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1、牛津高中模块四语言点汇总作者:日期:牛津高中英语模块四语言点Unit 1 Advertis i n g一、Re a d i ng1. r p ersuad e sb (not)to d o sth:per s uade sb i n to( o u t of) doing sth.,pe r s uasion: p? / swein?n. 说服U(2 )信仰,信念CIpcrsuas iv e : p ? / sweisivadj.有说服力的?2. b e m e ant to do sth:旨在做;应该做m me an to do sth.打算做某事【mean do i ng s th. 意味

2、着3. alto g e ther: adv. (1) 完全地;(2 ) 总之;(3)总计 I don t a ltogcther agree with you. The wea t her was b ad and t he food was d r ead f ul. A 1 tog e th e r t h e ho 1 id ay wa s very disap pointing .天气又坏,吃的又糟。总之,这次假日很扫兴。 You owe m e 6 8 .03 doll a rs altog e the r .4. inno c ent: adj. (1) 无罪的,清白的 (2)天

3、真的,纯真的 i n nocen c e : n.无罪,清白;纯真 be in n ocen t o f sth:没犯罪5. mak e a fool /fun o f sb: 愚弄?fo ol sb i nto doing sth :欺骗某人做6. . cure : vt.治愈;解决n.药物,疗法;对策 (fo r )cure sb o f sth:治愈 / 解决 7. be pl e ased/sa tisfied/ h appy w ith sth : 对满意be pleasedat sth:因为而高兴?b e plea s ed to d o sth: 乐意做;因为做而高兴8. Com

4、ment on如o c omm e n t: 无可奉告9. fall for sth:上的当;f a 1 l for sb.爱上10. pl a y a trick o n sb:欺骗/捉弄 ? tri c k/fool sb int o doi n g sth : 欺骗某人做1 1. a i m:aim to doa im at ( d oin g ) sth:致力于/旨在做 12. benefi t :(1) vt.& vi.有益;受益b enefit sb: 有益于_ benefit f rom sth:从中受益be ben e fi c ial to sb: 对有益13. Wh e n

5、 it c o mes t o sth /Speak i n g o f sth :当谈至U 时When it comes to c las s ic a l music, we oft e n think of Be e thove n .14. promote: vt . (1)促进,增进(2)提升,晋升(3)宣传,推销 pr o mo t i o n: pr ? m?n n.提升,晋升;促进,推销1 5 . cons ult: v.咨询,请教;商量;查阅Consult s b about sth: 就咨询某人c on s ult w ith sb a bout sth :与某人商量T_c

6、on su l t/look u p /refer to a dictionary二、G r a mma r1. rec ommend: vt.推荐,建议,劝告,介绍 re comm e npdt h at sb. (sh ould) d od o ing sth:建议.re commend s b to do s th: 建议某人做 三、Pr o j e c t1 . reach: vt.与取得联系;影响Re ac h her at h ome on 0 3 55 6941 6 2. 拨打 0 355-6941 6 2 到她家联系她。2 . ?iave/keep st h i n min d

7、 :记得,想到3 . figure out st h :想出,理解,计算出Can you figure o u t what to do?4 . dete rmine: vt. 确定,查明;决定 determ i n e st h :确定,查明;决定 decide/de te r mine to do sth: 决定做 5 . d e term i n ed: adj.有决心的;坚定的;坚决的 be d e t e rmi n ed to do s t h: 决心做6 . appeal: (1) vi.恳求,呼吁;吸引;上诉 Appeal to s b r for st h :向某人恳求/呼吁

8、 ?I t o do sth:a ppea 1 to sb:吸弓 I app ealing /attractive adj. 吸引人的 The po lice are appeal ing t o the public for i n f o rm ation about the crime. Sh e ap pealed to the kidn a ppers to re 1 e ase h er son. The book doesnt appeal to me. She ap p e aled to the h i g h c ourt against her senten ce(判决)

9、.(2) n.恳求,呼吁;吸引力;上诉 an ap p eal for help :恳求帮助 The new fas h ion soon 1 os t its ap peal.7. Jgct sb to d o sth:让某人做L g et/ h ave sth done: 让被做 I dont know how to get o ther stude n ts to talk with me. The mother get he r baby hanged on her back.这个母亲把她的小孩背在背上。8. b e concerned with/ about sth:涉及;关心.担心

