已阅读5页,还剩40页未读 继续免费阅读




1、附录:部分章节算法的C语言代码第一章 绪论#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0#define OK 1#define ERROR 0#define INFEASIBLE -1#define OVERFLOW -2#define NULL 0typedef struct char kind;int num;ElemType;typedef ElemType *Truck;typedef int Status;Status InitTruck(Truck *T, ElemType v1, ElemType v2, ElemType v3)*T=(ElemType *) mal

2、loc (3*sizeof(ElemType);if (!*T) exit(OVERFLOW);(*T)0 =v1; (*T)1 =v2; (*T)2 =v3;return OK;Status DestroyTruck(Truck *T)free (* T ) ; *T=NULL ;return OK;Status GoodsGet(Truck T, int i, ElemType *e)if (i<1|i>3) return ERROR;*e=Ti-1;return OK;Status GoodsChange(Truck *T, int i, ElemType e, ElemTy

3、pe *f)if(i<1|i>3) return ERROR;*f=(*T)i-1;(*T)i-1=e;return OK;Status GoodsSort(Truck *T)ElemType x;if(*T)0.kind>(*T)1.kind)x=(*T)0;(*T)0=(*T)1;(*T)1=x;if(*T)0.kind>(*T)2.kind)x=(*T)0;(*T)0=(*T)2;(*T)2=x;if(*T)1.kind>(*T)2.kind)x=(*T)1;(*T)1=(*T)2;(*T)2=x;return OK;Status Max(Truck T,

4、ElemType *e)*e=(T0.num>=T1.num)?( (T0.num >=T2 .num) ? T0 : T2) : ( (T1 .num >=T2 .num) ? T1 : T2);return OK;Status Min(Truck T, ElemType *e)*e=(T0.num<=T1 .num)?( (T0 .num<=T2 .num) ? T0 : T2) : ( (T1 .num <=T2 .num) ? T1 : T2);return OK;Status ShowGoods(Truck T)printf("nThe

5、Goods is (%c: %d,%c: %d,%c: %d)",T0.kind,T0.num,T1.kind,T1.num,T2.kind,T2.num);void System()printf("nnnn*");printf("* Welcome To Use Truck Operator! *");printf("*n");void Warn()printf("nPlease creat a Truck first!");main()ElemType v1,v2,v3,e,f;int a,Exit,

6、i;int test; Truck T; test=0; do System(); printf("1:Creat a Truckn"); printf("2:Get Goodsn"); printf("3:Change the Goodsn"); printf("4:Sort The Truckn"); printf("5:Get the Maxn"); printf("6:Get the Minn"); printf("7:Release the Truckn&

7、quot;); printf("8:Exitn"); printf("nnChoose a Number(1-8):"); scanf("%d",&a); switch(a) case 1: scanf("%*n%*c"); printf("nPlease input the kinds of goods1 (kind: "); scanf("%c%*n%*c",&v1.kind); printf("nPlease input the num of

8、goods1 (num: "); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&v1.num); printf("nPlease input the kinds of goods2 (kind: "); scanf("%c%*n%*c",&v2.kind); printf("nPlease input the num of goods2 (num: "); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&v2.num); printf("nPlease input the

9、kinds of goods3 (kind: "); scanf("%c%*n%*c",&v3.kind); printf("nPlease input the num of goods3 (num: "); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&v3.num); InitTruck(&T,v1,v2,v3); test=1; ShowGoods(T); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 2:

10、if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease choose the number you want(1-3):"); scanf("%d",&i); if (i<=0)|(i>3) printf("nWrong number!");break; GoodsGet(T,i,&e); printf("The goods is:%c: %d",e.kind, e.num); ShowGoods(T); printf("nnnPress Any K

11、ey to Continue."); getch(); break; case 3: if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease choose the number you want change(1-3):"); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&i); if (i<=0)|(i>3) printf("nWrong number!");break; printf("nPlease input the kinds of goods you want ch

12、ange it into(kind: "); scanf("%c%*n%*c",&e.kind); printf("nPlease input the num of goods you want change it into(num: "); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&e.num); GoodsChange(&T,i,e,&f); ShowGoods(T); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); bre

