



1、尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师:Dear examiner, judges:能够参加今天的招聘面试,对我来说,是幸运而又珍贵的。To participate in today's interview, for me, is lucky and precious.我是职业技术学院应届毕业生,20岁,通过 3年的努力 ,我在不断的学习和实践中,提高自己,把自己塑造成为一个专业功底扎实、知识结构完整、适应能力强、富于协作精神的时代青年。I am the Institute of Technology graduat

2、es, 20 years old,through 3 years of efforts, I improve myself in continuous learning and practice, put himself into a solid professional knowledge, the complete knowledge structure, strong ability to adapt, full of team spirit of the times young

3、 people.飞鸟择良木而栖,经过慎重考虑和选择,我认为加盟贵单位,能够为贵单位贡献一份力量的同时,也能实现自己的人生价值。This bird habitat selection, after careful consideration and choice, I thinkto join your unit, be able to contribute a strength for the expensive unit at the same time, also can real

4、ize their life values.做一名列车乘务员,是我的夙愿,做一名合格的列车乘务员,需要用青春和勤奋去实现,做一名优秀的列车乘务员,需要千千万万旅客的投票赞成但我相信:孜孜不倦的追求,一丝不苟的工作,坚持不懈的奋斗,能成就令人瞩目的业绩!A train crew, is my dream, to be a qualified to train attendants, need to use the youth and hard to achieve, do a good&

5、#160;train attendants,thousands on thousands of passengers need to vote for - but I believe:diligently pursue, not the slightest Gou work, unremittingly struggle, canachievements attract people's attention performance!我真切希望能够加

6、盟去开创属于我们每个人都希望拥有的美好未来。I sincerely hope to join to create belong to each of us wants to have a better future.谢谢!Thank you.列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27.餐车下午6点开始供应晚餐Our restaurant opens at 6:00pm for supper.下一站将要到达兰州站,请您提前做好下车

7、的准备 Our next stop will be Lanzhou Station.Please prepare yourself for getting off the train.还有大约20分钟到达终点站The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes.现在的时速大概90公里/小时Our train currently travels at 90 kilometres an hour.餐车在列车中部8号车厢 The restaurant is No 8 carriage in the middle of the train.停

8、车厕所是要锁闭的,请开车后再使用The toilets are available only when the train is travelling. Excuse me ,please show your ticket on demand.您好,请出示您的车票。1.你好!请打开你的车票1hello,please unfold your ticket,thank you 2 马上要到站了,现在不能使用厕所,请稍等几分钟the train pulling in,toilet is unavailable now,please wait several minutes.1 How long wi

9、ll this train take to go to Beijing?这列直达快车开到北京要多久? 2 This express will go straight from Beijing to Tianjin.这列快车从北京直达天津。 3 What time is the next train to Beijing? 下一趟去北京的车几点开? 1.Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 劳驾,你能帮我找一下座位吗? Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours .给我看一下你的车票吧

10、,上面有你的座位号。2.Excuse me, I need to get a pass. Can I help you with your bags? Can I move it please? 打扰一下,借光。我能帮你提包吗?我能移开它吗?1、 Your child is already over 1.1m, please buy a children ticket. 你的小孩已超过1.1米了,请买小孩票。 Your child is already over 1.4m, please buy an adult ticket. 你的小孩已超过1.4米了,请买大人票。 Sorry,your l

11、uggage is overweight ,please buy a luggage ticket. 对不起,你的行李已超重,请补票。2、 Please add more yuan for your ticket.您需要加补元钱。1、 How long shall we stop here, please? 请问在这停车多久? This is a temporary stop.现在是临时停车。 It stays for minutes.停车分。 Please dont get off the train.请不要下车。2、The train is now minutes late. 列车现在晚点

12、几分钟。 Please dont worry,the train will arrive on schedule.请别着急,列车将正点到达。 The train will soon be on schedule. 列车很快就会正点的。1、What have you got inside?里面有什么东西? Dont worry. Well try to find it for you.请不要着急,我们设法帮你找。 Dont worry. well manage to give it back to you if we find it.请放心,如果我们找到了,我们设法转交给你。 Well keep you informed.我们将随时通知您。1、No Dangerous goods are allowed to bring on the train! 严禁携带危险品上车!2、These are inflammables,please leave them to our care.这些是易燃品,请交给我们适当处理。3、Please take care of your valuables. 请保管好贵重物品!4、Help us to


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