1、t教w习题.衿絮。a%:.unit 1 li testyleswarm-up11 shviihcrd life lazy free dangerous2 football player s iik 3 inicrc?<«ing/cxciiing3 bumiu、,hianager 5 life*busy rxeiting b6rn>k1 si udci)r< life :inlrri lingrelive <lrc-i4ul21 a foot ball player 2 a student 3 a shepherd i a business manager所力埵
2、文1 eonlball pbyer:bcink f“tn(ni、imi i vasyyrni ktmw. i trawl a lot i have moichcs in different couninc. bui my job excitingr my exciting! i love the matchenv ihc pcuplv ckrrink.know what i mvan -2 studrnl: vly dnd ay, these arc 賈he inst day、 of my life l>ui i m not川r( ! youknow,rvc go* lot> of
3、 work to do and there'5 not much lime really. i alo play kx"ball for tliv 5cikm)i team ;ud we haw to <lo iraining tlirvv nights a week3 shepherd: i love ! hr animal* and i low n;i!urc. if * p icvhil "d there、no onr io tdl me whal ti)<l<i. but it s not so gixxi wlim the weather
4、 s bad!4 hiasinrs nunagrr : i tn ve ry busy .uid i <h)n i ibivr 1 itnr to see my inibatui ami vliil (iren. morn and my hie is very stressful. i suppose. 1 mean. i have to(ical with lots of 曹n«mry. but 1 find il really ckciling.lesson 1 a per feel day? reading41 yv>,hi i*. hr dovti'l g
5、et up early, lie dov,"、work bul i> wife work <ind jir makes his meals.2 ti means vhi .irv in a position where vi)u hvr tlx- cliajuc ui hwnnr very miccvsful 】n tlx*text it 卜 usr<l in a liurnoroiis way. il rim'ansfrd> ik* has ;i siicrrs?j"l lifeh<-cause' hr can watch a
6、nythmr he likes on tv.4 3 liol> momihh n very busy with very 111 lie time to grt circled and have breakfast andhe iv” -di kimh of urrcnl mailers hi* cvr"i"k ih not <y.either. he lia,dommcnls l<> rra<l and never gets to 5)rr|> until mid night.i bccatjsc hr scltloni has tim
7、e for fun and oihrr activities with ins family, a reran sc he wants tu make more money for his family and he likes bring busy. vocabulary7i filled with 2 lake,"p 3 swilehrs over i switch off 5 swiivh on 6 lirmg back7 crimplaininx alwmit grammar81 .i (reputed ctivity). there arc 8 lot of example
8、s in the lex tn.c. k. _ i wntcl、 .mi *1 switch over”,2 li (ki.iic (ri ling <>|)im(in> »c. g. mwc arc lwp|i> ”.lesson 2 relaxinglistening2i sirens 2 5ui(ii<i 3 social 1 is suffennv ircnn 5 |>rrssiirr 6 red tier 7 organim'8 expert41 ahctl 2 be 3 arc! 听力k文1 rrwnler :g<mxi
9、iimiriunr and wi.kmnc io lifvstylt s. txxiay wr rv k<""k io look at stress what cans.、it and wlwd we can <!< to rchx .u、d prevent it. we h iv< in tlv studio hr klinsmann,an <,xpcrl on tr< ”.(k»od morning»t)r klinsmann. ikxior :momitig.prrsrnler :l)r klmsni.inn.
