新目标英语八年级下册Unit 7 Would you min_第1页
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1、第 1 页 (共4 页 第 2 页 (共4 页学校 姓名 班级 考场 考号-密- -封- - -线-答题线新目标英语八年级下册Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?讲解与练习重要短语1.turn down (音量放小,(光线调暗 turn up (音量放大,(光线调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮turn off 关(开关、按钮2. not at all 一点也不3. right away = in a minute 立刻,马上=at once4. do/wash the dishes 洗碗5. put on 穿上(动作6. help

2、sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事=help sb. do sth.7. make posters 制作海报8.be close to 离很近9. wait in line 排队 10. cut in line 插队 11.get annoyed 生气 12.try not to do sth.设法不做某事 13.try to do sth.设法做某事14. an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家15.keep one's voice down 把某人的音量调低 16.follow sb. around 到处跟着某人17.all the tim

3、e 一直 18.the same thing 同样的事 19.try to sleep 设法睡觉20.take care of 照顾 21. in public places 在公共场所22.break the rules 破坏规则 23.take care to do sth.小心做某事24.drop litter 扔垃圾25.pick up 把捡起 26.a shop assistant 售货员 27.in the future 在将来28.be excited to do sth.做某事很激动 29.put out 扑灭,熄灭 句子重点讲解1.Do you mind my smoking

4、? 我抽烟你介意吗?2.Ill do it right away .我马上做. right away 意为“立刻、马上”,与at once 或in a minute 或before long 同义。3.The pen you bought didnt work .你买的钢笔不能用了。4.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while lm reading .使我气恼的是我在看书时别人跟我说话。 get annoyed 意为“变得气恼、使生气”,annoyed 是过去分词作形容词用,作表语。例如: I got annoyed when he came b

5、ack late last night . 他昨晚很晚回来,我很生气。 如果是表示“对某人气恼”用get annoyed with sb .,接事时用at 或about 。例如: He got annoyed with the boy at his stupidity . 他为这孩子如此愚笨而烦恼。5.This happens to me all the time in the school library .在学校的图书馆里这事老是发生在我身上。 (1happen 表示“偶然发生某事”,是不及物动词,如果是表示“某人出了某事”译为:happen to sb .。 例如: An acciden

6、t happened to him .他出事了。 happen 后接不定式时,表示“碰巧”。例如:I happened to meet our English teacher at the school gate .在学校大门口我碰巧遇到了我们的英语老师。 (2all the time 意为“一直、老是、总是”,与always 同义。例如:My English teacher asked me to practice speaking all the time . 我的英语老师总是叫我训练口语。 6.I dont like waiting in lin e when a shop assist

7、ant has a long telephone conversation . 当营业员打电话进行长时间聊天时,我不喜欢排队等候着。(1waiting in line 是动名词短语做宾语。短语wait in line 意为:排队等候。例如:When you are waiting for the bus ,you should wait in line . 当你在等车的时候,你应该排队等候。 Please wait in line when you are at the doctors .当你在医生诊所里的时候,请排队等候。 (2 a long telephone conversation 意

8、为:长时间的电话交谈;不是“长途电话”。“长途电话”应说: 7.It means normal and polite social behavior .它指的是正式的和有礼貌的社会行为。 behavior 可作可数名词“行为;礼貌态度;表现;举止;规矩;品行”。例如: Thats her behavior toward me . 这是她对我的态度。8.If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette,we may politely give them some suggestions. 如果我们看到有人违反礼仪常规时,我们可能给他们提出一些建议

9、。(1辨析:see someone doing sth .和see sb. do sth .前者意为:看见某人在干什么,指某个动作在进行;而后者意为:看见了某人做或者要干什么,指某个具体的动作。类似的动词还有watch ,feel ,hear ,have 等。例如: The old man often hears him sing some English songs in the next room . 那位老人常听见他在隔壁的房间里唱歌。 The old man watched him playing football on the playground at that time.那位老人

10、那时在观看他在操场上踢足球。 9.People dont usually like to be criticized.So we have to be careful how we do this .人们不喜欢受到指责,所以我们得注意如何去做。to be criticized 受到指责(批评,此句中为不定式被动结构,意为:被受到批评。criticize 及物动词:品评;评论;批评;批判;指责 Please criticize my painting .请评论我这幅画。 He was criticized for his mistake .他因犯错误而受到批评。语法归纳1. would you

11、mind + doing sth.?(1 would yo u mind ? 是向别人提出请求的用语,意为:介意吗? 例如:Would you mind sitting beside you? 你介意坐在你旁边吗? Would you mind smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?(2对这个句型的回答:mind 意为“介意,反对”,所以表示“不介意;不反对”应用no 回答。例如: 一Would you mind turning down the music? 你介意调小音乐吗? 一No ,not at a11.不,一点也不。 (3Would you mind not doing

12、sth?是其否定形式;would you mind ones doing sth .? 是其复合形式,在现代英语中,ones 也可以用one 代替。如:I dont mind his singing in the next room .我不介意他在隔壁唱歌。 (4英语中有些动词后只能接动词的ing 形式作宾语,除mind 外,还有finish ,enjoy ,practise 等。例如: Does he enjoy watching the match? 他喜欢看那场比赛吗?You must practice reading English every day .你必须每天练习读英语。 练习.

