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1、Unit 13We're trying to save the earth!满分 100 分 ,限时 60 分钟.单项选择 (每小题 1 分 ,共 15 分 )1. How much do I need to paythe dictionary? About fifty yuan. A.on B.for C.with D.of1.答案B和 pay 搭配的介词是 for 。2.his parentshe likes the red car,but they can't afford it.A.Both;andB.Not only;but alsoC.Neither;norD.Ei

2、ther;or2.答案B根据本题语境可知,不仅他父母 ,而且他也喜欢那辆红色的汽车,故 notonly.but also符合题意。若选A 项 ,应将 likes 改成 like 。3.Mum wants to watch CCTV news.Let'sthe TV.A.turn down B.turn on C.turn off3.答案B句意 :妈妈想看中央电视台的新闻,让我们打开电视吧。 结合本题语境可知是 “打开”电视 ,故答案为B。4.The weather is bad outside,we have to stay at home.A.so B.or C.but D.beca

3、use4.答案A设空前提到了 “外面天气很糟糕”,设空后提到了 “我们不得不待在家里”,结合上下文之间的因果关系可知答案为A 。5. Internet is usedinformation for people,but still lots of people are usedinformation from books.A.to get;to gettingB.to get;to getC.to getting;to gettingD.to getting;to get5.答案Abe used to do sth.表示“被用于做某事”;be used to doing sth.表示“习惯于做

4、某事”。故答案为A 。6. Where did you get these old doors? From the old houses which wereby the workers.A.taken down B.pulled downC.turned down D.put down6.答案B句意 :这些旧门你是从哪里弄来的?从工人们拆掉的那些旧房子里。“ 拆掉”应为“ pull down” ,因此答案为B。7. Do you love reading Guo Jingming's novels? Of course I do,but I A.didn't read B.h

5、aven't read C.hadn't read D.don't readthem for a long time because I'm always busy.7.答案 B 本题考查动词时态。由语境及for a long time可知要用现在完成时。8. Please rememberthe letter for me, Mike. OK, I won't forget it.A.post B.posting C.to post D.posted8.答案Cremember to do sth.是固定搭配 ,意为“记得做某事”,指做应该做或还没有做的

6、事情 ,故答案为C。9.Dickens is a very famous writer.Iall his works so far.A.readB.have readC.will read9.答案B句意 :狄更斯是以为非常著名的作家。到目前为止, 我已经读完了他所有的作品。本题考查动词时态。由题干最后的so far可知应用现在完成时,故答案为B 项。10.You'd betteryour shoes before you go into her bedroom. Your shoesmay make her new carpet dirty.A.turn off B.cut offC.

7、take off D.put off10. 答案C结合本题语境可知,在你进入她的卧室之间,你最好把鞋子脱掉,故 take off符合题意。11. Do you want to eat here? No. Just fish and chips to A.put away B.take away C.send away D.throw away, please.11. 答案B四个选项的含义分别是:put away收起来;take away带走 ;send away送走;throw away扔掉。结合本题语境可知,说话人要把食物打包带走,故答案为B。12. Could youthe compute

8、r for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails. Certainly, I'll do it right away.A.turn onB.turn downC.turn off D.turn up12. 答案A本题考查turn短语。结合题干中的“我想查看一下我的电子邮件”可推断,说话人要对方给他“打开”电脑,故符合题意的短语是turn on。13. Over $30,000for a children's hospital by a British girl several monthsago.A.is raisedB.was raised

9、C.will be raisedD.has been raised13. 答案B句意 :几个月前一个英国女孩为一家儿童医院筹集了3 万多美元。本题考查一般过去时的被动语态。根据several months ago可知用一般过去时,因为本句主语与动词之间为被动关系,故用被动语态 ,故答案为B 项。14. What do you think of lemon? Terrible. I like fruittastes sweet.A.whoB.what C.which D.when14. 答案C本题考查定语从句的关系代词。先行词是fruit, 关系代词在定语从句中主语,故 which 符合题意。1

10、5. Lucy,I hear the new TV tower is fantastic.Could you tell me? Sure!Take No.8 bus.It's not far. A.how far is itB.where is itC.how I can get there D.which bus should I take15. 答案C本题考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,故只有 C 符合题意。.完形 填空 (每小题 2 分 ,共 30 分 )Only a miracle(奇迹 )could save this black bear from fallin