10、9. g et sth ac ro s s (to sb): 把传达给;使某人理解 10. put st h to get her:整理出;拼凑;组装11. e d ucate sb on / a bout s th:在方面教育12. co n vin c e sb to do sth: 说服某人做What c o n v i nced yo u to vot e for th e m?13. urg c : v t . (1)敦促,力劝(2 )极力主张,强调n.强烈的欲望,冲动urge sb to d o sth: 敦促/力劝某人做 lu r g e tha t :极力主张,强调(从句用sh

11、o u l d do,sh o u 1 d可以省略) The he admaste r u r ged us t o hand in our hom e wo r k. My frien d s u r g ed that we shoul d app 1 y f o r the positi o n .14. shock sb into do i n g sth: 提醒某人做W e m ust s hock people into no t ing t he harm cau s ed by t he ty p hoon .15. die o f sth: 死于(内因) die from s

12、th:死于(外因) The pat i ent di e d o f h e art attack. Many d rive r s die f rom the acc ident c aused b y drun ken driving.Unit 2 Sports e v e nts一、Reading1 . fb e de l i ghted to do sth:乐意做 b e del i ghted that: 很高兴be del ightcd at sth: 因为而高兴 We are deligh ted that y ou hav e come he re. I was d e 1 i

13、ghted at the n e ws th a t h e had pas sed the e xam.2. s i g n ifi c anc e: n. 重要性,意义be of signific a n c e: 重要,有意义 S o far, resear c h ha s n t p rodu c e d an y th ing o f great significan ce . W hat is th e s i gn i f ic a nce o f t he c ont r ac t?3. every:每隔兔v |ery +基数词 + n (复数):每.every +序数词 +

14、 n(单数):每到第.every 0ther + n (单数):每隔一、every few + n(复数):每隔几e v ery 3 weeks: 每三周(每隔两周)every t h ird week: 每到第三周(每隔两周) every o t h er line: 每隔一行every few day s : 每隔几天4. compe t e: vi. 比赛,竞争 compete with / against sb for sth:与某人就比赛/竞争ico m p et i ti o n: k ?m pi x ti? n.比赛,竞争c om p e titive: k ?m xp eti

15、t i v ad j .比赛的,竞争的 petit o r: k?m/p e t it? n.比赛者,竞争者 She i s com peting wit h her sister for a tt e nti o n(争宠). boxing / chess / be autyc ompetition compe t it i ve sp o rts:竞争性体育运动5. bring sth to lif e :赋予以生命;使生动bring s th back to life:使重生I n t h e sto r y th ear t ists brou g ht the s tatu e t

16、o lif e .6. u nder the nameof sth : 以为别名/笔名He wrote h i s nov e 1 s unde r the nam e of John.7. . absence:n .不在,缺席,缺乏r n / d ur i ng ones a bsence : 在不在时?n $h e absence of sth:由于缺乏 The acci dent hap pened in / duri n g your ab s enc e. Pol i c e hadto rele a s ethe boy in the ab s ence of h ard e vi

17、 d ence. Absence m ak es the heart grow f onder.人不见,心更念;久别情更深。8. . g o ld m e dal:金牌s i 1 ve r me d a 1 :车艮牌br o nz e m e dal:铜牌9. han g on : vi. (1)紧紧抓住(2) 稍等 (3)坚持不懈hang on to sth:(1)保留,保存 (2)抓紧 We all hung on as th e bus swu ngar ound asharpben d(急转弯). Ha n gon! I w i llbe ba c k in a m inu t e.

18、I kno wyou are tire d ,but try to hango n abit 1 onge r . I sho u1 d hang o nto t hoseold pho t os th eymay bev a 1u a b 1 e.Hang on to t hat r o p e , an d dont let go.抓紧那根绳子,不要松手。10. a 11 emp t : n. & vi . 尝试,努力;试图,企图at tempt to d o sth:?m eke an a tt e m pt to do sth:in an at tempt t o do st h :为

19、了( E v ery time I at t emp t to co nvince her, she wil 1 shout at me. In an a tt e m p t to control the i nfla t io n , t h e govern m e nt to o k man y m e a sur e s .1 1 % u sh the boundary of sth : 挑战的极限这个短语还有如下出现形式:push boundaries; push boundaries of sth; pusht h e boun d a ries o f sth。其含义是:1.

