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1、BEC二级模拟试题2参考答案一. 阅读部分 PART ONE 1. A 2. C 3. A 4.B 5. C 6. B 7. B PART TWO 8. D 9. F 10. B 11. H 12. E PART THREE 13. E 14. D 15. B 16. F 17. G 18. A 19. D 20. C PART FOUR 21. B 22. A 23.D 24. D 25. A 26.B 27.C 28. A 29.D 30. A 31. B 32.B 33. D 34. C 35.B PART FIVE Section A 36. must是多余,应删掉. 37. 没有多余

2、的词. 38. solutions是多余,应删掉. 39. able是多余,应删掉. 40. that是多余,应删掉. Section B 41. simple后面加冒号,去掉that 42. technology应改为techniques 43. particularly应改为particular 44. perfect应改为perfection 45. unlikely 应改为unlike 二.写作部分 PART ONE Question 46 (Sample for reference) Dear Mr Beard, Mr. Lee ,one of my old clients ,has

3、 interest in our PCX phone machine. He would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale. You may contact him directly on Tel 3108881. PART TWO Question 47 (Sample for reference) . Nowadays, less people like to spend their holidays at home. More people go camping outsi

4、de or even travel abroad. The changes are caused mainly by three factors. First ,people become more open. Instead of staying at home, they visit foreign countries to know the different races. Secondly ,in the 1990s , house wives are more free from the heavy housework with more and more household ute

5、nsils. Families are very happy to spend holidays outside with mothers or wives. Thirdly, travelling abroad can also mean enjoying comfortable weather in another country. Therefore less people go to crowded seaside ,they turn to other ways. 三. 听力部分 1. NO 21 2. 72188155 3. 256KB 4. 3 5. Parker 6. hear

6、t 7. April 8. 9:30am 9. motorized 10. 2 11 . Green . 12. 1203 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. G 17. E 18. D 19. B 20. C 21. F 22. H 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. B . 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A Business English Certificate 2 Simulated Test Tape script Part One. Questions 1 to 12 Message One. Questions l to 4 M1 : Hello !

7、 F1 : May I speak to Mr. Golden ,please? M1 : This is he. F1 : Good morning, Mr. Golden. This is Mary Thomson from INA Industries. Our company is going to buy 3 486 model computers. M1 : 256K on hard drive models or 256k optional on base models? F1 : Have you got any suggestions? M1 : The kind of 25

8、6K on hard drive models are suitable for general use. And the 256K optional on base models is available upon request. It's a bit more expensive. F1 : I think I will buy the former, 256K hard drive model. M1 : Ok! When do you want them? We have this computer in stock. F1 : That's fine. I hope

9、 the computers will arrive on Friday morning. M1 : Friday morning. Where is your company located? F1 : NO. 21 Rose Street ,near the Fashion Store. M1 : And your telephone number is. . . . . . ? F1 : 72188155. Thank you. M1 : Thank you for your business. Message Two. Questions 5 to 8. F1 : Hello. Spr

10、ingfield Health Centre. Can I help you? M1 : Yes. I'd like to speak to Dr. Good man's receptionist ,please. F1 : Yes . M1 : This is David Parker. I have been having some chest pains recently. F1 : Well ,Mr. Parker. What can I do for you? M1 : I would like to make an appointment to see the do

11、ctor. F1 : Yes. Would Thursday morning suit you? M1 : Thursday is the 20th of April. Ok. At what time? F1 : Is 9 : 30 ok for you? M1 : Yes , that's fine. F1 : What's your name again please? M1 : David Parker. D-A-V-I-D , P-A-R-K-E-R. F1 : Thank you. Dr. Goodman will see you at 9:30 on Thursd

12、ay. Message Three. Questions 9 to 12. F1 : Good morning ,this is Burt's Bicycle Rental. M1 : Good morning ,miss. A friend of mine suggested I call you to hire some bikes. F1 : Oh ,yes. A lot of people do this these days. M1 : Yes ,we're just on holiday here for a few days and they said it wo

13、uld be a good idea to see the island on bicycle. F1: Well it certainly is. And most people rent a motor bike because you can get around faster and even go to the beach if you like. M1 : If I wanted to hire 2 motor bikes tomorrow morning for 2 days ,would there be any problem? F1 : No problem at all.

