GRE黄皮书填空词汇Exercise 25~32韦氏解释_第1页
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1、Exercise 25Regalities1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a king2 : of notable excellence or magnificence : SPLENDIDCustomarily1 : based on or established by custom2 : commonly practiced, used, or observedMeritedtransitive verb : to be worthy of or entitled or liable to : EARNintransitive verb 1 obs

2、olete : to be entitled to reward or honor2 : DESERVEBullfight indicative of or marked by forebodingConscientious1 : governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience : SCRUPULOUS *a conscientious public servant*2 : METICULOUS, CAREFUL *a conscientious listener*Charitable1 : full of love for an

3、d goodwill toward others : BENEVOLENT2 a : liberal in benefactions to the needy : GENEROUS b : of or relating to charity *charitable institutions*3 : merciful or kind in judging others : LENIENTDivergence1 a : a drawing apart (as of lines extending from a common center b : DIFFERENCE, DISAGREEMENT c

4、 : the acquisition of dissimilar characters by related organisms in unlike environments2 : a deviation from a course or standard3 : the condition of being mathematically divergentConfrontationthe act of confronting : the state of being confronted: as a : a face-to-face meeting b : the clashing of fo

5、rces or ideas : CONFLICT c : COMPARISON *the flashbacks bring into meaningful confrontation present and past, near and far ?R. J. ClementsEnigmas1 : an obscure speech or writing2 : something hard to understand or explain3 : an inscrutable or mysterious personRigor1 a (1 : harsh inflexibility in opin

6、ion, temper, or judgment : SEVERITY (2 : the quality of being unyielding or inflexible : STRICTNESS (3 : severity of life : AUSTERITY b : an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty2 : a tremor caused by a chill3 : a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable; espe

7、cially : extremity of cold4 : strict precision : EXACTNESS *logical rigor*5 a obsolete : RIGIDITY, STIFFNESS b : rigidness or torpor of organs or tissue that prevents response to stimuli c : RIGOR MORTISInimical1 : being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence *forces inimical to democra

8、cy*2 a : having the disposition of an enemy : HOSTILE *inimical factions* b : reflecting or indicating hostility : UNFRIENDLY *his father's inimical glare*Subsidiary1 a : furnishing aid or support : AUXILIARY *subsidiary details* b : of secondary importance *a subsidiary stream*2 : of, relating

9、to, or constituting a subsidy *a subsidiary payment to an ally*Reciprocity1 : the quality or state of being reciprocal : mutual dependence, action, or influence2 : a mutual exchange of privileges; specifically : a recognition by one of two countries or institutions of the validity of licenses or pri

10、vileges granted by the otherPrerequisite: something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a functionSynthesis1 a : the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole b : the production of a substance by the union of chemical elements, groups, or simpler compoun

11、ds or by the degradation of a complex compound c : the combining of often diverse conceptions into a coherent whole; also : the complex so formed2 a : deductive reasoning b : the dialectic combination of thesis and antithesis into a higher stage of truth3 : the frequent and systematic use of inflect

12、ed forms as a characteristic device of a languageReconnaissance: a preliminary survey to gain information; especially : an exploratory military survey of enemy territoryExercise 261A predator: 1: one that preys, destroys, or devours2: an animal that lives by predation2A methodology: 1: a body of met

13、hods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline: a particular procedure or set of procedures2: the analysis of the principles or procedures of inquiry in a particular fieldB provocative: serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulateC prevailing: 1: to gain ascendancy through strength or s

14、uperiority: TRIUMPH2: to be or become effective or effectual3: to use persuasion successfully *prevailed on him to sing*4: to be frequent: PREDOMINATE *the west winds that prevail in the mountains*5: to be or continue in use or fashion: PERSIST *a custom that still prevails*D intriguing: 1: CHEAT, T

15、RICK2: to accomplish by intrigue *intrigued myself into the club*3 obsolete: ENTANGLE4: to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of *intrigued by the tale*Intransitive senses: to carry on an intrigue; especially: PLOT, SCHEME3A hypothesis: 1 a: an assumption or concession made for the sake of ar

16、gument b: an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action2: a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences3: the antecedent clause of a conditional statementsynonyms HYPOTHESIS, THEORY, LAW mean a formula derived

17、 by inference from scientific data that explains a principle operating in nature. HYPOTHESIS implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation *a hypothesis explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs*. THEORY implies a greater range of evidence and greater likelihood of trut

18、h *the theory of evolution*. LAW implies a statement of order and relation in nature that has been found to be invariable under the same conditions *the law of gravitation*.B approximation: 1: the act or process of drawing together2: the quality or state of being close or near *an approximation to t

19、he truth* *an approximation of justice*3: something that is approximate; especially: a mathematical quantity that is close in value to but not the same as a desired quantity4A incorporated: 1 a: to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole b: to blend or

20、combine thoroughly2 a: to form into a legal corporation b: to admit to membership in a corporate body3: to give material form to: EMBODYIntransitive senses 1: to unite in or as one body2: to form or become a corporation5A simultaneous: 1: existing or occurring at the same time: exactly coincident2:

21、satisfied by the same values of the variables *simultaneous equations*6A impervious: 1 a: not allowing entrance or passage: IMPENETRABLE *a coat impervious to rain* b: not capable of being damaged or harmed *a carpet impervious to rough treatment*2: not capable of being affected or disturbed *imperv

22、ious to criticism*7A deliberation: 1 a: the act of deliberating b: a discussion and consideration by a group of persons of the reasons for and against a measure2: the quality or state of being deliberateExercise 27Refute1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous2 : to

23、 deny the truth or accuracy of *refuted the allegations*Aspiration1 a : audible breath that accompanies or comprises a speech sound b : the pronunciation or addition of an aspiration; also : the symbol of an aspiration2 : a drawing of something in, out, up, or through by or as if by suction: as a :

24、the act of breathing and especially of breathing in b : the withdrawal of fluid or tissue from the body c : the taking of foreign matter into the lungs with the respiratory current3: a : a strong desire to achieve something high or great b : an object of such desireReplicateV:transitive verb : DUPLI

25、CATE, REPEAT *replicate a statistical experiment* *replicated his mentor's writing style*intransitive verb : to undergo replication : produce a replica of itself *virus particles replicating in cells*Adjective: MANIFOLD, REPEATEDNoun:one of several identical experiments, procedures, or samplesRe

26、suscitatetransitive verb : to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness; also : REVITALIZEintransitive verb : COME TO, REVIVEScourge1 : WHIP; especially : one used to inflict pain or punishment2 : an instrument of punishment or criticism3 : a cause of wide or great afflictionOrnamentalAdjec

27、tive:of, relating to, or serving as ornament; specifically : grown as an ornamentalNoun:a decorative object; especially : a plant cultivated for its beauty rather than for useAllusive1 : an implied or indirect reference especially in literature; also : the use of such references2 : the act of alludi

28、ng to or hinting at somethingMetaphorical1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money; broadly : figurative language -compare SIMILE2 : an object, acti

29、vity, or idea treated as a metaphor : SYMBOL 2Conniving1 : to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose *the government connived in the rebels' military buildup*2: a : to be indulgent or in secret sympathy : WINK b : to cooperate secretly or have a secret

30、understanding3 : CONSPIRE, INTRIGUE *accused his opponents of conniving to defeat the proposal*Exercise 281Waggish:1 : resembling or characteristic of a wag2 : done or made in waggery or for sport : HUMOROUSSiren:1 often capitalized : any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek myth

31、ology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing2 a : a woman who sings with bewitching sweetness b : TEMPTRESS3 a : an apparatus producing musical tones especially in acoustical studies by the rapid interruption of a current of air, steam, or fluid by a perforated rotating disk b : a devic

32、e often electrically operated for producing a penetrating warning sound4 New Latin, from Latin : either of two No. American eel-shaped amphibians that constitute a genus (Siren and have small forelimbs but neither hind legs nor pelvis and have permanent external gills as well as lungs2Strata:1 : a b

33、ed or layer artificially made2 a : a sheetlike mass of sedimentary rock or earth of one kind lying between beds of other kinds b : a region of the sea or atmosphere that is analogous to a stratum of the earth c : a layer of tissue d : a layer in which archaeological material (as artifacts, skeletons

34、, and dwelling remains is found on excavation3 a : a part of a historical or sociological series representing a period or a stage of development b : a socioeconomic level of society comprising persons of the same or similar status especially with regard to education or culture4 : one of a series of

35、layers, levels, or gradations in an ordered system5 : a statistical subpopulationMobility:1 : capable of moving or being moved : MOVABLE2 a : changeable in appearance, mood, or purpose b : ADAPTABLE, VERSATILE3 : MIGRATORY4 a : characterized by the mixing of social groups b : having the opportunity

36、for or undergoing a shift in status within the hierarchical social levels of a society5 : marked by the use of vehicles for transportation6 : of or relating to a mobileRegimental:1 : of or relating to a regiment2 : AUTHORITATIVE, DICTATORIALCaste:1 : one of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism

37、that restrict the occupation of their members and their association with the members of other castes2 a : a division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, or occupation b : the position conferred by caste standing : PRESTIGE3 : a system of rigid social s

38、tratification characterized by hereditary status, endogamy, and social barriers sanctioned by custom, law, or religion4 : a specialized form (as the worker of an ant or bee of a polymorphic social insect that carries out a particular function in the colony3Daunting: to lessen the courage of : COW, S

39、UBDUE synonyms see DISMAY4Frivolous:1 a : of little weight or importance b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law2 a : lacking in seriousness b : marked by unbecoming levityWillful:1 : obstinately and often perversely self-willed2 : done deliberately : INTENTIONALsynonyms see UNRULY5Imped: 1 : t

40、o graft or repair (a wing, tail, or feather with a feather to improve a falcon's flying capacity2 : to equip with wings6Engender:transitive senses 1 : BEGET, PROCREATE2 : to cause to exist or to develop : PRODUCEintransitive senses : to assume form : ORIGINATEPropensity: an often intense natural

