



1、不规则动词变化规则及常用短语集合一、不规则动词变化表(原型过去式(1不变:beatbeat betbet costcost cutcut fitfit hithit hurthurt letlet putput readread setset spitspit spreadspread(2o变e:blowblew growgrew holdheld knowknew throwthrew(3e变o:forgetforgot getgot(4i变o:drivedrove riderode shineshone writewrote winwon(5i变a:beginbegan drinkdran

2、k givegave ringrang singsang sitsat swimswamspitspat(6aught结尾:catchcaught teachtaught(7ought结尾:bringbrought buybought fightfought thinkthought(8加t:burnburnt dreamdreamt dealdealt learnlearnt meanmeant(9减e:feedfed hidehid meetmet speedsped词义改变hanghung(吊、挂/hanged(吊死lielied(说谎/lay(躺下二、动词过去分词变化规律:(1过去式+

3、 n/en(主要从不发音的e结尾:awakeawokeawoken breakbrokebroken choosechosechosen freezefrozefrozen forgetforgotforgotten getgotgotten hidehidhidden speakspokespoken stealstolestolen wakewokewoken(2原型+ n/en(主要以w和不发音的e结尾:beatbeatbeaten blowblewblown drawdrewdrawn drivedrovedriven eatateeaten fallfellfallen forgiv

4、eforgaveforgiven givegavegiven growgrewgrown knowknewknown mistakemistookmistaken overeatoverateovereaten proveprovedproven rideroderidden riseroserisen shakeshookshaken showshowedshown taketooktaken throwthrewthrown writewrote written(3原型=过去式=过去分词:betbetbet costcostcost cutcutcut fitfitfit hithithi

5、t hurthurthurt letletlet putputput readreadread setsetset shutshutshut spitspitspit spreadspreadspread(4过去分词=过去式(绝大多数:易错:laylaidlaid stickstuckstuck(5不规则变化:bewas/werebeen flyflewflown gowentgone lielaylain wearworeworn(6过去分词=原型过去式:comecamecome becomebecamebecome三、不可数名词汇集advice beef bamboo(竹子butter(黄

6、油、奶油beer behavior(可数或不可数change(零钱 countryside(农村cotton cheese courage(勇气coke childhood coal cloth candy(可数或不可数death dessert(甜品discipline(纪律disease development education electricity exercise (锻炼energy effect experience(经验furniture fruit fur(毛flood gas grass garbage(厨房垃圾homework housework health ham(火

7、腿ice-cream ice industry(可数或不可数 information influence iron(铁joy knowledge leather(皮革litter(可数或不可数lemonade medicine nature noise news physics politics paper(纸pork pollution pressure progress peace rubber rubbish radiation(辐射sand(沙子steel salt scenery sadness seafood soup(汤salad steak(牛排silk silver(银sup

8、port traffic thought(思维、思考tofu toothpaste treatment work wealth wood(木材wine四、短语部分含不带to的不定式短语have sb. do sth. hear/see/watch/notice sb. do sth. had better do sth. help sb. do sth.let sb. do sth. make sb. do sth. Why not do sth.? Will you do sth.?后接带to不定式的常用短语:advise sb. to do sth. agree to do sth all

9、ow sb. to do sth ask / tell sb. to do sth.be / get ready to do sth. be able to do sth be sorry to do sth. be+adj.(人的感情态度 to do sth begin / start to do sth call sb, to do sth. cause sb. to do sth. continue to do sthdecide to do sth. do / try ones best to do sth encourage sb. to do sth.fail to do sth

10、get sb. to do sth. go on to do sth happen to do sth.help (sb. to do sth. hurry to do sth it is time (for sb. to do sth. in order (not to do sthinvite sb. to do sth. it is ones turn to do sth. its ones first time to do sthits ones duty to do sth. lead sb. to do sth. learn to do sth. like / hate to do

11、 sthmanage to do sth. mean to do sth need to do sth. order sb. to do sth.plan to do sth. prefer to do sth. refuse to do sth remember / forget to do sth.seem to do sth.send sb. to do sth.take turns to do sth. teach sb. to do sthtry to do sth. use sth. to do sth. used to do sth.warn sb. to do sth.wish

12、 (sb, to do sth. would like / want to do sth.含带V-ing形式的短语:allow doing sth avoid doing sth be interested in doing sth be afraid of doing sthbe busy doing sth. be sure of/about doing sth be sorry for doing sth be fond of doing sthbe proud of doing sth. be tired of doing sth. be worth doing sth be/get

13、used to doing sth. before/after/when doing sth. cant help doing sth do well in / be good at doing sth. fail in doing sth feel like doing sth. find great pleasure in doing sth give up doing sth. hate doing sth. have fun/a good time (in doing sth. have trouble/difficult/experience (in doing sth. hear/

14、watch/see/notice sb. doing sth. how/what about doing sth. imagine sb. doing sth instead of doing sth. join (sb. in doing sth.keep (on/sb. doing sth keep sb. form doing sth look forward to doing sth love/like/enjoy doing sth. mean doing sth. mind (not doing sth. pay attention to doing sth prefer doing sth. prevent sb. form doing sth remember/forget doing sth. say


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