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1、精选江苏省淮安市2019年初中毕业暨升学考试英语试卷欢迎参加中考,相信你能成功!请先阅读以下几点注意事项:1. 本卷分为第I卷和第II卷,共8页。满分为120分。考试用时为120分钟。2. 第I卷每小题选出答案后,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案写在本试题卷上无效。3. 做第II卷时,用0. 5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔将答案写在答题卡上每题题号的横线上。答案答在本试题卷上无效。4. 考试结束,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第1卷 (选择题共55分). 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空

2、白处的正确答案。1. To save time, many students have _ lunch at school every day.A. a B. an C. / D. the2. - Oh. my God! I forgot to bring my pen here. -Dont worry. I have two. You can use _.A. IB. meC. myself D. mine3. Betty has a beautiful _. She wants to be a singer in the future. A. voice B. look C. noise

3、 D. sound4. -What do you think of working as a doctor? - It s a good job to help people keep_. A. busy B. strict C. healthy D. generous 5. -Will you stay here for dinner with us? - Sorry, I _. My mother is waiting for me at home. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt6. _ the help of modern technolo

4、gy, scientists got a photo of a black hole. A. At B. In C. On D. With7. -What is your mother doing, Linda? -She _dinner in the kitchen now.A. is cooking B. was cooking C. cook D. cooking8. Those young firemen were brave enough to _ the fire in the forest. A. work out B. put out C. hand out D. look o

5、ut9. -It is said that 5G is coming. It will improve our life great! - _ amazing it is! A. What anB. How aC. WhatD. How10. Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, _ arent.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. the others11. Mr Black, _ will the parents meeting last? -Its hard to say. May

6、be one hour more.A. how longB. how muchC. how farD. how often12. The charities have helped more children with the money _ people raise.A. whoB. whatC. whereD. which13. Excuse me, could you tell me _?A. when he was born B. how far is it from here C. what does he look like D. where he leaves for yeste

7、rday14. -Where are the teachers now? - In the meeting room. They _ the meeting for 10 minutes. A. have begun B. have been onC. have hadD. have been held15. - You have joined so many clubs. Im afraid youll be too tired. Remember _. -Thanks, Dad. I can look after myself very well. A. many hands make l

8、ight work.C you cant burn the candle at both ends. C. the early bird catches the wormD. practice makes perfect. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Wishing to encourage her young sons progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening

9、. After they found their _16 , the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to 17 them.It was the boys first time to come to the hall. He thought it was a good 18 for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He 19 and walked around. He walked 20 a door marked NO ADMITTANCE(禁止入内).When the

10、 hall lights dimmed (变暗) , the 21 would begin. The mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was 22 . The mother was 23 worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪) were in her eyes.The concert began, and the lights focused on (聚焦于) the wonderful piano on stage. The mother was 24_ to

11、see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star 25 he did at home.At that moment, the great pianist came, quickly moved to the piano and 26 in the boys ear, Dont stop. Keep playing. He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left 27 ,

12、 then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand. They played the piano together 28 . The old pianist and the young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众)stood up and 29 them. An artists achievements and charm depend on not only h

13、is perfect skills 30 his good qualities.16. A. desks B. stageC. seats D. piano17. A. greet B. feedC. noticeD. search18. A. use B. chanceC. seasonD. culture19. A. flew B. satC. fellD. rose20. A. through B. acrossC. above D. over2l. A. film B. concertC. conversation D. meeting22. A. sleepy B. missingC

14、. tired D. excited23. A. so B. veryC. much D. such24. A. serious B. sadC. patient D. surprised25. A. when B. ifC. as D. before26. A. called B. shoutedC. whispered D. cried27. A. hand B. shoulderC. foot D. leg28. A. badly B. carelesslyC. terribly D. happily29. A. fought with B. laughed atC. shouted a

15、t D. cheered for30. A. or B. but C. and D. so. 阅读理解(共15小题;A、B两篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分)阅读下文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A There were many plants in a forest. When spring came, a pine tree saw a red rose nearby and said, What a beautiful flower! I wish I were that lovely. The rose proudly said, It seems that I am

16、the most beautiful flower in this forest. Then the rose looked at a cactus (仙人掌) and said, Look at that ugly plant full of thorns(刺)! What a proud flower! thought the trees.As the days passed. the red rose often looked at the cactus and said bad words about it, like This plant is useless. How sorry