13、选择填空:( 1.一Would you mind _the door? -No ,not at a11.Go ahead .A .open B .opening C .to open D .my opening ( 2.Your jeans are too big .Youd better change a smaller _. A .pair B .one C .ones D .pairs ( 3.They made a noise .We complained _them . A .to B .with C .for D .about( 4.Do you get _ if someone

14、talks loudly when you are studying? A .annoyed B .annoying C .to annoy D .annoy ( 5.Would you like _ the music? A .to listen B .1isten to C .1istening to D .to listen to( 6._ open the window? A .Have you B .Why dont you C .Would you like D .Would you want ( 7.Could you please _? A .wash the dishes B

15、 .washes the dish C .washed the dishes D .washing dish ( 8.Could you please _ in the subway door?A .wont stand B .dont stand C .not stand D .not standing ( 9. The teacher said that the moon _ around the earth. A. went B. goes C. go D. is going ( 10. How is the food here? _A. Its very delicious, I th

16、ink.B. Its chicken and rice.C. I like having dinner here.D. I agree with you. ( 11. Which kind of food smells _ or tastes _? Sorry, I dont know. A. good; well B. good; bad C. good; good D. well; well( 12. Which one goes _, the car, the train or the plane? A. fast B. the fastest C. faster D. the most

17、 fast ( 13. _ Lily _ Milly likes pizza. They often say pizza is very delicious. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Not only; but also D. Both; and( 14. Hows the weather tomorrow? I dont know if it _ tomorrow. Well, if it _, I wont go out with you. A. will rain; will rain B. rains; rains C. rains; will

18、 rain D. will rain; rains第 3 页 (共4 页 第 4 页 (共4 页答题线-密- -封- - -线-.完形填空:Traffic means everything and everybody is using the roads. Today more and 1 people live in the cities. So there is 2 traffic and usually not enough 3 , and 4 of the roads are too narrow. That is 5 there are a great many accidents.

19、 In cities 6 over the world thousands 7 people die or 8 hurt in traffic accidents Of course, traffic accidents 9 outside cities in the countries, but there is not 10 much traffic so there are not so many accidents.( 1A most B many C some D more ( 2A a lot of B many C a number of D lots ( 3A ways B m

20、eans C roads D cars ( 4A many B much C more D few ( 5A because B so C why D that ( 6A of B all C and D from ( 7A from B and C with D of ( 8A receive B go C are D take ( 9A happen B have C produce D form ( 10A too B so C enough D such .阅读理解:(AOur eating habits(习惯are very important for good health and

21、 a strong body .There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice .Sweets and ice cream is not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal .If we eat them before a meal ,they may take away our appetite(食欲.Its important for us to eat our meals at regular(规律

22、的time each day. If we feel worried or excited ,we may not want to eat .A long time ago ,in England ,some judges(法官often decided whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread .If the man could not swallow(吞the bread ,it meant that he wasnt telling the truth .Though this seemed stra

23、nge and foolish ,they thought it was a very good way of finding out the truth .A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry because he loses his appetite .( 1.Good eating habits make us _. A .stronger B .happier C .more beautiful D .more polite ( 2.It is good to ea

24、t sweets and ice cream _.A after a mealB .before a mealC .when we are hungryD .when we want to eat ( 3.It is good for us to have our meal _ every day .A .earlierB .at the Same timeC .at any timeD .at the different time ( 4.The judges in old England thought if a man didnt tell the truth ,he could .A

25、.drink milk or teaB .eat a lot of dry breadC .hardly(几乎不eat dry breadD .swallow dry bread easily ( 5.If a person feels _,he may not want to eat . A .thirsty B .hungry C .unhappy D .well(BIn the United States ,30 percent of the adult population has a“weight problem”.Because they eat too much .Going b

26、ack to the America of 1910,we find that people were thinner than today ,yet they ate more food .In those days people worked harder physically ,walked more ,used machines much less ,and didnt watch television .Several modern studies have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinne

27、r people .A 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers showed that fat people eat less than slim people .Studies also show that slim people are more active than fat people .A study by a research group at Stanford University found the following interesting fact :The more the man ran,the greater loss o

28、f body fat .The more the man ran ,the greater more food he needed .So those who ran the most ate the most ,yet lose greater amount of body fat .( 6.Now many Americans have the problem that _.A .they are too slimB .they work too hardC .they are too fatD .they lose too much body fat( 7.According to th

29、e passage ,how many people in 900 adult Americans have a“weight problem”? A .160 B .300 C .600 D .270 ( 8.The Americans in 1910 _.A .ate more food and had more physical activitiesB .ate less food but had more activitiesC .ate less food and had more restD .had more weight problem ( 9.Which of the fol

30、lowing sentences is true?A .Fat people eat less food and are less active .B .Fat people eat more food than slim people and more active .C .Fat people eat more food than slim people but are 1ass active .D .Thin people run less but need more food . ( 10.The best title of the passage is“_”. A .Thin Peo

31、ple B .Slim People C .Weight Problem D .Food(CThere was once a young girl who was very quiet .She never said a word .not even“MumorDad”.Her parents were very worried When she was three years old she still hadnt said anything .When she was five she still hadnt said anything .The worried parents took

32、her to the best doctors but none of them could find anything wrong with her .“Do you think our daughter will never talk?”asked the mother .But all the doctors said ,“We will just have to wait and see .”Time went by and the girl turned eight .Then one day she was eating dinner with her mother when su

33、ddenly she cried ,“Yuck! Not enough salty! Get me some more salt .please!”“God!”cried her mother .“You can talk! Why didnt you say anything all these years?”“Well ,”said the girl ,“there was never any need .Up until now ever ything tasted fine!” 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写“T”,不符合的写“F”。( 11.Something was wrong with the girls ears . ( 12.The doctors were sure that the girl would never talk . ( 13.The girl didnt say anything until she was eight .( 14.In fact ,the girl could talk very well . ( 15.The girl didnt like h


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