10、. er. . what kinds "i |>«>plc often suffer from stress? 麵kidnr: well anybody can suffer fromthere arc ccnam job* that arc verydike !<ritnc joif> itior the |x>1icc. buuprolmbly everyone-from strc5 a言 sonc time in tlu ir life mikkrusu tlodor*. factory worker, anybody.presenter
11、: buu wliai really causes it ?ikktor: 丁 1h r 3r< ih here nt r<d>ons. ()"< i> lime arul ih<- prr,、*iri、of wo rk and、uidy. at cium)i . for example, students <an become very stressed when they have a lot of homework to d<> and they fcvl they iwivni.t gyi cm>ugh "
12、niv to d<> it all. other reasons can he social li you have a pniblcm with your family or friends or at s< iuhii. zn(l it has sovnrthing io <l(> with lli< |>crs<m if ymi rr shy s<x,ial occji 5skins like partirs can l>r very st rcssful too.presenter: and what nm you <k
13、> tv mop mrw .uki wvrry? bvvaur mrv仲 i,wry l»“d for youdsii i it iihctnr: yes-it can cause a h« of health pniblctws bin io answer w)(ir qwstiotutlrrv arc lots of tiling,you <an do trt r<xhic<you can orania ygiir work or m"diir. frtr< x<nn|>lv»you can nwke a l
14、il and do all tlw in)|x)riant tliink< firm. you mu5l cal svdl havv a goxl diet nd of ct)un*c <1< rx<r<i_ oficiu finally, you c;m tlk 10 |k-q)lc al>out wur problems talk to a frinid. oriktinc in your family or. if you rr studying .talk to a i cat lie r. you can aimj do sjkx ial cxrr
15、e ivs. prefiltert<*an you dwril斤 5<>tnc of iiivm "?5l wikii they have a lol <4 homework lo «1o ntid hit-y f<rl they haven't 只<)1 enough lime to tl<)it all.2 parties.3 make a iwt .3 nd do all the imporunl i lungs hr*t.4 a frivrhl .sorn<-onc in the family a te ach
16、er6stressful ariivitics doing <*xams. going to pan ics. talkihr in front of the class tn french iconrelaxing activitio lai king to fnciuk truing io mtx>ic .reading. sitting and doing nothing听乃®文mark:thiiik i find >trrlul. well 1 really iiau . . nun. . . doinj: rx:“n,. mnitl f<rt ver
17、y nervous the night before#you kn(iu anil i can*i iccp4you know what i mran? lm nlsii <hy and i don i likr jroin« in parlirs vrry mtirh. i prefer in mminr ikuipic in small kroup.you know. ah there w nnoihcr thing in french irsins i c<uft m.<n<l talking in front of 1 lie l“、.rr.1 krl
18、 nervous aihl.mrn.rn.ikr lots of mislak< s. things i find rrlaxinr? well .mm. i like a lol <4 things i i(jvc miking to my fricncu. /xnd when i'm tired and want to rchx i cnk>y li*tcninr to and i also like reading. ah*l quite like sitting and doing nolhing!7i hate 2 can t m;m<l 3 like
19、 i prefer enjoy 6 like 7 cpiitc like x love pronvnciaiion 1 mm 2 mm. you know 3 you know what 1 mean 4 er. mm 5 wcilmm听力昧文'lark: i well j really hate. mm. . doing exatn.2 mm j g<?t very nervous the night before you know. :i and i can t iccp.you know what 1 mean?* er. i get nervous anti .mm un
20、uk< lot 5 of mi<!akvt5 things i find relaxing? well. mtn.l like .1 lot of things.lesson 3 a volunteer teacherlistemng1 i(>ood rnoriinig iiiid wvlcomv lo the >liow. tlih rnoriii"k,i have w.mg shu lurv in lh< mudio. shi to i< ii uj* xikmii ikt plot! for th<. (uiurr. (k>nd
21、tnorniuu wmuk shu. usi(io<»d morning.i:w,ing sihihvii u> about your phtupkdm-.wsifm going to work “5 a volunteer teacher in a srn.ill count ry town, hreally? you must be excited!、s:<)h yotl m really cxcitcil “boui it. (sccii<m i >i:but why did tou make ibis decision?u s: w< ii
22、. i vv jum gra<lu.<lvd from unisi rmly. /v a tc.iclicr, i kvl it tny duty to <lo something lor mudenu in poor area,.i«but life in inner mongol in b very hard and quite different from that in beijing. arc you prepared for that ?u s: yrs 篇 know life there will be cs|m*rtnlly hard for me.