14、 May I know your name? M1 : It's Green , G-R-E-E-N. F1 : And your telephone number? M1 : I'm at the Holiday Sun Hotel. My number is 0708112. I'm in Room 1203. By the way ,is your bike rentalshop at No. 100 Teckman Street? F1 : That's right. M1 : OK ,then , I'll see you tomorrow m

15、orning. Thanks a lot. F1 : I'll see you then. Part Two. Questions 13 to 22. Section One. Questions 13 to 17. Question Thirteen I'm interested in seeing the new mid-sized car you've been advertizing. I'm sorry I forgot the name ,but I have seen it as a friend of mine has bought one. I

16、t's a racing car and it's very light ,I remember. I want it in black. Question Fourteen Now ,let's look at the loose filling. Oh ! I'm surprised it didn't fall out ,because there's a great deal of decay around it. There's also a slight cavity in another tooth. It may take

17、 considerable drilling. Question Fifteen I don't know what I'm going to find in the car. I promise that I'll check it thoroughly. For example if your condenser becomes worn out ,I'll call you and recommend that you let me put in a new one. I won't do this before we've talked

18、about it. Question Sixteen Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve. I want to take your blood pressure. Yes ,your pressure is a little bit high. There is nothing to be alarmed about it. But you'd better get rid of those junk foods and do more exercise. Question Seventeen I represent a

19、new but growing firm in this area. We sell all kinds of stationary supplies : various kinds of pens ,pencils desk sets ,file holders and whatever you mention. Here are. samples of our new products. We guarantee prompt delivery and the best products. Section Two. Questions 18 to 22 Question Eighteen

20、Your car has been sluggish since it's been too long since your last tune-up. So your car doesn't really need the higher octane. You should still use regular unleaded. It won't pay to get the more expensive kind. Question Nineteen I think I'm catching a bad cold today. I have a headac

21、he. I've got a sore throat. I even cough some of the time and ache all over. Do you have a cold capsule and some cough syrup? I hope I can go to work tomorrow after taking all these. Could you recommend something ? Question Twenty These green and hard bananas aren't ripe enough to eat. These

22、 are overripe; they're soft with brown spots. The overripe ones are firm and just right for eating. If you want to cook with bananas ,the overripes are fine. Question Twenty-one Welcome to our chain store. We specialize in hamburgers and chicken. And we're having an introductory special. You

23、 can get free French fries with every sandwich order. Here is the coupon. Part Three. Questions 23 to 30. Retailer: A person's life style has a significant effect on the purcharsing process. So how do I determine and understand the life style of my target market? Sociologist : The consumer's

24、 activities , interests ,and opinions or AIO can be used to analyze life styles and their impact on purchase behavior. Activities, interests, and opinions are especially useful when they can be related to demographic data. Grouping people according to these three criteria will reveal substantial dif

25、ferences in product usage ,time spent shopping, enjoyment of shopping experience, location and hours of the store, and so on. A typical consumer AIO survey would include questions on membership , hobbies, travel, shopping, work, and entertainment activities , involvement in the home , the family, an

26、d community interests and feelings about economics, politics, and advertising. The use of the AIO measurement has also been called psychographics ;it is in the early stages of development. Retailer :So the AIO survey of consumers is not enough. What else should I pay attention to? Sociologist: Cultu

27、re, social class, reference groups and class consciousness are social dimensions of life style that have an impact on purchasing behavior. A person's culture affects the importance of family ,religion ,education and other concerts. North Americans act differently than South Americans or European

28、s because of their cultural heritage. For example, in the United States, purchasing decisions are more decentralized; religion has a declining impact on behavior. From a retailing perspective, the norms or standards of behavior that are influenced by culture are most important. Culture has an impact

29、 on all aspects of the purchasing process. Retailer : How does social classes influence a person's purchasing behavior? Sociologist :Lower-class consumers have limited information sources and seek local ,friendly retailers. Middle class consumers utilize media information and extensive search. T

30、hey are willing to shop out of their neighborhoods. Upper-class consumers use media information and shop at prestige stores. For products or services that are conspicuous ,reference groups have an important role in the purchasing process. Those reference groups that are face-to-face have the most impact on the purchasing process. The different types and uses of reference groups need to be understood , As an example ,one's neighbours are a membership reference group. However ,a retailer must distinguish between the use of neighbours as a reference group by suburbanites and the use by city


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