13、ak; case 4: if (test=0) Warn();break; GoodsSort(&T); ShowGoods(T); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 5: if (test=0) Warn();break; Max(T,&e); printf("The Max is %c: %d.",e.kind,e.num); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch();

14、break; case 6: if (test=0) Warn();break; Min(T,&e); printf("The Min is %c: %d.",e.kind,e.num); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 7: if (test=0) Warn();break; DestroyTruck(&T); test=0; printf("nThe Truck has been released!"); break; ca

15、se 8:Exit=TRUE;break; default:printf("nWrong Number!"); while(Exit!=TRUE);第二章 线性表一、顺序表#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0#define OK 1#define ERROR 0#define INFEASIBLE -1#define OVERFLOW -2#define NULL 0typedef int Status;typedef int ElemType;#define MAXLEN 100#define LIST_INCREASE 10typedef stru

16、ctElemType *list; int length; int maxsize;list_Sq;Status CreatList_S(list_Sq *L)L->list=(ElemType *) malloc(MAXLEN*sizeof(ElemType); if (!L->list) exit(OVERFLOW); L->length=0; L->maxsize=MAXLEN; return OK;Status DestoryList_S(list_Sq *L)free(L->list); return OK;Status ClearList_S(list

17、_Sq *L)L->length=0; return OK;Status ListEmpty_S(list_Sq *L) if (L->length=0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;Status ListLength_S(list_Sq L)return L.length;Status GetElem_S(list_Sq L,int i,ElemType *e)if(i<1|i>L.length+1) return ERROR; *e=*(L.list+i-1); return OK;Status LocateElem_S(list_

18、Sq L,ElemType e)int *p; int i=1; p=L.list; while (i<=L.length)&&(*p+!=e) +i; if (i<=L.length) return i; else return ERROR;Status PriorElem_S(list_Sq L,int cur_e,int *pre_e)int *p; int i=1; p=L.list; while(i<=L.length)&&(*p+!=cur_e) +i; if (i<=L.length&&i!=1) *pre_

19、e=*(L.list+i-2);return OK; else return ERROR;Status NextElem_S(list_Sq L,int cur_e,int *next_e)int *p; int i=1; p=L.list; while(i<=L.length)&&(*p+!=cur_e) +i; if (i<L.length) *next_e=*(L.list+i);return OK; else return ERROR;Status ListInsert_S(list_Sq *L, int i,ElemType e)int *newbase,

20、*q,*p; if(i<1|i>L->length+1) return ERROR; if(L->length>=L->maxsize)newbase=(ElemType *) realloc(L->list, (L->maxsize+LIST_INCREASE)*sizeof(ElemType); if (!newbase) exit(OVERFLOW); L->list=newbase; L->maxsize+=LIST_INCREASE; q=L->list+i-1; for(p=&(L->listL->

21、;length-1);p>=q;-p) *(p+1) = *p; *q=e; +L->length; return OK;Status ListDelete_S(list_Sq *L,int i,ElemType *e)int *p,*q; if (i<1|i>L->length) return ERROR; p=L->list+i-1; *e=*p; q=L->list+L->length -1; for(+p;p<=q;+p) *(p-1) = *p; -L->length; return OK;Status Show(list_

22、Sq L)int i; for(i=1;i<=L.length;i+) printf("n%d.tt%dn",i,*(L.list+i-1);void System()printf("nnnn*"); printf("* Welcome To Use Linear List Operator! *"); printf("*n");void Warn()printf("nPlease creat Linear List first!");main()int a,Exit,i,e; int t

23、est=0; list_Sq L; do System(); printf("1:Creat Linear Listn"); printf("2:Test if the Linear List is Emptyn"); printf("3:Get the length the Linear Listn"); printf("4:Insert an Elementn"); printf("5:Delete an Elementn"); printf("6:Get an Elementn&

24、quot;); printf("7:Search an Elementn"); printf("8:Get an Element prior to your Inputn"); printf("9:Get an Element next to your Inputn"); printf("10:Clear the Linear Listn"); printf("11:Release the Linear Listn"); printf("12:Exitn"); printf(

25、"nnChoose a Number(1-12):"); scanf("%d",&a); switch(a) case 1: if (CreatList_S(&L)=OK) printf("nSucceed to Creat Linear List!n");test=1; else printf("nFail to Creat Linear List!n");test=0; printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); bre