11、g off a 30-meter-highbridge.The bear was on her16home after a long day in a California's mountain.She was17across the bridge when,suddenly,two cars entered from both sides.There wasnowhere to run,so the18bear jumped onto the rail(护栏 )and began to falldown.19,the bear pulled herself onto an arch(

12、拱门 )under the bridge,but she wastrapped(困住 )there.A driver saw the unbelievable scene and20911.RobertBrooks,an animal control officer from a nearby town,was sent to investigate(调查 ).“I thought it was a21the BEAR League,a group that,” he said.But it wasn't a joke,so he called Dave Baker of22bears

13、 in trouble.Unfortunately,the sky was getting dark,so the rescuers(营救人员 )had to23 .Earlythe next morning,Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more24 .Surprisingly,the bear was still there.Then,Baker had a/an25 :They shouldhang a net( 网)under the bear,push her26 it,and then lower her to the g

14、round.Police officers27the road.Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug into the bear'sshoulder.When the bear was28 ,a volunteer rock climber used his feet to pushthe bear off the arch,right into the middle of the net.When the bear was29lowered onto the ground,everyone cheered.The rescuersthen cleared

15、all the people from the area and left the bear alone30she couldsleep.Since then,no one has seen the bear.“ I don't think she's going near the bridgeany more,”Brooks said.16.A.road B.way C.trip D.tour17.A.walking B.jumping C.flying D.dancing18.A.relaxed B.interestedC.excited D.frightened19.A.

16、Unluckily B.FirstlyC.Finally D.Luckily20.A.reminded B.askedC.called D.told21.A.lie B.story C.problem D.joke22.A.moves B.helps C.feeds D.catches23.A.work B.start C.wait D.continue24.A.engineers B.studentsC.volunteers D.teachers25.A.idea B.answer C.hope D.question26.A.through B.into C.across D.under27

17、.A.opened B.fixed C.covered D.closed28.A.excited B.tired C.sleepy D.angry29.A.casually B.gently C.heavily D.simply30.A.so B.after C.because D.when答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一只黑熊在30 米高的大桥上被两个方向驶来的汽车惊吓 ,它跳上护栏 ,幸运的是它掉到了桥下的拱门上。营救人员认真寻找办法,他们在黑熊的下面挂了一张网 ,把它推进去 ,使它离地面更近,最终黑熊获救了。16.Bon one's way home在某人回家的路上 ,

18、故选 B。17.Awalk 走;jump 跳跃 ;fly 飞 ;dance 跳舞。根据上下文可知这里指黑熊正走着过桥。故选 A 。18.D根据上文可知从桥的两个方向同时驶来汽车,黑熊无路可跑 ,所以它是受惊的,故选 D 。19.Dunluckily不幸地 ;firstly首先 ;finally最终 ;luckily幸运地。根据上文可知黑熊跳上护栏,从 30 米高的桥上摔下来,后文指出它没有摔到地上,而是掉到桥下的拱门上,所以是“幸运地” ,故选 D。20.Cremind提醒 ;ask 询问 ;call 打电话 ;tell 告诉。根据下文可知这里指打电话给911 。故选 C。21.Dlie 谎言

19、 ;story故事 ;problem问题 ;joke 玩笑。根据下文“But it wasn't a joke.”可知选 D。22.Bmove 移动 ;help 帮助 ;feed 喂养 ;catch 抓住。根据上文可知Robert Brooks给熊联盟的 Dave Baker打电话寻求帮助 ,所以该联盟的职能是帮助在困境中的熊,故选 B。23.Cwork 工作 ;start 开始 ;wait 等待 ;continue 继续。根据上文“ Unfortunately,the skywas getting dark.”可知 ,天黑了 ,营救人员不得不等到第二天早上再开展救援,故选 C。24.

20、Cengineer工程师 ;student 学生 ;volunteer 志愿者 ;teacher教师。根据下文可知选 C。25.A根据下文“ They should hang a net(网 ) under the bear.”可知 Baker有了一个主意。故选A 。26.Bthrough(从内部 )穿过 ;into 到 里 ;across( 从表面 )穿过 ;under在 下。根据语境可知他们计划把黑熊推进网里,故选 B。27.D下文指出Brooks在黑熊的肩膀上注射了安眠药,所以推断在注射前,警官关闭了这条路,以便帮助黑熊。故选D 。28.C根据上文Brooks在黑熊的肩膀上注射了安眠药,

