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1、典英语2up打印版,打印前请将版面分页设置为“2up”,即可在一 A4纸上打印两页,The Ghost Ship1 The ghost shipOne day Ern i e was I ate for schoo I. He ran up Schoo I Hill and s I i pped through the hole i n the fence. He hoped the Head wou I dn' t see him.Wow!' Ernie gasped. There was a ghost sh i p floating about i n the pIayg

2、round. It was much I i ke an ord i nary sh ip, but wh i te and see-through. He knew that it couldn' t be rea I.The ghost sh i p was t i ed to one of the netba I I posts. A strange glow came from it, and it rocked up and down as if it was riding invisible waves. A ghost seaguI I f Iew around it.

3、"Ahoy there, ghost ship!? Ernie cr ied brave Iy.A ghost' s head popped out from a wi ndow. "Who sa id that?' the ghost asked. 'I did!' said Ernie. But you" re not supposed to be abIe to see me! the ghost gasped. Then the ghost thought again. Are you sure you can see me

4、? the ghost asked. "Quite sure,' Ern ie sa id.The window s Iammed shut. I spoke to a ghost!? Ernie shouted. Mrs Wiggins, the caretaker, heard Ernie shout. She came running out to the pIayground. I sp-sp-spoke to a ghost!? Ernie stuttered. 'Shhh! Don? t teI I anyone, ? said Mrs Wiggins.

5、"Why not? Ernie asked.I don' t want you upsett i ng the sma I I ones in Class One!? Mrs Wiggins said.'But the ghost ship' s parked in the pI ayground, ' Ernie said. They' I I see it when they come out at break. ' 'Not everyone can see it, ' said Mrs Wiggins.'

6、Well, I can, ? Ern i e told her. Then that makes two of us, ' sighed Mrs Wiggins.Mrs Wiggins marched up to the ghost sh ip. 'Ship ahoy!? cal led Mrs Wiggins.The window popped open, and out Iooked the same ghost as before.Ahoy, there, Mrs Wiggins, ' the ghost sa i d, politely.'Captain

7、 Peg I eg! ? Mrs Wiggins sco I ded. "You promised that no one eI se but me could see you. But one of the ch i I dren from CI ass Four just has! Haven? t you, Ernie?"Yes, Ernie said, 'I just have."WeI I, it can happen, you know, ' the Captain said, sounding upset. Not often, bu

8、t sometimes it happens.'You can' t keep sailing in here if peopIe can see you! Mrs Wiggins said, f i rmly.I can' t he I p sailing i n here, ' the Captain told her. Why not? Ernie asked.'There' s just me on board!" said the Capta i n. I can' t sa i I her a I one, so I

9、 have to go where she bIows. I just wish she? d blow i n here more often. Then I cou I d hunt for my treasure. ' The Capta i n went on, 'I'm doomed to sa i I the seas forever unt i I I f i nd my I ost treasure. I know it' s here because that? s what it says on my map.'You' d

10、better find it this time, or else! warned Mrs Wiggins. The window snapped shut."Ghost treasure!' said Ernie. Wait till I tell this to Class Four!?2 'We can' t see it!'Everyone had to wait unti I break time to see the ghost sh i p. They rushed out of c I ass and into the pIaygrou

11、nd. There it is! Ernie shouted, pointing at the ghost ship. Everyone took a good I ook. They saw the b i ns and the fence, but they cou I dn' t see any sh i p. 'We can' t see it, ' said Louie. But there IS a ghost ship!? Ernie said, Iooking at it, and through it, both at the same tim

12、e. The ghost sh i p was see-through and fuzzy.'There' s no ghost ship here!? said Louie. The ghost seaguI I fIew down and Ianded on Louie' s head. A ghost seaguI I just Ianded on your head! Ernie told Louie.'Oh no it didn' t! said Louie, who couldn? t see it, or fee I it.'OH

13、YES IT DID!' Ernie shouted. 4OH NO IT DIDN' T!' roared everyone eIse.They Iaughed at Ern ie for mak i ng up stor i es about ghost seagu I I s and sh i ps. Then they ran off to pI ay.Along came Jade, the smaI Iest and cIeverest girl in Class Four. What' s that ghost ship doing here?&q

14、uot; she asked Ernie. "You can se it too! Ernie gasped. "Of course I can, ' said Jade.'No one eIse can, but me and Mrs Wiggins, Ernie said. It' s Captain Peg I eg' s ship and he' s doomed to sa i I the sea forever, unt iI he f i nds h i s Iost treasure. He th i nks he I

15、 eft i t around here.' 'We cou I d help him to find it, ' said I itt Ie Jade. How?' Ernie asked.'My dad has books about treasure hunting, ' said Jade. We' I I Iook in his books and find out what to do. ' 'Ghost treasure hunt starts r ight now!? shouted Ern i e.&qu

16、ot;Ghost treasure hunt starts when we' ve looked at Dad' s books!? said Jade.The be I I went for the start of I essons. After school!' Jade to Id him. 'After school, and no mucking about!?3 The treasure huntAfter schoo I, they went to Jade? s house and got out her dad' s books ab

17、out treasure hunting. That' show we' II do it!" said Jade, showing Ernie a page in one of the books.'But we haven, t got one of those,' Ernie said, pointing at the meta I detector.'My dad has, ' Jade said. He uses it when he hunts for o I d co i ns and th i ngs on the be

18、ach. That? s why he has a I I these books about treasure hunt i ng.'They ran back up Schoo I Hi I I to the schooI. Ernie was carrying a spade and Jade had a big bag, with the meta I detector in it.'Captain Pegleg! Ernie caI Ied. The Captain was on deck. You again!" said Capta i n Peg I

19、eg. "Can you still see me? 'Yes,' Ernie said."We know you can, t stop sai Iing ti I I you f i nd your ghost treasure, ' Jade to I d the Capta i n.'We want to he I p you find it, ' Ern i e added. But f i rst we want to I ook at your map, ' said Jade. The map was r ip

20、ped and torn, with Iots of ho Ies i n it.'The ghost seagu I I got at it! Capta i n Peg I eg said.'It says: X Marks the treasure on the map, ' said Jade, 'but I don' t see any X.'The ghost seaguI I pecked out my X. I can' t remember where it was, ' sighed Capta i n Peg

21、 I eg. I can't even find Treasure Island But I' m sure this is where it used to be.'It is! said IittIe Jade, and she gr i nned. Treasure IsI and i s here, where we' re standing!?'How do you know? asked Ernie.Look! Jade said, and she drew on the back of the Captain' s map. The

22、 bit sticking up i s Schoo I Hill! she to I d Ernie. Where our houses are now, used to be under the sea, years ago. My dad to Id me.'"We still don' t know where to Iook! Ernie said. We could dig a I I day and never find the treasure. 'We' I I use my dad' s meta I detector, ,

23、 exp I a i ned Jade. It' I I go ping when we' re near the treasure.'If meta I detectors work on ghost go Id!? muttered Ern i e.'Well, it might work, " said Jade. 'At I east we can try.'So they I ooked for the treasure But they didn' t find it so they Iooked aga i n and aga i n TheyI ookedaga i n and aga i n Then PI NG PI NG PI NG went the meta I detector. It was the treasure!They dug up Capta


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