26、ak; case 2: if (test=0) Warn();break; if (ListEmpty_S(&L) printf("nThe Linear List is Empty."); else printf("nThe Linear List is not Empty."); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 3: if (test=0) Warn();break; a=ListLength_S(L); prin

27、tf("nThe length of the Linear List is %d.",a); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 4: if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease choose the number you want insert before:"); scanf("%d",&i); printf("nPlease input a num

28、ber you want to insert:"); scanf("%d",&e); a=ListInsert_S(&L,i,e); if (a=ERROR) printf("nWrong number!");break; Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 5: if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease choose the number you wa

29、nt to Delete:"); scanf("%d",&i); a=ListDelete_S(&L,i,&e); if (a=ERROR) printf("nWrong number!");break; printf("nThe number you have deleted is %d",e); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 6: if (test=0) Warn()

30、;break; printf("nPlease choose the number you want:"); scanf("%d",&i); if (GetElem_S(L,i,&e)=ERROR) printf("nWrong number!");break; printf("The number you want is:%d",e); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case

31、7: if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease choose the number you want to Search:"); scanf("%d",&e); i=LocateElem_S(L,e); if (!i) printf("nIt does not exist!");break; printf("The Position of the number is %d",i); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to

32、Continue."); getch(); break; case 8: if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease input the number of which you want get its prior:"); scanf("%d",&i); a=PriorElem_S(L,i,&e); if (a=ERROR) printf("nIt does not exist!");break; printf("The number's prior

33、is:%d",e); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 9: if (test=0) Warn();break; printf("nPlease input the number of which you want get its next:"); scanf("%d",&i); a=NextElem_S(L,i,&e); if (a=ERROR) printf("nIt does not e

34、xist!");break; printf("The number's next is:%d",e); Show(L); printf("nnnPress Any Key to Continue."); getch(); break; case 10: if (test=0) Warn();break; ClearList_S(&L); printf("nThe Linear List has been cleared!"); break; case 11: if (test=0) Warn();break;

35、 DestoryList_S(&L); test=0; printf("nThe Linear List has been released!"); break; case 12: Exit=TRUE;break; default:printf("nWrong Number!"); while(Exit!=TRUE);二、单链表#define ERROR -1#define OK 1#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"typedef int Status;typedef

36、 char ElemType;typedef struct LNode ElemType data; struct LNode *next;LNode, *List_Link;/*This function creates a List_Link with n nodes.*/Status CreatList_L(List_Link *L,int n) int i; List_Link p; printf("Please input %d characters:",n); *L= (List_Link) malloc(sizeof(LNode); (*L)->next

37、=NULL; for(i=n;i>0;i-) p= (List_Link) malloc(sizeof(LNode); scanf("%c",&p->data); p->next=(*L)->next; (*L)->next=p; scanf("%*n%*c");/*This function inserts a node whose value is e before the node i */Status ListInsert_L(List_Link *L,int i,ElemType e) List_Link

38、p, s; int j; p=*L; j=0; while(p&&j<i-1) p=p->next; +j; if(!p|j>i-1)return ERROR; s= (List_Link) malloc(sizeof(LNode); s->data=e; s->next=p->next; p->next=s; return OK;/*The function deletes the node i */Status ListDelete_L(List_Link *L,int i,ElemType *e) List_Link p, q;

39、int j; p=*L; j=0; while(p->next&&j<i-1) p=p->next; +j; if(!(p->next)|j>i-1)return ERROR; q=p->next; p->next=q->next; *e=q->data; free(q); return OK;Status GetElem_L(List_Link L,int i,ElemType *e) List_Link p; int j; p=L->next; j=1; while(p&&j<i) p=p-&

40、gt;next; +j; if(!p|j>i)return ERROR; *e=p->data; return OK;int LocateElem_L(List_Link L, ElemType e) List_Link p; int j; p=L->next; j=1; while(p&&p->data!=e) p=p->next; +j; if(!p) return 0; return j;Status Print_L(List_Link L) List_Link p; p=L->next; printf("nThe Eleme

41、nts in this list are:"); while(p) printf("%c ",p->data); p=p->next; printf("n"); return OK;main() ElemType ch; int i,j,k; List_Link head; do for(i=1;i<=48;i+) printf("n"); printf("1. Create a Linear List.n"); printf("2. Insert an element.n&q