21、下文指出一个志愿者用脚把黑熊推下拱门 ,可知黑熊应该是昏昏欲睡的。故选C。29.Bcasually不经意地 ;gently轻轻地 ;heavily沉重地 ;simply简单地。下文指出每个人都喝彩 ,所以黑熊是轻轻地落到地上。故选B。30.A根据上文指出营救人员清空了现场的所有人,把黑熊独自留下,可知此处表目的。此处的 so 相当于 so that, 意为“以便 ,为了” ,在非正式文体中可省略that 。故选 A 。 .阅读理解 (每小题 2 分 ,共 40 分)AI think it is safe to say that snakes are not popular among most

22、 people.It would behard to find a person who is neutral( 中立的 ),or simply doesn't care one way or the other.What I wonder is why something even without legs causes such great fear.Snakes are quite useful,but that doesn't seem to matter.Snakes help control the population of mice.Without snakes

23、,perhaps we would find mice everywhere.Most of us,however,would rather see a mouse than a snake.The poison argument( 毒性的争论 )is a strong one.Some snakes are poisonous,and this causes people's death.However,the poisonous snakes are only a small number.We can't say all the snakes are bad just b

24、ecause of a few dangerous ones.And what do we do with the people who really like snakes? They like snakes even more strongly than we dislike them.These people learn about them,find them out,and watch them carefully.Why? The only reason I can think of is that thesepeople are open-minded.They are able

25、 to put aside differences and welcome thesnake as a friend.Whatever the reason for our like or dislike,snakes do something good in the circleof life.They would prefer to be left alone,and that is what we should do.If you'relucky,you might not run across more than a few of them in a lifetime.That

26、 would befine with most of us.31.How does the writer describe the appearance of snakes?A.Something even without legs.B.Something not popular among people.C.A person who is neutral.D.A person who cares about nothing.32.Which of the following shows that most people dislike snakes?A.They welcome snakes

27、 as their best friends.B.They would rather see a mouse than a snake.C.They wonder why snakes can cause great fear.D.They learn about snakes and watch them carefully.33.Although some snakes are poisonous,.A.they cause many people's deathB.they control the population of miceC.they are not dangerou

28、s to peopleD.they are only a small number34.People who really like snakes are open-minded because they.A.are able to put aside differencesB.think all the snakes are poisonousC.are able to deal with poisonous snakesD.take part in the poison argument35.The last paragraph seems to tell us that the writ

29、er.A.dislikes snakes B.has the best luckC.loves snakes D.prefers to be left alone答案 语篇解读 本文是关于蛇的文章。31.A由第一段中的“ What I wonder is why something even without legs causessuch great fear. ”可推断 ,作者用“ something even without legs”来描述蛇的外形,故答案为 A。32.B由第二段中的“ Most of us, however, would rather see a mouse than

30、a snake.”可知答案为 B。33.D通读第三段可知 ,尽管有一些蛇有毒 ,但它们的数量很少。故答案为D 。34.A由第四段中的“ The only reason I can think of is that these people areopen-minded. They are able to put aside differences and welcome the snake as afriend. ”可知答案为A 。35.C通读最后一段可知,作者是喜欢蛇的,故答案为 C。BImagine one day, the water taps (水龙头 )in your house s

31、top running. You have tobuy water from shops. And still there isn't enough for everyone. Your mother has tosave the family's shower water to do other things. Would you be able to stand thatkind of life?Probably not. But that's what kids in Yemen are experiencing. Experts said Yemen isgoi

32、ng to be the first country in the world to run out of water. According to a report,the capital, Sana, will run out of drinking water as early as 2025.Because of the shortage, the government often cuts the water supply (供应 ).Hannan, an 18-year-old from Lahej, told Times:“ In a good week we'll hav

33、e a watersupply all week. But then the following week there will be water only for a day ortwo. ”Hannan said only rich people have enough water to use. They can buy water fromthe shops or from the water trucks. Private companies own the trucks. They travelaround the city every day to sell water at v

34、ery high prices.“A lot of people can'tafford it,” she said.The average (平均 )person in Yemen uses 100 to 200 cubic(立方)meters of water peryear. That is far below the international water poverty(贫困 )line of 1,000 cubicmeters.The government is thinking of making use of seawater. But it will cost a l

35、ot and itmay not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen.36.is the name of the capital city of Yemen.A.SanaB.LahejC.HannanD.Times37.A report shows that Sana will haveas early as 2025.A.enough drinking water to useB.no drinking water to useC.no private companiesD.more water pollution38.What do