17、I am to be his neighbor ! The cactus never got angry and even tried to advise the rose, saying, God did not create any form of life without a purpose. Spring passed, and the weather became very hot. As there was no rain, the red rose began to wilt(枯萎).One day the rose saw birds put their beaks (喙) i

18、nto the cactus and then fly away. The red rose asked the pine tree what the birds were doing. The pine tree explained that the birds were getting water from the cactus.The cactus has water? asked the rose. Yes, you can also drink some from it. The birds can bring water to you if you ask the cactus f

19、or help. The red rose felt too ashamed to ask for water from the cactus. But finally it did ask for help. The cactus kindly agreed. The rose learned a lesson and never judged (评价) anyone by their appearance again.31. At first, _ thought the cactus was ugly.A. the roseB. the pine treeC. the birds D.

20、the thorns32. The red rose began to wilt because _.A. the birds could fly B. spring came C. there was no rainD. the cactus got angry33. The birds put their beaks into the cactus to _. A. get water B. eat food C. offer help D. tell secrets34. From the passage, we know the cactus was _. A. rude B. kin

21、d C. selfish D. careless35. From the story, we know_. A. the pine tree didnt think the red rose was beautiful B. the red rose never said bad words about others C. the cactus refused to help the birdsD. the red rose realized she was wrong at lastBShawneen Mountain is a perfect place for skiing. Lifts

22、(电梯)can help tourists get to the top of the mountain in 3 minutes. The following is the price table of the lift tickets.LIFT TICKETSTouristsWeekday(open to close)Weekend(open to close)Night(3 p.m. to 10 p.m.Adult* (Ages 19 to 60)$48$55$34Young Man * (Ages 18. under)$37$41$34Child (46cm tall &. under

23、)FREEFREEFREECollege StudentCollege ID (证件 ) needed$38$49$34Soldier (Active Duty ID needed)$38$49$34Elders* ( Ages 60 to 69)$38$49$34Super Elders* (Ages 70+)FREEFREEFREE* proof (证明) of age neededLift HoursMonday - Friday: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Weekend: 8 a.m. 10 p.m.Christmas Day: Noon 5 p.m.36. Shawneen M

24、ountain is a perfect place for _. A. skiing B. walking C. climbingD. riding37. If a child of 42cm tall takes the lift with his 18-year-old brother on Thursday morning, they will pay _.A. $41 B. $48C. $37D. $7438. As a college student, you can buy a lift ticket at a lower price if you show your _.A.

25、college nameB. college IDC. phone numberD. Active Duty ID39. Tourists take the lift at _ to the top of the mountain on Christmas Day.A. 8 a.m.B. 4 p.m.C. 9 a.m.D. 10 p.m.40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. It takes 3 hours to get to the top of Shawneen Mountain by lift.B.

26、Tourists cant take the lift at 9: 30 a. m. on Sunday morning .C. A soldier shouldnt pay $55 for the ticket at weekends with his Active Duty ID. D. People aged over 70 are also welcome to Shawneen Mountain.CThe Garbage (垃圾) Project started at the University of Arizona in 1973. Since then, the student

27、s and teachers in it have studied the modern garbage in different cities.To study the garbage, the students had to travel to landfills (填埋场) , the places where cities bury (填埋) their garbage. While the students were studying the garbage they wore special clothes. Students were very careful when they

28、 opened bags of garbage.One important thing the students have learned from studying the garbage is that the garbage in landfills disappears very slowly. That was surprising to both the students and many scientists who had thought that about 70 % of the garbage in landfills would disappear quickly. E

29、ven in cities where it rains a lot, the students found newspapers from 1948, 40-year-old hot dogs, and vegetables from 1970. And the students also found many more empty bottles of cola than they expected.How to dispose of our garbage well depends on what kind of garbage it is: regular(普通的) garbage,

30、dangerous materials, or recyclable materials, such as newspapers and glass bottles. Regular garbage goes to regular landfills. Dangerous materials are harmful to peoples health and the environment. They shouldnt go into regular landfills.Homes are full of dangerous waste. One kind of the dangerous w

31、aste in homes is batteries. When batteries are buried directly(直接地)in a landfill, they often break open. The poison inside them moves through rain water to the bottom of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground.Another dangerous waste from homes is motor oil. When people pou

32、r old motor oil on the ground or throw it in the garbage, it pollutes the environment. Our garbage problem is not new, but as the worlds population continues to grow, it will become a bigger and bigger problem.41. The Garbage Project started at the University of Arizona in _.A. 1973 B. 1970 C. 1948

33、D. 194042. To study the modern garbage, the students had to do many things except _. A. Wearing special clothes B. traveling to landfills C. burying the garbage themselves D. opening bags of garbage43. The underlined words dispose of in Paragraph 4 means _. A. crash intoB. deal withC. worry aboutD.

