25、r. Lorella Terzi is Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at Roehampton University.s Guide to Solving Common Behavior Problems“Waller has written a wonderfully engaging book for teachers on how to influence child behavior using nonpunitive and supportive ways. This book is thoroughly grounded i

26、n contemporary learning theory and infused with a twinkling sense of humor.”_Bruce A. Thyer, Professor of social work Florida State UniversityMost of the disruptive , problematic, aggravating, or inconvenient behaviors that children develop can be changed by using good behavior support strategies. T

27、his highly readable, lighthearted book presents research-supported principles for positive behavioral management in a way that will appeal to teachers, readers to seethe humor in working with challenging students, this book l provides an overview of effective behavior managementl offers short chapte

28、rs that discuss basic behavioral strategies or principles through anecdotes and analogiesl draws parallels to real-life situationsl provides points to remember at the end of each chapter and suggested readings for related studyWith easy-to- implement methods, The Educators Guide to Solving Common Be

29、havior Problems is an invaluable resource for teachers, administrators, and parents looking for ways to motivate children and remedy classroom behavior problems.About the AuthorRaymond J. Waller is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Piedmont College/Athens and is on the faculty at the Un

30、iversity of Georgia in the school consultant in the areas of student behavior problem and child and adolescent mental health issues.新书介绍(第3期)一.中文新书中外教育名著选读作者:刘新科索书号:G40 /bnu302内容简介: 本书由中国教育名著选读和外国教育名著选读两部分组成,中国部分选取了孔子、孟子、荀子、董仲舒、颜之推、韩愈、朱熹、王守仁、王夫之、蔡元培、陶行知等十一位教育家,外国部分选取了波拉图、昆体良、夸美纽斯、箩筐、卢梭、裴斯泰洛齐、赫尔巴特、乌申

31、斯基、杜威、布鲁纳、赞可夫、埃德加富尔登十二位教育家,撷取这些教育家在世界教育史上具有重大影响和学习价值的教育名著三十余种进行选读。除单篇文章外,每位教育家及其著作均有“作者简介”、“成书背景”、“内容精要”、“名著选读”等内容。本书结合这些教育名家的成长经历,阐述了不同名著的理论内容和实践特色,批判继承了中外历史上进步的教育思想,对于提高读者的教育理论素养,提升教育工作者的教学水平和创新能力,具具有一定的借鉴意义。课程与教学论作者:张传燧索书号:G423/bnu82内容简介: 本书试图反映当前课程与教学论的研究前沿,密切联系基础教育和教师教育的课程教学实际,在内容上力求体现学术性、操作性和针

32、对性的高度统一。全书共十章:第一章概要介绍课程与教学论的研究对象和研究方法等问题;第二至第十章分别介绍课程与教学论的理论基础,课程与教学目标,课程与教学主体,课程与教学内容,课程与教学评价,课程与教学实施的模式、方法与技术,课程与教学评价,课程与教学政策及管理制度等。本书主要供全国高等师范院校教育专业和其他相关专业教学使用,也可作为中小学教师培训教材。高等教育组织与管理作者:王孙禺索书号:G640/bnu94内容简介: 本书是在高等教育学会多专家,学者的指导下,历时两年多编写成的。本书凝聚了清华大学教育研究所和武汉大学教育科学学院的教师和研究生的集体智慧和心血。 由于高等教育体系是一个复杂的社

33、会组织系统,既有一般组织的共性,又有其自身的特殊性,编者力图以系统论和组织轮为基础,综合运用管理学、教育学等多学科的理论,对高等教育组织和管理的诸多要素做出合理的解释;也试图选择最适宜的方法、框架和研究成果,帮助人们理解高等教育组织系统的结构、秩序和变化的复杂性。本书有4个部分12章组成,即组织理论、环境系统、行为系统,以及组织变革创新;最后还提供了若干分析案例。 本书的读者对象为管理学、教育学以及相关学科领域的研究人员、高校教师和学生等。ProspectusG40-011/P95 Teach Them to Challenge AuthorityMany conservatives argu

34、e the liberal bias of faculty in the United States is compromising the ability of Universities to teach the art of critical thinking, which is so essential to challenging conventional wisdom and even challenging authority. They argue that the proper role of the liberal arts of faculty and university

35、 is to maintain an institutional posture of neutrality in the face of major intellectual and social issues, leave it up to the students to the make up their own minds. If these advocate of “neutralism”in and of itself a non-neutral positionsucceed in transforming universities into neutral institutio

36、ns, they will undermine the critical thinking they seek to support. They will damage the very character of US education that the rest of the world so admires and increasingly attempts to emulateits capacity to encourage to creativity and risk taking and to produce students who have the courage to ch

37、allenge authority and convention in appropriate and constructive ways To silence the university is to silence the citizenry. Our country and the world require from educational institutions commitment, engagement, and action, not neutrality.About the authorGregory S. Prince Jr. was President of Hamps

38、hire College, in Massachusetts, from 1989 to 2005. He is currently Senior Advisor to Pathways to college and Senior Follow of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. He lives in Vermont. G420/K84 Measuring UpHow do you judge the quality of a school, a district, a teacher, a student? B

