Unit 17 英汉篇章翻译(二)_第1页
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Unit 17 英汉篇章翻译(二)_第4页




1、Unit 17 英汉篇章翻译(二)课时安排:2节教学目的要求:了解如何使用各种技巧进行篇章的翻译。教学重点:把握在语篇翻译中使用各种翻译技巧,了解科技语篇翻译的特点、难点及其处理。教学难点:科技用语的翻译。教学内容:Spaceships of the Future 1. The furthest we have been is the Moon. If we want to travel into deep space, beyond our own backyard, the Solar System, well never need a new breed of spacecraft. (

2、省略) 我们迄今所到过最远的地方是月球。要想穿越地球的后院太阳系,进入外层空间,我们需要一种新型的宇宙飞船。 2. It may be the oldest cliché in town, but in the not too distant future science fiction will turn into science fact. The fantastic spaceships of sci-fi comic books and novels will no longer be a figment of our creative imagination; they m

3、ay be the real vision of our future. 飞天,也许是城里人老掉牙的传说。(也许是老生常谈)。但在不久的将来,科幻小说将变成科学事实。科幻连环图画杂志和小说中各种奇特怪异的宇宙飞船,将不再是人类创造性的一点空想,它们可能是将来的真实情景(景象)。 技巧点拨:缩略词的翻译1) 首字母缩写acronymPC personal computer 个人电脑IDDD international direct distance dialing 国际长途直拨DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DOS disc operation system 磁盘

4、操作系统CPU central processing unit 中央处理器Telecom telecommunication 电信2) 拼凑法Sicom situation comedy 情景喜剧Psywar psychological war 心理战Biorhythm biological rhythm生物节奏Comsat communication satellite 通信卫星Minicom miniature computer 微型电脑Telecon telephone conference 电话会议(以上例子出自陈秋劲,P119, 郭著章, P 231) 3. Engineers an

5、d designers are already designing craft capable of propelling us beyond the Earths orbit, the Moon and the planets. Theyre designing interstellar spaceships capable of travel across the vast emptiness of deep space to distant stars and new planets in our unending quest to conquer and discover. Our U

6、niverse contains over a billion galaxies; star cities each with a hundred billion inhabitants. Around these stars must exist planets and perhaps life. The temptation to explore these new realms is too great. 工程师和设计者已在着手进行飞船的设计工作,这种飞船能将人类送离地球的轨道,月球甚至是(九大)行星之外的太空。他们正在设计能穿越浩瀚的外层空间, 到达遥远的恒星和新的行星,以助人类实现不

7、断征服和揭开宇宙奥秘的追求。整个宇宙拥有十几亿个星系,每个星系就是一座星城,上有“居民”千亿颗。这些恒星周围必定有行星,也许有生命存在。探索这些未知(新)的领域(王国)实在太具吸引力了。 4. First things first- well have to build either a giant orbiting launch platform, far bigger than the International Space Station(ISS), or a permanently manned lunar base to provide a springboard for the s

8、tars. Some planners feel we should limit ourselves to robotic probes, but others are firmly committed to sending humans. “Theres a debate right now about how to explore space”, says astronaut Bill Shepherd, destined to be the first live-board Commander of the ISS. “Humans or machinesI think theyre c

9、omplementary”. 重要的事情先来。我们必须建造一座巨型的轨道发射台,其规模要远远大雨国际空间站,或者,建立一个永久性有人入驻的月球基地,作为飞往周围恒星的“跳板”。一些设计者认为,我们应该控制在机器探测的限度内,而其他设计者则坚决主张将人送入太空。“目前正在就如何探索太空的问题展开辩论,”宇航员比尔 谢泼得如是说。他被任命为国际空间站的首任驻站指挥官,“人或机器我们认为两者是相辅相成的。” The human problems 5. Space is the most hostile environment we will ever explore. Even a single f

10、ive-hour spacewalk requires months of training, and a vast technical backup to keep it safe. The astronauts and cosmonauts who live aboard the ISS will be there for only a few weeks or months; if we want to travel into deep space it could take years. First well have to find out just how long the hum

11、an body can survive in a weightless environment. In zero gravity, four pints of body fluid rush from the legs to the head where it stays for the duration of the mission. Astronauts often feel as if they have a permanent cold, and disorientation can become a major problem. In space theres no physical

12、 sensation to let you know when youre upside down and astronauts have to rely on visual clues from their surroundings. A few hours after reaching orbit, one in three of all astronauts will experience space sickness-a feeling rather like carsickness. And weightless conditions lead to calcium being le

13、ached from the bones, and problems with the astronauts immune systems.Astronaut: person who travels in a spacecraft宇航员、航天员、太空人Astronomy: scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets etc. 天文学Cosmonaut: Russian astronaut (俄罗斯的)宇航员,太空人;cosmology scientific study of the universe and its origin and