23、 you know. i tn the only child in my family and i vr always liwd in beijing. so r teaching in inner mongolia i,kuitik to im? a great challchkc for hie. maybe h will bv very cold a ml tnaylx' 111 onlyliwlvil .ire you k(|h*k *<> <l<> 1 livre a u.ulirr?''s:frn koiiik io <c
24、avil middle school mlikkiit*. 1*11 have |a!>o( !<>n plah? to tn<<kc -mhiimmcwork to mark. 1" be wry buy.i:what <ln your 卩nrcni> think of yotir plan? iki they suppiri you? us:t(» tell the trtitli.they didn*t like the idea when they lirm heard hihhii rny plan. buiwe had
25、a long ulk.and i finally wchi their mipporl i: and when arc you li.iving -h s;thc train leaver at 9 tomorrow morning. so i m getting up at alx)ut 6 to ge t every画:】n »nr p.irrr»r<ind of you . and 1 brlx vr y“” r<,只uing to h;iv xcilingyear. wi re goinx to i)|hii our phone iinc5 new, i
26、f you ihtvv any quotwns for w.mg shu,dial 553 6782 and shell answer them for you. . (section 3) voick your opinion4yes. there arc many rcaioi: for r>uimplr.sonie |ro|>lc enjoy rncriirig new challvnxc s: ?«>nu, want to gam practical cxpcrictirci!«>fnr sitnply wntit lo help other
27、s151 >ni<' warn lo broaden lheir iciiil wnnmuniciitioihnlw) ><>mc jx-ople think 11 jui a new fahitm. vocabulary5恵 minify 2 gra<lualrd 3 mi|i|mrt i dial s challmkr 6 dccisio" 7 volunivor 8 imsink61 k.ivc pro<*nt sirnplv2 i m gritinu up present < on«inik)usi i m g
28、oiiig to work ml>v goin tow+ inlinilivci he is goirik w play the rtiiu.2 he is soins to diangc lhe tyre.3 she k ioink to clatk'c.4 i hey arc going to hiivc a parly.lesion 4 city and cnuntry keai>!(;r)cbl)irpa dlive!5> ina bi« citya niall villrcwak< tip 1 nnr7 am4 atnjoban acn>
29、;un曹a farmerworking hour811 daywork(*> inrenter <>l londonnonh of englandevomuk activitiesdorxcrq >9 ibe kym,french cuxwpk»y with bj5 children;udy by dwtaucc learnings|h*ciul activitiesg<) t<i thr cinema drive lo i lie country and so walking 1 heregu to lairulon fur a witkcnd
30、breakvocabll ary5i undcrground<tubc 2 duar.lunfi 3 (orvcam 4 accountant odicrwic 5 cmwtk-d 6 ditatxr icarnitigcommunicatuin workshop writing1a>4 1.)2c)3 d)lspeaking2favnrilr tv prbg ran)mc nature program tin* ertvimintc miu<ic dancew|»<)peavvuriic vl«3ihr5 i、h,r,? ond jcon>
31、听力k文girl 雇:h<y,can you answer ?*<)nic muvsticms for llu? survey plrasv ? giri 2: ok.girt i rl)r)von w.dch much tv? girt 1 : er not really.cirl i : hew many innirs ;i week de you wntcli? girl 2;wellabout three or four j mippowr.girl i: what ar< you favouriic kiixls of |>rorr""n&
32、lt;、? gm 2 :1 real ly like nature prograninu *. girl i: ikj you like- cli55i(fil inii5i( .i girl 2:o“d cotirsr ix>l! i c «n tif. :逢rl i : w hat sort <4 music do you like?girl 2 : er i low dance- tnu»< .|m)p num girl i : w hat 3" >our favourite rlougirl 1: er wt-5hirt> a
33、nd jcaii>. i doi/t like formal dollies. girl i ;do you wcr wear mini >kir 卜?girl 2 : mm - sometimes.hut not ;i lot. girl i :tlumk* a lot.the in lunation goes up with yes/no questions and down with w7卜 questions.(ulluiv corner直1 in the 1 st h and 19th centuries*the eznlish arc only two main mes
34、u each d雞y break-f;ist rind a lic;ivy mipprr that woiihl last four several hours in t li<* cvcning. as a r< suit |«>pk oficn kot hunury durinr he iuuk wail bclwccn thcc two nicnls to 5<>hv !hi5 lirnbkijhtlxcatnv up with the cl< v<r dva of in vitihgirirnd h> join im rfor
35、3n niternwn uw» bciwrcn four mid five o clock.2 in the 17th crnliiry. coffeehouses were husy and rwiisy phrrs where* ponplc like mt rrlwmts an<i bankers went to <1<)thrir i>ii5iii<5> ns will r" io tlrink differ.unit 2 llcn>eswar nr up emtrxir i p<ilivo-i>rav<
36、,cnlm .generous,honc,htimorous,kind,pleasant.stittri xc>at ivc er ucl,<langcraus. vinlcnt exercise 31 l> 2 c 3 a tape scrip*1 nemo 15 i ik main rliariiclrr in the ninvir f"“hng nrrwr;. he % a litlk fih who of ten cried bui he never runs away from danger. he also often finds lurnsch jh