41、 inclination or preferenceProclivity: an inclination or predisposition toward something; especially : a strong inherent inclination toward something objectionablesynonyms see LEANINGObviates: to anticipate and prevent (as a situation or make unnecessary (as an actionInclination:1 a obsolete : natura

42、l disposition : CHARACTER b : a particular disposition of mind or character : PROPENSITY; especially : LIKING2 : an act or the action of bending or inclining: as a : BOW, NOD b : a tilting of something3 a : a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal : SLANT; also : the degree of such deviation

43、 b : an inclined surface : SLOPE c (1 : the angle determined by two lines or planes (2 : the angle made by a line with the x-axis measured counterclockwise from the positive direction of that axis4 : a tendency to a particular aspect, state, character, or action7Mandated: 1 : to administer or assign

44、 (as a territory under a mandate2 : to make mandatory : ORDER; also : DIRECT, REQUIREDeigned: intransitive senses : to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one's superiority that is involvedtransitive senses : to condescend to give or offerTacit: 1 : expressed or carr

45、ied on without words or speech2 a : implied or indicated but not actually expressed b (1 : arising without express contract or agreement (2 : arising by operation of lawScrupled:1 : to have scruples2 : to show reluctance on grounds of conscience : HESITATEFeigned:intransitive senses : PRETEND, DISSE

46、MBLEtransitive senses 1 a : to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression b : to assert as if true : PRETEND2 archaic a : INVENT, IMAGINE b : to give fictional representation to3 obsolete : DISGUISE, CONCEALExercise 291.Indirectness : not direct: as a (1 : deviating from a direct line

47、 or course : ROUNDABOUT (2 : not going straight to the pointMisapprehension : to apprehend wrongly2.Mutual a : directed by each toward the other or the others b : having the same feelings one for the other c : shared in common d : JOINT2 : characterized by intimacy3 : of or relating to a plan whereb

48、y the members of an organization share in the profits and expenses; specifically : of, relating to, or taking the form of an insurance method in which the policyholders constitute the members of the insuring company3.Derivative : a word formed by derivation2 : something derived3 : the limit of the r

49、atio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable as the latter change approaches zero4: a chemical substance related structurally to another substance and theoretically derivable from it b : a substance that can be made from another substance4.Preeminent: havi

50、ng paramount rank, dignity, or importance : OUTSTANDINGSabotage: 1 : destruction of an employer's property (as tools or materials or the hindering of manufacturing by discontented workers2 : destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy agent to hinder a nation's war ef

51、fort3 a : an act or process tending to hamper or hurt b : deliberate subversionTopple: intransitive senses : to fall from or as if from being top-heavytransitive senses 1 : to cause to topple2 a : OVERTHROW 2 b : DEFEAT 3Culminate:intransitive senses 1 of a celestial body : to reach its highest alti

52、tude; also : to be directly overhead2 a : to rise to or form a summit b : to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive pointtransitive senses : to bring to a head or to the highest pointSupplant:1 : to supersede (another especially by force or treachery2 a (1 obsolete : UPROOT (2 : to eradicate a

53、nd supply a substitute for b : to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power5.Monotonous:1 : uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity2 : tediously uniform or unvaryingPenchant: a strong and contin

54、ued inclination; broadly : LIKINGEvasive: tending or intended to evade : EQUIVOCAL6. Bauxite: an impure mixture of earthy hydrous aluminum oxides and hydroxides that is the principal source of aluminumSalvage:1 a : compensation paid for saving a ship or its cargo from the perils of the sea or for th

55、e lives and property rescued in a wreck b : the act of saving or rescuing a ship or its cargo c : the act of saving or rescuing property in danger (as from fire2 a : property saved from destruction in a calamity (as a wreck or fire b : something extracted (as from rubbish as valuable or usefulProcur

56、ement: transitive senses 1 a : to get possession of : obtain by particular care and effort b : to get and make available for promiscuous sexual intercourse2 : BRING ABOUT, ACHIEVEintransitive senses : to procure women7.Disciple:1 : one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another: a

57、s a : one of the twelve in the inner circle of Christ's followers according to the Gospel accounts b : a convinced adherent of a school or individual2 capitalized : a member of the Disciples of Christ founded in the U.S. in 1809 that holds the Bible alone to be the rule of faith and practice, us

58、ually baptizes by immersion, and has a congregational polityIdiosyncratic:1 a : a peculiarity of constitution or temperament : an individualizing characteristic or quality b : individual hypersensitiveness (as to a drug or food2 : characteristic peculiarity (as of temperament; broadly : ECCENTRICITY

59、Reenact: 1 : to enact (as a law again2 : to act or perform again3 : to repeat the actions of (an earlier event or incidentRevitalize: to give new life or vigor toPragmatic:1 archaic a (1 : BUSY (2 : OFFICIOUS b : OPINIONATED2 : relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic 3 : relating to or being in accordance with philosophical pragmatismExercise 30Ascendancy:  governing or contro


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