14、development 宇宙学Taikonaut: 中国太空人 太空是人类探索的最为恶劣的环境。即便是一趟5小时的太空行走,也需要数月的强化训练,以及庞大(大量)的技术支持来确保安全。居住在国际空间站的美苏宇航员将只在太空中逗留几周或几个月;但假使我们想要进入太阳系外的外层空间,则需要好几年。首先,我们得确定人体在失重的情况下能坚持多久。在零重力(失重)的环境中,有将近4品脱的血液会从腿部流向头部,并且,这种状况一直会持续要太空任务结束为止。宇航员会有一种持久的寒冷感,搞不清方向将是他们遇到的最大问题。在太空中,你无法从生理上感知自己是倒立还是站着,宇航员只能通过观察周围的环境以作出判断。在进

15、入轨道后的几小时内,三名宇航员中便会有一人会出现宇宙病(太空病)一种类似晕车的感觉。同时,失重的环境会导致钙质从骨骼中流失,并引起宇航员免疫系统紊乱。 技巧点拨:搭配与对策有些短语在一种语言中搭配完全没有问题,但到另一种语言中,如果死译过去,会出现搭配不当问题。1) Space is the most hostile environment we will ever explore. Hostile: showing strong dislike or enmity, very unfriendly 显示极厌恶的,含敌意的,极不友好的太空是人类探索的最为恶劣的环境。2.)By your gra

16、cious cooperation in the transition process, you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other.Gracious: kind, polite and generous, 和善的、有礼貌的,大方的在举世注目之下,你在权力交接过程中给予的精诚合作,向世人表明,我们

17、是一个团结的民族,坚决贯彻我们的政治制度,它保证个人能够享受比任何其他政治制度下都要大的自由。3) Protection from the extreme hazards of space is going to need some clever technology.Clever: showing intelligence or skill, ingenious为了避免太空中隐藏的巨大危险,我们需要一些先进精巧的技术手段。 6. Trillions of rocky fragmentsmeteoroidsroam our Solar System at speeds of up to 150

18、,000 miles an hour. A meteoroid no bigger than a grain of salt could pierce a spaceship window. Protection from the extreme hazards of space is going to need some clever technology. Space is also full of lethal radiation-X-rays, gamma rays and the high-speed particles called cosmic rays. 无数岩石块,即流行体,

19、以每小时15万英里的速度漫游在太阳系中。即便是盐粒大小的流行题也足以穿透宇宙飞船的船窗。为了避免太空中隐藏的巨大危险,我们需要一些先进精巧的技术手段。同时,宇宙中充满了致命的射线X射线,射线,还有被称为宇宙射线的高速粒子束。 技巧点拨:数字的翻译 (1)等值翻译:a drop in the ocean沧海一粟within a stones throw一箭之遥ki11 two birds with one stone一箭双雕(2)不等值翻译:at sixes and sevens乱七八糟on second thoughts再三考虑by ones and twos两两地,零零落落地(3)不必译出O

20、ne mans meat is another mans poison.人各有所好。Ill love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。Ten to one he has forgotten it很可能他已经忘了。His mark in math is second to none in the class.他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。The parson official1y pronounced that they became one。 牧师正式宣告他们成婚。 7. Down here on Earth we are protected by the

21、atmosphere and by our planets magnetic field, but in space long haul astronauts suffer gradual but irreversible radiation sickness unless they are carefully shielded. Commander Shepherd is confident the ISS will help us crack the problems. “The ISS is going to answer a number of questions about long

22、 range exploration in space. A lot of things are going to be pioneered on the space station for future exploration. 在地球上,我们受到大气层及地球磁场的保护,而在太空中,长时间逗留的宇航员会逐渐患上无法根治的辐射病,除非他们的身体都能防护得滴水不漏。谢泼得指挥官很有信心地认为,国际空间站能帮助我们解决这些问题。“国际空间站将对许多有关远距太空探索的问题作出解答。许多事物将在空间站中得到首次尝试,为将来进一步探索提供基础。”Exercise: Its Only Rocket Sci

23、ence纯粹火箭科学1. Scientists are already experimenting with propulsion systems that may travel much faster than todays conventional chemical rockets. Franklin Changs plasma rocket may be the answer. “In a plasma rocket youre continually accelerating,” he explains.科学家们正在研制比目前化学燃料火箭飞行更快速的推进系统。弗兰克林研制的等离子火箭也

24、为我们提供了答案。“等离子火箭能够做到持续加速”,他解释道。 2. A trip to Mars could be cut to 90 days, claims Chang. His rocket harnesses a nuclear process to produce a hot gas plasma. The plasma is magnetically held in a rocket the shape of a bottle and then expelled at very high velocity to provide propulsion. The plasma has

25、to be heated to millions of degrees. Chang believes his system will be too good just to reach Mars. “I think it will quickly be developed for interplanetary travel within our Solar System”. The plasma rocket is now under development at NASAs Houston laboratories. 他声称,到火星的航程能因此而缩短至90天。他设计的火箭能利用核反应过程产生的一种高温的气态等离子体。这种等离子体被磁场以瓶状形态控制在火箭内部,然后,以极高的速度喷射而出,从而产生巨大的推进力。这种等离子体必须加热至数百万度的高温。陈认为,他研制的推进系统,仅执行飞往火星的任务简直有点儿“大材小用”。“我想,它很快会


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