39、y the test scores, of course. Yet for all the talk, what educational test can and misunderstood and misused, remains a mystery to most .The complexities of testing are routinely ignored, either because they are unrecognized or because they may be -well, complicated. Inspired by a popular Harvard cou

40、rse for students without an extensive mathematics background, Measuring Up demystifies educational testingfrom MCAS to SAT to WAIS, with all the alphabet soup in between. Bringing Statistical terms down to earth, Daniel Cortez takes readers through the most fundamental issues that arise in education

41、al testing and shows how they apply to some of the most controversial issues in education today, from High-stakes testing to special education. He walks readers through everyday examples to show what tests do well, what their limits are how easily tests and scores can be oversold or misunderstood, a

42、nd how they can be used sensibly to help discover how have learned.About the authorDaniel is professor of Education at Harvard University.G434/Sm65 Conquering the ContentConquering the Content is a practical resource for faculty who tackle overwhelming amounts of course content that must be tailored

43、 for Web-based learning. This important guide offers step-by step instructions for creating online learning experiences that are manageable, effective, and of the highest quality.Written by Robin M. Smith, an expert on online learning, Conquering the Content provides guidance for incorporating learn

44、ing theory into practical online courses. Designed for online instructors at all levels of experience, the book is filled with the templates, learning guides, and sample files that can be easily applied to construct and manage course content.Comprehensive in scope, Conquering the Content helps instr

45、uctorsl Identify leaning outcomesl Creates an easily updateable coursel Address assessment issues and challengesl Develop a well-designed learning guidel Design courses that are “information transfer”-basedl Avoid common pitfallsl Focus on issues of navigationThe ideas and methods contained in this

46、resource have been successfully applied in a wide variety of disciplines from institutions across the United States.Conquering the Content is the fifth book in the Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning series, which offers concrete and practical resources to help higher education practi

47、tioners meet the challenges of the online learning environment.About the authorRobin M. Smith is coordinator of Web-Based learning at the Office of Educational Development, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in little Rock. Formerly, Dr Smith developed and directed the Center For Web-Based

48、Learning at Southern Arkansas University Tech and was the first Certified WebCT Trainer in the South Central United States.11a Teaching to Change the World, 3e In 1998, the first edition of Teaching to change the World broke new ground in teacher education by positioning the foundations and practice

49、s of American schooling in the context of the struggle for social justice, democratic communities, and a better world. Indeed, “Teaching to change the world” has become more than a book title; for thousands of individuals and teacher education programs, it is an everyday expression that embodies rig

50、orous preparation and the highest professional aspirations for becoming a teacher.“This is a text that raises our consciousness about our nations educational systems, methods, and students. By advocating for social justice, teaching students see there is much more to teaching that curriculum and Ped

51、agogy.”-Jan Connal, Cerritos College“Teaching to Change the World effectively presents and theories that are essential to students of education with out compromising content.”-Katrina Hunter, University of North AlabamaVisit the Teaching change the World Web site at for useful and extending resource

52、s, and Web Link.About the authorJeannie Oakes holds UCLA Presidential Chair in Educational Equity. A nationally recognized education researcher and social justice advocate, Oakes directs both UCLAs Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access, and the University of Californias All-Campus Consortiu

53、m on Research for Diversity. Jeannie Oakes was the founding director of Center Xthe institutional home of the universitys teacher education programa program based on the research and principles included in teaching to Change the World. Oakes is author of Keeping Track: How Schools structure Inequali

54、ty(1985/2005), which was honored by the museum of Education at the University of South Carolina as one of the most significant books on education in the twentieth century. Her most recent book is Learning Power: Organizing for Education and Justice (with John Rogers). Oakess awards and distinctions

55、include the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Educational Press Association of America, the Ralph David Abernathy award for public service, from the southern Christian Leadership Conference, and the Jose Vasconcellos World Awarded Oakes its prestigious Early Career achievement Award and the P

56、almer O. Johnson Award for the Outstanding Research Article. In 2004, she was elected to the National Academy of Education.新书介绍(第2期)一、 中文新书创 新 网 络-走向学校管理和教育管理的新模式(索书号G4/bnu14)内容简介OECD成员国正在迈向“网络社会”。这带来了教育网络的核心问题:教育网络能够在多大程度上取代臃肿的官僚体系而成为一种管理形式以及创新和专业主义的来源?有些研究者预测,大型的、变革缓慢的公共服务将会消亡。如果真的如此,那么将由什么来代替其位置呢


58、到参考作用。发现你的能力优势作    者:美 查克·马丁(索书号:  bnu209) 内容简介我们每个人天生就拥有12种极为重要的认知能力,包括时间管理能力、组织能力、专注力、抗压性,等等。这些能力跟随我们一同出生、成长,到了成年,它们基本就定型了,但值得欣慰的是,我们可以后天加强这些能力。本书道破了在生活和工作中不断取得卓越成就的成功者的秘密。这些成功人士知道,真正的机会在于发挥优势,而非克服弱点,理解了自己天赋的能力和局限后,他们对别人的优势与弱点也会更加容忍,更加耐心,这让他们成为了优秀的老板,杰出的员工,默契的合作伙伴。 依据开创性的最新研究成果,三位作者将告诉我们,对两三种执行能力优势的及早发现并专注使用,将帮助我们取得卓越成就,同时也指出,对能力弱项视而不见也会阻碍


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