37、funny situations ihnl makc people laugh.2 kridgrt jones is the ma m rlvirart< r nl i lie lx>(ik and movie. hndr/ j/>nr < diary, she i,a really nice person but 卜 «lway> doing funny ihin that cause her lot of trouble 4ivid give pcoplr n lot <>l joy.3 doctor <)nopu3 is spid
38、rnn&ifrticrny in ilw movie sdrruiuu b fh 3 a very rnart man but hfe invention makc5 liiin kill many people.lesson 1 mimlern her( eiercixe 3! lifted off 2. lihitik off 3. m.卜,ri“cd from 4. toarink 5. circled 6»circling ,. let out k. 3hiiking 今.laiidrd excrche 4 a 5 l>6 c4 d 2 c 1 f 3 kxer
39、dse 5o i hr felt the effrets of high rravity and the fcvlin of ainring into the skv. after the>pacv>hi|> lindvd. h< felt luippy to ik b.« k on earth.2 hv >h<.)wvd the fhg,<)f china ami iik i nitwi x-<«k>r»5.3 丁hi |m(v>hip a)tn|il<u d two t irik-5.4 the
40、 hclicupurs were flyintc to where he would land5 he smiled and waved to »hc cniwcfe wait itig (or him.kiervkr 6collect information ixnn|ilrtc a task let nut a parachute ck|>rrss wishes explore spnw feel knvityexcivi<se 71 rxplorink2 oll<xt mfonnation 3 com|>lcic<h4 feel rravity 5
41、 letchi! .parachute fc express wishr<kxcrrinc 兮kxettke 101. a. she was drying her hair. l». she calkd an ambulatkc.2. she wa> b.iking cooking making a cakv.b. he wa,climbing into .< truck.c. she l<m)k the- imjv out of tlir irin k.isson 2 hist»n makerskxerric 1l<l>d (2)a (
42、3)c (4)bexercise 2 tupr m?riptstudent a : well .i think mot her terrsa is important w bcr«<uc hr s|ku>i her whole life workirig with jxxjr and iwmelr,people.student 2! i m m>rry. i"" i <hufi “grcc. in my riprmiiu dr sun yat-son is vrry irn|m»rtati<. h c ird tlir 19
43、1 i revohn tent ugaint l ik qi ng oytnasty and fouti ded ihv firm rrpuhlic ofsuidcnt 3: yc.you re n»hu inn i think thomas eiin>d 15 imporinni “oo. he created m) many machine* and inventions that we mill u>c today.student 1: yes. iigrcc wiih you* lull i ihink manin lmher kin« b also (
44、juiic irn|x>rtam< because he (otikhtracorn and hi> actions chaiikcdamerican society.(i > think ( 2) don't aurev ( 3 ) in mv opinion (4 ) you*re rinht ( 5 ) agree* (6> p<?rsu、nmlykwcrrihe 4 tape srriptintrrvk wrr : i icllo. in thi week s pr(>plr hcr(k*5. wc have<m>r sar
45、n kober is tntalk about mart in luther king. pmfcs.5or sam ktil>rns. wha! was hr like a> a child*kruwnix up in amcnca?roberta; wdl. king w.is born on i he 15 ih of january 1929 in a i lant a georgia. hr was ,n inulligcnt boy but ik olfen experienced raimh. once ik and hi9 black tcachcr w<rc
46、 on n bus. ihr white driver tcld them to jjw 耆 hrir ?*cat* to two white people. king dkl not wanl to ixxau he bclicvtd black and white people ahould cnioy e<|ual rig hi g. but the driver wa< very angry with him :md.in the <!)<!. king had to starwl up.iinrr%ic wrr: wlvil dul m.irliti <
47、l<i alxnit r;ici>fn al aillrgr?roberts: lie was mflurncrd hy (iundhis ulr.is .dxxit psiirhil >rotc1s. hi 1965. hv orkatiizvd .i inis prousl. black |>wpk did not take thealler some >trijkglc.blacks and whiles were able (0 sit lurcihcr on biim氏 ii was king fiwt victory.interviewer:durin
48、g fhv i96o?<. llure were- lerribk righi'* bvlwvcu black* and whiiin arncncn. wlvu king d<> about thisrobertsi he mainly organised pcncefu】 protest i(i win right for blacks*and hr was pul in pnson <rv<*n*cvn times for that. in i 9hs .hr nrramrrd a march to washing- ton dc and made
49、his famous prcch i here. it started with the words _i linvr a drratn. . , in 1961. king received the xolx l peace prixe. h*s unlartunatr ihat he w.is killt d in i 96h by a white ( xlrcnum. bui pniplr will alway5 rcnrnilirr him ior what h<、 dkl for black people in anicricii. eietvifte s(1)t (2)f (