42、uot;); printf("3. Delete an element.n"); printf("4. Get an element.n"); printf("5. Search an element.n"); printf("6. Output the Linear List.n"); printf("7. Exitn"); printf("Please Choose:"); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&k); switch(k) cas

43、e 1: printf("nEnter the length of list:"); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&i); CreatList_L(&head, i); Print_L(head); getch(); break; case 2: do printf("nEnter the inster-position and data(i,e):"); j=scanf("%d,%c%*n%*c",&i,&ch); if(j!=2) scanf("%*n%*c&qu

44、ot;); while(j!=2); printf("The original list:"); Print_L(head); j=ListInsert_L(&head, i, ch); if(j=ERROR)printf("Parameter Errorn"); else printf("The new list:"); Print_L(head); getch(); break; case 3: do printf("nEnter the delete-position:"); j=scanf(&quo

45、t;%d%*n%*c",&i); if(j!=1) scanf("%*n%*c"); while(j!=1); printf("The original list:"); Print_L(head); j=ListDelete_L(&head, i, &ch); if(j=ERROR)printf("Parameter Errorn"); else printf("The deleted element is %c; the new list:",ch); Print_L(head

46、); getch(); break; case 4: do printf("nEnter the search-position:"); j=scanf("%d%*n%*c",&i); if(j!=1) scanf("%*n%*c"); while(j!=1); j=GetElem_L(head, i, &ch); if(j=ERROR)printf("Parameter Errorn"); else printf("The %dth element is %cn",i, ch)

47、; Print_L(head); getch(); break; case 5: printf("nEnter the search-element:"); scanf("%c%*n%*c",&ch); j=LocateElem_L(head, ch); if(j=0)printf("Not Foundn"); else printf("Found the %dth element which value is %c.n",j, ch); Print_L(head); getch(); break; cas

48、e 6: Print_L(head); getch(); break; while(k!=7);三、例题#define ERROR -1#define OK 1#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"typedef int Status;typedef struct char kind;int num;ElemType;typedef struct LNode ElemType data; struct LNode *next;LNode, *List_Link;typedef List_Link Whouse;type

49、def List_Link Truck;/*This function creates a List_Link with n nodes.*/Status CreatList_L(List_Link *L) *L= (List_Link) malloc(sizeof(LNode); (*L)->next=NULL;/*This function inserts a node whose value is e before the node i */Status ListInsert_L(List_Link *L,int i,ElemType e) List_Link p, s; int

50、j; p=*L; j=0; while(p&&j<i-1) p=p->next; +j; if(!p|j>i-1)return ERROR; s= (List_Link) malloc(sizeof(LNode); s->data=e; s->next=p->next; p->next=s; return OK;/*The function deletes the node i */Status ListDelete_L(List_Link *L,int i,ElemType *e) List_Link p, q; int j; p=*

51、L; j=0; while(p->next&&j<i-1) p=p->next; +j; if(!(p->next)|j>i-1)return ERROR; q=p->next; p->next=q->next; *e=q->data; free(q); return OK;Status GetElem_L(List_Link L,int i,ElemType *e) List_Link p; int j; p=L->next; j=1; while(p&&j<i) p=p->next; +

52、j; if(!p|j>i)return ERROR; *e=p->data; return OK;int LocateElem_L(List_Link L, ElemType e) List_Link p; int j; p=L->next; j=1; while(p&&p->data.kind!=e.kind) p=p->next; +j; if(!p) return 0; return j;Status List_Sorted_Insert_L (List_Link *L, ElemType e)/*非递减排列的有序线性表的插入*/List_L

53、ink p,s;p=*L;while(p->next &&e.kind>=p->next->data.kind) p=p->next;s=(List_Link)malloc(sizeof (LNode);s->data=e;s->next=p->next;p->next = s;return OK;void CreatWhouse(Whouse *W, int n) ElemType e; int i,number; char kinds; CreatList_L(W); for ( i=1; i<=n; ) printf("nPlease input the kinds of the goods(az):"); scanf("%c%*n%*c",&kinds); printf("nPlease input the number of the goods:"); scanf("%d%*n%*c",&number); e.kind=kinds;


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