36、es the underlined word“shortage” in the third paragraph mean inChinese?A. 充足B.短缺 C. 干旱D. 需求39.We can infer(推断 )from the passage that.A.the poor don't have to worry about the water supplyB.the 18-year-old boy is from a poor familyC.private companies make a lot of moneyD.Lahej is a beautiful place

37、40.Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?A.How to Save WaterB.How to Make Use of SeawaterC.How People Use Water FullyD.Yemen is Facing Serious Water Shortage答案 语篇解读 本文讲述了也门的缺水问题。由于缺水问题严重,政府经常切断水的供应。有钱的人可以买水来保证自己能够有足够的水可以使用,但水的价格太高,许多人都买不起。36.A在第二段中提到了“.Yemen is going

38、 to be the first country in the world.”以及其后的“ .the capital, Sana.”,由此可知 ,Sana 是 Yemen的首都 ,故答案为A。37.B由第二段中的 “ According to a report, the capital, Sana, will run out of drinkingwater as early as 2025.”可知答案为B。38.B画线的词是shortage,结合上下文可推断,由于水的“短缺”问题,政府经常切断水的供应 ,故答案为B。39.C通读第四段可推断答案为C。40.D通读全文可知 ,适合本文的最佳答案

39、是D“也门面临严重的缺水问题”。CMike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute,Indiana.Lastyear,he taught his students about the world's rainforests.They learned thatrainforests are important because the plants and animals of the rainforest give usfood,wood,and medicine.Destruction of the

40、world's rainforests is a serious problem.Unluckily,rainforests aredisappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute! As part of a class project,Myers'students bought three acres of rainforest in Central America.They paid $25 peracre.The students hope that the land they bought will be protected a

41、nd notdestroyed.The students became so interested in rainforests that they decided toget a closer look at a real rainforest.So last June,Myers and four of his students went on a seven-day trip to visit therainforests of Costa Rica.“The trip was wonderful.It was a very exciting experience,”said Myers

42、.At the beginning of the week,the group took a boat ride down a river.They sawalligators and crocodiles.In the middle of the week,a guide took Myers and hisstudents into the rainforest.“The monkeys were not happy that we were in theirforest.They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at u

43、s,”one of thestudents said.“ It was a great learning experience for all of us,” said Myers.Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving theplants,animals,food,and culture.During the last few days the group had time to dofun activities.They went whitewater rafting and hor

44、seback riding,and visited CostaRica's active volcano.Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.41.How much did Myers' students pay for the rainforest they bought?A.$25.B.$75.C.$80. D.$2000.42.What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of the trip?A.They

45、went into the rainforest.B.They bought acres of rainforest.C.They took a boat ride down a river.D.They visited Costa Rica's active volcano.43.The word“Destruction” in Paragraph 2 probably means“ the process ofbeing”.A.destroyed B.developedC.describedD.discovered44.When the monkeys saw Myers and

46、his students,theyA.felt excited B.felt angryC.jumped off the trees D.left the rainforest.45.The passage mainly shows that Myers and his students.A.did something to protect rainforestsB.wanted to buy the rainforest in Costa RicaC.were interested in the culture of Costa RicaD.went to the rainforest fo

47、r various fun activities答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了一个中学老师Mike Myers和他的学生致力于保护热带雨林。他们在中美洲买了一块热带雨林。为了能让学生跟热带雨林有更亲密的接触,Mike Myers还组织学生到热带雨林探秘。41.B推理判断题 。根据第二段第三、四句 .Myers' students bought three acres ofrainforest in Central America.They paid $25 per acre.可知 ,他们买了三英亩热带雨林 ,每英亩 25 美元 ,共计 75 美元。故选 B 项。42.C细节理

48、解题。 根据第四段第一句 .the group took a boat ride down a river.可知选C 项。43.A词义猜测题。 develop 开发 ;describe 描述 ;discover 发现 ;destroy 破坏。由 a seriousproblem 可推知选 A 项。44.B细节理解题。根据第四段中The monkeys were not happy that we were in theirforest.可知 ,猴子们看到 Myers 和他的学生时很不高兴,故选 B 项。45.A主旨大意题。 Myers 和他的学生通过购买三英亩热带雨林来观察和了解热带雨林,目的

49、是要呼吁大家采取行动保护热带雨林,故选 A 项。DWhat does it mean to be green?“Green” is more than just a color.It also meanstaking special steps to protect the environment the water,the land,and the air we breathe.Why green?Plants are green,and without them the earth wouldn't be such a lovely home for us human beings.Sometimes people call ours a“ throwaway society” .That means we ar


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