20、ext end some thing beyo n d li m i t s 将某事物延 伸超出界限2go bey o nd the usual 1 i m i ts突破通常限制或约束;开拓,开辟;拓展 Now a d ay s s ome p eopl e ar ewear i ng a good 1 ooking USB drive aro u n d t h enec k as a nec k 1 a ce which pushe s boundaries o f ta s te.现在有些人在脖子上带个漂亮的U盘当做项链,U盘项链拓展了品味的概念界限。 Wen Jiao b ao is

21、t rying to push Chinas pol itical b o undar i es.温家宝正努力突破中国的政治常规。 M . I .A. s a id she makes mu s ic to push th e bou ndaries of her ow n crea t i vit y , rather thanplease anyone else.M.I. A.说她制作音乐目的在于开拓她自己的创造力,而不是取悦于什么人。12. join sb in doing sth:和一起做Mot her joins me in s e ndin g y ou our best w is

22、hes.二、pr o ject1. enter sth into s th:把输入/加入到 中He show ed m e how to enter data into the co m puter.2. meet t h e require m en t : 满足要求3. i n ord e r fro s bto d o s th: 为了 使某人 in o r der fo r sth to b e done: 为了使某事被 In ord e r for hi m to wr i te t h e essay well, she he 1 ped h i m col 1 e c t mor

23、e in f o r m a t i o n. in or der for thesu rvey to be conducted eff ecti v ely, we h a ve m ade fu 1 l prepara t io n s.4. budge t : n. 预算C vt. & vi.编制预算;安排bu d ge t sth for sb:为编制预算budget sth:安排b udg e t f or sth: 为编制预算 T he bu d geted one mill i on dol lars for a new lib r ary. She is extremely b

24、 u sy, so s he ha s to budget her time carefully. The old co uple bu d g c ted f or the comin g yea r. It s essentl t o b a la n ce one ; s bu d g e t .量入为出是很重要的。 S he tr i ed to k eep her month 1 y budget below $ 4 0 0.5. make way for sth: 给让路;让位于 The peo ple st e pped asid e to make way for the ri

25、ders .6. scor e: v .得(分工进球n.分数;进球;比分;二十小基数词 + sco re + n:几十sco res of st h : 许多的,大量的 H e score d i n the f i nal min u te of t h e g ame. sco re a goa 1 : 进一个球。 Two score book s are don ated to t he st uden t s . Chin e s e badmintonteam defeated the Japan esc t eam by a sco r e of 5 t o1.7. b e ou

26、t of th e t ournam e nt: 比赛出局。8. . keep a close watch on sth :密切注视 keep a cl o se w a t ch on th e enemy s mvements.密切注视敌人动向。9. ti e : (1) vt.打成平局;系,绑,捆 tie sth up:系住;停泊;捆绑 -Jbe ti e d w i th sb:与打成平局 We tied our boa t up a long the port. t i e hi s f eet up . A t the end of t he s easo n, we are ti

27、ed w ith the J ap a nese team .(2) n.领带;关系;绳子,带子;平局 Th e ties o f our fri e ndshi p will 1 ast forever. Each t e am s co red twice and th e game end e d in a t ie. 每个队都有两次得 分,打成平局。I 0 . The eagles went ho me an g r y and bi t ter. (Pag e 3 9, Line 14) 划线部分为形容词作状语,表示伴随状态。 and happy, Tony stood up and

28、 accep t ed the prize.A . Surpr i si n g B . Surp r i s ed C . B e i ng surp r ised D. Su r p r i sedly 答案为B。II . drop: vt.停止;淘汰;放弃I am g o ing t o drop badm i n t o n and pl a y socc er ins tead.Unit 3 To morrow s worl dReading1.con nect : vt. (1 )连接,连结 connect sth to / w ith st h : This r ailw ay

29、co n necWe c an c ots Londnne c to n w i th Ed i n b urgh.th e m achine to the your hi -fi d3.evice.he p o we(2)联系re o n n e c tThese a p p l isupplies.sth with sth:a n ce ssh o u 1 dnot b econnec ted t o t- ?b e conH e was cvi. 连接,连结nec t wit ho nne c t e把与联系起来sth:与有关d with that c r ime.sth co nncc

30、t to / with sth:The wir e connects ad d to sth:增加T he bad weather added to our d igive out:vt. (1)分发,发布 g iv e o u t The sun The n ews?v 1 .耗尽,用光4.My b e disap p oin de d i sappoi n te dwith that one.iff i cu lti e;(2 )发出;1 ea fl et s:s.(3 )发表 分发传单g i ves out h e at.w asmoney b e gan t o g i t ed wi