34、put up44.From the article, we know old motor oil _.A. should go to regular landfillsB. isnt harmful garbageC. mustnt be poured on the ground D. never pollutes the environment45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. There are only two kinds of dangerous waste in homes. B. Scien

35、tists thought about 70 % of the garbage in landfills would disappear slowly. C. The students found empty bottles of cola were not as many as they expected. D. Batteries often break open when they are buried directly in a landfill.第卷(非选择题共65分).词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。in the m

36、iddle of, make up, less than, choice, no longervaluable, wisely, live on, broke down46. Children should be taught to manage their time _.47. As we all know, giant pandas _ a special kind of bamboo.48. My car _ on a country road yesterday. I had to ask my friends for help.49. There is an island _ the

37、 lake in our hometown.50. Jazz musicians can _ the music while playing.51. At present, living in the countryside may be a good _.52. The magazine provides lots of _ information on fashion.53. Mr Smith _ works here. Its hard for me to see him as often as before.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。54. The journey

38、was a little boring. We didnt enjoy _ (we) at all.55. Andrew often does DIY with different _ (knife) in his free time.56. To my surprise, my uncle got his driving licence in his _ (fifty).57. Forty_ (year) development has changed Huaian into a modern city.58. After doing sports for months, Tina is b

39、ecoming _ (thin) than before.59. The teachers welcome their students _(polite) at the school gate every morning.60. The Great Wallis too high. I have difficulty _ (climb) it alone.完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给中文意思,用英文完成下列各句。61. 他们认为一天刷两次牙时一个好习惯。They think its a _ to brush teeth _.62. 在周末,小汤姆和他的朋友们要么在家看

40、电视,要么在外踢足球。Little Tom and his friends either _ at home or _outside at weekends.63. 今天早晨我们吃光了所有的蔬菜,最好去超市买一些。We _ all the vegetables this morning, so we _ buy some in the supermarket.64. 这位社会工作者经常去老年之家帮助老人。The _ often goes to the old peoples home _ to help the elderly.65. 上周杰克当选为班长后,他迫不及待地把这个好消息告诉了他地妈

41、妈。Last week, after Jack _ as a monitor, he _to tell the news to his mother. 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下列各题。AA young lady was driving a family car home with her father when they were caught in a heavy storm. The young lady was a little afraid and asked her father. What should I do, stop or

42、 keep driving? Her father said, Keep driving. After driving a few kilometers, the storm was becoming heavier and heavier. The young lady noticed that some cars and big transport trucks were pulling over(靠边停)to the side of the road. The young lady asked her father again if they should stop. But her f

43、ather said nothing. So, she had to keep on driving.Ten minutes later, the storm started to become small and she could see a little more clearly. After a couple of kilometers, she drove out of the storm. Moreover. the sun came out and the road ahead was dry.Her father told her to stop and get out of

44、the car. But why now, Father? she asked in surprise. Her father said, When you get out, you can look back at all the people in cars and big trucks that gave up and they are still in the storm. Now, your storm is over because you didnt give up. Dont give up, even if the stronger do. If you keep going

45、, soon your personal storms will be over. The sun will shine on you again and the road ahead will be dry and clear.根据上面短文的内容回答问题(每个小题答案不超过6个单词)66. Who did the young lady drive home with? _67. Where did some cars and big transport trucks pull over? _68. What did her father say when the daughter wante

46、d to stop the car again? _69. Did the young lady drive out of the storm at last? _70. What can you learn from the passage? _ BDrones(无人机)are like planes, but come in many shapes and sizes. They have no pilots and controlled from outside the drones. During these years, they have been used to attack(进

47、攻)enemies or moved goods in dangerous areas.Now small drones are a part of peoples lives. For example, people use drones to take photos or make videos. Besides, a drone delivery (投递) service has proved successful.Online store JD can use drones to deliver small packages(包裹). It has built several dron

48、e stations so that it can load ( 装载) and deliver its packages.Drones have made our shopping experience different. We can order a new coat in early morning and it will be delivered before we finish breakfast.Bizzby Sky, a UK company, has created a delivery service for small goods. Open a smartphone app(应用软


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