50、3>t (4)f (5)t <6>t (7)f (k> t kxcrchcft2. m.i" liked g“"<llii、id< (iinhii p< accful p"i"、i.3. hr (irgnnized a mnrrh to w;ishing"们.4. a wilier m.m killed himlesson j sports stars kxercie31. they are both tennis champions who play each other regularly.2. p
51、oor backgrouml. they lived in a poor area of california, full of violcn<( and2 3. their father*richard.4. they kci on wdl.exercise 6irompct<xl 2. amnzing 3. fortunatrly 4. kern 5. c'harnpuin kxerrikchl i, 2. a 3. a 4. l>excrvkc 95. hnvcni playeda. al ready li. ye! f%rrvkr iiil< playe
52、d 2. i>id. like 3. didn t cnioy 4. have, scored a. h-»vc joimxl 7. imjukihi* already 2. ycl 3. ever 4. never 5. yet t.cvcr.nwer exrrrisr i 2i« a; havx you ever eaten th“i fwd ? b;.i hiixv4a:r>d you feel il wry hoi? b: nci.l dkin'l.2. a i haw you ever travel rd hy plane? h: y<s
53、. i have. a:i>d you fed frightened? b:no j dklu i.3. a: i live you t.vvr rone 1o ar.unc? b: yv?< j lmvv>asdid you enjoy it? b:noj didn't.4. a!lhw you rvi.r srvn titarur ! bj ycmi have. a:hi<l you like the |x cial effects ? rsnou didnt.5. you evtr ort<?<| in a phy? b:yhvv. a:wlw
54、i1 role dul you play / bl a hunh t.a : ha>t you ever me! t famous person - it: yr* i liaw* a:who did you mru? li: jay i'huw.lxrsm»n 4 superheroexercise ii,si>|k*rtn.in.2. he fdl off hi、hone and broke hi> back3. he got involved whh his charily work improw the quality of life for all
55、 disabled propk.errvisc 3n.2 b.s c.4 <l 9 e.6 f. 8 g.7 h.3 i. 1exerri<e 5i. disaxlrr 2. deprekm 3. (it t invcilvrd 4. <m his own 5. confidrih injury6. <1i voicedexervke 61. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a kxenrlw 7滙.get on 2. lull througli 3. < <)rnr tfi 4. think of 5. giw upcommunication wo
56、rkshopl.htcm nu exercist 2tapr scriptjatnr> ix.ill j ik .m<】kixiw jum whai y<iu mean.f><.<n .you ii all (kun.and 1 know my life would look all right if i could mt ii on ihr silver screen. you were ilw lowdown rebel h there ever wan even if you had no muse.j a mo lh.<n <you sa
57、id it all «> clean. and 1 knovr my life would look all right 】f i cwkl »t on the silver screen.、vr will l.ilk alimit i lowfkjwn had rvlvinvinun. you were *oo cool for scihmi!. sr!« k lirtp. sckl.il.iskctball .iti<l auto s|)o|>.the only 環hitig that got you off brenk in all the
58、 nik,. jaiim,di'.iii,j a曹ik*an«so liuiikry(hhi 】“"james oran«you ?wiid it all m) clean.and 1 ktuivv my life w(iiil(l look all rixln f i could *ee n on i hr silver mrrrrn.l.itl ic james lk*anti|> on the screen. wonctrin' wlio he might lx .a k>ng cnnm- a spnlrr .md pick<
59、;.(i up a rider. and uxik him d<iwn the n)a(l u> ricmiiy.i)<anjainc'* ikan<yoii lioughi ii un>(cn. you were too fa*t to live .inn yminjj io dir.bye bye. you wctv t<m)last to live too yomik *o d,c,l,yc*4,y匕 bye !>yr<by< liyc.byr l>yr>bvv byr.i. nican 2. dr an 3. e
60、rrrn 4. wa s.ft. fam 7. yniinrexeivhr 3st utlrni can proliably (mil sup|k)rt fin imhh li> and c) hul nut a).unit 3celebrationwar nr upa the orriron boat fcmival b flirwltna c a wcddirir 2i t hnums 2 a mx)ning victory 3 a birthday i a wctklinr 5 the new year 析力b文1 whai a lunch! i luve 賺urkey and i
61、 hnsinws pudding. we phyed with tht loyx. laughed at jokc?<tput oti,i】ly paper h.it> .itxl laugheel aain.2 a : uluit nn cxritme rnrnr! ( hir team w(m at iasi ! bsl<4 s «o atkl luiv< -4 drtuk to cckbralc.3 the boy i> mowing the randlo oh the big cuke#with evrryonr saying goad wish
62、es4 look ! 1 hr man is put ling a ring nn the woman finrcr. how happv thc*y arc!5 . . ix. . (ivr. . * four. . three. . two. . one. . 11 appv nvw year ?lesson 1 festivalspicture l-c the dragon b<u" festivallecture 2-a t hv mub ant uinnpielurc 3-b the l.anlrrti fcstix-;il3lvsjtr a ; tliv mi<l-auuimii evmival. s<?ptciiibc-r or(>ctol
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