31、th s b / sth:at sth :b e dis a p p ointed to do sth: I was disappointed She w as disappo i n t eg i ven out on thev e out.对失望因为而失望对做感到失望with hi s p e r f orma n ce.d at los i ng the gam e . He wa s disap pointed to hear th at they were n ot coming .5. con v enien c e: n.方便,便利,便利设施牙orcon v enien c e:

32、 为了方便起见-at o nes co nvenien c e: 在方便的时候 co n venien c e f o od:方便食品 co n v en i e n c e sto r e:便禾U店 We b o ugh t t h e house f o i ?D We sho u 1 d (会)be g r ateful ifr co nven i ence , i ty ou wou 1 d r e ply atradio.r the s choo 1 .u r e a rlie st c o n v enie n ce.6. b r ing sth aliv e :H e ad d

33、e d toom e变得有趣humor tobring the story alive.realit yfact事实上,实际上matterf factl actu a 1Gramm a rofiTh e y m ade a prot : 获利fit of ten pen ce o n every copythey sell.他们每售出一本获利十便士。2. re sp e ctive 1 y:分别地各自地The sal e sclerk s and the teachers got pay rise of 6% and 9% resp ec t i v el y .3. close (sth)

34、down: vt. & vi.关闭;倒闭,停业 close th e sh op down. Many busine s ses h ave c 1 osed down because of the re cession.因为经济衰退许多企业纷纷倒闭。4.Ta c c use sb 上此什. 指控某人地a r ge sb wi t h stHe w a s accu se d5. fade: v t .使褪色vi.褪色,凋落,衰弱f ade away: T h e flo w erso f th e ft.Th e stro nof st h :h :/ He was ch a rged wi

35、th theft .g sunl i ght has fa ded the cu r t ains.逐渐消失,衰弱,变弱 The co lor f a d es The soun d6. Its abou t / high ti m e + Its abou t/ hi g h t im eaded for want o f w ater.when e xposed t o light.of the foots t ep s fade d awa t y .从句:该做了。(从句多用一般现在时) we w ent to the beach for a r e st.7. chief:(1 ) a

36、dj.主要的,首要的,首席的-in- c h ief:总的;为首的;最高级别的 comma n der in-chief: 总司令 editor-in-ch i e f: 总编辑 chefinc hief:主厨 Smo king i s one o f the chief causes of lung can cer.(2) n, 首领,首长;酋长Pol i c e chief:警察局长三、Pro j ect1. . on the shore:在岸上2. blow sth up: 给充气 (2)炸毁 (3)放大(照片) I b 1 ew t h e t yre up last night.T

37、The po 1 i c e st a t ion was b low n up by terror i s ts.you blow n it up?W Wha t a 1 o ve ly pho t o! Why h ave nt3. i n ter ror:惊恐地Th e c itizen s fle d i n te r ror w h en the earthqu a k e occurred.4. pu s h sth up:使增加/上涨A shortage ofbuil ding land w i ll p u sh p ro p ert y val u es up.建筑用地缺乏将

38、造 成房地产价格上涨。5. z ip: ( 1 ) n.拉链do up y o un d o your zi p :ur zip:拉上你的拉链 拉开你的拉链(2) v .(使)快速移动,拉上拉链 zip (sth) u p : 拉上的拉链L zip sth op en / shut: 拉开/拉上 的拉链 W e zipped through the c usto ms and went aboard th e plane. Would y ou please zip m e up? The jacket zips open easily.这夹克衫的拉链很容易拉开。 He z i pped t

39、h e s u itcase s h ut.6. evolve: v t . & vi.(使)逐渐形成vi.进化evo lution :,ev ?1 u?n / , i: v ?U:?n n. 进化论; 演变,逐步发展 The America n constitution was plan ned ; the Britishc onst i tutio n evolved .美国宪法是精心制定的,英国宪法是约定俗成的。 He h as e v ol v e d a new theo r y a fter man y y ears o f r esc a r ch. 经过多年的研究,他 逐渐形成

40、新的理论。Many animal s evoked from lower forms of life.许多动物由低级生物进化而来。 We s t u die d t h e evoluti o n o f flowe r s from se eds and buds.我们研究从种籽和花蕾到 花的成长过程。 In the course of evolu t ion, some bir d s hav e 1 os t t h e pow e r of f ligh t . 在演化过程中一些鸟失去了飞行的能力。 Darw i n s th e ory o f evolu t i on : 达尔文的进化论7. master: n , 主宰,主人;大师vt.精通,掌握,控制be ones ow n master:独立自主 She likes being her own m aste r, n o t having t o work for som eone e l


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