



1、名称TITLE供应商控制和管理程序Supplier Con trol& Man ageme ntProcedure编制Set up byAaron Zhang发行日期Release Date08-06-2009审核Verified byAaron Zhang发放号Release No.批准Approved ByRoberto Borg onovo受控状态Status更改记录 MODIFICATION REPORT更改单号Modificati on Sheet No.版次Versio n更改条款Modificati on Item更改人Modificati onPers on更改日期Mo

2、dificati onDate1.0 GoalThis procedure sets the requireme nts for supplier selecti on and evaluati on, to en sure the stability, availability and quality of supplier develop ing with pulluati on of Ran ger SH2.0 Scope of applicati onThis procedure applies to selecti on ,con trol and man ageme nt of p

3、roducti on direct material suppliers.3.0 Terms and defi niti onsAdopti ng the IS09000: 2000 quality man ageme nt system basic prin ciple and vocabulary as well as the ISO/TS16949: In 2002 terms and definition related to automobile industry in technical specification采用 ISO9000: 2000 质量管理体系基本规范和词汇,也包括

4、ISO/TS16949: 2002涉及的汽车行业技术要求的术语和缩略语3.1Pote ntial suppliersthe supplier who is possible to supply serial product to Ran ger.3.2Approved suppliers be approved by Ran ger and listed in approved supplier list .4.0 Resp on sibility4.1 Supply cha in dept. is resp on sible for coord in ati ng supplier sele

5、cti on, evaluati on, and establishi ng supplier file.4.2 QA dept. is responsible for direct material supplier quality audit and samples approval.4.3 Project dept. is responsible for assisting on supplier technical evaluation of direct material and establishing product drawings / material standard /

6、technical specification for supplier.4.4 Production dept.is responsible for some samples assembly, trial run for raw material.4.5 Purchas ing is resp on sible for pote ntial suppliers seek ing and price n egotiati on and PO release and trace.4.6 Logistic is resp on sible for samples receiv ing.5.0 F

7、low of the procedureResponsibifityProjet t/Opertion Dept.Purchaiing managerPurchasing managerGM/O 卩 EratioiVQuality dept.Pure lining managerQuality dept.Purchasing managerQuality dept/PurchA$ing manager Purchasing manager6.0 Descripti on of the procedureA. 1).Accord ing to draw ings or specificati o

8、n or prototypes from Project dept. Operati on dept. arrange purchase new parts.2).Purchase new parts from old supplier.3).Purchase old parts from new supplier to price comparation to get lower price.B. Purchas ing man ager search pote ntial suppliers and find suitable pote ntial supplier, fill in th

9、eir basic in formati on onPote ntialSupplier List . At least 3 potential suppliers are required for each part or raw material, and the initial quotation should besubmitted.C. Operati on dept. together with Quality dept.evaluate the supplier accord ing toSupplier Audit Form, and the n submit allin fo

10、rmati on to GM for approval, if it is ok, purchas ing dept. request of samples, if it not ok, purchas ing man ager will continue tofind the related supplier.D. Purchas ing man ager push receive samples &docume nts, the n tran sfer it to Quality dept. approve.For old parts, purchas ing man ager a

11、pply for buy ing someth ing accord ing to pur. procedure .For detailed purchas ing part developme nt man ageme nt, refer toSupplier PPAP In structi on.E. "Quality dept. evaluate and approve samples, if it is not ok,a nd back to purchas ing man ager to con tact supplier,a nd if it isok,purchas i

12、ng man ager make the con tract with supplier and registrate the supplier intoapproved suppliers list.2)Quality for IQC, en ter warehouse after qualificati onF. Purchas ing man ager make con tract/registrati on /approved suppliers list.G. Quality dept. and purchasing manager keep monitoring the suppliers frequently and update the list in time. Detailedman ageme nt requireme nts refer toSupplier Performa nee Review In structio n.H. Purchas ing man ager update approved suppliers list in time.7.0 Rel


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